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In the midst of the ongoing college admissions scandal that saw “Fuller House” actress Lori Loughlin and fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli brought up on federal charges, old clips from their daughter, Olivia Jade Giannulli, are resurfacing in a brand new light.

As previously reported, Olivia’s parents are in hot water after it was revealed that they paid roughly $500,000 to get their two daughters into the University of Southern California by designating them as recruits to the school’s crew team despite having no experience with the sport. As a result, the 19-year-old YouTube celebrity’s commitment to her own education has been called into question, especially after reports surfaced that she may not have even filled out her own college application.

As a result, fans have gone back and looked at her old video content and found some clips about education and her famous, wealthy parents that now have a whole new context given what the public knows about the scandal.


In a video from February 2018, she conducts a Q&A with fans and fields a question about what it’s like having famous parents.

“I remember when I was 6, 7, 8 years old, I would always think about, like, ‘Oh, do they want to be my friend for me or my mom or my dad?’ So I think that’s probably not normal thoughts a 6-year-old, 7-year-old, 8-year-old child would have,” the star says in the video.

Giannulli told a story about meeting a girl in her youth and being very aware that she was more of a Lori Loughlin fan than a friend to her and her sister, 20-year-old Isabella.

“I remember I used to play soccer when I was little and there was this girl on my sister’s soccer team… she just gave me the vibe that she wanted to be my sister’s friend and my friend because of our mom,” she recalled. “And I just remember, when I was 8 years old, like, ‘red flag.’ So I feel like it’s almost a blessing. I can tell who actually wants to be my friend, which is cool, and it prepped me now for what I do, so I can see who’s genuine.”

While it’s not necessarily surprising that the star finds her parents’ status a “blessing” many were surprised by her comments on education in general that date back to an August 2017 video in which she documented the first day of her senior year of high school.

Throughout the video, she’s very gloomy about having to return to school after summer vacation. As she leaves her house, her mom can be heard telling her to “have a lovely day.”


“I won’t. I will not,” Olivia jokes back.

“Don’t put that out there for the little kids who love school,” Loughlin, who was released on $1 million bond for her role in fraudulently getting her daughter accepted to USC, scolded.

Throughout the rest of the video, she posts clips of reconnecting with friends, sitting in class and lamenting how badly she wants to go home. However, after she finally finishes the day, her mom’s now-ironic words apparently stuck with her.

“I’m home and I’ve never been so happy to be anywhere in my whole entire life. On a real note though, I know that I complain about school. I mean, who actually enjoys going to school? If you do, I’m very jealous,” she says. “But I also feel the need to say that, for all of us who like to complain about school, ‘cause I get how much it sucks, we have to remember how lucky we are to have an education and how many people would kill to have a good education or an education at all. So, as much as I hate it … I still hate it but I’m grateful that I get to be educated, even though I hate it. You know?”

While Olivia’s comments are surprisingly pro-education, in August 2018, the 19-year-old posted a video on YouTube that she later apologized for after fans criticized her for taking her university experience for granted.

“I don’t know how much of school I’m gonna attend,” she told nearly two million subscribers. “But I’m gonna go in and talk to my deans and everyone, and hope that I can try and balance it all. But I do want the experience of like game days, partying… I don’t really care about school, as you guys all know.”


She later apologized saying: “I said something super ignorant and stupid, basically,” admitted Giannulli in the video. “And it totally came across that I’m ungrateful for college — I’m going to a really nice school. And it just kind of made it seem like I don’t care, I just want to brush it off. I’m just gonna be successful at YouTube and not have to worry about school. I’m really disappointed in myself.”