Harris stands by debate attacks against Biden: We have to 'remember our history'

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif, stood by her fierce confrontation with former Vice President Joe Biden at the first Democratic debate on Wednesday night, insisting "we need to always remember our history."

During her appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," host Jimmy Kimmel noted the "big boost" Harris received following the NBC debate.

"I think you broke two of Joe Bidens ribs at that debate, were you aware of that?" Kimmel joked.

Kimmel then asked if she had "any regret going in so hard" on Biden, the California senator explained her stance as to why she went after him.


"You know, I felt strongly that we needed to have a full discussion about that era in our country," Harris responded, "and it was a discussion that had been occuring for probably about two weeks before the debate and I felt the need to be sure that we are reflecting true history as it relates to integration of the schools and the need to force integration because there were so many states that were adamant against allowing the children of all races to be educated together."

Harris went on to say that "so many people" since the debate had approached her in a whispering tone, telling her that they were bussed as children.

"It's something that it has not been the subject of much discussion in the last, you know, few decades, but it is something that impacted millions of people in our country," Harris continued. "And I think it's an important reminder that we have to always remember our history and the last chapter if we're going to accurately and correctly write the next chapter."


When asked if she was concerned that her 2020 rivals will resort to "cannibalizing" each other before facing off against President Trump in the general election, Harris expressed that the debates should be "about the issues" and "not personal attacks."

Harris received lots of praise for her debate peformance and made plenty of headlines with her confrontation with the Democratic frontrunner. She did, however, face criticism of her own for shifting her position on busing, suggesting it shouldn't be federally mandated but that it be considered by the states.

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