Por Nicole Pelletiere
Publicado el 29 de septiembre de 2022
Mientras el huracán Ian azota Florida, los edificios escolares han sido desalojados y designados como refugios para los evacuados y los miembros de la comunidad que buscan seguridad.
Los educadores y el personal escolar de muchos condados han estado colaborando mientras la tormenta, que en un principio se registró como de categoría 4, tocaba tierra el miércoles y dejaba sin electricidad a más de un millón de floridanos.
"We are all working around the clock ... to make sure everything is really running smoothly alongside the Tampa Police Department," said De'Quan Wilson, a fourth-grade teacher in Hillsborough County, where some schools have become storm shelters.
Florida El gobernador Ron DeSantis había dicho que el huracán Ian podría ser una tormenta de categoría 5 cuando llegara al Estado del Sol.
De'Quan Wilson, profesora de cuarto curso de la Lockhart Elementary Magnet School de Tampa, Florida, compartió esta imagen de un aula empaquetada ante la llegada del huracán Ian. (De'Quan Wilson)
"And we understand this is not just a 48-hour ordeal," the governor also said at a news conference. "This is going to be something that is going to be there for days and weeks and months. And, unfortunately, in some circumstances, even years," he added.
Antes de que Ian tocara tierra el miércoles justo al sur de Tampa, unas 45 aulas de la Lockhart Elementary Magnet School de Tampa, donde Wilson imparte clases, estaban preparadas para albergar a los evacuados.
"It looks as if we are leaving for summer [vacation]," Wilson told Fox News Digital about the empty classrooms.
Esta imagen de un aula dentro de la Lockhart Elementary Magnet School de Tampa, Florida, muestra las sillas de los alumnos apiladas mientras la escuela se prepara para albergar a los floridanos ante la llegada del huracán Ian. (De'Quan Wilson)
Families will sleep in designated areas of the school building and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in the cafeteria, according to Wilson.
Roughly 150 people are already sheltering in place at the school and Wilson said they are not yet at maximum capacity.
"We are ready to accept anyone with open arms," he said.
Una profesora compartió una nota de bienvenida e instrucción en su pizarra para Florida familias que evacuaban sus hogares debido al huracán Ian. (De'Quan Wilson)
"We are going around continuously monitoring the shelter, making sure [if] the evacuees need anything, that they are OK — that they are comfortable."
"This can be a very scary time, so we are checking in to make sure people feel safe," Wilson added.
There are two types of shelters in Florida: general population shelters and shelters for people with special needs, according to flordiadisaster.org.
Una mujer sostiene a su gato en una escuela convertida en refugio para animales domésticos en el condado de Seminole, Florida. (Gobierno del condado de Seminole)
"It is important to note that not every person with a disability is eligible to evacuate to a special needs shelter," the organization wrote on its website.
"The best place to shelter for every Floridian is outside the evacuation area, in a safe and secure structure, with family and friends."
Some facilities are also designated as pet friendly.
Fox News Digital learned of several schools-turned-shelters that allow pets, including two out of four schools in Osceola County.
Se fotografían jaulas vacías de mascotas justo antes de que el huracán Ian azotara el estado de Florida esta semana. (Gobierno del condado de Seminole)
"Osceola County Emergency Management, in partnership with Osceola Animal Services, the American Red Cross, and the School District of Osceola County, offers pet-friendly sheltering," the county announced on the emergency management section of its website.
"Sólo determinadas instalaciones de los refugios están designadas como "aptas para mascotas"".
Un gran aplauso para todo nuestro personal que ha trabajado durante el huracán y que está atendiendo las escuelas que se utilizan como refugios.
- Escuelas Osceola (@Osceolaschools) 28 de septiembre de 2022
Para obtener información sobre los refugios, visita: https://t.co/jlueaWCIxd pic.twitter.com/v40K8zV2tj
"Un gran saludo a todo nuestro personal que está trabajando durante el huracán y atendiendo las escuelas que se utilizan como refugios", tuiteó la escuela Osceola, situada en el centro de Florida, junto a una foto del personal posando con chalecos de seguridad en el instituto Harmony de St.
Voluntarios recorren una escuela que ahora es un refugio contra tormentas esta semana en el condado de Seminole, Florida. (Gobierno del condado de Seminole)
Se fotografía un cartel en el exterior de un refugio del condado de Seminole en Florida antes de que el huracán Ian azotara el estado. (Gobierno del condado de Seminole)
A representative of Osceola Schools told Fox News Digital that cafeterias and gymnasiums are the spaces that are primarily being used as shelters.
The county noted that "deputies will be safeguarding shelters" and sex offenders will have shelter in a different location than all residents at the Osceola County Courthouse.
"This can be a very scary time, so we are checking in to make sure people feel safe."
Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS), located in central Florida, is offering shelter for the general population in five schools, two of which are pet friendly.
There are two other schools open to those with special needs — and one of those schools is pet friendly.
APERTURA DE REFUGIOS: Los siguientes refugios del condado de Seminole abren a las 8:00 a.m. HOY, miércoles 28 de septiembre.
- Condado de Seminole, FL (@seminolecounty) 28 de septiembre de 2022
El condado de Seminole ha emitido una orden de evacuación para las personas propensas a las inundaciones, las casas móviles/fabricadas y las personas con necesidades especiales. pic.twitter.com/UIw4codtSY
"Seminole County Public Schools takes its responsibility of collaborating with our community partners to provide shelters to our citizens very seriously," Serita Beamon, superintendent of SCPS, told Fox News Digital in an emailed statement.
"Our five general population shelters and three special needs shelters are manned by school principals, teachers and staff and provide shelter guests with safe harbor from severe weather," she added.
"We are committed to the safety of all Seminole County residents and are eager to support our students, families, staff and community before, during and after the passing of Hurricane Ian," Beamon also said.
Una escuela pública del condado de Seminole en Florida se prepara para recibir a más evacuados por el huracán Ian. (Gobierno del condado de Seminole)
The Seminole County Government's website advises evacuees to bring the following items to shelters:
Bedding: cot/blanket/pillow (cots are not provided at general population shelters)
Personal medications
Special dietary needs or foods
Comfort/entertainment items
Photo identification
Extra clothing
Voluntarios posan en una escuela pública del condado de Seminole antes de que el huracán Ian tocara tierra en Florida. (Gobierno del condado de Seminole)
Se ven pasillos vacíos en una escuela situada en el condado de Seminole, Florida, ante la llegada del huracán Ian. (Gobierno del condado de Seminole)
What will be provided at the shelter:
Personal space accommodations measuring 21 square feet (7ft x 3ft)
Law enforcement presence
Also, the shelters make clear that weapons, firearms, alcohol and drugs are not permitted in the county shelters.
Osceola County reminds people that anyone staying at the shelter for special needs individuals should bring "medicine and other vital supplies, including oxygen or other electrical medical devices."
Wilson said his school has mattresses available for elderly people and for those who are disabled.
De'Quan Wilson fotografió un aula vacía en Tampa -un aula en la que suele dar clase- antes de que llegaran los evacuados en medio del huracán Ian. (De'Quan Wilson)
Wilson said he and his colleagues have been answering calls at the front desk of the elementary school as Floridians inquire about the availability of shelter.
He and other Lockhart employees, Wilson stressed, will continue to take in evacuees as employees handle the meals, coffee stations and custodial duties while police keep the building secure.
El pasillo de una escuela está decorado con las huellas de las manos de los alumnos antes de la llegada del huracán Ian en Florida. (Gobierno del condado de Seminole)
"When the students come back on Monday, hopefully, they do come back to some sort of normality," Wilson said.