November 24, 2013. Actress Alicia Silverstone arrives at the 41st American Music Awards in Los Angeles, California. (Reuters)
Alicia Silverstone is the latest celebrity mom to come out with a book. And according to Rob Shuter, of VH-1’s “The Gossip Table,” the book is already sparking outrage for some of the controversial advice Silverstone dishes out.
In “The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnany, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning,” the former "Clueless" actress suggests that veganism can help postpartum depression, vaccines aren't for everyone and tampons may cause infertility.
Silverstone writes, “Some women experience the blues after giving birth,” although it’s “less common among kind mamas,” meaning those who avoid eating processed foods in favor of a natural diet based around plants.
The 37-year-old has an almost 3 year-old son named Bear Blu.
She also claims that fertility problems, breastfeeding issues, PMS, insomnia, allergies and a host of medical conditions like multiple sclerosis and lupus can be managed with a vegan, “kind" lifestyle that will properly prepare your “baby house,” aka uterus and then keep your and your offspring healthy.
The actress offers advice on tampons which she suggests may make women infertile.
“Unfortunately, feminine-care manufacturers aren’t required to tell you what’s in their products, which means that no one’s talking about the potential pesticide residues from non-organic cotton and the ‘fragrances’ containing hormone-upsetting, fertility-knocking phthalates that are snuggling up to your hoo-ha," she writes.
On battling infertility Silverstone writes, “Eat well, get healthy, then ditch all the planning and trying and just let it flow. There’s no better way to make a baby than with yummy, soulful sex!”
She is a big believer in breastfeeding telling readers to “nurse like it’s your destiny…. Feeding frequently around the clock will help prevent jaundice in your baby; boost your milk supply; ward off engorgement; plugged ducts, and mastitis; and make that milk as nutritious as possible.”
About the controversial subject of vaccinations, Silverstone writes, “While there has not been a conclusive study of the negative effects of such a rigorous one-size-fits-all, shoot-’em-up schedule, there is increasing anecdotal evidence from doctors who have gotten distressed phone calls from parents claiming their child was "never the same" after receiving a vaccine. And I personally have friends whose babies were drastically affected in this way.”
The topic of ingesting your own placenta is also discussed.
“Encapsulating the placenta into pills is just one way to go, and your midwife or doula can direct you to someone who will do it for you. Some women have a small piece of placenta made into a healing tincture, and some go all-in and make a series of post-birth placenta smoothies. It’s different benefits from these various methods, so I say go with whatever feels true to you.”
In March 2012 Silverstone caused a scandal when she uploaded a video of herself feeding pre-chewed food to her baby from her own mouth, a process called pre-mastication. She responded to the uproar by announcing that it is a perfectly natural feeding technique that has been going on for thousands of years.