By Maureen Mackey
Published March 09, 2022
In a revealing telephone interview with Fox News Digital this week, Tim Tebow spoke from the heart: "The world can be a place that can tell you a lot of things — things about money, fame and power. It can tell you about what you need to pursue."
He also said, "That's one of the big reasons I wanted to write ‘Mission Possible.' It's to encourage people. It's not titled ‘Mission Impossible' — but ‘Mission Possible.' I believe that it is possible for every single one of us to have, to truly have, a life that counts. God created each of us to have a unique, awesome purpose, and it's why we're here."
"There's a reason we all exist. There are things we were meant to do." — Tim Tebow
Tebow may be best known for being a two-time national football champion, a Heisman Trophy winner, a first-round NFL draft pick, a former pro baseball player and an ESPN contributor, but today his passion in life is helping other people understand that they're put on this earth by God for a reason.
He created and runs the Tim Tebow Foundation, whose efforts are focused on bringing "faith, hope and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need."
Tebow talked to Fox News Digital this week about his new book, "Mission Possible," and why he wrote it. It's easy for all of us, he said, "to get caught up in the things that don't matter. I wanted to encourage us to get back to the things that truly matter in life." (Adam Szarmack/Mission Driven Studios)
Fox News Digital spoke to Tebow this week by phone about some of the topics he cares about most.
Fox News Digital: Many readers are saying they feel a sense of peace while reading your new book — that it's helping them calm down and feel at peace in a busy, often complicated world. You've written other books before, but tell us what motivated you to write this one, "Mission Possible."
Tim Tebow: More than anything, I wanted this book to be encouraging to people, and for each of us to know that we have a mission — that there is purpose for your life, there is significance for your life, and it's something you can accomplish. It's not something that's impossible or a fairy tale — or something that's only for a few. No, I believe that every single person on this earth has a purpose. There's a reason we all exist. There are things we were meant to do.
Tim Tebow's new book is "Mission Possible." "I want this book to be encouraging to people," he said. "Every single person on this earth has a purpose." (Adam Szarmack/Mission Driven Studios)
Tebow (cont'd): And I think for me, what's really important, and what's sometimes very hard to do, is to focus on what matters. I think, sometimes, for us, as we go about our days, it's just so easy to get caught up in the things that don't matter. I wanted to encourage us to get back to the things that truly matter in life.
"I really believe in God's economy, which is different than how we talk about our economy." — Tim Tebow
And I've been able to learn to choose the things that I want "most" over the things that I want "now." So many times, the world is going to tell you to choose the things you want now — to go for the instant gratification. And we don't necessarily play the long game. But in the book, I share my thoughts about living for eternity, for things that are going to last forever. And so much of that is focused on people, and on how we treat others.
It's about how we can love people, how we can make a difference for other people. I really believe in God's economy, which is different than how we talk about our economy. In our economy, in order to have more, you take more. But in God's economy — you give more.
Tebow told Fox News Digital in an interview, "I really believe in God's economy, which is different than how we talk about our economy. In our economy, in order to have more, you take more. But in God's economy, you give more." He began his foundation in 2010. (The Tim Tebow Foundation)
Tebow (cont'd): And I believe that the most fulfilled we'll ever be in life is when we spend our time on things that are not focused on "me," but focused on other people. That's what I want to have, a life that is focused on making other people's lives better, and focused on eternity.
Fox News Digital: You mention your own personal path to getting to this point. Tell us some of that.
Tebow: There have been times in my life when the things in front of me looked shiny, cool and meaningful. But you know, so many times, when we get those things, we realize how empty they really are. When we focus on the things that are more meaningful — like faith, hope and love, like purpose, like meaning — then we really realize how much more significant these things are.
Tebow told Fox News Digital, "We don't know how much time [on this earth] we really have. And so, with the limited time I am given, I want to make the most of it." He does that, he said, by trying "to make others' lives better."
Tebow (cont'd): We don't know how many days we're going to get in this life. We don't know how much time we really have. And so, with the limited time that I am given, I want to make the most of it. One of the greatest tragedies, I think, is when people look back at their lives and say, "You know, I was successful in all the wrong things." I don't want that to be the case for me or anyone.
I think success is a good thing, it can be a fun thing — but success is not everything. I don't want to be successful in all the things that don't matter. I think that God has blessed me to have success and turn that into things of true significance by being able to make others' lives better.
Fox News Digital: You mention your parents a lot in your book. You say they provided an authentic example of faith to you and your siblings. Tell us more about that.
Tebow: They drastically impacted my life while I was growing up, and still do to this day. My greatest role models are my parents, not just because of what they told me but because of what they showed me. Being able to live that out, authentically, in front of me — you know, when you're around someone every day, you can't fake it.
Tim Tebow is shown here with his dad, Robert Ramsey Tebow II. (The Tim Tebow Foundation)
Tebow (cont'd): And I saw the highs, the lows. I saw when they didn't have any money, when people were badmouthing them, and when things were good. My mom made Christmases very special even when we had next to nothing.
It was so inspiring and also so contagious. When I wasn't like that in my own life, I wanted to be like that. I wanted to have faith like that. I wanted to go after things that truly matter like that. I just wanted to be, every day, a little more selfless like that.
"I just want people to feel encouraged, to know how loved they are, to know how much their life really matters." — Tim Tebow
To be able to watch my dad [a Christian missionary] pretty much give his entire adult life to helping other people, and not doing things for himself — seeing that purpose and meaning, those are some of the greatest memories and moments for me.
My dad would always tell us when we were young was, "People who love what they do and are passionate about it are contagious." And my dad was contagious because his work was so real.
And still, to this day, my dad, who has Parkinson's now, and is just fighting through so much adversity — he's still, to this day, on a mission. He never wavers. If you ask him, in the middle of so much pain, "Dad, how are you doing?" he'll only give you one answer.
He'll say, "I'm blessed." so even today, he is a role model for me.
Tim Tebow and his wife, Demi-Leigh, are shown here as they surprise attendees at a Night to Shine event in 2019. The Night to Shine event, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, is a worldwide annual prom event thrown for people with special needs. (The Tim Tebow Foundation)
Fox News Digital: What do you say to people who may feel their best days are behind them — or to those who think there aren't things in life they can offer?
Tebow: I think a couple of things on this. Everybody has something to offer, because God created you exactly the way you are, with a purpose, with a mission, and he has good works for you to do. And we know that from multiple Bible verses, and from Ephesians 2:10 — that we are God's handiwork, created to do good works — and so as long as you have breath, you have a mission.
We can have meaning, influence and significance with our lives, in the way that we treat people, the way that we love people, and the way that we honor God and love him, and in everything that we do, think, or say. Everyone has something significant to offer.
Tebow during his pro football days. In this file photo from Aug. 22, 2015, Tebow, then with the Philadelphia Eagles, is shown after a preseason NFL football game against the Baltimore Ravens in Philadelphia. The former Florida star and 2007 Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback signed a one-year contract with the Jacksonville Jaguars on May 20, 2021, and attempted to revive his pro career as a tight end. (AP Photo/Michael Perez, File) (AP)
Tebow (cont'd): I don't believe that our best days are behind us. I'm someone who believes the Bible and believes what Jesus did on the cross, that heaven is in front of us, and our best days are ahead. We can look back with fond memories — but we get to look forward to eternity. That should drive us all to want to finish the race.
Fox News Digital: What else would you like people to know right now?
Tebow: I just want people to feel encouraged, to know how loved they are, to know how much their life really matters. There's so much in life that can be discouraging, that can get us down. And so many times we get caught up in [negative things] … But we know from studies that gratitude literally changes you from the inside out, that when we choose to be grateful, we are changed.
Especially for young people who get lonely or who may be feeling lonely today, I want them to know that you don't have to spend your life comparing yourself to other people. You don't have to spend your life isolated, or feeling alone, or that nobody believes in you.
Tebow is shown here with his wife, Demi-Leigh Tebow (nee Nel-Peters), on January 5, 2019, in San Jose, California. The couple married in 2020. (Steve Jennings/Getty Images for ESPN)
Tebow (cont'd): There is a God who believes in you. You are loved so much — and I just want to encourage people that they were created to be who they are and that their life matters very, very much.
Now, read an excerpt from Tim Tebow's new book, featured here with special permission.
Tim Tebow: My hope is that when you’re done reading this, you begin to live your life with a deeper sense of purpose, meaning and significance than ever before and make your life count.
As your relationship with God deepens, you will become more aware of His promptings, whether the whispers in your heart or the principles that come alive in His Word. You will understand that you are God’s masterpiece, created to do good things, in your own unique way on your own unique journey.
"I base my priorities on what's in my heart, and I try to live out of that passion." — Tim Tebow in his new book, "Mission Possible"
You will become more intentional about living a mission-possible life, using your gifts, resources and where you are to further the greater purpose of loving and serving God and others and make a lasting mark on this life, knowing you can because He did.
Our time on earth is limited. I want to do things that matter. I’m honored to be able to play sports, write books and motivate others. But I’m most passionate about bringing faith, hope and love to those needing light in their darkest hour through the work we do at my foundation.
I base my priorities on what's in my heart, and I try to live out of that passion, trusting that when I fall short or don’t have a map for what’s next, God has got it all under control.
Excerpted from "Mission Possible: Go Create a Life That Counts," copyright © 2022 by Timothy R. Tebow. Published by WaterBrook, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.