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As the final of three memorial services for George Floyd began Monday in his hometown of Houston, protests that happen in his name are continuing across the country, with the Black Lives Matter movement now advocating to #AbolishPolice.

The Democratic-led House of Representatives on Monday is expected to unveil new legislation aimed at defunding police departments across the country.

Though, a recent poll conducted by YouGov found “despite calls by activists and protesters to defund police departments, most Americans do not support reducing law enforcement budgets.” Just 16 percent of Democrats and 15 percent of Republicans said they were in favor of the idea.


Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey on Sunday went against the city council, reiterating that he does not support abolishing the city’s police force after Floyd died in custody May 25 after white officer Derek Chauvin was filmed kneeling on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

Frey, instead, vowed to work relentlessly with Chief Medaria Arradondo and the community “toward deep, structural reform and addressing systemic racism in police culture." He also said he would put the city’s powerful police union “in its place,” but fell short of promising to dismantle the force.

Nine city council members, including Jeremiah Ellison, the son of state Attorney General Keith Ellison, who declared his support for Antifa, spoke at a protest in Minneapolis’ Powderhorn Park earlier Sunday to commit "to end policing as we know it and recreate systems that actually keep us safe."

"Our commitment is to end our city's toxic relationship with the Minneapolis Police Department," Council President Lisa Bender said. "It is clear that our system of policing is not keeping our communities safe. Our efforts at incremental reform have failed, period."

As protests against police brutality and racial injustice garner momentum, here are some changes officials have proposed at the state, local and federal level aimed at defunding the police and instituting other reforms:


House and Senate Democrats on Monday are expected to unveil the new “Justice in Policing Act of 2020,” which includes major overhauls for how police officers around the country will do their jobs.

It includes prohibiting the use of chokeholds, lowering legal standards to pursue criminal and civil penalties for police misconduct, and banning certain no-knock warrants, NPR reported, citing a Democratic congressional aide.

"These are commonsense changes that, frankly, will create a far greater level of accountability for those police officers who violate the law, who violate our rights and who violate our common community standards," Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J. told NPR on Sunday.

The plan was developed by Booker, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the House Judiciary Committee.

"Persistent, unchecked bias in policing and a history of lack of accountability is wreaking havoc on the black community. Cities are literally on fire with the pain and anguish wrought by the violence visited upon black and brown bodies," the bill’s sponsors wrote in a letter to colleagues Saturday. "While there is no single policy prescription that will erase the decades of systemic racism and excessive policing – it's time we create structural change with meaningful reforms."

Though Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have recognized “egregious wrongs,” in police brutality cases, GOP lawmakers were not included in the drafting of the bill and, therefore, are expected to initially oppose the measure.

"I think we can easily find common ground on both sides and we can do it swiftly, but it's more difficult if you're away," House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said Thursday. "Members of Congress should not be called back for one week and say, 'Here are all the bills.'"

New York City:

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Sunday he would accede to protesters’ demands by moving to shift funds away from the NYPD toward youth and social services.

De Blasio, whose already contemptuous relationship with the NYPD has only worsened as critics say he failed to get a handle on civil unrest following Floyd’s death, did not go into detail on how much money would be allocated away from the police force.

He vowed to announce specifics before the July 1 budget deadline. The NYPD currently has a $6 billion annual budget – about 6 percent of de Blasio’s proposed $90 billion budget for the city.

“We’re committed to seeing a shift of funding to youth services, to social services, that will happen literally in the course of the next three weeks, but I’m not going to go into detail because it is subject to negotiation and we want to figure out what makes sense,” the mayor said Sunday.

The latest reforms were developed by the mayor’s task force on racial inclusion and equity, which is co-chaired by his wife, Chirlane McCray, who is black.

Besides shifting funds from the NYPD to youth and social services, the changes also include moving the enforcement for street vending out of the NYPD to a civilian agency, and creating community ambassadors to the NYPD to act as liaisons between officers and civilians, WCBS-TV reported.

“People did not protest for the sake of protest. They protest to achieve change, and now we must deliver that change,” de Blasio said in his news briefing.

He said community ambassadors would be “people from the community, civilians deeply steeped in their communities with the ability to bring the concerns of the community to the highest levels of the NYPD, to bring back answers, including the status on disciplinary cases and changes in policing that needs to be done to allow better policing, fairer policing.”

The mayor did not address demands made by dozens of employees in his own Office of Criminal Justice on Saturday. They proposed several police reforms, including a move to criminalize the use of chokeholds by officers, which would make it easier for district attorneys to prosecute infractions. De Blasio refused to sign the measure without an exemption for members of law enforcement in life-threatening situations, the New York Times reported.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said Wednesday that he tasked the city to “identify $250 million in cuts” to invest more money into the black community, communities of color, women and “people who have been left behind."

The Los Angeles Times reported the city will try and cut between $100 million to $150 million from its police budget alone.

“While our work for racial justice begins in L.A., it must echo throughout our state and across our nation. I will keep working with leaders in Sacramento and D.C. to advance legislation that protects black lives and communities of color long denied equity in our laws,” Garcetti tweeted on Friday.

The mayor also announced he would launch the city's new Civil and Human Rights Department and Civil and Human Rights Commission this summer to “protect anyone who lives, works in or visits L.A. from discrimination or denial of equal treatment in private employment, housing, education or commerce.”

Garcetti said he supported the work done by members of the California black caucus to “restore voting rights to those serving parole, improve emergency response services for historically neglected communities, and seek reparations for the impact of slavery.”

He also said he was working with Sens. Harris and Booker, and Rep. Karen Bass, whose congressional district includes Los Angeles, to “pursue a national standard on the use of force, independent federal investigations of police brutality, and consent decrees on departments with a pattern of brutality and discrimination."



Nine members of the Minneapolis City Council said before a crowd Sunday that they supported defunding the city’s police department and replacing it with a community-based public safety model.

Nine council members is enough to override any veto from Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey. Though any significant moves to disband the Minneapolis Police Department or alter its funding will likely require a public vote on the matter to change its charter, Fox 9 reported.

Alondra Cano, a City Council member, speaks during "The Path Forward" meeting at Powderhorn Park on Sunday, June 7, 2020, in Minneapolis. The focus of the meeting was the defunding of the Minneapolis Police Department. (Jerry Holt/Star Tribune via AP)

Alondra Cano, a City Council member, speaks during "The Path Forward" meeting at Powderhorn Park on Sunday, June 7, 2020, in Minneapolis. The focus of the meeting was the defunding of the Minneapolis Police Department. (Jerry Holt/Star Tribune via AP)

Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender, Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins, and Council members Alondra Cano, Jeremiah Ellison, Steve Fletcher, Cam Gordon and Jeremy Schroeder were among the council members making the announcement Sunday at a rally organized by Black Visions Collective and Reclaim the Block.

"This council is going to dismantle this police department," Ellison said.

Later Sunday, Frey he said does not support abolishing the Minneapolis Police Department but would work with Chief Medaria Arradondo and the community “toward deep, structural reform and addressing systemic racism in police culture.”


"We're ready to dig in and enact more community-led, public safety strategies on behalf of our city. But, I do not support abolishing the Minneapolis Police Department,” the mayor said.

Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose congressional district includes Minneapolis, has voiced her support for the council members’ plan.

“No one is advocating for lawlessness. No one is advocating for our community to be in danger or crime to happen in Minneapolis without there being accountability,” Omar said. “This is an opportunity for us to get rid of a system that was built not to provide safety and serve and to start to put into place a system that does provide that safety.”