Quizzes June 3 American Culture Quiz: Test yourself on celeb birthstones and birthplaces, plus salutes to D-Day and Old Glory This week's American Culture Quiz tackles topics from celebrity birthdays and birthplaces to the challenges of the D-Day invasion of Europe and the history of the American flag.
Faith March 11, 2024 LDS Church buys Kirtland temple, other historic buildings, from Community of Christ: 'Significant' The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently acquired the Kirtland Temple, the first Latter Day Saint temple to be constructed by followers of Joseph Smith.
Utah March 1, 2024 Utah bill would protect clergy members when reporting child abuse to police Republican Gov. Spencer Cox has been sent a bill that would allow faith leaders who learn of child abuse during a religious confession to alert police without legal ramifications.
Utah January 24, 2024 New leader in LDS church says it should do more to help victims of sexual abuse Patrick Kearon, the newest member of the governing body of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said the church must better care for victims of sexual abuse.
True Crime January 7, 2024 Survivors of polygamist cult reveal inner sanctum of murder, sweatshops, car theft rings Church of the First Born Lamb of God, a Mormon fundamentalist cult headed by Ervil LeBaron and responsible for killings, is detailed by his children in a new docuseries.
Utah January 2, 2024 Over 50 members of Utah Mormon congregations suffer carbon monoxide poisoning during service First responders treated nearly 50 members of a Utah Mormon church after congregants reported symptoms of carbon monoxide poising on Sunday.
Utah November 13, 2023 M. Russell Ballard, second-in-line to lead LDS Church, dies at 95 M. Russell Ballard, a prominent leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has died at the age of 95. He was second-in-line to become church president.
LIFESTYLE October 5, 2023 Minnesota pastor's viral post about people drinking coffee in church ignites fiery debate After a prominent Baptist pastor posted on social media about whether or not it's appropriate to drink coffee during church services, many people shared their views on the topic.
Utah September 3, 2023 Social media users raised red flags about mommy blogger 'abuse' long before arrest Ruby Franke, a well-known mommy blogger, was arrested following months of accusations from social media users that the mom was corrupt and perhaps abusing her kids, videos show.
Faith June 3, 2023 Utah district bans Bible in elementary and middle schools 'due to vulgarity or violence' The Davis School District in Utah has removed the Bible from its elementary and middle school libraries in response to a petition calling it "pornographic."