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With the back-to-school season fully in the rearview mirror at this point in the fall, devotions that invite protection, good health and a studious frame of mind can continue to help set up our children, grandchildren and all other young ones in our lives for success this school year.

Short, heartfelt prayers don't take long to say, as many busy moms and dads can attest.

And plenty of devotions and prayerful words exist for parents and caregivers to draw on when they need them most.


Ahead of the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah holidays — even ahead of Halloween this year — here are some comforting prayers for all to use as they see fit.

Kids praying outside with hands folded

Happy friends are shown praying together in the park. "Please keep me safe. Please give me good friends," as one prayer says. (iStock)

Check these out — and keep them handy when needed. 

(All originators and sources are noted.)

‘Bless my learning and my playing'

From W. David O. Taylor, Christianity Today

Dear Jesus, you who promise to be with me always, I pray that you would be with me today as I go to school. 

Bless my going and my coming. Bless my learning and my playing. 

Please protect my heart from fear. Please keep me safe. Please give me good friends. Give me joy this day, and thank you for loving me from head to toe. 

In your name. Amen.

girl prays in school

A young girl in a primary school classroom prays in Lucknow, India. Families can pray for their children: "Father … guide their choices." (Deepak Gupta/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)

‘Show us the right path as a family’

From Lauren Gaines, Southern Living

Heavenly Father, show our children the right path this school year. 

May they not be influenced by the unwise, but seek your purposes in all things. 

Guide their choices. 

Show us the right path as a family — that we would place our time and energy on the things you want us to invest in. 

‘Watch over them and guide them’

From Kingdom Bloggers

Father, I pray that each child knows their strength comes from You and that You give them the courage to face any obstacle they may face at school. 

I pray they know to come to you with their fears and anxiety and to trust you to watch over them and guide them throughout the day. 


school istock image

Friends walk into school together. "Father, I pray that each child knows their strength comes from You." (iStock)

‘Infuse their days with fun’

From Amanda Idleman, Bible Study Tools

Jesus, I ask that my child's school year would be filled with sweet memories that they will cherish for their lifetime. 

Infuse their days with fun that will keep them filled with joy as they grow and learn. 


Give them a cheerful face that is contagious as they walk through this school year. 
