Woman who lost 252 pounds rejected on Tinder after sending pics of her excess skin

A woman who lost 252 pounds says she's been rejected by multiple men on Tinder after sending them pics of her excess skin. (SWNS)

The world's most honest Tinder dater sends her matches photos of her excess skin after weight loss.

Hannah Hails, 42, topped the scales at 462 pounds and struggled to even get up the stairs, but lost an impressive 252 pounds.

The determined mom had a gastric balloon and gastric bypass and lost more than half her body weight over 12 months, but was left with rolls of skin that hung to her knees.

Hails weighed 462 pounds before her weight loss surgery. (SWNS)


She was dealt a further blow when her husband of 22 years "walked out on her" and after two months alone got up the courage to try Tinder.

Hails matched with a handsome man from London and after messaging back and forth for ten days they arranged to meet at a hotel.

"I downloaded Tinder just to see what it was all about and I was speaking to this one guy. We were constantly sending messages back and forth for a 10-day period. I was excited but didn't want to get ahead of myself as he didn't know about my saggy skin," she continued.

In a bid to "prepare him," she sent him a saucy snap of her in her undies, but was devastated when he cut off all contact.

"I just wanted to know how he would react. Then the messages stopped. I heard nothing back from him," she said.

Hails said she got the same reaction from her other matches, as well.

"I sent the pic to a couple more men but the same happened. Again and again they would just go cold," she said.

Hails says she's been rejected by multiple men on Tinder after sending them pics of her excess skin. (SWNS)

"To battle depression because of the way you look and then be rejected, it's really hard going. I'm just glad they rejected me on the app. I just really, really couldn't deal with that rejection face-to-face. It would be mortifying."

Hails has vowed not to let his rejection bring her down, but is now crowdfunding a skin removal operation to give her more confidence.

"All I want is to have something serious but I've come to the realization nobody will want me with all my saggy skin," she said.

She's hoping to have abdominoplasty on her stomach, brachioplasty on her arms, breast reconstruction and a lower body lift. She even set up a Gofundme page to raise around $33,000 for the surgeries.


“I don’t regret the gastric bypass as I don’t think I would be here today without it, but right now I just feel completely unloveable. I just want to get to a point where I have the confidence to be intimate with someone again.

“I just feel utterly hopeless at the moment. I just want another chance at finding love and happiness.”

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