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Published July 23, 2018
A record-setting motorcycle rider won the booby prize when he was sentenced to 21 months in jail, after a court was shown a video that he shot of himself riding at 189 mph on a public road.
A 26-year-old biker has been jailed after he filmed himself travelling at almost 200MPH - believed to be the highest speed ever clocked by a motorbike on British roads. See NTI story NTISPEED. Heart-stopping footage shows idiotic Adam Campion hurtling along roads at breakneck speeds while pulling dangerous wheelies and weaving in and out of traffic. He was also captured in shocking mobile phone clips driving on the wrong side of the road and filming himself hitting a top speed of 189mph on a stolen motorbike. Police discovered the damning footage when they executed a warrant at Campion's address and recovered his laptop in September 2016. Officers had earlier found a licence plate in the boot of an abandoned car which was connected to a stolen motorbike linked to Campion. Campion, of Hucknall, Notts., was jailed for 21-months at Nottingham Crown Court on Wednesday (18/7) after pleading guilty to five counts of dangerous driving. He also pleaded guilty to assisting an offender in the retention of stolen goods. The court was told how Campion's laptop was seized, which contained hundreds of videos and images of motorcycles being driver recklessly. Detectives used forensic facial recognition which identified Campion as the rider - despite him wearing a crash helmet at times. (SWNS)
Adam Campion, 26, was facing five counts of dangerous driving based on video evidence found on his computer during a stolen motorcycle investigation in 2016 in Nottinghamshire, U.K., SWNS reported.
A 26-year-old biker has been jailed after he filmed himself travelling at almost 200MPH - believed to be the highest speed ever clocked by a motorbike on British roads. See NTI story NTISPEED. Heart-stopping footage shows idiotic Adam Campion hurtling along roads at breakneck speeds while pulling dangerous wheelies and weaving in and out of traffic. He was also captured in shocking mobile phone clips driving on the wrong side of the road and filming himself hitting a top speed of 189mph on a stolen motorbike. Police discovered the damning footage when they executed a warrant at Campion's address and recovered his laptop in September 2016. Officers had earlier found a licence plate in the boot of an abandoned car which was connected to a stolen motorbike linked to Campion. Campion, of Hucknall, Notts., was jailed for 21-months at Nottingham Crown Court on Wednesday (18/7) after pleading guilty to five counts of dangerous driving. He also pleaded guilty to assisting an offender in the retention of stolen goods. The court was told how Campion's laptop was seized, which contained hundreds of videos and images of motorcycles being driver recklessly. Detectives used forensic facial recognition which identified Campion as the rider - despite him wearing a crash helmet at times. (SWNS)
Among the clips of him doing wheelies in traffic, running red lights and riding on the wrong side of the road on various motorcycles was a close-up of a speedometer reading 189 mph as he sped down a two-lane highway.
Adam Campion was sentenced to 21 months in jail. (SWNS)
Investigators used facial recognition technology to identify Campion in the videos, despite the fact that he was wearing helmet.
“I hope this prison sentence will make those who think it is acceptable to put themselves and others in danger by driving dangerously think twice,” Nottinghamshire Police Inspector Glenn Longden said.
"They are not above the law and no matter how long it takes; we will bring them to justice.”
Campion pleaded guilty last week to the moving violations, along with one for assisting an offender in the retention of stolen goods.
The previous record for fastest speeder caught in the U.K. was 172 mph, when Tim Brady was pulled over in a Porsche 911 Turbo in 2007. Brady, an exotic car rental delivery driver, was jailed for 10 weeks and given a three-year driving ban.