Asuntos de famosos para recordar

<b>David Letterman and his Employees</b> Fans may have written-off Letterman's flings with underlings as innocent workplace sex, but the "Late Show" host was not exactly single while he was romancing staffers. Though Letterman, 62, and wife Regina Lasko married in March, they have been together for 23 years and have a son, Harry, 5. In the wake of a blackmailing scandal, the CBS comic confessed to sleeping with multiple women while with Lasko. "I have had sex with women who worked on this show," Letterman confessed during an awkward monologue on his late-night program Thursday. Holly Hester and Stephanie Birkitt are the first two to claim they had affairs with Dave, but some expect more women to come out of the woodwork. According to Hester, Letterman kept a bedroom suite above the Ed Sullivan Theater where the Late Show is taped. The suite, reportedly dubbed 'the bunker,' was open only to his favorite young female underlings, she said. Both Hester and Birkitt had been interns at the Tonight Show. Also a one-time employee? Mrs. Letterman herself, Regina Lasko.  (AP)

<b>Sienna Miller and Balthazar Getty</b> One time "it"girl Sienna Miller couldn’t let ex fiance Jude Law have all the cheating cred! Two years after her relationship with nanny-loving Law came to an end, Sienna embarked on her own affair. During the summer of 2008, Miller, 27, took up with actor Balthazar Getty, husband and father to four children. Though both denied the relationship, scandalous photos seemed to prove otherwise. Pictures of a topless Miller kissing Getty, 34, during an Italian vacation made the rounds and Getty’s reportedly "humiliated" wife Rosetta left her cheating man. In the end, Getty lost both ladies: After abandoning his wife and children for Miller, she dumped him later that same year. Both have remained single. )AP)

Cuando el rockero gótico casado de 40 años empezó un romance no tan secreto con la joven estrella de 19, la blogosfera enloqueció. Durante su divorcio con la bailarina de burlesque Dita Von Teese, la nueva amante de Manson apareció en su vídeo musical "Heart Shaped Glasses" con un atuendo similar al de Lolita. Yendo un paso más allá, la controvertida pareja aparecía en otra publicación de Manson practicando sexo en una cama ensangrentada (que Manson compartió una vez con su ex mujer) mientras él llevaba su anillo de casado. Aunque el rockero de choque proclamó que Wood era su "gemela", la relación, como era de esperar, terminó. (AP)

<b>Shania Twain and Robert "Mutt" Lange</b> At one time a scandal would have been impossible to imagine for country superstar Shania Twain, but an indiscretion on her ex’s part rocked her world. Shania, 44, and music producer Robert "Mutt" Lange, 60, had an impressive 14-year marriage made in country heaven, as well as a son, Eja. But in 2008, the couple announced their separation, with Lange claiming that he and Twain simply grew apart. In reality, Mutt was carrying on with Twain's best friend, Marie-Anne Thiebaud. Mutt and his lover left their spouses for each other, and Twain provided another twist to the story, stepping out in New York City and indulging in a Florida vacation with Thiebaud's ex-husband Frederic.

El actor Eddie, de 36 años, y la chica de oro del country LeAnn, de 26, se conocieron este año en el plató de la movida de Lifetime Luces del Norte, y saltaron chispas. Cuando salió a la luz una cinta de los dos besuqueándose, estalló un escándalo inverosímil. A pesar de los rumores de que su marido desde hace siete años, el bailarín Dean Sheremet, es gay, América no podía aceptar que LeAnn fuera una rompehogares. La ex de Eddie (y madre de sus dos hijos) Brandi Glanville salió a la palestra, echando pestes de LeAnn a la prensa sensacionalista. A pesar de la mala prensa, tanto Eddie como LeAnn han dejado a sus respectivos cónyuges y siguen juntos.

¡Otra aventura amorosa de Lifetime! La hija de Aaron Spelling engañó a su marido Charlie Shanian mientras trabajaba con Dean McDermott en un telefilme, aunque Dean también estaba casado. Dean y la presentadora de noticias canadiense Mary Jo Eustace habían adoptado a una niña semanas antes de su aventura, y son padres de Jack, que ahora tiene 11 años. Dean dejó a su familia por Tori, y al parecer cedió la custodia de la niña Lola a su ex. Ahora casados, Tori, de 36 años, y Dean, de 42, protagonizan varios reality shows con su familia, que ahora incluye a Liam, de 2 años, y Stella, de 1. Tori "no se arrepiente" de su relación con Dean.

<b>Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe</b> Once "America's Sweetheart," Meg Ryan sullied her reputation with an affair and became the "scarlet woman" in 2000. Meg, now 46, cheated on hubby Dennis Quaid with "Proof of Life" co-star Russell Crowe. But the full story has come out, with Ryan telling the world about her ex-husband's infidelity. She said of Quaid: "Dennis was not faithful to me for a long time, and that was very painful. I found out more about that once I was divorced." Quaid and Ryan have a son together, Jack, now 16. Meg also has a daughter, Daisy, adopted from China in 2006. As for Crowe and Quaid, both are now happily married fathers. The actress at the center of the scandal is now single. "Russell didn't break up the marriage," says Meg. "I was a mess. I hurt him, too, at the end." (AP)

<b>Julia Roberts and Danny Moder</b> America's Sweetheart is indeed a homewrecker, a fact which the public doesn't like to dwell on. In 1991, Julia got her first taste of scandal when she left fiance Keifer Sutherland for his best friend, Jason Patric. Fast forward to 2000, when Julia snagged very married cameraman Danny Moder. Six months after meeting Julia, Danny filed for divorce from his wife Vera Moder. Of her relationship with Danny, Julia, now 41, says, "My whole body knew: 'Yes.'" The pair married in 2004, and have three children together. (AP)

<b>Jude Law and the Nanny</b> 26-year-old nanny Daisy Wright proved too much of a temptation for A-list actor Jude Law. Jude and starlet Sienna Miller had settled down together and were engaged to be married. Those plans were derailed in 2005, when Wright told the press of her affair with Jude, which included being caught having sex by one of his children. Law later proclaimed that he was "deeply ashamed" for hurting Miller. Despite trying to work things out, this Hollywood golden couple soon parted ways for good. Jude, now 36, added a fourth child to his brood this month. Mom is model and one-time fling Samantha Burke. (AP) (AP )

La relación de los actores del Hollywood dorado Elizabeth Taylor y Richard Burton sigue siendo una épica historia de amor. El rodaje de Cleopatra en 1961 inició el tórrido romance de los coprotagonistas. Ambos estaban ya casados, pero eso no detuvo a Taylor, conocida por haberle robado cuatro años antes a Debbie Reynolds su entonces marido Eddie Fisher. Ambos se divorciaron de sus cónyuges y se casaron entre sí en 1964. Los actores se divorciaron en 1974, pero se dieron otra oportunidad y volvieron a casarse en 1975. Lamentablemente, el segundo matrimonio sólo duró un año. Burton murió en 1984, pero la actriz, de 77 años, sigue llevando un diamante que él le regaló. (AP)

<b>Hugh Grant and the Hooker</b> This tabloid tale began with Brit actor Hugh Grant’s arrest in 1995. His charge? Indecent conduct with a prostitute on Sunset Boulevard, one of LA's busiest streets. Supermodel girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley stood by her man after he made a public apology, but their relationship ended in 2000. Hurley invited her ex-boyfriend to her 2007 wedding and the pair remain friends, with Grant serving as godfather to her son, Damien. Hugh, now 49, is single. (AP)

Brangelina fue la aventura que acabó con todas las aventuras de Hollywood. Cuando Brad y Angie se liaron en el plató de Sr. y Sra. Smith en 2005, Jennifer Aniston se quedó en pelotas, y los tabloides se regocijaron con el escándalo. El rompecorazones más sexy de Hollywood había dejado a la chica de oro de "Friends", Jennifer Aniston, por la chica más mala de América. El mismo año en que Jen solicitó el divorcio, Vanity Fair publicó fotos de Brangelina jugando a las casitas, agitando aún más la olla. En 2006, pocos meses después de que el divorcio de Brad fuera definitivo, Jolie confirmó que estaba embarazada del primer hijo de Pitt. Seis hijos después, Brangelina sigue siendo uno de los romances más famosos de Hollywood. ¿Y Jen? Sigue soltera, como te dirá cualquier tabloide. (AP)

<b>And the list goes on …</b> As long as there are celebrities, there will be affairs! Other scandalous stars include: Madonna and A-Rod, Mel Gibson and Oksana Pochepa, Britney Spears and Kevin Federline, Anne Heche and James Tupper, Ryan Phillippe and Abbie Cornish, Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra, Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn, Claire Danes and Billy Crudup, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, Denise Richards and Richie Sambora. (AP)