Craig Morgan fires back at criticism of country music
MSNBC guest: 'Nothing says 'let's go kill some Muslims' like country music'
Craig Morgan is giving his fans "all access" to his life both on the stage and off with the return of his hit Outdoor Channel reality show. The host of "All Access Outdoors" is set to release new music this summer and told FOX411 Country it's his "best" record yet.
The "This Ole Boy" singer also spoke about his nearly two-decade long army service and how he's still learning to adjust to civilian life.
FOX411 Country: Your show is returning for its sixth season. Can you believe it?
Craig Morgan: Well Lord no! I didn't know that anybody would care that much. I'm excited to do it because I love the outdoors and it's great opportunity to pursue my passion. I think the fans respond to it because of the lifestyle I'm living and celebrating.
FOX411 Country: Do you think you have to be a hunter to enjoy the show?
Morgan: Absolutely not. That's one of the things that I love to hear. I've heard a lot that people say their wife or whoever doesn't hunt but they love the show. That's because the term "all access" is as true as it gets. People get a look at my life and my family and they can can relate to what I do. [I] deal with the same stuff that everybody else does we just put it on TV.

(Outdoor Channel)
FOX411 Country: What's something you're excited for fans to see in the upcoming season?
Morgan: We went to...Africa and I had never been to Africa to hunt animals before so it was a real exciting time for me to go to that part of the world. My wife went with me and we [experienced] the culture there and we met some beautiful people. I also went back to Ohio, to a dairy farm that I hunt on all the time and the antics that take place on that farm -- like castrating cattle -- I helped with that. I've castrated hogs but never cattle.
FOX411 Country: Is there a difference between castrating hogs and cattle?
Morgan: The big difference is...there is a big difference (laughs).
FOX411 Country: Between filming your show, putting out new music and managing your family, how do you get it all done?
Morgan: Well, I have a great crew. I have a wonderful group of people to help me maintain everything and I have a wonderful family. My wife is great and supportive, making sure that I'm doing the things I need to be doing at home and that I need to be doing out on the road. There's lot of moving parts.
FOX411 Country: We're finally going to hear new music from you. When does the first single drop?
Morgan: In August. It's the best music I've ever done. I used a new producer this time which was nerve wracking...but I decided to try something a little different.
FOX411 Country: Having served in the military, is July 4th an especially meaningful time for you?
Morgan: I'm proud to be an American because of what our country stands for and for what it has stood for in the past and that's freedom period. We celebrate a sense of freedom that's not celebrated by any other country in the world and I'm proud of this country.
FOX411 Country: How does it feel to go from being in the military to performing for the troops on USO tours?
Morgan: I don't know, I'm working on it. It's a difficult process and I've learned to appreciate that regardless of where you go, whether it's [to work as an] entertainer, or a banker or a construction worker, or whatever you do, that transition from military to civilian life can be difficult because what we experience in the military, that's rarely experienced anywhere else. I'm fortunate enough that I'm still in touch with all of my buddies from then.
"Craig Morgan: All Access Outdoors" returns to Outdoor Channel July 5. Watch a preview below.