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Former “NCIS” actress Pauley Perrette is apparently spending her off-time watching “Family Feud,” and the star had some harsh words for the game show on Twitter earlier this week.

After her high profile exit from the long-running show, Perrette has pretty much stayed out of the public eye. However, she took to Twitter on Monday to express her distaste with the direction that the popular game show “Family Feud” has taken in recent years.

“Dear @FamilyFeudABC I love @SteveHarveyFM and I love game shows. WHY DO YOU MAKE YOU PROGRAM SO FILTHY? Even with child players? No reason,” she wrote.

The star continued her diatribe on the ever-increasing number of raunchy questions on the show saying, “I’m a sociologist, love @FamilyFeudABC but WHY WHY are all the questions now filthy and sex questions? There’s so much more to humans. Cmon.”

Several people agreed, commenting on the star's Twitter feed that it’s become hard to watch the game show, which they believe has become not so family-friendly since host Steve Harvey took over in 2010.

As previously reported, complaints about the answers skewing toward a more dirty-minded audience are nothing new. Harvey is one of the only hosts to increase ratings on “Feud” year after year. Many attribute that success to the online virality that hosts such as Richard Dawson didn’t have in the 1970s.

When sexually explicit jokes began to get the show more attention in the online community, viewers started to pop up. Plus, Harvey prides himself on calling out contestants over outrageous answers, and the show typically ends up with a mix of attention-grabbing questions and comedic riffs on answers.

"If someone said an answer that was so ridiculous, I knew that the people at home behind the camera had to be going, 'What did they just say?' … They gave this answer that doesn't have a shot in hell of being up there,” he previously told Fox News. “The fact that I recognize that, that's comedic genius to me. I think that's [made] the difference."