Preguntas cortas con Dana Perino para Kennedy

Fox News contributor reveals her favorite comedian, the opportunity that changed her life and more

Nos has visto en la pantalla, pero ¿te has preguntado alguna vez cómo somos fuera de las cámaras? 

Durante los últimos meses, he disfrutado hablando con algunas de tus personalidades favoritas de Fox para saber más sobre quiénes son entre bastidores. 

¿Qué es lo único sin lo que Jesse Watters no podría vivir? ¿Cuál es el disfraz de Halloween favorito de Bill Hemmer? ¿Y qué hay en la mesilla de Greg Gutfeld? 

¡Pero eso no es todo! La diversión no ha hecho más que empezar.

This week we're excited to shine the spotlight on Kennedy. She joined FOX Business Network (FBN) as a contributor in 2012 and most recently hosted the primetime program "Kennedy" there through June 2023. She appears frequently on FOX News Channel’s (FNC) "Outnumbered" and "The Five" as well as a variety of daytime and primetime programming. She also hosts a podcast on FOX News Audio entitled "Kennedy Saves the World."

P.D. Tenemos mucho más reservado para ti. Permanece atento cada semana a las nuevas ediciones de "Preguntas breves con Dana Perino" - y si hay alguna pregunta a la que quieras respuesta o alguna sugerencia sobre la persona a la que debería entrevistar a continuación, ¡deja una nota en la sección de comentarios de abajo! 

Kennedy reveals to Dana Perino her signature cocktail, the career opportunity that changed her life — and the artist who's had the most impact on her.  (Fox News)

P: ¿Qué debería probar toda mujer al menos una vez en la vida?

K: Seeing the sunrise in Africa. It changes your soul and connects you to the earth in an indescribable way.

Q: What is your signature cocktail?

K: The Kennedalia! It’s like a mojito and a paloma had a delicious baby. 

Muddle lime and mint in a tumbler, add ice, then 1.5 ounces of coconut tequila, 1 ounce of regular tequila (I like casamigos blanco), and top off with either Fresca or pamplemousse La Croix. 

It is deceptively smooth, so make sure you have a rickshaw driver to get you home.

Q: Do you have a secret party trick? Or what’s the secret to throwing a great party?

K: Separate the drink station from the food station. People tend to converge around the drinks, so put that in the most spacious part of your party space. 

Also, make sure you have three distinctive food servings: niblets for when people arrive (cherry tomatoes and hummus, or chips and guac, or even a few cheeses and crackers on a cutting board), then the first meal and finally something like buffalo chicken nachos at the end of the night, when people get hungry again, to sop up the booze.

The first meal can be your impressive one; the last one is fun, greasy bar food that people enjoy after a social tipple. 

And make as much in advance as possible so you are free to mingle!

Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island, which three items would you want to have with you?

K: A knife, a tarp and some sort of water filtration device.

P: Nombra un momento u oportunidad que haya cambiado tu vida.

K: When I was an intern at KROQ, I had been hounding our program director Andy to put me on the radio with no experience. 

Finally, one day he called my bluff and gave me a two-night audition, hired me to do part-time overnights and thus my broadcast career was born. 

He’s still one of my best friends!

Q: Who is your favorite comedian?

K: When I was a kid I was obsessed with Steve Martin, but I was always worried he was going to die because he had white hair. 

I got to meet him at a party several years ago and told him that, and it actually made him laugh. He assured me he’s still very much alive.

Q: You love dogs (me, too!). If you were a dog, what breed would you want to be?

K: A blue heeler. They’re cool, sturdy, weird and smart. Plus, they’re from Australia and I love Australia.

Q: Being a music lover yourself, which artist or band has had the biggest impact on your life, and why?

K: I just visited Graceland and I remembered how much of an impact Elvis had on me in high school, and the gravity of his influence — especially in this moment — coupled with the ongoing tragedy of his family really hit me. 

"Anyone who has an ounce of showmanship owes eternal gratitude to The King. I also love Ella Fitzgerald."

Even my favorite band, Rocket From The Crypt, is directly, stylistically influenced by Elvis. 

Anyone who has an ounce of showmanship owes eternal gratitude to The King. I also love Ella Fitzgerald.

Q: What is the worst date you’ve ever been on?

K: When I was 20, I had to go on a date with the late Screech (from "Saved By The Bell") when he was 16 for a magazine story. 

He took me to a place at Universal City, which sold him margaritas and he tried to make out with me at the Hollywood sign. I declined, thank God.

P: Cuando eras niño, ¿qué querías ser de mayor?

K: I wanted to be a writer and a comedian. When I was in high school, I was voted "most likely to be a talk show host." Wooo!

Q: If you could invite three musicians or music industry figures to join you for a roundtable discussion on your show, who would you choose and what would be the main topic of conversation?

K: James Mercer, Gillian Welch and Bob Dylan. I would ask them all how you turn poems into songs, because when that’s done effectively there is, to me, no higher art form.

Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

K: I’m actually very calm. I’m a mean cook and baker. I also swear a lot when I bake. The more I swear, the better it turns out, which I realize doesn’t sound calm — but the end result is worth the cursing.

Q: If you had to create a soundtrack for your life, what songs would definitely be on it and why?

K: "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga. "Young Livers" by Rocket From The Crypt. And "I Would Die 4 U" by Prince.

These all make me really happy. That’s the only thread.


Para leer todas las entrevistas anteriores de Dana Perino sobre "Preguntas breves" para Fox News Digital, consulta esta (larga) lista.

For her interview with John Roberts, click here

Para ver su entrevista con Janice Dean, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Charles Payne, haz clic aquí

Para ver su entrevista con Trey Gowdy, haz clic aquí. 

Para ver su entrevista con Johnny "Joey" Jones, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Bill Melugin, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Jimmy Failla, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Tyrus, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Ainsley Earhardt, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Lawrence Jones, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Dr. Arash Akhavan, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Martha MacCallum, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Bret Baier, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Kayleigh McEnany, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Harold Ford Jr., haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Shannon Bream, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Jessica Tarlov, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Leo Terrell, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Geraldo Rivera, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Clay Travis, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Bill Hemmer, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Greg Gutfeld, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Benjamin Hall, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con la juez Jeanine Pirro, haz clic aquí.

Para ver su entrevista con Jesse Watters, haz clic aquí.

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