Actress Alyssa Milano dressed up as a character from "The Handmaid's Tale" to protest Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Actress Alyssa Milano was mocked after she tweeted a photo of herself dressed as a character from "The Handmaid's Tale" on Sunday in an attempt to mock President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.
Milano wore the red cloak and white hat donned by women from Margaret Atwood’s 1987 novel-turned-Hulu show. In the photo she is holding a sign that says, “Never Kavanaugh, Never Gilead,” referencing the country that the United States becomes in the book.
The photo featured the caption "#RiseUpForRoe #WeAreNotProperty #StopKavanaugh," but not everyone got a kick out of the protest.
Americans United for Life President and CEO Catherine Glenn Foster ripped Milano’s opinion.
“The Senate should center Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation process on his judicial record and his legal philosophy, not on the mistaken opinions of Hollywood celebrities," Glenn Foster told Fox News.
Others had more humorous responses to Milano’s tweet and one user quickly Photoshopped the image to make Milano’s sign say, “I wish I had paid attention when we studied the Constitution.” Some astute Twitter users even provided their followers with versions of the image in which Milano is holding a blank sign -- making it easy to poke fun at the tweet.
“You are being ridiculous,” one user responded while another wrote, "Big fan, but being a good actor doesn't make you an expert at anything but acting.”
Eventually, The Daily Wire offered the actress some free advice, reminding her that it’s easy to change the letters on a sign on the Internet. Unfortunately for Milano it was too late.