'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson on finding faith before fame: 'God speaks through his people'
Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson explains how he found faith before fame, gets candid on his new book, titled 'The Theft of America's Soul.'
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Phil Robertson says he’s perfectly at ease living in isolation.
The former “Duck Dynasty” star, who has spent most of his life living off of Louisiana’s bayou, is sharing his wisdom during the coronavirus pandemic in a 32 mini-episode special titled “In the Quarantine with Phil.”
The show, available on Blaze TV, aims to showcase the 73-year-old’s wisdom, including how to make bread and what to do when you run out of toilet paper.
When it comes to living a simpler life, Robertson told Fox News his faith has been essential.
“I found Jesus in the mid-’70’s,” he explained. “I have been self-quarantined from the world ever since. This is the lesson I have learned since I made that decision. The world and its desires pass away but the man who does the Will of God lives forever.”

Many audiences across the country first learned of Phil Robertson, his spouse “Miss” Kay and their four sons on 'Duck Dynasty,' which chronicled their duck-hunting business. Robertson, who was originally unhappy with the duck calls on the market, created one in 1972 that expertly mimicked a duck. (Duck Commander)
“My ambition now is to live a quiet life, mind my own business, work with my hands as God told me, so that my daily life may win the respect of outsiders so that so that I will not be dependent on anybody,” he continued. “Peace of mind is the rarest of commodities and I am totally at peace in my life in the quarantine.”
Worldwide, more than 1.4 million people have been confirmed infected and over 80,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University. The true numbers are almost certainly much higher, because of limited testing, different rules for counting the dead and deliberate underreporting by some governments.
For most, the virus causes mild to moderate symptoms such as fever and cough. But for some older adults and the infirm, it can cause pneumonia and death. Over 300,000 people have recovered.
Back in March 2019, Robertson told Fox News he originally turned his life over to God in the mid-‘70s after living recklessly in his native rural Louisiana. The professional hunter and reality TV star was previously a star athlete in football, baseball and track who eventually found himself hanging with the wrong crowd.

Phil Robertson is sharing his wisdom in a 32-episode special titled 'In the Woods with Phil.' (Duck Commander)
“Until I was 28, I didn’t have any faith,” Robertson explained at the time. “Here I am biblically speaking — God said I was under the control of the evil one. I didn’t know that. I was just getting high and drunk with the worst of them. … I had built a track record that was not a good one. I then realized, ‘What was I thinking? All that mischief and carrying on.’ … I came to know Jesus. I looked up one day and I said, ‘Man, I’m driven to do this. I have to do it.’”
Robertson admitted he had to hit rock bottom before he accepted God as his personal savior. And when he was faced with temptation, Robertson insisted he had the strength to stay dedicated to his faith.
“At first, I’m trying to be good,” he explained. “I’m learning how to be good. My friends would come by, my old buddies, and they would say, ‘Let’s go for a ride. Drive up the road.’ I said, ‘Nah.’ My faith was being tested. … I just broke away from them. … I will say I got an unlisted phone number and I hid out the first year while I was getting on my spiritual feet. That was 44 years ago. Well, the further I have gone on my walk of faith the more faithful I have become.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.