Última actualización

Aumenta el antisemitismo en los campus universitarios al tomar el poder los agitadores

Grupos de estudiantes y agitadores externos han organizado manifestaciones antiisraelíes y campamentos en campus universitarios de todo Estados Unidos. El movimiento comenzó en la Universidad de Columbia y se extendió rápidamente por la Costa Este, por el Medio Oeste y hasta Texas y California.


actualización entrante...

La cobertura de este evento ha finalizado.


MIRA: Manifestantes de la Universidad de Indiana gritan "¡Cerdos, marchaos a casa!" a los agentes que observan la concentración contra Israel

Manifestantes de la Universidad de Indiana arengaron el sábado a los agentes de policía que retiraron sus exhibiciones en tiendas de campaña contra Israel, según muestra un vídeo.

Se vio a un grupo de manifestantes juntos en Dunn Meadow y gritando "¡Cerdos, volved a casa!" a los agentes.

"Quitaron toda su mierda", se oyó decir a un observador en el vídeo.

Las imágenes también muestran a un grupo de hermanos de una fraternidad con las manos en el corazón mientras sonaba "The Star-Spangled Banner", en una aparente contraprotesta.

Según el Indiana Daily Student, al menos 50 agentes se encontraban en el lugar de los hechos. Las protestas se han intensificado en los últimos días. El jueves detuvieron a unos 33 manifestantes.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

La candidata presidencial del Partido Verde, Jill Stein, entre los 100 detenidos que protestaban en la Universidad de Washington

La candidata presidencial del Partido Verde 2024 La candidata presidencial Dra. Jill Stein se encontraba entre las 100 personas detenidas el sábado en la Universidad Washington de San Luis, según confirmó su director de campaña a Fox News Digital por correo electrónico el domingo por la mañana.

El director de campaña de Stein, Jason Call, dijo que él, Stein y la subdirectora de campaña Kelly Merrill-Cayer fueron detenidos en el campamento del campus.

"La demanda del campamento era específicamente que la universidad desinvirtiera de Boeing, que fabrica municiones utilizadas en el genocidio en curso contra el pueblo palestino de Gaza en sus cercanas instalaciones de St Charles", dijo Call a Fox News Digital. "La campaña de Stein apoya las reivindicaciones de los estudiantes y su protesta y reunión pacíficas en el campus. La protesta estudiantil por la paz y las libertades civiles siempre ha representado lo mejor de nuestra conciencia moral colectiva. Solidaridad".

Aquí tienes un vídeo de su detención que tuiteó el sábado por la noche.

Más de 100 personas fueron detenidas el sábado en la protesta antiisraelí de la Universidad de Washington, que es una de las muchas manifestaciones que tienen lugar esta semana en campus universitarios de todo el país.

La USC ha cerrado su campus a los no residentes y ha cancelado las graduaciones en el escenario, más de 100 personas fueron detenidas esta semana en la Universidad de Columbia y docenas fueron detenidas en la Universidad de Texas el miércoles. También se han producido manifestaciones y protestas en Yale, Harvard, Minnesota, Johns Hopkins y la Universidad Estatal de Arizona, donde 93 personas fueron detenidas el sábado por la mañana.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

Observa: Un manifestante antiisraelí destroza la estatua de Tommy Trojan de la USC

Se muestra a una mujer protegiendo la estatua de Tommy Trojan para que no siga siendo desfigurada el sábado en el campus de la Universidad del Sur de California.

Un manifestante antiisraelí había empezado a pintar con spray la estatua con las letras "Di No a Genoci" antes de que otra persona interviniera para detenerlo. El manifestante corrió alrededor de la estatua y consiguió rociar una "d" roja en el extremo de la misma antes de huir del protector.

El campus ha sido un centro neurálgico de manifestantes antiisraelíes desde que la escuela prohibió a un estudiante pro palestino pronunciar el discurso de graduación, y tras los disturbios y detenciones en escuelas de la Ivy League como Columbia y Yale, y en el campus insignia de la Universidad de Texas en Austin.

Esta semana se han registrado unas 500 detenciones en todo el país, 93 de ellas el miércoles por la mañana en la USC y 73 en la Universidad Estatal de Arizona el sábado por la mañana.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

La policía de Los Ángeles en alerta táctica en toda la ciudad en respuesta al campus de la USC

Se insta a la gente a evitar el Campus de University Park

- Departamento de Policía de Los Angeles

El Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles emitió el sábado una Alerta Táctica para toda la ciudad en la zona del Campus University Park de la USC.

"Debido a una interrupción en el centro de la UPC, por favor, eviten esa zona hasta nuevo aviso", declaró la policía de Los Ángeles. "Se insta a la gente a evitar el Campus de University Park. A las 19:30 no se había informado de detenciones ni heridos".

Antes de eso, la USC tuiteó que su campus de la UPC estaba cerrado el sábado a todo el mundo excepto a los residentes, ya que las tensiones empiezan a aumentar de nuevo.

"Debido a unos disturbios, el campus de University Park está temporalmente cerrado excepto para los residentes", declaró la universidad.

No está claro por qué se emitió la alerta táctica en toda la ciudad.

Fox 11 en Los Ángeles contribuyó a esta actualización.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

La USC vuelve a cerrar el campus esta semana a causa de los disturbios

La Universidad del Sur de California tuiteó el sábado por la noche que su Campus de University Park (UPC) estaba cerrado a todo el mundo excepto a los residentes, ya que las tensiones comienzan a aumentar de nuevo.

"Debido a unos disturbios, el campus de University Park está temporalmente cerrado excepto para los residentes", declaró la universidad.

La universidad canceló a principios de semana su ceremonia de graduación "en el escenario principal" tras las manifestaciones contra Israel.

"Entendemos que esto es decepcionante; sin embargo, estamos añadiendo muchas actividades y celebraciones nuevas para hacer que esta graduación sea académicamente significativa, memorable y única de la USC, incluyendo lugares para reunirse con la familia, los amigos, el profesorado y el personal, la celebración de la suelta de las palomas y las actuaciones de la Trojan Marching Band", dijo la universidad en un comunicado el jueves.

Más de 70 personas fueron detenidas el martes por la noche por "allanamiento de morada" y por no abandonar la universidad privada durante las protestas contra Israel.

La presidenta de la USC, Carol Folt, calificó de desgarradores los sucesos ocurridos en el campus esta semana.

"Esta semana, Alumni Park se ha vuelto inseguro", dijo Folt el viernes a la comunidad de la USC. "Nadie quiere que detengan a nadie en su campus. Nunca. Pero, cuando se violan flagrantemente las políticas de seguridad vigentes desde hace tiempo, se vandalizan edificios, se ignoran repetidamente las directivas (del Departamento de Seguridad Pública), se grita lenguaje amenazador, se agrede a personas y se bloquea el acceso a edificios académicos críticos, debemos actuar inmediatamente para proteger a nuestra comunidad.

"La USC cuenta desde hace tiempo con protocolos que permiten protestar pacíficamente, y hemos estado trabajando con éxito con nuestra comunidad para garantizar que estas normas se han seguido en las reuniones, protestas y vigilias que han tenido lugar durante todo el año. La USC también tiene normas firmes sobre el acoso y la intimidación que respetaremos".

Fox 11 en Los Ángeles contribuyó a esta actualización.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

Manifestantes antiisraelíes reservan una habitación en el Hilton de DC y enarbolan una bandera palestina gigante ante la cena de la Casa Blanca

Un grupo de manifestantes antiisraelíes reservó una habitación en el Washington Hilton e izó una bandera palestina gigante desde sus ventanas, según muestran las fotografías.

El Hilton acogía la Cena de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca al mismo tiempo que la masiva protesta antiisraelí. Code Pink, grupo activista de izquierdas que organizó la protesta, acusa a los medios de comunicación estadounidenses de "avalar" el apoyo de la Casa Blanca a Israel.

"La Cena de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca, tradicionalmente un símbolo de integridad y libertad periodísticas, se ha convertido ahora en una plataforma que celebra y respalda las acciones de la administración", afirmó Code Pink en su sitio web. "Los medios de comunicación estadounidenses perpetúan narrativas antipalestinas e ignoran los crímenes de guerra israelíes".

"La Cena de Corresponsales no es más que una celebración y un respaldo a las acciones de la administración. Eso no es periodismo. Eso es complicidad".

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Agitadores antiisraelíes inundan las calles de DC y apuntan a la Cena de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca

Agitadores antiisraelíes marcharon el sábado por las calles de Washington D.C. para protestar por el apoyo estadounidense al ejército israelí, apuntando a los miembros de la prensa y los medios de comunicación que asistían a la Cena Anual de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca.

Code Pink, un grupo activista de izquierdas, organizó una protesta a través del parque Kalorama hasta el Washington Hilton, donde el sábado por la noche se celebraba la Cena de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca.

En su sitio web, la organización acusa a los medios de comunicación de "respaldar" el apoyo de la Casa Blanca a Israel.

"La Cena de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca, tradicionalmente un símbolo de integridad y libertad periodísticas, se ha convertido ahora en una plataforma que celebra y respalda las acciones de la administración", argumenta Code Pink en su sitio web.

Lee el artículo completo sobre la Cena de Corresponsales de la Casa Blanca por Andrea Vacchiano

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

La activista antiisraelí Linda Sarsour habla en Princeton: "Os situáis en una larga historia de libertad

Linda Sarsour, activista política más conocida por su labor durante la Marcha de las Mujeres de 2017, intervino el sábado en una concentración contra Israel en la Universidad de Princeton.

Sarsour, que es palestino-estadounidense, aplaudió a la multitud por reunirse para protestar contra el ejército israelí, que está librando activamente una guerra contra militantes de Hamás.

"Aquí estáis hoy, mis sueños manifestados", dijo el activista a la multitud. "Os van a decir que estáis equivocados. Van a decir un montón de cosas sobre vosotros".

En un vídeo publicado en las redes sociales, Sarsour también comparó a la multitud con los manifestantes de la guerra de Vietnam durante su discurso.

"He venido a recordaros que lo mismo que dirán ahora de vosotros, lo dijeron de los estudiantes que se levantaron contra la guerra de Vietnam", dijo. "Dijeron lo mismo de los estudiantes que se levantaron contra el apartheid sudafricano. Así que no estáis haciendo nada nuevo".

"Estás en una larga historia de libertad y liberación para todos los pueblos, incluido el pueblo palestino".

Sarsour también defendió el uso del cántico divisivo "Del río al mar" mientras se dirigía a la multitud.

"Ha habido gente que se ha pasado horas de la televisión nacional escribiendo dos mil palabras sobre 'Del río al mar, Palestina será libre'. Eso es sólo una indicación para que sigas diciéndolo", dijo.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Estudiante judío denuncia a Princeton por permitir banderas de grupos terroristas y antisemitismo en el campus

Un estudiante judío de primer año de la Universidad de Princeton relató el virulento antisemitismo que presenció en el campus de la Ivy League en una acampada de protesta antiisraelí esta semana.

Maximillian Meyer, de Nueva York, declaró a Fox News Digital que los manifestantes enarbolaron banderas de Hezbolá y entonaron cánticos en apoyo de Hamás cuando la oleada de activismo antiisraelí que sigue bañando algunas de las principales instituciones de Estados Unidos llegó a Princeton, haciendo que los estudiantes judíos temieran asistir a clase y participar en la vida estudiantil normal. 

"Lo más loco para mí es el hecho de que vi la bandera de Hezbolá varias veces, y ni siquiera me escandalicé", dijo Meyer en una entrevista. "Y pensé que eso es más emblemático de la podredumbre moral que se ha apoderado de nuestros campus universitarios -de nuestros llamados campus universitarios de élite- que cualquier otra cosa. El hecho de que no sólo tengamos banderas de Hezbolá, no sólo haya cánticos de apoyo a los Houthis, cánticos de apoyo a Hamás, sino que ni siquiera nos sorprenda. Se ha vuelto omnipresente. Y eso es devastador".

Lee el artículo completo sobre la Universidad de Princeton por Chris Pandolfo y Haley Chi-Sing

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Un estudiante de la Universidad George Washington y un graduado de Wake Forest reaccionan a las protestas contra Israel: "No es seguro

Dos jóvenes se unieron recientemente al Canal Fox News el sábado por la tarde para hablar de las destructivas protestas antiisraelíes en las universidades de todo Estados Unidos.

Sabrina Soffer, estudiante de la Universidad George Washington, y Yasmine Lame, recién licenciada de Wake Forest, criticaron a los agitadores por amenazar a estudiantes judíos.

"Como estudiante judío que soy hoy en la Universidad George Washington, estoy realmente consternado por lo que está ocurriendo", dijo Soffer. "Pero sinceramente no me sorprende, y los estudiantes judíos no están seguros, ni lo han estado".

El actual estudiante universitario culpó al profesorado de izquierdas de la radicalización de los estudiantes de la GWU.

"Esto se ha estado gestando como resultado de una combinación de profesorado radical que ha sido contratado por la universidad y al que se le ha permitido enseñar sin que haya diversidad en ese grupo de profesores, además de una administración débil que se niega a hacer cumplir sus políticas", añadió.

Lame contó a Fox News que, en un mitin, una de sus amigas judías de la UCLA fue empujada desde una cornisa y casi se abre el cráneo.

"Creo que es necesario tomar medidas enérgicas contra este caos que se está produciendo en el campus, porque, en última instancia, negarse a tomar medidas enérgicas es permitir que se imponga esta especie de gobierno de la turba", declaró. "Permitir la afirmación de que esto es libertad de expresión, que no lo es, porque la libertad de protestar, de la que estoy totalmente a favor am , está conduciendo en realidad al acoso de estudiantes judíos".

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

La policía de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona detiene a casi 70 manifestantes en una gran manifestación contra Israel

La policía detuvo la madrugada del sábado a 69 manifestantes antiisraelíes en la Universidad Estatal de Arizona (ASU) por su "acampada no autorizada", según un nuevo comunicado de prensa.

"La policía de la ASU detuvo a 69 personas a primera hora del sábado por allanamiento de morada después de que instalaran un campamento no autorizado, violando la política de la universidad", decía un comunicado de la policía. "Los campamentos están prohibidos en las propiedades de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona. Pueden celebrarse manifestaciones legales excepto durante la noche, entre las 23.00 y las 5.00 horas".

Las autoridades también añadieron que la mayoría de los manifestantes no tenían ninguna relación con la propia universidad, y que se les advirtió "en múltiples ocasiones" antes de proceder a las detenciones.

"Un grupo de personas -la mayoría de las cuales no eran estudiantes, profesores ni empleados de la ASU- crearon un campamento y una manifestación que continuó hasta las 11 de la noche, momento en que se ordenó al grupo varias veces que se dispersara", añade la declaración. "Las personas que se negaron a marcharse tras múltiples advertencias fueron detenidas y acusadas de allanamiento criminal".

"Aunque la universidad seguirá siendo un entorno que acoge la libertad de expresión, la primera prioridad de la ASU es crear un entorno seguro que apoye la enseñanza y el aprendizaje". 

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Estudiante de último curso de la USC: La escuela debería haber puesto recursos para asegurar el comienzo

Morgan Farrier, estudiante de la Universidad del Sur de California, se unió a "Fox & Friends" el sábado para hablar de la decisión de su escuela de cancelar su ceremonia de graduación debido a las protestas contra Israel.

Farrier, corresponsal de Campus Reform, un sitio web conservador que cubre la educación superior, dijo que la universidad podría haber hecho más para asegurarse de que los estudiantes que pagaron la matrícula pudieran tener una ceremonia de graduación normal.

"Eso es lo más triste. Tienen una dotación de 7.300 millones de dólares, por lo que ciertamente había cosas que podían hacer y recursos de los que podían tirar que podrían haber evitado que esto llegara a esta situación", dijo Farrier. 

La USC anunció el jueves que cancelaba su ceremonia de graduación en el escenario principal para los graduados de 2024, ya que las protestas antiisraelíes han paralizado su campus. 

"Con las nuevas medidas de seguridad implantadas este año, el tiempo necesario para procesar al gran número de invitados que acuden al campus aumentará sustancialmente. En consecuencia, no podremos celebrar la ceremonia del escenario principal, que tradicionalmente reúne en nuestro campus a 65.000 estudiantes, familiares y amigos, todos al mismo tiempo y durante un breve espacio de tiempo de 8.30 a 10.00 horas", declaró la USC en su sitio web.

Farrier reconoció que hay "problemas logísticos" por tener que reorganizar la ceremonia de graduación en sólo dos semanas, pero insistió en que deben ser los estudiantes quienes elijan si quieren esperar en las largas colas de seguridad para asistir a la ceremonia principal. 

"Creo que la ceremonia de graduación es algo importante para muchos estudiantes, es el tipo de cosa a la que deberías estar dispuesto a destinar parte de tus recursos", dijo. 

Fox News Joseph A. Wulfsohn, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

La policía de la Universidad de Indiana detiene a más manifestantes en Dunn Meadow

Varios agentes de policía de la Universidad de Indiana fueron vistos el sábado en un enfrentamiento con manifestantes antiisraelíes en el campus de la universidad. 

Entre 40 y 50 agentes con equipo antidisturbios fueron vistos avanzando hacia un campamento instalado en Dunn Meadow, informó el Indiana Daily Student. 

Un vídeo compartido por el periódico estudiantil independiente mostraba a manifestantes enfrentándose a la policía, con varias personas detenidas. Se oían cánticos de "cerdos, marchaos a casa" dirigidos a los agentes.

Tras las detenciones, la policía del estado de Indiana rodeó a los manifestantes, que coreaban que Israel es un "Estado terrorista", según mostró un vídeo compartido en las redes sociales. 

Las protestas contra Israel en la Universidad de Indiana continuaron el sábado, después de que el jueves se detuviera a 33 manifestantes. La protesta fue organizada por la Coalición por la Desinversión de la Universidad de Indiana, uno de los varios grupos presentes actualmente en los campus universitarios de todo el país que exigen a las instituciones de enseñanza que desinviertan de Israel.

Un portavoz de la Universidad de Indiana dijo a la emisora de noticias local FOX59 que, aunque la escuela fomenta la libertad de expresión y el diálogo abierto, las protestas deben realizarse de acuerdo con las políticas de la universidad.

"La Universidad Indiana de Bloomington es un campus en el que fomentamos y respetamos la libertad de expresión y el diálogo abierto", declaró la universidad. "Para garantizar la seguridad de la comunidad de IU y evitar la interrupción de las operaciones universitarias, la actividad expresiva debe realizarse de acuerdo con las políticas de libertad de expresión y eventos de la universidad. Esto incluye el cumplimiento de las políticas que exigen la aprobación previa para la instalación de estructuras temporales."

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

GW Law traslada los exámenes finales a causa de las protestas estudiantiles

La Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad George Washington ha trasladado los exámenes finales debido al campamento instalado en University Yard.

La decana Dayna Bowen Matthew anunció medidas para garantizar que los exámenes se celebrasen el jueves en un "lugar tranquilo y seguro", ya que los manifestantes antiisraelíes interrumpieron el funcionamiento normal de la escuela. 

"Permítanme hacer hincapié en que no hay nada que amenace su seguridad en este momento, pero sin embargo ustedes son nuestra principal preocupación. Para proteger vuestra seguridad y la integridad de nuestro programa académico, estamos reubicando los exámenes finales de los estudiantes", dijo Matthew en un mensaje de vídeo. 

El sábado por la mañana se vio a manifestantes bloqueando la mitad de University Yard con tiendas de campaña. Había presencia policial y alrededor de una docena de manifestantes poco antes de las 11 de la mañana.

Los funcionarios han instalado barricadas que dividen el Patio y confinan la acampada a su mitad norte, separando a los manifestantes de los pabellones Lisner y Bell, así como de GW Law. 

Un funcionario dijo que los estudiantes seguirán teniendo acceso a los baños de Corcoran Hall. Los manifestantes colocaron sus tiendas a ras de la barricada. 

Fox News' Leah Crawley contribuyó a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Los manifestantes de Columbia se encuentran en un punto muerto con la administración escolar, no se vislumbra el fin de la acampada

Los estudiantes de la Universidad de Columbia que organizan una acampada antiisraelí en el campus dijeron el viernes a Associated Press que no se había avanzado en las negociaciones con la administración de la escuela.

Se cumplió el plazo para que los estudiantes desmantelaran su campamento, pero las tiendas siguen en pie. Los activistas estudiantiles afirman que la escuela no ha cumplido sus exigencias de desinvertir en Israel, poner fin a la vigilancia policial en el campus y publicar una declaración pidiendo un alto el fuego inmediato en Gaza, entre otras demandas.

"No descansaremos hasta que Columbia se desprenda", afirmó Jonathan Ben-Menachem, estudiante de doctorado de cuarto curso.

Funcionarios de Columbia habían afirmado anteriormente que las conversaciones estaban progresando. 

"Tenemos nuestras exigencias; ellos tienen las suyas", declaró el portavoz de la universidad Ben Chang, añadiendo que si fracasan las conversaciones, Columbia tendrá que considerar otras opciones.

Pero mientras las negociaciones están en punto muerto, la presidenta de Columbia, Minouche Shafik, se enfrenta a peticiones de miembros del profesorado para que se investigue su liderazgo.

El Senado de la Universidad de Columbia votó 62-14 a favor de una resolución que alega que Shafik, que lleva menos de un año en el cargo, violó los protocolos establecidos cuando autorizó al Departamento de Policía de Nueva York (NYPD) a entrar en el campus y detener a manifestantes la semana pasada.

Concretamente, se acusa a Shafik de violar los derechos procesales de estudiantes y profesores cuando autorizó a los agentes a entrar en el campus.

"La administración y el Senado comparten el mismo objetivo de restablecer la calma en el campus, para que todos puedan proseguir sus actividades educativas", declaró la universidad. "Estamos comprometidos con un diálogo continuo y agradecemos el compromiso constructivo del Senado para encontrar un camino hacia adelante".

Fox News Greg Wehner, de Digital, y Associated Press contribuyeron a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

UT Austin suspende la sección del Comité de Solidaridad con Palestina, según el grupo

La Universidad de Texas en Austin ha suspendido su sección del Comité de Solidaridad con Palestina (PSC) por su participación en las protestas antiisraelíes de esta semana en el campus.

El PSC dijo en un post de Instagram que la suspensión era un "ataque a la libertad de expresión" y acusó al presidente de la escuela, Jay Hartzell, y al gobernador de Texas, Greg Abbott, de autorizar a la policía a "atacar violentamente y detener a manifestantes en el campus." 

"Reconocemos las tácticas de intimidación de la UT por lo que son: nuestra suspensión es el último caso de una pauta de censura. La represión de nuestra libertad de expresión por parte de la Universidad de Texas refuerza una narrativa racista que devalúa la vida palestina", declaró el PSC. 

El miércoles, Hartzell hizo pública una declaración en la que defendía inequívocamente su decisión de clausurar una protesta antiisraelí en el campus, en la que fueron detenidas más de 30 personas.

"Nuestras normas importan y se harán cumplir", dijo en una extensa declaración en la que reconocía que había "mucha emoción en torno a estos acontecimientos".

"Éste ha sido un día difícil para muchos", escribió Hartzell en una declaración dirigida a la comunidad de UT-Austin. "Hemos sido testigos de mucha actividad que normalmente no experimentamos en nuestro campus, y es comprensible que haya mucha emoción en torno a estos acontecimientos".

"Hoy, nuestra Universidad se ha mantenido firme, haciendo cumplir nuestras normas y protegiendo al mismo tiempo el derecho constitucional a la libertad de expresión. Las protestas pacíficas dentro de nuestras normas son aceptables. No se permite infringir nuestras normas y políticas ni perturbar la capacidad de aprendizaje de los demás. El grupo que dirigió esta protesta declaró que iba a violar las Normas Institucionales. Nuestras normas son importantes y se harán cumplir. Nuestra Universidad no será ocupada", añadió el presidente.

Fox News Lawrence Richard, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

La Asociación de Gobierno Estudiantil del Emerson College vota en contra de la confianza en el Presidente Bernhardt

La Asociación de Gobierno Estudiantil del Emerson College ha votado en contra de la confianza en el presidente Jay Bernhardt tras la detención de más de 100 manifestantes antiisraelíes en el campus.

La SGA de Emerson dijo el viernes que la votación a puerta cerrada había sido unánime y publicó una resolución en la que pedía la dimisión inmediata del presidente de la escuela. La resolución condenaba "la violencia ejercida por la policía de Boston y la policía estatal de Massachusetts contra los manifestantes" y acusaba a Bernhardt de no reconocer ni condenar dicha violencia, informó la emisora local de noticias 10 Boston. 

La votación se produjo después de que el martes fueran detenidas 118 personas en la acampada antiisraelí del callejón Boylston Place.

El Consejo de Administración del Emerson College emitió una declaración defendiendo a Bernhardt tras la votación.

"En un momento en que la libertad de expresión y la propia educación superior se ven asediadas por fuerzas externas, el Consejo de Administración del Emerson College anima a nuestra comunidad a unirse. Las diferencias que podamos tener hoy dentro de Emerson son matices de una visión compartida del diálogo civil, la protesta pacífica y el respeto a la diversidad humana. Elegimos a Jay Bernhardt como líder transformador capaz de unirnos en tiempos difíciles. La junta sigue confiando en el liderazgo del presidente Bernhardt y apoya inequívocamente su presidencia." 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

La policía detiene a 100 personas en la Universidad Northeastern, según un portavoz

La policía de la Universidad Northeastern y las fuerzas del orden locales detuvieron a unas 100 personas que estaban acampadas en Centennial Quad violando las políticas de la escuela, según una portavoz de la universidad.

De los detenidos, los que presentaron un documento de identidad válido del Noreste fueron puestos en libertad, dijo Renata Nyul, vicepresidenta de comunicación. 

"Se enfrentarán a procedimientos disciplinarios dentro de la universidad, no a acciones legales", declaró Nyul a Boston 25 News en un comunicado. "Los que se negaron a revelar su afiliación fueron detenidos", añadió.

Alrededor de las 8 de la mañana, los manifestantes formaron una cadena humana e impidieron que los vehículos policiales salieran del campus. Pero la policía encontró una ruta alternativa para salir del campus por la calle Leon y dando la vuelta a Ryder Hall, según el Huntington News, periódico estudiantil independiente. 

Aproximadamente 100 estudiantes manifestantes permanecieron en el campus y, al parecer, se les oyó corear "sólo somos estudiantes" y "Los policías buenos dimiten". 

Una transmisión de vídeo en directo desde el campus muestra que decenas de personas siguen protestando, coreando: "Sólo hay una solución, la revolución de la Intifada". 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

La Universidad Northeastern responde después de que los manifestantes gritaran "Matad a los judíos

Un portavoz de la Universidad Northeastern dijo que la policía del campus está coordinando con las fuerzas del orden locales la retirada del campamento antiisraelí en Centennial Quad el sábado por la mañana.

En un comunicado, Renata Nyul, vicepresidenta de Comunicaciones de Northeastern, dijo que una manifestación estudiantil fue "infiltrada" por organizadores externos que hicieron burdas declaraciones antisemitas que no se toleran en el campus de Northeastern.

"A primera hora de esta mañana, el Departamento de Policía de la Universidad Northeastern (NUPD) -en colaboración con las fuerzas del orden locales- comenzó a desalojar un campamento no autorizado en el campus universitario de Boston", declaró Nyul. 

"Lo que comenzó como una manifestación estudiantil hace dos días, fue infiltrada por organizadores profesionales sin afiliación a Northeastern. Anoche, el uso de virulentos insultos antisemitas, incluido 'Matad a los judíos', cruzó la línea. No podemos tolerar este tipo de odio en nuestro campus".

Según el Boston Globe, hacia las 11 de la noche del viernes, un puñado de estudiantes judíos se sentaron en sillas frente al campamento e izaron una bandera israelí. Mientras los activistas antiisraelíes coreaban "Liberad Palestina", los estudiantes judíos replicaron: "Liberad a los rehenes". 

Un par de abogados estaban cerca, documentando el intercambio en vídeo, y aconsejaron a los presentes: "No os enfrentéis", informó el Boston Globe. También estaba presente un agente de policía de Northeastern, que intentó calmar la situación. 

Sin embargo, en un momento dado, un individuo gritó "Matad a los judíos" y otros "No tenéis derecho a existir" a dos contramanifestantes judíos que sostenían la bandera israelí. Más tarde, la policía del campus escoltó a los hombres fuera del campamento, informó el Boston Globe. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

La policía interviene y desaloja un campamento en la Universidad Northeastern

Agentes de policía con equipo antidisturbios trabajaron a primera hora de la mañana del sábado para desalojar un campamento antiisraelí en la Universidad Northeastern de Boston, donde se habían reunido unos 100 manifestantes.

La policía estatal y los agentes del campus se encontraron con los manifestantes en Centennial Quad hacia las 5.30 de la mañana y les advirtieron que abandonaran la zona, informó el Boston Globe. Poco después, la policía habría levantado barricadas metálicas alrededor del campamento para impedir la entrada. 

Los medios de comunicación locales mostraron cómo varios manifestantes eran escoltados con los brazos en la espalda. No está claro cuántas personas fueron detenidas.

Michael Armini, vicepresidente senior de asuntos externos de Northeastern, declaró al Boston Globe que los funcionarios de la administración habían "intentado hablar con los estudiantes varias veces" desde que se levantó el campamento el jueves, pero que no lo habían conseguido.

Un portavoz de la universidad dijo a Boston 25 News que la acampada constituye una violación del Código de Conducta Estudiantil de la escuela. 

El jueves, el Decano de Estudiantes de la Universidad, Chong Kim-Wong, visitó la protesta con un megáfono y advirtió a los participantes de que se pediría que abandonaran el campus a quienes no tuvieran carné de estudiante de Northeastern.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

La Unión de la Juventud Palestina pide que aumenten las revueltas estudiantiles en todo el mundo

La PDYU saluda el levantamiento estudiantil en las universidades estadounidenses y hace un llamamiento a las fuerzas estudiantiles internacionales y árabes para que actúen en diversas universidades en apoyo de Gaza y rechacen la continuación de la agresión y las masacres.

- La Secretaría General de la Unión de la Juventud Democrática Palestina

La Secretaría General de la Unión de la Juventud Democrática Palestina "PDYU" elogió el levantamiento antiisraelí en las universidades estadounidenses y pidió a las fuerzas estudiantiles internacionales y árabes que aumentaran sus acciones no sólo en Estados Unidos, sino en todo el mundo.

La organización publicó una declaración en la red social Telegram el sábado por la mañana.

"La PDYU saluda a las masas estudiantiles que se levantaron hace unos días en las universidades de Estados Unidos de América, y cuyo levantamiento y revolución fue provocado por el Campamento de Solidaridad con Gaza en la Universidad de Columbia de Nueva York, para declarar una posición estudiantil moral, humana y política audaz, valiente y heroica de denuncia de la política estadounidense", escribieron.

"La escalada del levantamiento estudiantil y su llegada a decenas de universidades de Estados Unidos de América y su expansión a varias universidades de algunos países europeos y occidentales confirma la toma de conciencia de las nuevas generaciones, su defensa de los valores humanos, su adopción de la narrativa palestina, de los derechos del pueblo palestino y de la justicia de su causa, y su comprensión de la verdad y de la tragedia palestina de la que son responsables los países imperialistas que patrocinan la ocupación."

El movimiento antiisraelí en Estados Unidos alcanzó su punto álgido esta semana cuando una acampada estudiantil invadió el césped de la Universidad de Columbia, una escuela de la Ivy League en la ciudad de Nueva York. El martes se produjeron más de 100 detenciones en el campus.

El movimiento se extendió a NYU, Yale, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, USC, la Universidad Estatal de Arizona y la Universidad de Texas, entre muchas otras. A finales de semana, la policía de todo el país logró frenar las manifestaciones, y se produjeron detenciones sin apenas heridos.

El miércoles se produjeron más de 100 detenciones colectivas entre manifestantes de la USC y de la UT-Austin. En Austin, unos dos tercios de los manifestantes fueron puestos en libertad con cargos retirados.

La mayoría de los cargos de detención en todo el país han sido por allanamiento de morada.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

La policía desmantela los campamentos del Estado de Arizona tras desalojar a los manifestantes

Se puede ver a la policía derribando campamentos en la Universidad Estatal de Arizona el sábado por la mañana temprano y arrojando material a la parte trasera de un camión grande.

Las fuerzas del orden habían ordenado anteriormente a todos los manifestantes antiisraelíes que abandonaran el campus de Tempe o serían detenidos. Ya se han producido algunas detenciones.

Un periodista dijo que algunos de los que ayudan a despejar las zonas del campamento son contramanifestantes, pero Fox News Digital no pudo confirmarlo.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

La policía detiene a manifestantes en la Universidad Estatal de Arizona, uno de los campus más poblados del país

La policía se enfrentó a manifestantes antiisraelíes en el campus de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona a última hora de la noche del viernes, y ya se han producido detenciones. La ASU es uno de los campus universitarios más poblados del país, con más de 74.000 estudiantes.

Mientras las protestas se prolongaban hasta medianoche en el campus de Tempe, la policía llegó para calmarlas y dispersarlas. Un vídeo tuiteado muestra a dos miembros de las fuerzas del orden enviando un mensaje a través de un altavoz.

"En nombre del Estado de Arizona, declaro que esta reunión constituye una violación del ars 13-1502 a1 de allanamiento criminal, y os ordeno que abandonéis la propiedad inmediatamente", resonaron las palabras a través del altavoz mientras los manifestantes se hacían más ruidosos. "Los que no abandonen inmediatamente el lugar serán detenidos".

Se oía a los manifestantes gritar a lo lejos: "Palestina libre". Mientras tanto, la policía ordenó a los manifestantes que se dirigieran hacia una determinada avenida para desalojar la propiedad.

Otros tuits muestran policías llevándose a manifestantes con las manos atadas a la espalda. Los primeros informes indican que se detuvo a media docena de manifestantes.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

Columbia no tiene previsto llamar a la policía de Nueva York para que vuelva al campus por las protestas contra Israel

Hace un tiempo, esta semana, la policía de Nueva York tenía agentes antidisturbios y antiterroristas en el campus de la Universidad de Columbia. Los manifestantes antiisraelíes temían que la gobernadora de Nueva York, Kathy Hochul, llamara incluso a la Guardia Nacional del estado, ya que las protestas eran cada día más intensas.

Tres días más tarde, y sólo dos días después de que la policía de Nueva York se retirara finalmente del campus, las autoridades de Columbia dijeron que ya no tenían intención de necesitar los servicios de la policía de Nueva York.

"En una ocasión pedimos a la policía de Nueva York que desalojara un campamento, pero todos compartimos la opinión, basada en las conversaciones mantenidas dentro de nuestra comunidad y con expertos externos, de que traer de nuevo a la policía de Nueva York en este momento sería contraproducente, exacerbaría aún más lo que está ocurriendo en el campus y atraería a nuestra puerta a miles de personas que amenazarían a nuestra comunidad", escribieron el viernes en un correo electrónico la presidenta de la Universidad, Minouche Shafik, los copresidentes del Consejo de Administración, Claire Shipman y David Greenwald, y la rectora de la Universidad, Angela Olinto.

"Los cánticos, pancartas, burlas y publicaciones en las redes sociales de nuestros propios estudiantes que se burlan y amenazan con 'matar' a judíos son totalmente inaceptables, y los estudiantes de Columbia que estén implicados en tales incidentes tendrán que rendir cuentas", continúa el correo electrónico. "Podemos informar de que un individuo cuyos viles vídeos han salido a la luz en los últimos días tiene ahora prohibida la entrada en el campus".

Los manifestantes empezaron a ocupar el campus con tiendas de campaña el 17 de abril, y el punto de presión llegó a principios de esta semana, cuando más de 100 de ellos fueron detenidos. Columbia fijó la medianoche del martes como fecha límite para que los manifestantes desalojaran la zona, pero finalmente se retrasó 48 horas mientras los administradores negociaban con los líderes de la protesta.

Las protestas antiisraelíes pronto se extendieron a los campus de todo el país, desde Boston a Texas y California.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

Un alto mando de la policía de Nueva York dice que los agitadores de los campus universitarios son "manifestantes profesionales

El subcomisario de la policía de Nueva York, Kaz Daughtry, tuiteó lo que muchos administradores del campus ya habían declarado, pero lo hizo suyo el viernes por la noche.

"Lo que podría haber empezado como un grupo de estudiantes [de la Universidad de Columbia] que querían expresar su derecho constitucional a protestar ha atraído a multitudes de agitadores externos que intentan secuestrar una protesta pacífica y convertirla en algo mucho más siniestro", tuiteó Daughtry.

"La policía de Nueva York ve a estos mismos grupos de manifestantes profesionales todas las noches en diversas manifestaciones, independientemente del mensaje; a veces cambian de bando según la semana. Esos mismos agitadores externos siguen vomitando odio y antisemitismo".

Daughtry dijo que la policía de Nueva York seguirá apoyando las protestas pacíficas, pero que el departamento también está dispuesto a "abordar lo que está ocurriendo en la Universidad de Columbia en cuanto el presidente de la universidad nos permita entrar en su propiedad privada."

Más de 100 manifestantes fueron detenidos en la Universidad de Columbia durante las protestas contra Israel a principios de esta semana. Los manifestantes instalaron campamentos en el césped del campus y, al parecer, acosaron a estudiantes judíos.

Las protestas de Columbia desencadenaron una tormenta de manifestaciones en todo el país, desde las escuelas de la Ivy League en la costa este hasta la USC en la costa oeste, pasando por escuelas como Texas y Minnesota.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

Estudiante de Columbia expulsado del campus tras comentarios sobre "sionistas asesinos

El estudiante de la Universidad de Columbia que habló de "asesinar sionistas" ha sido "expulsado del campus" el viernes, según un portavoz de la universidad.

El júnior Khymani James expresó su "arrepentimiento" a primera hora del viernes, después de que se hiciera viral en Internet por haber sugerido anteriormente que la gente debería estar "agradecida" por no estar "asesinando sionistas", a los que comparó con"supremacistas blancos" y "nazis".

Without explicitly mentioning what they were, James copped to inflammatory comments that were first reported by The Daily Wire, during a livestream of an official Columbia inquiry in January.

"En realidad, espero que me echen porque quiero viajar a Sudamérica", dijo James sobre si seguiría siendo estudiante de Columbia durante la retransmisión en directo.

University sources told Fox News Digital disciplinary proceedings are now underway.

Haz clic aquí para leer más.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News’ Alexa Moutevelis.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

Truck displaying anti-Israel rhetoric parks at George Washington University

A truck with a sign parked at the George Washington University campus on Friday, displaying anti-Israel messages.

The GW Hatchet, a student paper at the university, reported the truck parked on campus by the Lisner Auditorium, near 21st and H streets.

Some of the slogans the truck displayed include “Genocide Joe, how many kids have you starved today,” as well as “Ceasefire Now.”

The sign also displayed, “Disclose, Divest,” and “Protest Palestinian Students.”

The publication also reported the sign on the truck showed images of children who were killed in Gaza, like 10-year-old Yazan Kafarneh, who died in March of starvation.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

La Universidad de GW confirma que en las protestas antiisraelíes participaron personas ajenas a la escuela

George Washington University officials confirmed Friday that several outsiders joined protests at the school’s campus this week.

On Thursday, anti-Israel protesters set up an encampment on the University Yard, which officials say violated numerous university policies, including unauthorized use of a reserved space and failing to comply with administrative directions. The University Lawn was being held for GW Law finals, officials said.

Campus police advised the protesters early Thursday that they needed to leave the University Yard  and go to another protest site provided by the school, where they could peacefully protest until 7 p.m.

But protesters failed to relocate, despite being told to leave several times. As a result, campus police requested assistance from the DC Metropolitan Police, to ensure the safety and security of all community members.

The majority of the crowd left, though some of the students remained. The remaining protesters were told at 12:30 p.m. on Friday that they were in violation of several university policies, including trespassing.

The protesters were also told that any student remaining in the University Yard may be placed on temporary suspension and “administratively barred from campus.”

School officials said several students have been notified of their suspensions.

In addition to students, the officials said there were several non-affiliated individuals, or outsiders, who joined the protest. The university has since taken steps to prevent these individuals from accessing the University Yard. The school was also aware of offensive signs, which GW officials said they do not believe was being held by anyone associated with the university. 

Publicado por Greg Wehner

El senado político de la Universidad de Columbia aprueba una resolución para investigar a la dirección de la escuela

The Columbia University Senate voted in favor of a resolution calling for an investigation into the school’s leadership, amid anti-Israel protests that have taken place for over a week at the campus.

A source within the school’s leadership confirmed the details of the resolution, saying it was adopted by a vote of 62-14, with three senate members abstaining.

The resolution alleges President Minouche Shafik violated established protocols when she authorized the New York City Police Department (NYPD) to enter the campus and arrest protesters last week.

Concretamente, se acusa a Shafik de violar los derechos procesales de estudiantes y profesores cuando autorizó a los agentes a entrar en el campus.

The University Senate does not have the authority to remove Shafik, as it is the University’s policy making body, which is made up of students, faculty and administrators.

“The administration and Senate share the same goal of restoring calm to campus so everyone can pursue their educational activities,” the University said. “We are committed to an ongoing dialogue and appreciate the Senate’s constructive engagement in finding a pathway forward.”

Fox News Channel's CB Cotton contributed to this report.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

Cal Poly Humboldt cierra el campus hasta el 10 de mayo debido a una ocupación de protesta antiisraelí

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt announced Friday that it will close its campus through May 10 due to the occupation of Siemens Hall and Nelson Hall East.

“The occupation of Siemens Hall and Nelson Hall East is causing ongoing inability to open other campus facilities,” a statement from the university read. “Since Monday night, protestors have attempted several times to break into multiple locked buildings with the intention of either locking themselves in, vandalizing, or stealing equipment. Vandalism and theft have continued across campus.”

Officials said the campus will be closed through May 10, and work and academic instruction will take place remotely.

Anti-Israel protesters provided university officials with a list of demands including the disclosure of all holdings and collaborations with Israel; cutting all ties with Israeli universities; divesting from companies and corporations complicit in the occupation of Palestine; and dropping all charges against, and halting the harassment of student organizers by law enforcement.

Officials responded to the demands in a letter, keeping the door open to further discussions.

Officials also said their policy is “content-neutral” when it comes to speech and assembly, while also ensuring the rights of the rest of the campus community to a safe and secure environment are protected. 

Publicado por Greg Wehner

Los congresistas de NY presentan una ley que obliga a las universidades a abordar el antisemitismo o perderán los fondos federales

Two congressional lawmakers from different sides of the aisle, both of whom represent New York, are introducing legislation in response to antisemitic protests that have created a hostile environment for Jewish students at Columbia University, putting their safety and well-being at risk.

Reps. Mike Lawler, a Republican, and Ritchie Torres, a Democrat, announced the College Oversight and Legal Updates Mandating Bias Investigations and Accountability (COLUMBIA) Act on Friday, which, if passed, would give the U.S. Department of Education the power to impose a third-party antisemitism monitor to colleges receiving federal funding.

"Rising antisemitism on our college campuses is a major concern, and we must act to ensure the safety of students," Lawler said. "If colleges will not step up to protect their students, Congress must act."

If passed, colleges and universities that fail to comply with the monitorship would face losing federal funding.

Haz clic aquí para leer más.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

El presidente del Centro para la Memoria del Holocausto compara a las turbas antiisraelíes de Columbia con los nazis

Dani Dayan, the chairman of Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, wrote a letter to Columbia University President Minouche Shafik on Friday, April 26, to warn her about potential consequences should the anti-Israeli sentiment continue to foster and grow.

"Heidelberg University in Germany was not less prestigious than Columbia," Dayan wrote. "In the 1920s it was a center of liberal thinking. A decade later a mob of Heidelberg students burned Jewish and other 'corrupt' books in Universitätsplatz (‘University Square’). Its faculty developed pseudo-academic fields like race theory, eugenics and forced euthanasia. Heidelberg did have administrators. Unfortunately, it lacked moral leadership."

Y añadió: "El pueblo judío estuvo disperso durante dos milenios, sometido a persecuciones, conversiones forzadas, discriminación, pogromos y, finalmente, al exterminio de seis millones de judíos en el Holocausto. Regresamos a nuestra patria ancestral. Perseguir la destrucción y el borrado del Estado judío no es menos abominable que las leyes raciales. ¿Será Columbia recordada como Heidelberg? En gran medida, depende de usted, señora".

Haz clic aquí para leer más.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News’ Lawrence Richard.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

Protestas antiisraelíes en todo el país alimentadas por grupos de izquierda respaldados por Soros y dinero negro

Progressive anti-Israel agitators across the country, including those who mobilized at New York City’s Columbia University, are associated with groups tied to far-left groups with radical associations backed by dark money and liberal mega-donor George Soros.

National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), a national organization affiliated with around 200 independent chapters, has had a vocal presence at Columbia University in recent days and at one point said it had walked away from talks with school leaders until administrators pledge not to have them arrested or forcefully removed from their encampment on the Ivy League institution's West Lawn.

NSJP operates under Westchester Peace Action Committee Foundation (WESPAC), a fiscal sponsor, whom Fox News Digital previously reported received a six-figure donation from a nonprofit bankrolled by the Soros network. WESPAC, whose funding is largely unknown, has espoused anti-Israel rhetoric for years, including accusing the government of "apartheid," "ethnic cleansing," "collective punishment" and "war crimes," according to NGO Monitor.

Haz clic aquí para leer más.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News’ Andrew Mark Miller.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

La exestrella de la MLB que se presenta al Senado defiende un plan para recortar el dinero federal destinado a las escuelas que permite los disturbios

Former MLB star and U.S. Senate candidate Steve Garvey said if elected, he'd push for Ivy League colleges and universities to appear before Congress to testify about their failure to protect their Jewish students.

"At this time, next year, as a sitting U.S. senator, I would call to have committees that will talk to these presidents and leadership and ask why they haven't protected their students," the California Republican told Fox News Digital in an interview. "And if they can't protect them, let's talk about affecting them with federal funds and start to take back the federal funds.

"If you're not going to protect these Americans that are on your campus, then you're going to have to make a decision on what's important to you."

Garvey said the demonstrators on college campuses should be arrested and prosecuted "to the full extent of the law," adding the protests are "terrorism under the guise of free speech."

Haz clic aquí para leer más.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News’ Jamie Joseph.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

La Universidad de Florida establece consecuencias claras para los estudiantes y profesores que protestan de forma disruptiva

Florida's flagship university is making it clear that the disruptive anti-Israel protests occurring at colleges across the U.S. will not be tolerated on its campuses.

The University of Florida released a directive Friday spelling out what is and is not acceptable behavior for those who wish to express their right to free speech at the school, along with the consequences for students or employees who cross the line.

The memo obtained by FOX Business clarifies that demonstrators may engage in speech, expressing viewpoints and holding signs in their hands, but lists a litany of prohibited activities including "amplified sound," holding protests inside campus buildings, issuing threats or engaging in violence.

The University of Florida also noted explicitly that no tents or sleeping bags are allowed as part of demonstrations on campus, serving as a warning to activists who might want to set up a similar encampment to those that have cropped up at other schools since anti-Israel demonstrators set one up at Columbia University more than a week ago.

Haz clic aquí para leer más.

This is an excerpt from an article by Breck Dumas of Fox Business.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

Emory protesters give list of demands, including removing police and not inviting them back

Anti-Israel Protesters at Emory University said they have delivered a list of demands, including the removal of police agencies, to the president of the school.

A group of about 50 protesters marched across the university quad on Friday afternoon before gathering on the steps of the school’s administration building, demanding entry.

The activists held signs reading, “Emory Admin: opposing genocide,” and “Faculty and staff for justice in Palestine,” while they stood on the steps.

The leader of the group said Emory let the Atlanta Police Department onto the campus, adding, shame on them.

The leader also said they will not stand for a university that does not protect its students. In its list to the administration, the group  demanded protesters be released from jail.

They also demanded all police agencies be ordered off campus and not invited back, while also granting amnesty to student protesters. A brief time later, the protesters resumed marching and said their letter was delivered to the Emory University president.

The protesters dispersed back to the quad, and according to the leader, they are allowed to remain in the quad until midnight. The leader also said there will not be any police presence until then.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

Miembros del "Escuadrón" descienden al campamento de Columbia y ofrecen "apoyo" a los agitadores antiisraelíes

New York Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman, both members of the informal House group, "The Squad," were seen Friday mingling with anti-Israel agitators at Columbia University, where "support" was offered to those in the encampment established to protest the Israeli military's actions in Gaza.

In one video shared on social media, a smiling Ocasio-Cortez is shown speaking with those inside the encampment and offering her "support" for those who have become engaged in the protest.

Photographs of Bowman also circulated on social media, showing the cheerful New York Democrat listening to those who were taking part in the encampment protest. His appearance at the school came after he reportedly attended a Thursday evening Biden campaign fundraiser in Westchester County, where he was recognized for his attendance by the president.

Haz clic aquí para leer más.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Kyle Morris.

Publicado por Greg Wehner

El jefe de la policía de Nueva York a los "estudiantes con derecho a odiar" y a los profesores que enseñan el odio: "Estáis despedidos

New York City Police Department Chief John Chell told “entitled hateful students,” as well as  faculty and teachers at Columbia University and New York University who traded their educational license for a “license of hate,” to pack their belongings and get out: “You’re Fired.” 

“The pure hate, antisemitism, and overall vile language I have witnessed recently is simply disgusting. I could not begin to even know how this makes a person feel, a family or a friend,” Chell said. “Hate has no place in our society from anyone! It should be condemned by all immediately.”

He also said NYC Mayor Eric Adams and the NYPD is committed to protecting everyone from hate.

“Trust me, if we could throw handcuffs on anyone who peddled in this – we would do this every day. End of story,” Chell said.

But, as he explained, there is only so much the police department can control. In the case of Columbia University and New York University, it is up to the institutions to stand up and enforce their own rules, the chief said.

“Actions have consequences,” he said. “No more suspensions, let’s try expulsion of these entitled hateful students. Pack your belongings and get out! Let’s remove faculty and staff who have replaced their educational licenses for a license of hate – [You’re] fired!

“Your frustration and despair should not be directed toward the City of New York. We did not shut down your identification and deny your entry,” Chell added. “We don’t govern private property nor school rules while being bound by free speech. The Mayor, Police Commissioner and the NYPD will never relent in the pursuit of public safety and, here and now,  protecting our Jewish community.”

Publicado por Greg Wehner

Unos sospechosos roban y queman la bandera israelí de un hombre y le lanzan piedras a la cara: NYPD

Police say they are searching for three suspects who brazenly targeted a man carrying an Israeli flag in an antisemitic attack at Columbia University on Saturday. 

The victim, 22, was walking in the vicinity of Amsterdam Avenue and West 116 Street -- at the east side of the campus -- just before 10 p.m. when an unidentified male approached him and swiped his flag. 

The victim chased after the perpetrator who ran into a crowd of people before a separate unknown individual threw a rock at the victim, striking him in the face, according to police.

An additional unknown individual then grabbed the flag and set it on fire. 

The victim sustained minor injuries and refused medical attention.

One of the suspects is described as a male with a light complexion who is between 20 to 30 years of age. He was last seen wearing a black and yellow jacket, a black hooded sweatshirt, a black pants and white sneakers.

The incident is being investigated by the NYPD's Hate Crime Task Force. 

Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).

The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at https://crimestoppers.nypdonline.org/, or on Twitter @NYPDTips. 

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

Protesta anti-israelí en la Universidad Estatal de Arizona

A group of anti-Israel agitators set up tents at Arizona State University Friday, and several people have reportedly been taken into custody.

Video taken by ABC 15 showed protesters surrounding officers who appeared to be handcuffing a man.

Arizona State University said anyone setting up unauthorized encampments will be ordered to "dismantle them immediately."

"Failure to comply may result in being trespassed from campus and possible arrest," the university told Fox 10 Phoenix. "We prioritize the safety and well-being of the campus community and uphold policies to ensure a welcoming environment for everyone."

Posted by Michael Dorgan

AOC se une a los agitadores antiisraelíes en la Universidad de Columbia

Democratic “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y, visited Columbia University Friday in a sign of support with the anti-Israel supporters who continue to occupy a green space on the campus in violation of university rules. 

Sporting a baseball cap, Ocasio-Cortez was seen smiling and shaking hands with demonstrators inside the tent encampment, know as the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment."

Fellow squad member Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., was also seen meeting students at the campus site Friday. 

The visits come just a day after Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., visited the encampment with her daughter Isra Hirsi who was arrested at the campus last week. Photos from the duo's appearance on Columbia's campus showed a smiling Omar standing alongside her daughter as they interacted with other people who were participating in the demonstration's efforts on campus.

Bowman, last week claimed that the arrest of Hirsi was political payback for the congresswoman’s probing of the institution’s leadership the day before. Bowman said Omar had questioned Columbia leadership’s commitment to "free academic expression" during a fiery congressional hearing and the following day her daughter was arrested. 

The encampment and subsequent arrests there have triggered similar protests on college campuses throughout the country.

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

Manifestantes antiisraelíes protestan contra el presidente Biden cuando se dirigía a una ostentosa recaudación de fondos

A small group of anti-Israel demonstrators were seen protesting President Biden's motorcade as it made its way to a fundraiser hosted by actor Michael Douglas on Thursday.

The protesters were seen holding a large sign reading, "let Gaza live, ceasefire now"

One demonstrator held a sign with the words "Genocide Joe" while another sign read "People power not money power will win the election."

The fundraiser was held in the backyard of Douglas' riverfront home in Westchester, New York, where about 100 people sat under a tent to listen to both Douglas and Biden speak, the New York Post reports.

During the event, Biden suffered yet another gaffe as he mixed up the date of the Jan. 6 riots

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

Sheryl Sandberg slams anti-Israel college agitators, highlights Hamas sexual assault victims

Former Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on Friday ripped anti-Israeli protesters who are demonstrating at college campuses throughout the nation. 

Speaking on “America’s Newsroom" Sandberg said that some of those taking part in the protests are participating in hateful acts which do not constitute free speech. 

“What's going on [in] our university campuses is really not okay,” said Sandberg, the founder of "Lean In" and former chief operating officer of Facebook. 

“I'm a big believer in free speech… university is a time when you go to college. You can talk about any issue, open dialog.” 

“But when you see students yelling at the Columbia campus to a Jewish student, ‘Go back to Poland.’ When you see someone saying October 7th is going to happen to you. You had someone on your show who got her eye almost poked out at Yale, that's not okay.” 

“And the truth is, the disorder on campus, having places where people don't feel safe, that doesn't lend itself to real dialog about hard issues, that stops the honest conversations we need to have. College campuses need to keep our kids safe.” 

Sandberg was discussing her new documentary called “Screams Before Silence,” which details the harrowing accounts of victims and first responders during the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks where acts of rape and other sexual violence were committed against Jewish women. 

Sandberg said that anyone who watches her documentary would come to the conclusion that sexual assault was part of the terrorists’ plan and that sexual violence is a tool of war. 

“I think the world needs to see and acknowledge what happened here,” Sandberg said. 

Sandberg said that her documentary and her plight to raise awareness about the sexual violence of the Hamas attacks are the most significant projects of her career. 

“This has become the most important work of my life because, in this moment, we lose too much if we turn a blind eye to sexual violence and to the threat that this poses,” Sandberg said. 

“The terrorists here aren't subtle, they say ‘we're coming back,’ that ‘October 7th was just the beginning.’ They don't just say ‘death to Israel,’ they say ‘death to America.’”  

“This is a threat to our democracy and our way of life and people need to see clearly what happened and I think sexual violence really brings that home.” 

Sandberg has been attempting to highlight the brutality of the Oct. 7 attacks since they occurred. 

At an event hosted by Israel at the United Nations headquarters In December, Sandberg called out women’s organizations for being silent on the issue—with Sandberg saying, "Silence is complicity." 

“The sad truth is, almost all of the victims of this sexual violence are dead, they are gone,” Sandberg said Friday.

 “We have just a few people who are alive to tell their story, but we have first responders telling the story.”

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

Columbia protest leader expresses 'regret' for discussing 'murdering Zionists'

One of the student faces of far-left, anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, Khymani James, expressed "regret" Friday after he went viral online for previously suggesting the murder of Zionists, whom he likened to "White supremacists" and "Nazis.

Without explicitly mentioning what they were, James copped to inflammatory comments that were first reported by The Daily Wire, during a livestream of an official Columbia inquiry.

What is a Zionist? A White supremacist," James, a junior at Columbia said.

"Agradece que no salga a asesinar sionistas", dijo en otro momento. "Nunca he hecho daño a nadie en mi vida, y espero seguir así". 

"What I'm saying is that if an individual that identifies as a Zionist threatens my physical safety in person, i.e., puts their hands on me, I am going to defend myself. And in that scenario, it may come to a point where I don't know when to stop." 

In a speech to the camera, James said Zionists should "not exist."

"Me siento muy cómodo, muy cómodo, pidiendo que mueran esas personas", dijo James entonces. "Y dicho esto, Khymani está fichado".

En una declaración difundida a X el jueves, James expresó su "arrepentimiento" por parte de la retórica de su vídeo, pero también se quejó de que "agitadores de extrema derecha" descubrieran su lenguaje en primer lugar.

This is an excerpt of a story from Fox News Digital's Jeffrey Clark. Click here to read the full report.

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

La Universidad de Emory se retracta de su afirmación de que la mayoría de los agitadores eran forasteros

Emory University in Georgia backtracked on its claim that "several dozen" anti-Israel protesters "trespassed" onto campus for a Thursday demonstration that was broken up by police.

"Several dozen protesters trespassed into Emory University’s campus early Thursday morning and set up tents on the Quad," Emory University said in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

"These individuals are not members of our community," the school said. "They are activists attempting to disrupt our university as our students finish classes and prepare for finals. Emory does not tolerate vandalism or other criminal activity on campus. The Emory Police Department ordered the group to leave and contacted Atlanta Police and Georgia State Patrol for assistance."

But in an update Thursday, Cheryl Elliott, the university's vice president for public safety, said, "We have been notified that 28 individuals have been arrested, including 20 Emory community members, some of whom have been released."

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

Pro-Israel supporters gather at Columbia University: 'Bring them home, alive, now!'

About 400 Israel supporters are currently holding a rally at Columbia University to counter Palestinian supporters at the campus and to call for the safe return of hostages being currently held by Hamas.

The pro-Israel supporters could be heard chanting: "Bring them home, alive, now!"

The crowd also waved Israeli and American flags, while others held photographs of some of the hostages. The demonstrators have assembled at the main gate of Columbia University on 116th Street and Broadway.

One man who says that his sister is being held by Hamas, spoke to the crowd and pleaded for all of the hostages to be released. 

Julia Hart, a fashion designer and entrepreneur, gave a fiery speech and said that the world is ignoring the plight of the hostages. 

She said that hatred of Jews has been around since time immemorial and that her son went to Columbia University and faced antisemitism. 

Hart said he would hear from professors that Israel is “an apartheid.”  

She said that the anti-Israel protesters inside the campus would be rounded up under Sharia law. Hart added that to end the war the hostages must be released.

“It's simple,” Hart said.  

About 250 hostages were taken into captivity when Hamas militants attacked Israel’s southern border on Oct. 7 killing more than 1,200 people. About 133 hostages are currently being held.

The attack sparked the ongoing conflict in Gaza which has has resulted in tens of thousands of civilian Palestinian deaths.

Fox NewsCB Cotton ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

More than 30 anti-Israel protesters arrested at Indiana University's campus

More than 30 anti-Israel protesters were arrested at Indiana University in Bloomington Thursday afternoon as they clashed with police in riot gear, Fox 59 reports. 

The Indiana State Police (IUPD) said earlier in the day a crowd of protesters had placed tents and canopies at Dunn Meadow Park on the campus, which violated IU’s policy. 

This university violation was reportedly communicated to the protesters during the morning and afternoon, IUPD said.

The protesters were also informed that they would have been allowed to remain in Dunn Meadow if they removed the structures, according to IUPD. 

Officers made one final request for the crowd to remove the tents and canopies at around 3:45 p.m. before they began arresting those who had refused to leave. 

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office said at least 33 people had been taken away on a bus to the Monroe County Justice Center. Indiana State Police troopers also assisted with the arrests. 

Indiana University says it respects free speech and open dialogue as long as it is conducted in a manner that adheres to the college’s rules. 

"To ensure the safety and security of the IU community and to avoid disruption of university operations, expressive activity must be conducted in accordance with university free speech and events policies,” the statement reads, according to Fox 59. 

“This includes the enforcement of policies that require advanced approval for the installation of temporary structures.” 

More than a dozen anti-Israel protesters were also arrested Thursday morning in Indianapolis after blocking Meridian Street between 46th and 49th streets near the governor’s residence.

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

Columbia University's 48-hour deadline to anti-Israel agitators passes

The 48-hour deadline set by Columbia University early Wednesday has passed without an agreement with the anti-Israel agitators who have taken over the main lawn and upended campus life.

Around 3:15 a.m. Tuesday, a campus spokesperson released a statement saying there was a 48-hour window for negotiations between the university and the protesters. That deadline has now passed, and the encampment is ongoing.

Columbia said late Thursday that negotiations are still in process, and that "the talks have shown progress."

"For several days, a small group of faculty, administrators, and University Senators have been in dialogue with student organizers to discuss the basis for dismantling the encampment, dispersing, and following University policies going forward," the school said. "We have our demands; they have theirs."

The New York Police Department reiterated on social media Thursday that officers cannot enter the private campus without permission from the university, unless in case of an emergency or crime in process.

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

Los disturbios en el campus se extienden a la Universidad Estatal de Ohio, varios detenidos en enfrentamientos con la policía

More than a dozen demonstrators were arrested at Ohio State University Thursday, according to The Columbus Dispatch.

Videos posted online shows police in riot gear clashing with the crowd late Thursday, the Columbus campus becoming the latest scene of anti-Israel protests sweeping the nation.

Hundreds of pro-Palestine supporters had gathered in the South Oval green space area of the campus at around 5 p.m., calling on the university to divest its investments with Israel-linked companies.

At 7:30 p.m., Ohio State police officers began repeatedly telling the crowd to disperse and they refused.

By 10 p.m. dozens of police, including Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers surrounded the protesters and and just before 11 p.m., police began making arrests.

Police were seen loading those arrested into vans and buses near campus, WLWT reports. The outlet reports that three students were arrested on Tuesday and three more were apprehended on Wednesday.

University spokesman Ben Johnson said state law prohibits state entities like Ohio State from divesting in Israel. 

"Ohio Revised Code Section 9.76 prohibits the university from divesting any interests in Israel and prohibits adopting or adhering to a policy that requires divestment from Israel or with persons or entities associated with it," Johnson said in a statement.

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

Columbia University negotiating with anti-Israel agitators: ‘We have our demands; they have theirs'

Columbia University said late Thursday it is in "ongoing discussions" with anti-Israel demonstrators who are continuing their protest at a tent encampment at the university.

The talks have shown progress and are continuing as planned, the university said.

Columbia says they are not bringing the NYPD on to campus, despite rumors to the contrary.

"For several days, a small group of faculty, administrators, and university senators have been in dialogue with student organizers to discuss the basis for dismantling the encampment, dispersing, and following university policies going forward," the university said.

"We have our demands; they have theirs. A formal process is underway and continues."

A debate over how to stop the massive demonstrations at Columbia and other elite universities continues despite multiple visits from members of Congress. 

El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, el republicano Mike Johnson, sugirió el miércoles que se debería llamar a la Guardia Nacional para sofocar las protestas por el alto el fuego en Gaza en la Universidad de Columbia si no se extinguen por sí solas.

Tents are still in place while a small group of anti-Israel protesters assembled at midnight 116th Street and Broadway, west of the campus, holding Palestinian flags and signs.

Counter-protesters holding Israel and American flags were seen at the east side of the university at 116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and her daughter, Isra Hirsi, appeared Thursday at the encampment. Hirsi was one of more than 100 protesters arrested at the campus last week.

Weeks before the unrest, Columbia University had already suspended several students over a March 24 event hosted at a campus residential facility. Video circulating on YouTube showing the virtual portion of the two-hour "Resistance 101" seminar organized by "Columbia University Apartheid Divest" that featured Charlotte Kates, an international coordinator of Samidoun, the Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, and her husband, Khaled Barakat. An Israeli government document links Barakat to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S. State Department designated foreign terrorist organization.

Fox NewsCB Cotton ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Michael Dorgan

Unruly anti-Israel protesters will 'be expelled’ from Florida universities: DeSantis

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a former Republican presidential candidate for the 2024 race, said Friday that any anti-Israel protesters on Florida college campuses could face expulsion for any harassing, offensive or belligerent behavior.

DeSantis told a group of people at a “Strengthening Florida” event that pro-Palestinian demonstrators are “taking over bridges, and they’re taking over roads.”

“At places like Columbia and Yale, Hamas protesters rule the roost, and the universities are too weak and scared to do anything—even as these mobs harass Jewish students and faculty,” DeSantis tweeted Thursday.

“If you try that at a Florida university, you are going to be expelled.”

Publicado por Scott McDonald

Iran-backed militias inciting US students to escalate university protests, mock calls for restraint

The Sabereen News, a Telegram channel affiliated with Iran-backed Iraqi militias is inciting American students to escalate university protests against Israel.

Per the Middle East Media Research Institute’s (MEMRI) Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM), the Telegram channel shared multiple photos of anti-Israeli protest across the U.S.

“From Columbia University to Brown University: ‘We will not abandon Gaza,’ the students in American universities chant during their sit-in solidarity of Palestine,” read a post on the channel, per MEMRI.

Reacting to a clip of House Speaker Mike Johnson speaking at Columbia University Wednesday, the channel blamed the U.S. government for atrocities committed in Gaza.

Another post mocked police for dealing with anti-Israel protests at UT Austin, saying the incident was indicative of how free speech is dealt with in the U.S.

Another post included a photo of Adolf Hitler laughing in response to a statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying there ought to be wider condemnation of the anti-Israel protests on American universities.  

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Boston police officer attempts to reason with anti-Israel college students, interrupted by chants

Newly released body camera footage from the Boston Police Department shed light on a police officer's interaction with anti-Israel demonstrators as protests continue to rage across America's college campuses.

The body camera footage obtained by Fox News Digital shows an unidentified police officer approaching a group of demonstrators from Emerson College huddled on a street corner in front of a public alley entryway in the Massachusetts city at 1:30 on Thursday morning.

Se oye al oficial intentar en vano razonar con los agitadores.

This is an excerpt of a story from Fox News Digital's Sarah Rumpf-Whitten. Click here to read the full report.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Manifestantes contrarios marchan hacia manifestantes antiisraelíes en la Universidad de Columbia

A group of counterprotesters marched toward the campus of Columbia University Thursday where the campus has been rocked by demonstrations against Israel.

The scene followed more than a week of anti-Israel protests that have upended the campus. The university said earlier Thursday it was in talks with student organizers to end the encampment.

Counterprotesters said they would “speak the love of God over all our enemies” and would “sing, and smile, and pray, and all of America will see a church that is unmoved.”

The counterprotesters carried Israeli and American flags. They called for the release of hostages taken by Hamas on during the Oct. 7 terror attack in Israel.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Columbia University in talks with NYC Mayor Eric Adams as campus braces for more unrest

Columbia University said Thursday that President Minouche Shafik has been in talks with New York City Mayor Eric Adams as the campus braces for more anti-Israel demonstrations.

The university is anticipating another night of protests and counterprotests, starting around 6 p.m. local time at Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway and continuing for several hours.

A university spokesperson said there is enhanced security around campus, and a faculty or student ID is required to enter the premise.

The NYPD is aware of these planned protests and is adding personnel to maintain safety. The university is asking others to avoid the area.

The university said it has been in dialogue with student organizers to discuss dismantling the encampment and dispersing.

“To underscore, we have our demands. They have theirs. A formal process is underway and it continues as President Shafik has said. We very much hope these discussions are successful,” a university spokesperson said. “If they are not, we will have to consider options for clearing and restoring. So we will have to consider options for restoring calm to campus.” 

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Agitadores antiisraelíes de UT Austin liberados después de que el gobernador dijera que 'deben ir a la cárcel'

Some of the dozens of protesters who were arrested at an anti-Israel demonstration at The University of Texas at Austin on Wednesday have been freed despite Texas Gov. Greg Abbott saying they should be locked up.

Cincuenta y siete personas fueron detenidas en el campus, informa el Texas Tribune, citando a un portavoz del sheriff del condado de Travis, mientras que la UT Austin dijo que 26 de los detenidos no estaban afiliados a la universidad.

Abbott, republicano, había arremetido antes contra los manifestantes que se enfrentaron a las tropas del Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas con equipo antidisturbios durante escenas caóticas. 

This is an excerpt of a story by Fox News Digital's Michael Dorgan. Click here to read the full report.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Anti-Israel protesters at Northeastern University cheer as police leave encampment

A video on X from the Party for Socialism and Liberation shows students at Northeastern University cheering as police leave what the group described as a “Gaza Solidarity Encampment.”

Per local reports, an anti-Israel encampment formed Thursday on the university’s Centennial Common. Dozens of people – including students and faculty – formed a ring around the encampment, drawing a response from police officers who asked them to leave.

Police later were withdrawn, prompting cheers from the crowd. Video of the scene shows the crowd shouting: “Cops off campus!”

Publicado por Bradford Betz

UT Austin says ‘outside groups’ involved in anti-Israel protests

UT Austin on Thursday said nearly half of those arrested in anti-Israel demonstrations the day prior were not affiliated with the university.

The university said that the protest, organized by the Palestine Solidarity Committee, saw “significant participation by outside groups present on our campus yesterday.”

"This outside group presence is what we’ve seen from the affiliated national organization’s efforts to disrupt and create disorder,” UT Austin said. “Roughly half (26) of the 55 people who violated Institutional Rules and were ultimately arrested were unaffiliated with The University of Texas.”

The university noted that more than a dozen demonstrations have taken place since October, largely without incident.

“In contrast, this one in particular expressed an intent to disrupt the campus and directed participants to break Institutional Rules and occupy the University, consistent with national patterns,” UT Austin said. 

Publicado por Bradford Betz
Noticias de última hora

La USC cancela la ceremonia de graduación del "escenario principal" tras las estridentes manifestaciones antiisraelíes

The University of Southern California (USC) has canceled its main stage graduation ceremony as part of new safety measures following Wednesday’s rowdy anti-Israel demonstrations on campus that saw more than 90 protesters arrested.

The commencement ceremony had been scheduled for May 10. USC said it will still host dozens of commencement events, including the traditional individual school commencement ceremonies where students cross a stage and receive their diplomas.

The university already canceled a planned commencement speech by the school’s pro-Palestinian valedictorian, citing safety concerns.

“We understand that this is disappointing; however, we are adding many new activities and celebrations to make this commencement academically meaningful, memorable, and uniquely USC, including places to gather with family, friends, faculty, and staff, the celebratory releasing of the doves, and performances by the Trojan Marching Band,” the university said in a statement Thursday.

The move comes as colleges nationwide have been rocked by anti-Israel protests on campus, prompting a police response that has led to scuffles and dozens of arrests.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

UT Austin faculty condemn police response to anti-Israel protesters

Some of UT Austin’s faculty issued a statement condemning University President Jay Hartzell and administrative leaders for inviting city police and state troopers to respond to anti-Israel demonstrations on campus Wednesday.

“The Palestine Solidarity Committee had planned a day-long ‘Public University for Gaza’ educational event today on UT Austin’s main lawn,” a joint statement read on X.

“The event was to have included teach-ins, study sessions, pizza, and an art workshop. There was no threat of violence, no plan to disrupt classes, no intimidation of the campus community.”

The statement concluded with: “No business as usual tomorrow. No classes. No grading. No work. No assignments. Gather at the main mall in front of UT Tower at 12:15pm as planned with TSEU.”  

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Anti-Israel protesters storm Fashion Institute of Technology

Anti-Israel protesters stormed the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in Manhattan Thursday, joining demonstrations on campuses across the nation.

Video of the chaotic scene shows security struggling to stop the stampeded of protesters, many donning keffiyehs, who charged the building. Others who were visibly Jewish and wearing shtreimels, which are fur hats worn by Ashkenazi Jewish men, carried signs condemning the state of Israel.

The crowd could be heard chanting: “Free, free, Free Palestine!” and “Disclose, divest, we will not stop we will not rest.” 

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Emory University rips anti-Israel 'activists' disrupting campus; police use tear gas, zip-ties

Emory University condemned anti-Israel "activists" who are "not members of our community" for disrupting campus on Thursday, as police responded to a massive crowd swarming the quad. 

"Several dozen protesters trespassed into Emory University’s campus early Thursday morning and set up tents on the Quad," Emory University said in a statement to Fox News. "These individuals are not members of our community. They are activists attempting to disrupt our university as our students finish classes and prepare for finals. Emory does not tolerate vandalism or other criminal activity on campus. The Emory Police Department ordered the group to leave and contacted Atlanta Police and Georgia State Patrol for assistance."

Fox News Los equipos sobre el terreno calcularon que más de 100 manifestantes se reunieron en el patio de la Universidad de Emory. Se vio a manifestantes con pancartas que decían "Emory: Corta todos los neumáticos con Israel. Fin de Gilee!" 

This is an excerpt of a story by Fox News Digital's Danielle Wallace. Click here to read the full report.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Ilhan Omar vista en el campus de la Universidad de Columbia con su hija tras su suspensión

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and her daughter were spotted on the campus of Columbia University Thursday.

Isra Hirsi was suspended from Barnard College after taking part in anti-Israel protests at Columbia last week. She was among more than 100 people arrested and issued a summons for trespassing last Thursday after protests at Columbia University.

The 21-year-old has complained that she has not been able to go to classes, having been evicted from campus housing and banned from using the dining hall with her meal plan.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

CAIR condena el uso de pistolas Taser y gases lacrimógenos para disolver manifestaciones antiisraelíes en la Universidad de Emory

The Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Thursday condemned the use of Tasers and tear gas to break up anti-Israel demonstrations at Emory University.

“CAIR-Georgia strongly condemns the use of force and arrests against peaceful protesters at the Emory student sit-in,” the Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization wrote. “Protesters shared a day of cultural learning and community despite which Emory deployed excessive use of force, tear gas, and rubber bullets.”

CAIR blamed Emory University and the Atlanta Police Department for the violence, saying that students and protesters should be allowed their “full constitutional rights.”

Publicado por Bradford Betz

La policía detiene a 2 personas en un campamento improvisado en Princeton, mientras las protestas antiisraelíes se extienden por las universidades

The wave of anti-Israel protests sweeping college campuses hit Princeton on Thursday morning, when dozens of demonstrators attempted to erect a tent encampment – only for university police to move in and make two arrests, a spokesperson tells Fox News Digital.

Princeton Israeli Apartheid Divest, un grupo implicado en las protestas, arremetió contra la demostración de fuerza, tachando de "cerdos" a las fuerzas policiales de la escuela en las redes sociales.

Las protestas comenzaron como una sentada en el patio McCosh y luego algunos empezaron a levantar tiendas de campaña, lo que constituye una violación de la política de la universidad, según el portavoz de ésta. Los manifestantes también sostenían una gran pancarta en la que se leía "Universidad popular para Gaza".

Princeton University Public Safety, the Ivy League school’s police force, gave demonstrators several warnings before acting, the university says.

Las autoridades detuvieron entonces a dos estudiantes graduados, que fueron citados por allanamiento de morada y a los que se prohibió inmediatamente la entrada en el campus, a la espera de un proceso disciplinario, dijo el portavoz. 

A continuación, los manifestantes retiraron voluntariamente todas las tiendas, según la universidad de Nueva Jersey, aunque en las redes sociales se puede ver a manifestantes que siguen participando en una sentada sobre lonas y mantas en el patio. 

"¡Aquí aparecen cerdos deteniendo a dos de nuestros intrépidos estudiantes!", dice un post en X de Princeton Israeli Apartheid Divest. 

"La administración está intentando prohibirles la entrada, suspenderles y expulsarles. Por favor, únete a nosotros para pedir a la administración de Princeton que se solidarice con Gaza y con nuestros estudiantes que protestan pacíficamente."

Mientras la policía se llevaba a uno de los detenidos, la multitud empezó a vitorear y luego a corear: "No pararemos, no descansaremos, divulga, desinvierte".

Fox News Michael Dorgan, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Irán toma partido en las protestas contra Israel en las universidades estadounidenses: Profundamente preocupado y disgustado

Iran has officially picked its side amid anti-Israeli protests that have erupted across elite U.S. colleges and universities.

Mientras centenares de estudiantes han sido detenidos en la Universidad de Columbia, la Universidad del Sur de California, el MIT, la UT-Austin y otras, tras perturbar las instalaciones del campus y allanar el paso, Irán está prestando su apoyo a los manifestantes.

El ministro iraní de Asuntos Exteriores, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, expresó su apoyo a quienes hablan mal de Israel y del primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu. También dijo que la respuesta de las fuerzas del orden a las protestas en curso, y las consiguientes detenciones masivas, les tiene "profundamente preocupados y disgustados."

"The suppression and harsh treatment of the American police and security forces against professors and students protesting the genocide and war crimes of the Israeli regime in various universities of this country is deeply worried and disgusted by the public opinion of the world," the foreign minister said on X, according to a translation. "This repression is in line with the continuation of Washington's full-fledged support for the Israeli regime and clearly shows the dual policy and contradictory behavior of the American government towards freedom of expression."

Publicado por Lawrence Richard

Columbia student describes campus fear, anti-Israel signs supporting terrorists

As Columbia University officials continue to negotiate with a group of anti-Israel agitators who set up tents on a lawn at the heart of campus, Jewish and Israeli students say the presence and the aggression of the protesters has them afraid to walk through the area after sundown.

"I've had a friend who was beaten up," said Itai Driefuss, a third-year Columbia undergrad and Israeli military veteran from Tel Aviv. "It's scary. It's violent."

Señaló un enfrentamiento ocurrido el fin de semana en el que, según él, agitadores antiisraelíes se enfrentaron a un grupo de contramanifestantes que apoyan la alianza entre Estados Unidos e Israel.

"Había gente judía que sostenía la bandera estadounidense e israelí, y gente que sostenía un cartel que decía: 'Al-Quds próximo objetivo'", dijo, refiriéndose a las militantes Brigadas Al-Quds, grupo terrorista palestino alineado con Hamás. "Es la misma gente que pone bombas en los autobuses, viola a las mujeres y mete a los bebés en un horno".

El 7 de octubre de 2023, Hamás lanzó un ataque sorpresa en el que murieron más de 1.200 israelíes y más de 200 fueron secuestrados y mantenidos como rehenes. La respuesta militar de Israel sigue en marcha, y los manifestantes de varias grandes universidades estadounidenses, como Columbia, USC, UT Austin y Yale, han visto cómo se detenía a decenas de agitadores antiisraelíes.

En Columbia, un grupo de manifestantes que instalaron tiendas de campaña en el recinto de la escuela fueron expulsados la semana pasada, sólo para volver con más tiendas y ocupar en su lugar el West Lawn. 

"Es ruidoso y da miedo, y mucha gente judía e israelí no pasea por el campus cuando se pone el sol", dijo Driefuss.

Fox News Michael Ruiz, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

NYPD responds to AOC: Officers 'have to teach' anti-Israel mobs the 'consequences of their actiions'

Students who formed an encampment at Columbia University in New York City, in protest of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, were met with the full force of the New York Police Department after the school reversed course to allow law enforcement personnel on campus.

The decision prompted backlash from Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and ignited a tiff between the lawmaker and the police force online.

"Los buenos resultados en la selectividad y la autoestima no sustituyen a la ley", escribió el jefe de la policía de Nueva York, John Chell, en un tuit a primera hora de la mañana del jueves.

"Columbia decidió responsabilizar a sus alumnos de las leyes de la escuela", añadió. "Estoy am seguro de que estarás de acuerdo en que tenemos que enseñarles estas valiosas habilidades para la vida".

The comment came after Ocasio-Cortez complained Wednesday that Columbia made "the horrific decision to mobilize NYPD on their own students."

Los estudiantes protestan contra la guerra de Israel en Gaza, que ha causado decenas de miles de muertos palestinos.

Fox News Digital se puso en contacto con la oficina de Ocasio-Cortez para obtener comentarios adicionales, pero no se recibió respuesta de inmediato.

Publicado por Lawrence Richard
Noticias de última hora

Anti-Israel activists from multiple DC universities form encampment at GWU

Anti-Israel activists from multiple universities in the Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia area have joined forces to form an encampment at D.C.'s George Washington University.

Organizers with the DMV Coalition of Students for Justice in Palestine said Thursday their goal is to "disrupt business as usual" on GWU's campus and demand the school divest from Israel.

"While the encampment is taking place at GW, it is a space organized by students across the DMV — George Washington, George Mason, American, Georgetown, UMD, UMBC, Howard, and Gallaudet — for students across the DMV as a united demonstration of our power, uplifting our collective demands for financial transparency, boycotts and divestment from the zionist [sic] state, and an end to the racist repression pro-Palestine students," the group said in an Instagram post. 

The encampment is inspired by similar protests at Columbia University in New York and many other schools nationwide. Dozens of protesters at multiple campuses have been arrested for trespassing, disorderly conduct and other charges as the anti-Israel movement has spread this week. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

CNN reporter cuts USC anti-Israel protest report early as he is surrounded by hecklers

A CNN reporter cut his live report short on Wednesday after he was surrounded by anti-Israel protesters at the University of Southern California (USC).

During a trip to Los Angeles, CNN National Correspondent Nick Watt admitted the atmosphere was getting "unpleasant" and said people in the crowd were attempting to "intimidate" his news crew.

Watt tried to continue his report as one protester filmed him and interrupted the shot.

"Show your face," Watt said to the individual wearing a face covering. "Show your face. Show your face. Why are you scared to show your face?"

Watt then resumed his report and said the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) was invited onto campus by USC as the temperature of the protests rose. The police told the demonstrators they had 10 minutes to disperse. Some chose not to and began linking arms. They were soon arrested.

The CNN reporter appeared flustered as protesters in the background began shouting and one person tried to wave a Palestinian flag in front of the camera.

"Anyway, I think we should probably go because it's getting a little nasty here," Watt said. "More than 50 people arrested. You know, back to you guys, we need to go."

The camera then returned to the studio, where CNN anchor Laura Coates said she could hear the commotion and urged Watt to stay safe.

Fox News Nikolas Lanum, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

Police respond to anti-Israel encampment at Emory University in Atlanta

More encampments sprung up in Atlanta and New York City on Thursday as anti-Israel protests continue to sweep college campuses nationwide.

Police were called to Emory University in Atlanta to remove outside agitators trespassing on the school's campus, according to Laura Diamond, assistant vice president of University Communications.

"Several dozen protesters trespassed into Emory University’s campus early Thursday morning and set up tents on the Quad. These individuals are not members of our community. They are activists attempting to disrupt our university as our students finish classes and prepare for finals," Diamond said in a statement.

"Emory does not tolerate vandalism or other criminal activity on campus. The Emory Police Department ordered the group to leave and contacted Atlanta Police and Georgia State Patrol for assistance," she added.

Video shows several officers on campus with vests interacting with dozens of protesters. Shouting can be heard and several people were reportedly detained.

Protesters say they are occupying the school because it is "complicit in genocide and police militarization." They have demanded that the administration divest ties both to Israel and to "Cop City," officially known as the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, a $90 million police and fire department training facility under construction in the South River Forest area of Dekalb County.

"We are students across multiple Atlanta universities and community members organizing against Cop City and the genocide of Palestinians at the hands of U.S. imperialism. We are demanding total institutional divestment from Israeli apartheid and Cop City at all Atlanta colleges and universities," activists Narek Boyajian and Jadelynn Zhang wrote in an op-ed for Mondoweiss, an independent pro-Palestinian news website. 

Meanwhile, student activists at the City College of New York - CUNY set up what is now the fourth anti-Israel encampment on a college campus in the city, according to activist group Within Our Lifetime. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Parents warn of 'nightmare' climate on Columbia University campus

Los padres de la Universidad de Columbia están dando la voz de alarma sobre la situación de "pesadilla" a la que se enfrentan sus hijos mientras continúan las protestas antiisraelíes en el campus.

Amy Gallatin told "Fox & Friends First" that the unrest has led to many sleepless nights. Though her daughter attends Columbia’s partner school Barnard, she lives near the location of the ongoing protests.

"Afortunadamente, vivo muy cerca del campus, pero te preocupas", dijo Gallatin al copresentador Todd Piro el miércoles. "Todos los padres se preocupan por su hijo que va a la escuela o por su hijo. Éste es mi primogénito. Y sólo quieres que tengan una experiencia. Pero cuando ahora tienes que conciliar lo que ocurre en sus aulas con lo que ocurre en el campus, es algo muy inquietante. Y preocupa mucho a todos los padres".

Se calcula que el coste de asistir a la Universidad de Columbia como estudiante universitario en el curso académico 2023-2024 será de casi 90.000 dólares. 

Pero la rabina Marianne Novak, madre de un alumno de tercer año de Columbia, no busca el reembolso de la matrícula y dijo que no va a sacar a su hijo de la escuela.

"The Jewish students, they just want to go to school. They want to finish their schooling. They want to have a college experience," she told "Fox & Friends."

Las protestas, sin embargo, han sido un "grano en el culo" para su hijo, que no ha experimentado ninguna forma de acoso o ataques de primera mano. 

"Han restringido el acceso al campus sólo a los titulares de carnés, lo que significaba que tendría que presupuestar otros 40 minutos sólo para entrar en el campus e ir a clase. Así que esas cosas son irritantes", explicó Novak. "Simplemente hace que todo el ambiente del campus sea muy difícil".

Fox News Digital's Amy Nelson contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

La acampada antiisraelí de Harvard Yard fue rociada con aspersores de madrugada: informe

Anti-Israel protesters sleeping in the encampment at Harvard Yard had a rude awakening early Thursday morning when the school's sprinkler system went off, reportedly flooding tents.

Organizers advised protesters overnight that the sprinkler system would go off at some point, as regularly scheduled, according to the Harvard Crimson. At around 2:20 a.m., the sprinkler system activated nearby but not yet within the encampment, prompting protesters to distribute buckets along the perimeter, the report said.

Then at 3:50 a.m., a sprinkler activated within the encampment in the middle of several tents. One of the campers covered the sprinkler with a bucket and sat on it, which caused a puddle to form on the ground, the Crimson reported. 

Two more sprinklers activated near the edge of the encampment towards Massachusetts Hall moments later, the report said. Protesters used buckets to cover the sprinklers and sat on them. 

The Harvard chapter of the Palestine Solidary Committee posted about the sprinklers at around 4 a.m., stating on Instagram that some tents were flooded. The post noted temperatures were around 32 degrees Farenheit. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

USC closes campus 'until further notice' following anti-Israel protest, 93 arrested for trespassing

The University of Southern California announced its campus will remain closed "until further notice" following a large anti-Israel protest on Wednesday that ended with 93 arrested.

The Los Angeles Police Department arrived at campus around 4 p.m. after agitators refused to follow the university's request to leave the area, Capt. Kelly Muniz said on X, formerly Twitter, Wednesday night.

After hours of clashing with campus police and the LAPD, the protest ended with 93 people arrested for trespassing.

"We haven't determined if they're going to be cited out or not. If and when, it is a misdemeanor offense. They are going, and they will be going through the booking process," Muniz said, adding that the process is "lengthy." 

Muniz said there was an altercation in a portion of the protest area that resulted in one arrest for assault with a deadly weapon. She did not clarify what the weapon was or give any details on the incident, but said the rest of the agitators in the area dispersed after the arrest.

When asked if anyone was hurt during the demonstration, Muniz said she was not aware of any injuries to agitators or officers.

The university announced at 11:58 p.m. that the protest was declared over, but campus would be closed "until further notice."

Fox News Digital's Elizabeth Pritchett contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Los líderes de la policía de Nueva York se comprometen a no permitir zonas CHAZ al estilo de Seattle

Top officials in the New York Police Department said Wednesday that police are in "standby mode" as they work to ensure that Columbia students are kept safe during the ongoing anti-Israel protest on campus. 

NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell and Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry were interviewed on "The Story" and said that the role of police is to remain neutral and protect people while respecting the First Amendment rights of demonstrators. However, they emphasized that protesters will not be permitted to take over the streets of New York City, like what happened in Seattle's "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" (CHAZ) in 2020. 

"We will not have any Seattle-type encampments on the streets of New York City," Chell said. "I can guarantee you that would end rather quickly." 

The officials also commented on the language directed at police officers from protesters, comparing public safety officials to the KKK. 

Chell said those comments were "reprehensible" and "disgusting." 

Daughtry said that if his officers spoke how the professors and faculty spoke to them, they would face disciplinary action. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Anti-Israel agitators clash with Boston Police at Emerson College

More than 100 people were arrested early Thursday at an anti-Israel protest encampment at Emerson College in Boston after agitators clashed with police.

Four officers sustained non-life threatening injuries, three minor and one serious, as police worked to dismantle the encampment, the Boston Police Department said.

Most of the 108 protesters who were arrested are students. They are scheduled to be arraigned in Boston Municipal Court today.

Video posted on social media shows police officers taking down tents and forcibly removing demonstrators from the encampment at Boylston Place. 

Emmerson College advised students Wednesday that they could be subject to "imminent law enforcement action" after Boston city leaders said the tents were in violation of city code, becoming a fire hazard with students blocking doors, hydrants and access to buildings, Boston 25 News reported.

City Councilor Ed Flynn said in a statement that he contacted Emerson College about complaints regarding protestors blocking public access. 

"I firmly believe in freedom of speech, but we cannot block public access. Violations of city ordinances must be addressed. Tents in public right of ways must come down," Flynn posted on X. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Robert Kraft, de los Patriots, apunta a los profesores de Columbia en medio de las protestas contra Israel

New England Patriots team owner Robert Kraft took aim at Columbia University professors in an op-ed published in the New York Post on Thursday morning.

Kraft, who pulled support for his alma mater earlier in the week because of the antisemitic violence and protests on campus, wrote in the newspaper that the focus of the demonstrations should shed light on what professors have taught those students.

"Hoy, la atención y las imágenes que rodean las odiosas protestas que tienen lugar en el campus de Columbia se han centrado en los estudiantes, pero éstos han sido enseñados y potenciados por un profesorado más centrado en la política que en la educación", escribió Kraft.

"Éstos no son los profesores que tuve que ejemplificaban los principios fundamentales que sustentan la misión de la educación superior en Estados Unidos".

Y añadió: "No reconozco mi alma mater".

Kraft escribió sobre su asombro ante las pancartas en el campus que decían: "Volved a Polonia", y los cánticos de "Matad a todos los judíos" y "7 de octubre 10.000 veces más".

"The Columbia I loved is no longer a place I know," he added in the New York Post.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Dozens of anti-Israel protesters arrested amid standoff at University of Texas: Video

Scenes from the rowdy anti-Israel protest on UT Austin's campus Wednesday show students in confrontation with police and Texas Department of Public Safety officers in riot gear.

The Austin Police Department (APD) and Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) were observed making arrests. Some officers monitored the protests on horseback.

"APD, KKK, IDF / they're all the same," the group was heard chanting.

Protesters also chanted "Pigs go home!" at the Texas law enforcement officers on the scene. The keffiyeh-wearing protesters attempted to set up a few tents but were quickly thwarted by police. 

UT Austin told Fox News Digital that it "does not tolerate" disruptive protests early Wednesday afternoon. Later that evening, UT Austin President Jay Hartzell released a statement about the protest activity, calling it a "challenging day."

"We have witnessed much activity we normally do not experience on our campus, and there is understandably a lot of emotion surrounding these events," Hartzell wrote.

"Today, our University held firm, enforcing our rules while protecting the Constitutional right to free speech," he continued. "Peaceful protests within our rules are acceptable. Breaking our rules and policies and disrupting others’ ability to learn are not allowed."

Fox News Digital's Christopher White, Andrea Vacchiano and Bryan Preston contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Buttigieg on anti-Israel protests: Any expression of antisemitism is ‘unconscionable’

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg reacted to the anti-Israel protests that broke out at UT Austin on Wednesday following a wave of similar demonstrations nationwide. 

After stressing the need for safety, Buttigieg said that "any expression of antisemitism or of hatred is unconscionable." 

"It must be called out. It must be confronted. And that's certainly what President Biden has done in unambiguous terms," Buttigieg said during an interview on "America Reports." 

The secretary said there is a distinction between legitimate free speech and expressions of hate.

It is "especially disturbing, the idea that a student would be targeted or harassed simply because they are Jewish or simply because they look Jewish for the same reasons that it is horrifying when we have seen, in moments both since October 7 and through our lifetimes, when students who are Arab or look Arab have been targeted for harassment or violence," Buttigieg said. 

"Anytime you see any of that it needs to be confronted."  

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

USC anti-Israel protest ends: university officials

The University of Southern California tweeted just before midnight local time Wednesday that anti-Israel protests on its campus have "ended."

"The protest on the UPC has ended. However, the campus remains closed until further notice. Students, faculty, staff, and people with business on campus may enter with proper identification," the university said.

LAPD Captain Kelly Muniz held a press conference Wednesday night and said there 93 people had been arrested for trespassing, and that there were no reports of injuries known to either first responders or the protesters.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

El campus de Cal Poly Humboldt permanecerá cerrado por protestas contra Israel y por motivos de seguridad

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt will continue to keep its campus closed through the end of the week for safety concerns and occupation during anti-Israel demonstrations.

The campus issued a press release Wednesday stating that “protestors continue to occupy Siemens Hall, plus another building at Cal Poly Humboldt.” All classes will continue to be held remotely, they added.

Cal Poly Humboldt first said Monday it would close campus through Wednesday "for the safety of the campus community" while protesters occupied Siemens Hall. Ongoing safety and complexities led to the closure the next two days.

“The safety, health, and wellbeing of our students is paramount as the situation has become increasingly complex. There are unidentified non-students with unknown intentions, in Siemens Hall. This creates an unpredictable environment’ the university said.

They said entrances to occupied buildings are barricaded, which creates a fire hazard, and that “many toilets are no longer working.”

“The occupation of Siemens Hall causes complex operational challenges that require the closure of other facilities on campus. In particular, there is a risk of other buildings being occupied, as protestors have shown a willingness to enter unlocked buildings and either lock themselves in or steal equipment,” the school said. 

The university added that “hateful graffiti has been painted” on university property, and that it “condemns in the strongest terms all forms of hatred, bigotry, and violence.” 

“Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, hatred, and bigotry in all forms have no place at Cal Poly Humboldt. The University is actively offering support to all students and has been in touch with local Jewish community leaders.”

Publicado por Scott McDonald

USC protesters moved off campus by LAPD: report

Anti-Israel protesters who flooded the campus at the University of Southern California on Wednesday have been moved off campus by the Los Angeles Police Department before 10 p.m. local time, according to a Los Angeles Times report.

LAPD officers began moving onto the campus earlier in the day after protesters began congregating. Hundreds of the protesters clashed with police. LAPD said 94 people were arrested.

At the University of Texas in Austin, nearly three dozen people were arrested Wednesday during protests on the campus and up to 50 were being detained. State troopers were brought in from Houston to assist the Austin Police Department and University of Texas Police.

The protests in Austin have also seemed to quiet down as it nears midnight in Texas.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

Dozens of protesters arrested at both Texas, USC campuses

The number of arrests among anti-Israel protesters at the University of Texas' flagship institution in Austin and the University of Southern California has reached several dozen already as day turns into night.

Angie Orellana Hernandez, a USC alum and reporter for the Los Angeles Times, tweeted there have been "At least 50 @usc arrests and counting." A later report at 10:30 p.m. ET stated that at least 73 have been arrested on the campus, according to Robert Novacik, a reporter and anchor at NBC LA.

Down in Austin, at least 34 people have been arrested and are being held in the Travis County Jail, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).

A bevy of college campuses across the United States became grounds for anti-Israel protesters after protesters began taking over grounds at Columbia University, NYU and Yale over the last week.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

UT Austin president addresses anti-Israel demonstrations after day of protests: 'A lot of emotion'

UT Austin President Jay Hartzell issued a statement late Wednesday following a day of anti-Israel protests on campus.

Hartzell called it a “challenging day for many” filled with a “lot of emotion.” He said UT Austin enforced the rules while protecting free speech.

“Peaceful protests within our rules are acceptable. Breaking our rules and policies and disrupting others’ ability to learn are not allowed,” he said, noting that the university held true on its promise to punish protesters who ignored pleas for restraint and to disperse.

He vowed that the University of Texas will “continue to take necessary steps so that all our University functions proceed without interruption.”

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Los agentes de policía de Los Ángeles se acercan a los manifestantes anti-Israel en la USC y comienzan a efectuar detenciones

Los Angeles police officers in riot gear moved in on protesters at the University of Southern California (USC) Wednesday after a day of campus demonstrations against Israel.

The protests were part of a wave of demonstrations on college campuses nationwide against the universities’ ties to Israel.

At USC, hundreds of students clashed with USC Department of Public Safety officers as the confrontations escalated.

Some USC protesters were seen falling on the cement sidewalk amid the chaos. A few called for help, while others berated police officers.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Anti-Israel agitators continue disruptions with escalations at USC, Harvard and Columbia

Multiple U.S. universities were flooded with anti-Israel agitators on Wednesday, with four schools hosting notably chaotic scenes in California, Massachusetts, Texas and New York.

The University of Southern California (USC), Harvard University, the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) and Columbia University  in New York City were all backdrops with varying degrees of hostility and unruliness amid fierce campus opposition to the Israeli military's actions in the Middle East.

At USC on Wednesday, mayhem ensued when authorities began cracking down on unlawful activity and arrested protesters. Hundreds of students clashed with USC Department of Public Safety officers as the confrontations escalated.

Some USC protesters were seen falling on the cement sidewalk amid the chaos. A few called for help, while others berated police officers.

This is an excerpt of a story by Fox News Digital's Andrea Vacchiano. Click here to read the full report.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Anti-Israel protesters set up more tents in Harvard Yard as demonstrations fizzle out

Anti-Israel protesters set up more tents at Harvard Yard Wednesday following a day of rowdy demonstrations.

The university had tried earlier this week to stay ahead of protests by limiting access to the area and requiring permission for tents and tables.

But that didn’t stop protesters from rapidly setting up tents Wednesday afternoon, following a rally against the university’s suspension of the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee.

The scenes followed similar demonstrations in Texas and California, where students demanded that their university cut financial ties and divest from companies connected to Israel.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Speaker Johnson calls out campus antisemitism as Columbia's anti-Israel protesters heckle him

House Speaker Mike Johnson, the Louisiana Republican, held a press conference on the steps of Columbia University above an encampment where demonstrators demanding the school divest itself from Israel-linked businesses have occupied since last week.

El orador criticó a los dirigentes universitarios por permitir que el "gobierno de la turba" y las tácticas de intimidación "superen" los ideales de los Padres Fundadores de libertad de expresión, libertad religiosa y "libre intercambio de ideas." 

La presidenta de Columbia, Minouche Shafik, fue vista alejándose de la Biblioteca Low Memorial tras el discurso de Johnson. 

"No podemos permitir que este tipo de odio y antisemitismo enemigo florezca en nuestros campus, y hay que detenerlo en seco", declaró Johnson.

This is an excerpt of a story. by Fox News Digital's Mike Ruiz. Click here to read the full report.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Harvard's anti-Israel mob simmers down, munches on free pizza after campus raucous

The anti-Israel protesters that gathered at Harvard Yard on Wednesday took a break in the afternoon to enjoy some free pizza, according to the Harvard Crimson.

The student newspaper reported that the pizzas were donated to the demonstrators at around 2 p.m. The paper reported that the pizzas, which came from an Otto pizzeria, "included toppings such as black olives and sliced mozzarella cheese."

The Harvard College Palestine Solidarity Committee also shared a Google form Wednesday asking for water, food, tent, sleeping bag and blanket donations, as protesters planned to stay in Harvard Yard as long as possible.

By 7 p.m., protesters had added eight tents to the encampment, bringing the total number of tents to 20, according to the Crimson.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Authorities arrest more than 20 at UT Austin as anti-Israel agitators tussle with troopers: video

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) on Wednesday said it arrested more than 20 people at UT Austin where anti-Israel protests broke out earlier in the day.

DPS said troopers responded to the campus at the request of the university and at the direction of Texas Governor Greg Abbott “to prevent any unlawful assembly and to support UT Police in maintaining the peace by arresting anyone engaging in any sort of criminal activity, including criminal trespass.”

“DPS will continue adjusting operations as needed in order to assist our law enforcement partners and maintain the public’s safety,” DPS said. “The department is committed to proactively protecting the people and property of Texas.”

Video of the chaotic scene shows protesters surround troopers, calling them "pigs" while forming a human chain in a failed effort to prevent an arrest. Troopers can be seen pushing back on the crowd. 

Publicado por Bradford Betz

EXCLUSIVA: La presidenta de Columbia, Minouche Shafik, vista en el campus mientras se intensifican las peticiones para que dimita

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik was spotted on campus amid calls for her to resign intensify.

The university, like others nationwide, have been beset by rowdy protests over Israel's ongoing war in Gaza.

Shafik said in a message to the school community Monday that she was “deeply saddened” by what was happening on campus.

“To deescalate the rancor and give us all a chance to consider next steps, I am announcing that all classes will be held virtually on Monday,” Shafik wrote, noting that students who don’t live on campus should stay away.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

La Casa Blanca promete no callar ante las protestas violentas: "Callar es ser cómplice

White House officials addressed the anti-Israel protests taking place at universities across the country on Wednesday, saying President Biden believes in free speech, but when violent rhetoric and physical intimidation takes place, it must be called out.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked by a reporter during a briefing on Wednesday what the president thinks of how the administration at Columbia University in New York City has been handling the protests.

Jean-Pierre dirigió las preguntas sobre el personal a los responsables de la universidad, porque les correspondía a ellos comentar la situación. Pero habló de la situación en la universidad, diciendo que es "un momento profundamente doloroso, doloroso para las comunidades."

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Greg Wehner, de Fox News Digital. Haz clic aquí para leer el informe completo.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Johnson says calling National Guard on Columbia protests 'appropriate' if threats 'not stopped'

Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., is suggesting the National Guard should soon be called in to quell the Gaza ceasefire protests at Columbia University if they don't peter out themselves.

Johnson and several House Republicans visited the New York City Ivy League school on Wednesday as tensions there escalate over demonstrations that have had several Jewish students speak out publicly about fear for their safety. Columbia University students and those attending its sister school, Barnard College, have set up a tent city on campus in protest of Columbia's investments in companies linked to Israel. 

Tensions over the issue almost reached a boiling point several times during Johnson's speech as pro-ceasefire student activists repeatedly heckled and tried to interrupt the Louisiana Republican with coordinated chants which included "We can't hear you" and "Mike, you s---."

This is an excerpt of a story by Fox News Digital's. Click here to read the full report.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says arrests of UT Austin will continue until crowd disperses

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday said troopers are arresting anti-Israel protesters who had assembled at the university of UT Austin.

“Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperses. These protesters belong in jail,” he said. “Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period. Students joining in hate-filled, anti-Semitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.” 

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Manifestantes estudiantiles de UT Austin exigen que los agentes de policía "salgan de nuestro campus

UT Austin students on Wednesday demanded police officers get “off our campus” as troopers moved in to disperse anti-Israel protesters.

Per KXAN, state troopers have been sent from Houston to Austin to assist police there with arresting demonstrators.

Troopers earlier were moving in on horseback and via motorcycle. Additional state troopers arrived at UT Austin’s Main Mall and were pushing protesters off the lawn.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Los abucheadores gritan al presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, mientras habla en la Universidad de Columbia

Hecklers shouted House Speaker Mike Johnson down Wednesday as he spoke at Columbia University to address ongoing anti-Israel protests.

As he spoke, students booed at chanted “how many kids have you killed today?” And “disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest!”

Others chanted: “Step down or get fired already!”

Johnson plowed ahead with his speech, as he urged administrators to retain order at the institution.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

WATCH: Mayhem ensues at USC as police break up anti-Israel protests

Officers from the University of Southern California's Department of Public Safety broke up anti-Israel protests on the school's campus on Wednesday, causing chaos among students.

Video from the school's campus shows hundreds of students clashing with authorities while they arrested protesters. Some demonstrators fell to the ground as officers used force to arrest agitators.

"Help! Help!" one male protester was heard screaming as a fellow demonstrator was being arrested.

At another point during the footage, protesters wearing keffiyehs were seen falling on their backs on the cement sidewalk.

"Shame on you! Shame on you!" a group of demonstrators yelled at cops.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

House Speaker Mike Johnson arrives at Columbia University as anti-Israel protests rage

House Speaker Mike Johnson arrived on the campus of Columbia University Wednesday amid ongoing anti-Israel protests.

Speaker Johnson addressed the crisis in Gaza which has ignited the protests at Columbia as well as other campuses nationwide.

In his speech, Johnson blasted Columbia administrators for letting “threats, the fear and the intimidation of the mob rule to overtake American principles like free speech and the free exchange of ideas and the free exercise of religion.”

“We just can’t allow this kind of hatred and enemy anti-Semitism to flourish on our campuses, and it must be stopped in its tracks,” Johnson said.

Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., who spoke alongside Johnson took aim at Columbia University President Minouche Shafik, telling her that the “inmates are running the asylum.”

“Take back control, all of this once great institution. You took action last week, it’s time to act again. If not, the committee will pursue every possible avenue to create a safe learning environment for Jewish students,” she said.

As they spoke protesters attempted to drown them out with boos and chants, shouting “we can’t hear you!”

Johnson said he planned to share with President Biden what he had seen with his own eyes.

“If this is not contained quickly and if these threats and intimidation are not stopped, there is an appropriate time for the National Guard. We have to bring order to these campuses,” he said. “We cannot allow this to happen around the country.”

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Anti-Israel protesters at UT Austin form human chain, shout 'pigs go home' as troopers close in

Anti-Israel protesters on the campus of UT Austin formed a human chain as Texas DPS troopers moved in to clear the demonstration.

Protesters could be heard shouting, “Pigs go home!” at the troopers who made a blockade with their bikes to allow Austin police to arrest at least one protester.

Demonstrations broke out earlier in the day as protesters called on the university to “divest from death,” following similar scenes at other campuses nationwide in response to Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Las fuerzas del orden disuelven las protestas antiisraelíes en la USC y se desata el caos

Los Angeles authorities broke up an anti-Israel protest at the University of Southern California (USC) on Wednesday.

Social media video shows police officers tackling keffiyeh-wearing agitators on the school's University Park campus, prompting students to yell and scream. Student protesters from the school's Divest from Death Coalition and National Students for Justice in Palestine have been occupying Alumni Park in opposition to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

"To not stand in opposition of the expressly racist violence here and abroad is to ignore the calls for solidarity demanded by the majority of the world," the organization said in a social media post, according to FOX 11 Los Angeles. "USC acts in accordance with these oppressions, and to call against this is to recognize both the inhumanity of these systems and our own humanity in opposing them."

USC has been one of the American campuses most affected by anti-Israel student protests in recent days. Anti-Israel students have been demanding that school bureaucrats conduct an academic boycott of Israel and that officials urge for a ceasefire in the Middle East, among other requests.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Harvard students throwing up 'Gaza solidarity encampment' on campus after committee suspended

Anti-Israel students at Harvard Wednesday launched a "Gaza solidarity encampment" on campus after the university placed the Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee on suspension.

The encampment began at around 12:49 p.m., according to the Harvard Crimson. The student paper reported that by 3:33 p.m., the initial crowd had "dispersed," although many student protesters still remained.

Video of the chaotic scene shows throngs of students throwing up tents in the middle of Harvard Yard. The scene follows similar demonstrations nationwide, from Columbia, to NYU, to UT Austin.

National Students for Justice in Palestine tweeted: "The more they try to silence us the louder we will be."

The organizers of the demonstration have told protesters to not speak with schools officials if approached. Students are reportedly expected to face disciplinary action.

Fox News Andrea Vacchiano, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Tropas tejanas a caballo se enfrentan a manifestantes antiisraelíes en la Universidad de Austin

Texas troopers on horseback have begun moving in on anti-Israel protesters on the campus of UT Austin.

The campus newspaper, The Daily Texan reports that confrontation has emerged between state troopers and protesters in front of Waggener Hall.

The confrontation comes after students cleared the campus' Speedway Corridor.

Later protesters headed west to Main Mall where they faced police blocking paths. State troopers on motorcycle later arrived, and troopers entered with motorcycles.

Per reporting from the Daily Texan police entered the tower lawn, pushing back on some protesters who set down blankets and were sitting.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Two protesters arrested at pro-Palestinian rally at UT Austin

At least two people were arrested Wednesday at a pro-Palestinian rally at UT Austin.

The university's student-run newspaper reports that one of the arrestees is "UT-affiliated."

The arrests come at Texas DPS troopers were attempting to block protesters from moving north with batons.

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Israeli PM Netanyahu slams anti-Israel protests on US college campuses: 'Horrific'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the anti-Israel protests seen on U.S. college campuses in a statement released Wednesday.

In a video, Netanyahu called reports of "antisemitic mobs" building encampments on college campuses "horrific" and compared what is happening to "German universities in the 1930s." 

"It’s unconscionable. It has to be stopped. It has to be condemned and condemned unequivocally. But that’s not what happened. The response of several university presidents was shameful," Netanyahu said.

Though police have arrested hundreds of protesters at Columbia University and New York University, and other schools have taken disciplinary action against disruptive demonstrations on their campuses, Netanyahu said "more has to be done." 

"It has to be done not only because they attack Israel, that’s bad enough, not only because they want to kill Jews wherever they are, that’s bad enough, it’s also when you listen to them, it’s also because they say not only, 'Death to Israel. Death to the Jews,' but 'death to America.' And this tells us that there is an antisemitic surge here that has terrible consequences." 

Fox News' Yonat Friling contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Los estudiantes organizan una manifestación anti-Israel en la Universidad de Texas Austin, el DPS de Texas se despliega en el campus

The Palestine Solidarity Committee staged a class walkout and rally at the University of Texas at Austin campus on Wednesday following similar protests at Columbia University, Yale and other college campuses. 

Student protesters gathered at Greg Gym at 11:40 a.m. to demand that the school divest from Israel.

"In the footsteps of our comrades at Columbia SJP, Rutgers-New Brunswick, Yale, and countless others across the nation, we will be establishing THE POPULAR UNIVERSITY FOR GAZA and demanding our administration divest from death," the Palestine Solidarity Committee posted on Instagram. 

"We will be occupying the space throughout the entire day, so be sure to bring blankets, food and water, face masks, and lots of energy. As a reminder please be sure to respect our space and listen to organizers in order to help keep us all safe," the post read. 

Texas Department of Public Safety officers in riot gear were deployed to the protest. Members of the crowd could be heard chanting "the whole world is watching" and calling officers at the scene "fascists." 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Students reject elite colleges like Columbia, Yale to attend southern schools like Clemson: report

Prospective students are increasingly opting for colleges like Elon in North Carolina, Clemson in South Carolina and the University of Miami in Florida over elite northeastern schools. 

For Jewish students, the rise of antisemitism and anti-Israel protests on campuses like Columbia have shown students like Scott Katz that choosing Elon was the right decision. Elon received an A grade from the Anti-Defamation League for its work to protect Jewish students from hate on campus. 

"It was a big deal," Katz told The Free Press of the environment on campus.

"Aunque hubiera podido entrar en Harvard, no habría ido", dijo Katz. "Quería una universidad que me pareciera adecuada, no un lugar al que nos dijeran que se supone que tenemos que querer ir". 

"Never before have we seen so much interest in colleges like Clemson, Georgia Tech, and North Carolina State," assistant vice provost and executive director of undergraduate admissions at Georgia Tech, Rick Clark, told the outlet. "That’s just unprecedented."

Otros padres y alumnos citaron las políticas de cierre de la era COVID como la razón por la que empezaron a considerar más seriamente las escuelas del sur. 

"Kids up north were pretty unhappy during those Covid lockdown years," a father of a prospective college student, Larry Glazer, said. "And colleges down south were offering something different. My son and his friends would look at TikTok and see all these college kids going to football games, throwing parties, living their lives. It has an impact."

Fox News Jeffrey Clark, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Columbia professor condemns AOC for calling anti-Israel protests 'nonviolent'

A Columbia professor barred from campus after hosting a pro-Jewish rally slammed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Wednesday, following her comments on the "nonviolent" anti-Israel protesters.

"AOC is agent of chaos, and I am just looking forward to my kids and grandkids reading about this chapter in history, and the list of all the rabid antisemites, and to see her name," professor Shai Davidai told "America's Newsroom."

"This is not a peaceful protest… she is lying to the people just like Rashida Tlaib, just like Cynthia Nixon from ‘Sex and the City,’ just like the New York Times," he continued.

Cortez, in her X post on Tuesday, wrote, "Calling in police enforcement on nonviolent demonstrations of young students on campus is an escalatory, reckless, and dangerous act. It represents a heinous failure of leadership that puts people’s lives at risk. I condemn it in the strongest possible terms."

Her rhetoric came as chaos on Columbia's campus ignited concerns among the Jewish community as they feared for students' safety. One rabbi even warned Jewish students to leave campus, cautioning that the NYPD "cannot guarantee your safety."

Anti-Israel protesters, meanwhile, have been heard chanting "Al-Qassam you make us proud, kill another soldier now!" "We say justice, you say how. Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!" and "Hamas we love you. We support your rockets too!" 

Fox News Taylor Penley, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Un padre de la Universidad de Columbia denuncia una situación de "pesadilla" en el campus

Columbia University parent Amy Gallatin joined 'Fox & Friends First' on Wednesday to discuss how the widespread anti-Israel protests on campus have impacted her daughter.

Gallatin said her child is a "proud Jew" and shared her concern that antisemitic sentiment surrounding the protests has created a "threatening" environment that has affected her child's ability to go to class.

"It's not that the Jews are 'fearful' so much as they are being threatened," Gallatin said. 

"The climate's been pretty toxic since October 7th." 

Gallatin shared that she's had many "sleepless nights" worried about potential harassment her daughter faces as a Jew on campus.

"When you're now having to reconcile what's happening in their classrooms on top of what's happening on the campus, it's a very disturbing thing," she said. "And it's making all of the parents extremely concerned." 

Columbia University said in an update Wednesday that it is making "important progress" with representatives of the student encampment. 

The university said demonstrators have committed to removing a "significant number" of tents and ensuring that only student protesters affiliated with Columbia will remain on campus to participate. The school extended a deadline to remove the encampment for another 48 hours in light of these commitments and others. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

La Universidad de Brown disciplina a 90 estudiantes que montaron un campamento en el campus

Brown University on Wednesday said a group of students who set up a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus will face disciplinary action for violating school policy.

At around 6 a.m., dozens of students set up a tent city on the main green, with campus security nearby and observing, the Providence Journal reported. School officials said in a statement that 90 students who were involved in the protest have been informed they broke school rules.

"Encampment on Brown University’s historic and residential greens is a violation of University policy, and all of the students participating have been informed they will face conduct proceedings," Brown University said in a statement. 

"This policy is years old, established in October 2011, and not new. Protest is an acceptable means of expression at Brown, but it becomes unacceptable when it violates University policies that are intended to ensure the safety of members of the Brown community and that there is no interference in the rights of others to engage in the regular operations of the university." 

The administration said the campus Department of Public Safety will continue to monitor the situation and ensure that protests do not disrupt the university's operations.

"We have been troubled by reports of violence, harassment and intimidation at some encampments on other campuses, but we have not seen that kind of behavior at Brown. Any such behavior would not be tolerated," officials said. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Activists challenged on Oct. 7 Hamas terror at pro-Palestinian campus 'fair' in Wisconsin

"Fox & Friends" co-host Lawrence Jones visited a pro-Palestinian "fair" at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to talk with activists as antisemitism continues to engulf college campuses nationwide. 

"We're here to really advocate for Palestinians, for Gaza," one activist told Jones on Tuesday. "We're advocating, honestly, for just… humanity."

"There's also a lot more casualties on the Palestinian side than there is on the Israeli side," another activist chimed in. 

"And I'm not trying to like, compare the sides, but a lot of people are like, ‘oh my God, October 7th, October 7th,’ but like, no, this is since 1948."

"People are saying, well, but what about the Jewish community that is under attack as well? The women that were raped, the kids that were put into ovens," Jones said. 

One activist turned to the other activist and questioned the legitimacy of the claims that women and children were raped and tortured during the Oct. 7 massacre. She said she thought those claims were debunked. 

"The UN came out with a report," Jones said. 

"I don't know the resource, but like I said, we're not here to condone… we're not here for violence at all," she said in response. 

"Do you feel like you could separate the two and you say, hey, let's just talk about the humanitarian aspect of it without talking about the larger conversation of Hamas using the people that you care about, I care about, as human shields? Like, does that concern you?" Jones asked. 

" It does concern me. It does. It's actually really unfortunate," she said. "We don't look highly at that at all because you've got to understand, you're all talking about Hamas this, Hamas this. We're talking about the civilians." 

Fox News Digital's Bailee Hill contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Mike Rowe rips Ivy League for having 'lost its mind' amid anti-Israel protests: 'Thugs and bullies'

"How America Works" host Mike Rowe called out the Ivy League for allowing "madness" and antisemitism on campuses in a post Monday. 

Rowe said that his foundation, mikeroweWORKS, is helping place young people at trade schools, which unlike the Ivy League, he argued, does not have students that are calling for the extermination of Jews. 

"[T]he Ivy League has truly lost its mind," he wrote on social media platform X. 

"Consider the latest madness at Columbia University, where the president, Minochuhe Shafik, has announced a new round of remote learning - effective immediately - in response to a noisy rabble of thugs and bullies calling for the eradication of Israel," Rowe continued. "If I had a kid at Columbia, I’d be livid. It’s simply mind-boggling that the president of this university would rather consign her students to another crucible of remote learning, than permanently expel the protesters."

Columbia University President Dr. Nemat "Minouche" Shafik said in a statement posted early Monday morning that she was "deeply saddened" by certain actions of the agitators and called for a "reset."

"I am deeply saddened by what is happening on our campus," Shafik wrote. "Our bonds as a community have been severely tested in ways that will take a great deal of time and effort to reaffirm. Students across an array of communities have conveyed fears for their safety and we have announced additional actions we are taking to address security concerns," Shafik said.

"I mean, seriously, what does it take to get expelled from Columbia?" Rowe asked, calling out "creeps" on campus who have been caught "literally screaming into the faces of Jewish students." 

Fox News Jeffrey Clark, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

El portavoz Johnson pide la dimisión del presidente de la Universidad de Columbia

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., on Wednesday said House Republicans will hold a press conference later in the afternoon to call on Columbia University President Minouche Shafik to resign.

Johnson told talk radio host Hugh Hewitt that Shafik is a "very weak, inept leader" and criticized the university after Jewish students were advised to leave campus for their safety. 

"They cannot even guarantee the safety of Jewish students? They are expected to run for their lives and stay home from class? It’s maddening," Johnson said. "What we are seeing on these college campuses across the country is disgusting and unacceptable and every leader in this country, every political official, every citizen of good conscience has to speak out and say ‘this is not who we are in America.’"

An Orthodox rabbi at Columbia University and Barnard College recently sent a message recommending Jewish students leave campuses and go home as students continue to occupy an encampments there.

En un mensaje de WhatsApp enviado a cientos de personas antes del comienzo de la Pascua judía, el rabino Elie Buechler, director de la OU-LJIC en Columbia/Barnard, dijo a los estudiantes que se marcharan "lo antes posible" hasta que mejorara la situación, señalando que "lo que estamos presenciando en el campus y sus alrededores es terrible y trágico."

Johnson condemned reports of physical assaults and harassment against Jewish students during the widespread anti-Israel protests on university campuses. 

"We need to revoke federal funding to these universities if they cannot keep control. We need to revoke these student visas for these violent protesters," Johnson said. "You don’t have a right to be here and to do this, but Jewish students have a right to be able to peacefully attend classes. They are trying to get an education. This is just madness."

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

El alcalde Adams y la policía de Nueva York culpan a "agitadores externos" de las manifestaciones pro-Hamas en Columbia

Sergeant Joseph Imperatrice, founder of Blue Lives Matter NYC, warned that protests like the anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University can create a dangerous situation for police officers.

Appearing on "Fox & Friends First" on Wednesday morning, Imperatrice said the experience for cops dealing with protesters is "always disgusting." 

"It's very easy to get hut and you're getting people that try to push you and shove you and cross the line so that you do something wrong. There's cameras everywhere," Imperatrice said. "It's not easy for them, but they have shown the utmost respect and restraint, and they're going to continue to do it." 

Imperatrice also said he agreed with New York City Mayor Eric Adams that outside agitators appear to be the ones escalating the protests and throwing bottles at police officers.

"They do come here, they're coordinated. They're orchestrated," he said, adding later that the protests are also happening in other states, not just New York. 

"And we're seeing them stop airports, stop traffic. You don't do this unless you're on some kind of system to be able to coordinate with one another." 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Los manifestantes antiisraelíes del campus se niegan a retirar las demandas del BDS

Students at a growing number of U.S. colleges and universities are forming anti-Israel protest encampments with a unified demand that their schools stop doing business with Israel.

Inspired by ongoing protests and the arrests last week of more than 100 students at Columbia University in New York City, seen at the epicenter of the ongoing demonstrations, students from Massachusetts to California, and Tennessee to Texas, are now gathering by the hundreds and are pledging to stay put on campus until their demand is met.

"Queremos ser visibles", dijo el líder de la protesta de Columbia, Mahmoud Khalil. "La universidad debería hacer algo sobre lo que pedimos, sobre el genocidio que está ocurriendo en Gaza. Deben dejar de invertir en este genocidio".

The nationwide movement has gained momentum and has taken on new strength as administrators continue to allow anti-Israel demonstrations at schools like Columbia, Yale, MIT, UC Berkeley, University of Southern California, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, Northwestern University, Vanderbilt University, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina, University of Virginia and others.

Las protestas se producen cuando la guerra entre Israel y Hamás superó el hito de los seis meses a principios de este mes, lo que ha provocado decenas de miles de muertes de civiles palestinos. Las historias de sufrimiento en Gaza han provocado llamamientos internacionales para un alto el fuego y protestas en todo el mundo.

Students at campuses across the U.S. have demanded their schools stop doing business with Israel or the U.S. Defense Department, which gives money to it. While the specific demands may vary from campus to campus. Among them include:

Deja de hacer negocios con los fabricantes de armas militares que suministran armas a Israel.

Dejar de aceptar dinero de investigación de Israel para proyectos que ayuden a los esfuerzos militares del país.

Dejar de invertir las dotaciones de las universidades con gestores de dinero que se benefician de empresas o contratistas israelíes.

Ser más transparentes sobre el dinero que se recibe de Israel y para qué se utiliza.

Publicado por Lawrence Richard

Estudiantes de Columbia por la Justicia en Palestina lanzan un ultimátum a los administradores de la escuela

The Columbia chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine issued an ultimatum early Wednesday morning, refusing to negotiate further with school administrators unless they call off the threat of police intervention.

Columbia University gave the anti-Israel demonstrators a 48 hour deadline to end the encampment on campus, with a New York Police Department presence standing by at the university. University President Minouche Shafik said that if discussions are unsuccessful, administrators will have to "consider alternative options for clearing the West Lawn and restoring calm to campus so that students can complete the term and graduate." 

Demonstrators said they would not continue to negotiate with the administration without a written commitment that the administration will not be using the New York City Police Department or the National Guard on its students.

"We remain steadfast in our convictions and will not be intimidated by the University's disturbing threat of an escalation of violence," Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine said in a statement.

"We will not concede to cowardly threats and blatant intimidation from an administration that continuously acts in bad faith and repeatedly neglects the safety of students." 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Columbia's billionaire donors mull giving amid anti-Israel protests

Columbia University's billionaire donors are divided on whether they should continue funneling money into the Ivy League school.

Ultra-wealthy benefactors like New York Patriots owner Robert Kraft announced he is pulling financial support to his alma mater over the anti-Israel protests that are unfolding on campus. Kraft also started the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS). Kraft's net worth is over $11 billion, as tracked by Forbes. 

Another graduate, billionaire industrialist Len Blavatnik, who also has a history of giving significant amounts of money to philanthropy, told FOX Business that the school's "leadership must take immediate steps to ensure that Jewish students are protected from threats and intimidation, and that those who violate their policies are held to account." Blavatnik has a net worth of over $31 billion, as tracked by Forbes. 

Blavatnik didn't confirm if he was suspending his giving. However, sources told The New York Post he might also consider pulling back on his donations.

The school started losing donors shortly after the war kicked off in early October after Hamas terrorists stormed Gaza in a surprise attack, killing over 1,100 Israelis and kidnapping over 200, some of whom remain hostages.  

During an interview with Liz Claman on "The Claman Countdown" on Oct. 26, 2023, Columbia University graduate, billionaire investor and Omega Advisors CEO Leon Cooperman pledged to suspend his giving.

"I think these kids at the colleges have sh*t for brains" Cooperman told Claman. "I've given to Columbia probably about $50 million over many years," he continued. "And I'm going to suspend my giving. I'll give my giving to other organizations." 

This week, he told CNBC, he was "uncomfortable" with what is going on at the school but declined to elaborate on future donations. He did say he plans to support Columbia's business school "when they solicit" him. 

Cooperman's net worth neared $3 billion, per Forbes. 

Daniella Genovese, de FOX Business, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Jewish alum outlines steps Columbia president should have taken 'the second' protests started

An alumna of Barnard College, one of Columbia's four undergraduate colleges, is watching the anti-Israel protests and general unrest at Columbia University with a heavy heart.

Daniella Greenbaum Davis, a Jewish-American writer, Emmy-winning producer, and alumna of Barnard College, remembers a similarly charged atmosphere during her own tenure, one where she heard shouts of "intifada" or calls to bring intifada to campus. But, she said, today's demonstrations have reached a new level of extreme.

"I do not think I would send my kids to Columbia right now," Davis told Fox News Digital.

Davis is also a third-generation Holocaust survivor and recently shared part of her family's harrowing history on X.

"My great great grandparents were murdered in Auschwitz," she wrote on Oct. 13, less than a week after Hamas' terror attack against Israel. "My great grandmother lived under the Nuremberg laws. My grandmother survived Bergen Belsen. Jews, despite the anguish, never forget: we will survive this too. But the trauma is imprinted on our genes." 

This Passover at Columbia will be peppered with increased security for upcoming events and services, with police presence at the Kraft Center, a Jewish cultural center shared by Columbia and Barnard College, while students can get walking escorts to and from the building, according to reports.

"If you need a physical escort to get from your dorm to where you're gathering to have a religious meal on campus, that is not a campus I would choose to send my Jewish children to," Davis said. "And I can't think of a Jewish parent in America that would choose to send their children to that kind of environment."

Fox News Digital's Cortney O'Brien contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Omar's daughter decries 'hypocrisy,' says anti-Israel students are '100% targeted' after suspension

Rep. Ilhan Omar's, D-Minn., daughter Isra Hirsi claimed over the weekend that she and fellow anti-Israel protesters faced "physical harm" from opponents spraying "chemical weapons" while protesting at Columbia University.

Columbia University has been engulfed in protests over Israel’s ongoing military operation in Gaza. Hirsi was suspended from Barnard College, one of Columbia’s undergraduate schools, and arrested by the NYPD for her participation in the anti-Israel protest on Columbia University’s campus. The NYPD claimed she was among more than 100 people issued a summons for trespassing.

Hirsi and a fellow protester appeared on Saturday's episode of MSNBC’s "Ayman Mohyeldin Reports," where she was asked if student activists like herself are being targeted because of their "solidarity with Palestinians."

Hirsi argued anti-Israel protesters are "100% targeted." 

"Every single protest that we have, there’s a group of counter professors that bring all of their items, their flags, things like that, and they’re not seen as having unsanctioned protest or really receive the kind of disciplinary warnings that many of our fellow organizers received just for being seen at these protests, and so there is definitely some hypocrisy here," she said. 

She argued that such hypocrisy is especially salient considering counter-protesters used what she called "chemical weapons."

"You can kind of see it with the students that were, sprayed us with the chemical weapons, and the fact that there’s no public information as to what happened to them, but rather, the university is actively discussing what is happening to the [Anti-Israel] students here and making it a whole public spectacle rather than, when we haven’t done anything to physically harm students, whereas those that sprayed those chemical weapons physically harm students," she said. 

As for the chemical weapon claim, Hirsi was most likely referring to an incident involving "fart spray."  A Columbia University student who served in the Israeli armed forces is suing the school after he was suspended for using the noxious spray during an anti-Israel protest. The student is also accusing the school of selectively enforcing its policies to protect students.

Fox News Alexander Hall, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Anti-Israel campus protests are spreading: California, Texas brace after activists overrun Columbia

After anti-Israel protests formed at Columbia University, UC Berkeley and Yale, additional activist groups have become inspired to lead their own resistance movements, forcing schools in California, Texas and Maryland to brace for potential mayhem, Fox News has learned.

Grupos de activistas de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles (UCLA), la Universidad de Texas en Austin y la Universidad Johns Hopkins de Baltimore (Maryland) han anunciado en las redes sociales que celebrarán protestas contra Israel el miércoles 24 de abril.

Las facciones propalestinas de las tres universidades han publicado en las redes sociales que tienen intención de organizar movimientos de "resistencia", incluido un post del Colectivo Hopkins por la Justicia que llama a sus miembros a "apoyar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Gaza, así como a los estudiantes de muchos campus universitarios de todo el país que luchan por la desinversión en la colonia de colonos de Israel".


"Trae tus pancartas, trae tus carteles y, lo más importante, trae tu energía", continúa el post.

Las protestas antiisraelíes que se acaban de anticipar se producen cuando los activistas han registrado una participación masiva de cientos de estudiantes en la Universidad de Columbia, en la ciudad de Nueva York, y en la de Yale, en New Haven, Connecticut. En los últimos días se han producido protestas similares en otras universidades.

Publicado por Lawrence Richard

Columbia administrators demand four agreement points with protesters in 'next 48 hours'

Columbia University issued a press statement around 3:15 a.m. Wednesday regarding its ongoing negotiations with anti-Israel protesters on campus. There are four sticking points, according to the university, which said, "We are making important progress with representatives of the student encampment on the West Lawn."

Student protestors have committed to dismantling and removing a significant number of tents.         

Student protesters will ensure that those not affiliated with Columbia will leave. Only Columbia University students will be participating in the protest.        

Student protestors in the encampment will comply with all requirements of FDNY with respect to activities and safety.         

Student protestors have taken steps to make the encampment welcome to all and have prohibited discriminatory or harassing language.  

"In light of this constructive dialogue, the university will continue conversations for the next 48 hours. We will report back on progress," the university concluded.

Columbia President Minouche Shafik on Tuesday evening initially set a deadline at midnight to reach an agreement in negotiations with student organizers involved in the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” or their would be involvement from law enforcement. The deadline passed with no resolution and no altercations, according to reports.

Reports surfaced that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul could call in the National Guard, despite her saying Tuesday she would not send the military unit to the university.

There has been a large police presence by NYPD since Tuesday night, including both counterterrorism units and riot police.

Publicado por Scott McDonald

NYPD has riot police, counterterrorism unit standing by: report

The Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), a coalition of more than 100 Columbia University student groups who "see Palestine as the vanguard for collective liberation," issued a statement Tuesday night that said no deal would be reached until there's a "written commitment that the administration will not be unleashing the NYPD or the National Guard on its students."

Reporters embedded in the West Lawn encampment and outside of the Columbia University gates early Wednesday morning noted an increased presence of NYPD riot officers and members of its counterterrorism team on hand as the night unfolds on campus.

Student reporters from radio station WKCR said strategic command officers were lined up wearing riot gear, including protective shields for their faces.

President Minouche Shafik on Tuesday evening set a deadline at midnight to reach an agreement in negotiations with student organizers involved in the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” or their would be involvement from law enforcement. The deadline passed with no resolution and no altercations, according to reports.

The deadline for protesters to leave the encampment has reportedly been moved to 8 a.m., but police told those inside the camp to keep down the use of amplified noise makers and beating against barricades down or else take a chance at being arrested.

There were scattered reports across social media that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul could order the state's national guard to mobilize if the NYPD needed assistance in dispersing the anti-Israel protesters. Hochul said Monday she had no plans to send troops to the university protests. 

Publicado por Scott McDonald

AOC calls police enforcement on anti-semitism protesters 'escalatory, reckless and dangerous'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. tweeted Tuesday night that any police enforcement against the anti-Israel protesters would be an "escalatory, reckless, and dangerous act."

"It represents a heinous failure of leadership that puts people’s lives at risk. I condemn it in the strongest possible terms," she tweeted.

This comes after Ocasio-Cortez labeled anti-Israel protests on college campuses as "peaceful," and ahead of Columbia University's president setting a midnight deadline for protesters to reach an agreement or else face police invlovement.

President Minouche Shafik set a deadline at midnight to reach an agreement in negotiations with student organizers involved in the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” or otherwise there could be “alternative options for clearing the West Lawn and restoring calm to campus so that students can complete the term and graduate.”

Publicado por Scott McDonald

University president sets midnight deadline for agreement with protesters

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik set a deadline at midnight to reach an agreement in negotiations with student organizers involved in the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment.” Otherwise, there could be a consideration of “alternative options for clearing the West Lawn and restoring calm to campus so that students can complete the term and graduate.”

Shafik sent an email to the Columbia community shortly before 10 p.m. Tuesday night stating that members of groups from student organizers to members of faculty, administrators, and the University Senate “have been in dialogue” to “discuss the basis for dismantling the encampment, dispersing, and following university policies going forward.”

“I fully support the importance of free speech, respect the right to demonstrate, and recognize that many of the protestors have gathered peacefully,” Shafik wrote in her email. “However, the encampment raises serious safety concerns, disrupts campus life, and has created a tense and at times hostile environment for many members of our community. It is essential that we move forward with a plan to dismantle it.”

The university has already shifted to a hybrid learning environment amid safety concerns. This comes after Shafik on early Monday declared all classes that day would be online.

Tuesday's midnight deadline comes less than a week after Shafik authorized a police sweep of the encampment, resulting in 108 arrests. It was the largest mass arrest on campus since 1968.

“I also want to be clear that we will not tolerate intimidating, harassing, or discriminatory behavior,” Shafik said. “We are working to identify protestors who violated our policies against discrimination and harassment, and they will be put through appropriate disciplinary processes.”

Publicado por Scott McDonald

El director del FBI, Wray, dice que la agencia ha observado un aumento de las amenazas y la violencia antisemitas

FBI Director Christopher Wray said the bureau shares intelligence about certain threats of violence related to heated protests on college campuses. 

“Demonstrations themselves are not something that we, the FBI, get involved in,” Wray told NBC News in an interview that aired Tuesday. “But when violence ensues, that’s when we get concerned.” 

“Even before Oct.7, we saw a significant increase, especially in antisemitic threats and antisemitic violence,” he added. “And since Oct. 7, that number has gone up quite substantially.” 

Protests on college campuses began after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas but were revived last week after months of relative calm. 

Hundreds of protesters have been arrested at Columbia and New York universities and school administrators have been criticized for not doing more to keep Jewish students safe. 

Wray noted that the FBI doesn’t monitor protests, but does “share intelligence about specific threats of violence with campuses, with state and local law enforcement.”   

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Anti-Israel protesters arrested near Schumer's Brooklyn home

Anti-Israel protesters gathered near the Brooklyn home of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., were arrested Tuesday night.

Police officers were seen placing zip ties on demonstrators at the scene.

The New York Police Department did not immediately have a figure on the number of arrests.

The protest came a day after more than 100 people were arrested at an NYU Gaza solidarity encampment on the college campus

Schumer was asked about the protest during a Tuesday night press conference following the Senate's passage of a $95 billion foreign aid package for Israel and Ukraine.

He was asked by Fox News' Kelly Phares to share a message for protesters, to which he replied by referring to his statement earlier condemning antisemitism on Columbia University's campus.

“College campuses must be places of learning and discussion. Every American has a right to protest, but when protests shift to antisemitism, verbal abuse, intimidation, or glorification of Oct. 7 violence against Jewish people, that crosses the line. Campuses must remain safe for all students," Schumer's statement read.

When pressed again for a message to the protesters outside his home, he refused to answer.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Columbia protests are 'writing on the wall,' about antisemitism on campuses: group founder says

The founder of a pro-Israel international campus movement is warning against history repeating itself as antisemitism continues to rage on university and college campuses across the country. 

Ilan Sinelnikov, the president and founder of Students Supporting Israel (SSI), a pro-Israel student movement, told Fox News Digital that history is repeating itself — pointing to the recent anti-Israel protests on Columbia University's campus in New York City.

"History at the end of the day repeats itself," he said. "What we have seen back in the 30s with the harassment and intimidation of Jewish people across Europe, back when Jewish students were not allowed to universities and people were creating human chains in order to block Jewish students from entry."

"Jewish students are being intimidated and harassed on college campuses. I was on a call with a Jewish student that goes to Columbia University, and she said, 'I can't wait to pack my bags and get on the first flight home. I don't want to be on this campus anymore.'"

"When you get to the point, when in our most prestigious universities, Jewish students don't feel safe to walk on those campuses because they're afraid of being harassed or afraid of being physically assaulted," said Sinelnikov. "When you see all of that, the similarities are frightening."

Fox News Sarah Rumpf-Whitten, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Rep. Elise Stefanik calls on Biden admin to deport terrorist supporters on visas

House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., sent a scathing letter to top Biden officials about the ongoing anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, demanding federal intervention to protect Jewish students.

En una carta fechada el martes, Stefanik se dirigió al secretario de Educación, Miguel Cardona, al secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro Mayorkas, y al fiscal general, Merrick Garland. La congresista neoyorquina no se anduvo con rodeos al describir el desorden causado por las protestas antiisraelíes en la institución neoyorquina de la Ivy League, que amenazan a estudiantes y profesores judíos.

"Over the past few days, anarchy has engulfed the campus of Columbia University and created an environment that is unsafe for Jewish students and faculty," she wrote. "You have the ability and authority to put a stop to this and take concrete steps to hold accountable those responsible."

"Consequences are needed for those who are calling for terrorism and violent attacks," she added. Stefanik cited the Immigration and Nationality Act, which states that anyone who endorses terrorism can become ineligible for American residency, and noted that protesters are "brazenly endorsing Hamas and other terrorist organizations."

Classes at Columbia will be entirely virtual for the rest of the semester due to the protesters "taking over" the campus. New York City Mayor Eric Adams blamed "outside agitators" for fanning the flames during a press conference Tuesday.

Fox News Andrea Vacchiano, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

House Minority Leader Jeffries calls antisemitic rhetoric at colleges ‘deeply disturbing'

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., decried the intimidation of Jewish students and antisemitic rhetoric on college campuses in New York City as “unacceptable and deeply disturbing.” 

Anti-Israel protests have raged on the campuses of Columbia University and New York University in recent days, with students setting up encampments in an effort to force the schools to divest from Israel. 

“Every American has the constitutional right to free speech and peaceful assembly in the public square,” Jeffries said in a statement. “However, intentionally targeting Jews or any community on the basis of race, religion or ethnicity, acts of harassment and the use of physical violence will never be tolerated.” 

“No Jewish student or faculty member should fear for their safety on campus or anywhere else in our nation,” he added. 

Columbia recently announced that classes would shift to virtual or hybrid learning as Jewish students have voiced concerns over antisemitic rhetoric by pro-Palestinian supporters.

“The effort to crush antisemitism and hatred in any form is not a Democratic or Republican issue,” said Jeffries. “It’s an American issue that should bind us all together. We will continue to do everything possible to protect the Jewish community during this very fraught moment, fight the cancer of antisemitism and redouble our efforts to bring communities together.”

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Trump slams Columbia for closing campus amid anti-Israel protests: 'Means the other side wins'

Former President Trump slammed Columbia University for closing its campus amid violent anti-Israel, pro-Gaza protests, urging the college to "gain a little strength" and "courage," while saying the move "means the other side wins." 

Trump took reporter questions in Trump Tower on Tuesday evening before a meeting with former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, who is the current vice president of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party. 

The former president and presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee was asked if he would visit with Jewish students this week amid protests, following the news that House Speaker Mike Johnson plans to visit Columbia University’s campus Wednesday. 

"Well, we have a lot of different things, but what’s going on with the colleges—and, they’re closing Columbia now? I mean, it’s just crazy," Trump said. "Columbia should gain a little strength, a little courage and keep their school open." 

"It’s crazy because that means the other side wins," Trump said. "When you start closing down colleges and universities—that means the other side [wins.]" 

Fox News Brooke Singman, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Makeshift wall installed outside NYU’s Stern School of Business amid anti-Israel protests

Crews installed a makeshift plywood wall with steel doors outside an NYU building as anti-Israel protests continue across campus. 

The barrier was placed outside the NYU Stern School of Business on Tuesday evening, a day after more than 100 protesters were arrested outside the building.

Many were given a summons for trespassing. Officers with the New York Police Department manned the perimeter after clearing the courtyard of a group of tents set up by the crowd. 

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Watchdog CEO confronts anti-Israel protesters at Columbia: 'Which is your favorite terrorist group?'

A watchdog group that focuses on higher education released footage exposing the chaos occurring at the epicenter of the anti-Israel protests plaguing one of America's most prestigious Ivy League universities.

Adam Guillette, president of Accuracy In Media, visited Columbia University to speak with the people behind the anti-Israel protests that have erupted at the school, filming his encounters in a video shared with Fox News Digital.

Guillette, who is Jewish, received a cold welcome when he asked several protesters questions about Hamas, the safety of Jewish students on campus, and why they were demonstrating against Israel.

One person said students were not being threatened despite the Morningside main campus  switching to hybrid or remote learning for the remainder of the spring semester due to safety concerns for Jewish students.

When asked who their favorite terrorist group was, one person said "IDF" (Israel Defense Forces).

Others cursed at Guillette or told him to "shut up" when asked if Hamas should remain in charge of "Palestine." Another person flipped off Guillette and told him to "f--- off."

Fox News Digital's Aubrie Spady and Cameron Cawthorne contributed to this report.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

El presidente de la Cámara Johnson se reunirá con estudiantes judíos en la Universidad de Columbia

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., will meet with Jewish students at Columbia University on Wednesday as anti-Israel protests continue to besiege the Ivy League campus.

Johnson will meet with an unspecified number of students at 3 p.m. in a private meeting.

The speaker has criticized protesters who have taken over parts of colleges campuses in recent days in an organized effort to force schools to divest from Israel and companies that do business with the Jewish state.

"Amid anti-Israel protests, Jewish students at Columbia University don't feel safe," Johnson wrote in a Tuesday social media post. "It’s become so dangerous that students were forced out of the classroom. Let’s be clear: these are not peaceful protests, these are antisemitic mobs."

After the meeting, Johnson will deliver some remarks and take questions "regarding the troubling rise of virulent antisemitism on America’s college campuses," his office said.

An Orthodox rabbi at Columbia University and Barnard College recently sent a message recommending Jewish students leave campuses and go home as students continue to occupy an encampments there.

In a WhatsApp message sent to hundreds before the start of Passover, Rabbi Elie Buechler, director of OU-LJIC at Columbia/Barnard, told students to leave "as soon as possible" until the situation improves, noting that "what we are witnessing in and around campus is terrible and tragic."

"Los acontecimientos de los últimos días, especialmente los de anoche, han dejado claro que la Seguridad Pública de la Universidad de Columbia y la Policía de Nueva York no pueden garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes judíos ante el antisemitismo extremo y la anarquía", escribió Buechler. "Me duele profundamente decir que os recomiendo encarecidamente que volváis a casa lo antes posible y permanezcáis en ella hasta que la realidad en el campus y sus alrededores haya mejorado drásticamente". 

As a result of the protests, Columbia instructed students that classes at the Morningside main campus have moved to hybrid learning "until the end of each school’s Spring 2024 semester."

Fox News Danielle Wallace, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Columbia University's antisemitism chaos prompts calls for tuition refunds

Anti-Israel protests at Columbia University that led to fear for the safety of Jewish students have sparked growing calls for tuition refunds over the chaos.

Last week, the New York City Police Department arrested 108 demonstrators after they had set up an encampment on the campus lawn. Over the weekend, a Columbia University rabbi urged Jewish students to leave campus following instances of antisemitic harassment. 

In response to the rabbi's message, commentator Bethany Mandel wrote on X, "Jewish parents need to demand their tuition back. If their kids can’t be kept safe, Columbia owes them repayment."

Then on Tuesday, students at the Ivy League institution were informed that classes have shifted to virtual or hybrid as concerns linger about campus safety stemming from the anti-Israel demonstrations. 

One student, Michael D’Agostino told The New York Post the switch to hybrid classes is frustrating given "the amount we pay to be at this school to learn from these amazing faculties and professors."

The total cost of attending Columbia University is $89,587 per school year.

"I’m studying applied physics and applied math and those are classes I really benefit from being in-person," the D'Agostino told the outlet. "I went through COVID and all that when we were online for about a year and it really disrupted our education."

Breck Dumas, de FOX Business, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Adams, NYPD blame 'outside agitators' for fueling anti-Israel protests at Columbia, NYU

Mayor Eric Adams and New York Police Department top brass condemned "outside agitators" fanning the flames of anti-Israel protests at Columbia and New York University, as police made more arrests.

At his usual Tuesday press conference from City Hall, Adams, a Democrat and former police officer, praised the NYPD's response. 

"We can't have outside agitators come in and be destructive to our city," Adams said. "Someone wanted something to happen at that protest at NYU." 

"People who peacefully protest for an issue, they're not throwing bottles in chairs," the mayor added. "And so we know that we have acknowledged and saw across the country, there are people who come have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate. Now, if those police officers didn't show a high level of discipline, this could have been an ugly situation." 

The NYPD confirmed that 120 individuals were taken into custody by New York University on Monday, including 116 who were released with a summons for trespassing. 

"What I learned during the Black Lives Matter protest, when I was notified under the previous administration that there were anarchists that came into the city with the determination of really disrupting and tearing our city apart," Adams said. "We strongly believe that is the case right now, that there are people who are here. They latch on to any protests to see our police officers having bottles thrown at them, chairs." 

Fox News Digital's Danielle Wallace and Michael Dorgan contributed to this report.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

¿Quién está realmente detrás de Estudiantes por la Justicia en Palestina?

Amid the anti-Israel protests raging on college campuses, questions about who or what is behind the seemingly well-organized effort are being asked as many of the demonstrations look identical, from the message to the tents being used in student encampments. 

Jonathan Schanzer, a senior vice president with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies research institute, said his group began watching a group known as the Students for Justice in Palestine a decade ago. The group has been a fixture at such protests in recent weeks. 

“And what we found was that there was an organization, an umbrella organization known as AMP, American Muslims for Palestine,” Schanzer told “America Reports.” “It started with just a handful of campuses. There's now 200 campuses that have SJP. They use a lot of the same rhetoric. They use a lot of the same devices on campuses, the different means of protests.” 

Much of the money being funneled to the SJP comes from an obfuscated money trail, including a nonprofit in White Plains, New York called Westpac, said Schanzer. 

The goal is to put political pressure on the Biden administration, he said. 

“I mean, the pressure was there for Trump, it was there for Obama,” Schanzer said. ”The idea is to wield that political pressure as much as possible. And we're seeing tactics that really do look like the 1960s revisited.” 

“And you can see right now that the president is, is kind of having a bipolar moment as it comes to, the Israeli war effort in Gaza. On the one hand, we're now supporting, with additional funding, this very just war that the Israelis are fighting,” he added. “In the same time, they're talking about issuing sanctions or withholding certain funds from units that are operating in the IDF, the very same army that we're looking to fund here. The president is trying to figure out how to walk a fine line. I think the message is muddled right now. And I do wonder whether these campus agitators have a role.” 

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Minnesota police clear out anti-Israel protest in the heart of Ilhan Omar's congressional district

Police at the University of Minnesota cleared out an anti-Israel protest encampment from its Twin Cities campus, which is located in progressive "Squad" member Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district, and arrested nine demonstrators early Tuesday.

The university’s Department of Public Safety received reports that a group had set up an encampment with tents on the north end of the Northrop Mall, a university spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

Officers warned the protesters around 6 a.m. that those present were in violation of university policy and state trespassing law as tents are not allowed on campus without a permit, the spokesperson said, adding that "no encampments, tents, fires, or other types of encampment living arrangements have ever been permitted on any university properties or in buildings."

"The group was asked to disperse by 7 a.m. and told they would be arrested if they chose to stay past that time," the university spokesperson said. "Some of those present chose to disperse and continue peacefully protesting, but nine chose to remain and were arrested without incident."

Those arrested were taken on trespassing charges to the Hennepin County jail, where more than a dozen demonstrations gathered to protest the arrests, Minnesota Public Radio reported.

Fox News Stephen Sorace, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Sen. Tom Cotton urges NYPD to arrest 'anyone breaking the law' in anti-Israel protests

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., urged the New York Police Department to arrest anti-Israel protesters if they are breaking the law. 

Authorities in New York have arrested protesters at various college campuses after they failed to disperse and began squatting on campus. 

“These university presidents may need to ask the chief of police in New York and New York City’s finest to arrest anyone who’s breaking the law, who’s squatting on private property when they’ve been told to disperse, who’s harassing or intimidating Jewish students in a nascent pogrom and demand that students actually do what they’re supposed to do on campus, which is go to school,” Cotton told “America Reports” on Tuesday. 

Cotton also urged the Biden administration to revoke any visas for foreign students who are breaking the law and to deport them. 

“They have no right to be here. They certainly have no right to be here spewing antisemitic and anti-Israel filth,” he said. 

Columbia University called the NYPD last week to clean an encampment, resulting in 108 arrests for trespassing. Protesters are demanding the school divest itself from all companies that do business with Israel. 

Cotton compared the protests, in which demonstrators have called for the destruction of Israel and the United States, to scenes in 1930s Nazi Germany, which preceded the Holocaust. 

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Israeli embassy in New York ‘deeply troubled’ by ‘rise in anti-Semitic incidents’ at Columbia, NYU

The Israeli embassy in New York City tells Fox News Digital Tuesday that it is "deeply troubled" by the "recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents" unfolding at schools such as Columbia and New York University. 

The Consulate General of Israel in New York said "Such acts contravene free speech principles and have no place in academia." 

"We are deeply troubled and strongly condemn the recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents at institutions such as Columbia University and NYU, where Jewish, Israeli, and pro-Israeli students are targeted and denied a safe educational environment," it said. 

"These manifestations of hate are unacceptable. Institutional leaders must urgently address and correct these behaviors," the consulate added. "Recent events have been overlooked for too long without significant intervention, which is now crucial than ever for the safety and well-being of all students." 

Publicado por Greg Norman

La Universidad de Nueva York levanta barricadas de contrachapado tras las estridentes protestas

New York University appears to be tightening security on campus after more than 100 anti-Israel agitators were arrested during Monday night's protest.

Plywood barricades were installed at Gould Plaza, where a day earlier students and faculty had encamped and demanded that the school divest from Israel. Dozens were cited for trespassing and four face criminal charges after police were called to the scene to restore order. All have been released with summons to appear in court on disorderly conduct charges.  

Antisemitism has surged on Ivy League campuses as students and outside protesters have put on demonstrations protesting the war in Gaza. Protesters carried pro-Hamas signs and chanted antisemitic slogans at NYU and Columbia University, accusing Israel of genocide against Palestinians for its response to the Oct. 7 terror attack, in which Hamas infiltrated the Jewish state and slaughtered 1,200 Israelis.

University spokesperson John Beckman said NYU was carrying on with classes Tuesday.

Associated Press ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

El representante demócrata Ritchie Torres exige al presidente de Columbia Shafik que controle las protestas o dimita

Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., on Tuesday called for Columbia University President Minouche Shafik to get the anti-Israel agitators on campus under control or resign.

In a statement, Torres said the decision to cancel in-person classes was a choice "to surrender control of Columbia to an antisemitic fringe." 

"If you cannot ensure the safety of your students, then you have no business serving as President of any university, let alone the alma mater of Alexander Hamilton," Torres said. 

“What Columbia University needs is not an appeaser of antisemitism but a leader who will fight with moral clarity against it. College administrators should start defending their Jewish constituents and students and stop pandering to the antisemites who seek their destruction. Appeasing antisemitism never works," he continued. 

"That Columbia University has failed its Jewish students so profoundly is an indelible stain on the soul of the institution. If the President of Columbia University cannot lead with moral clarity, then she should step aside for a true leader who can and will.”

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

Anti-Israel protesters walk out of NYU classes, gather in Washington Square Park

Anti-Israel protesters at New York University walked out of class on Tuesday and gathered at Washington Square Park in New York City.

A large crowd of people carrying signs were seen in the park, where a speaker with a bullhorn led a call and response from those gathered. The crowd chanted, "free, free Palestine!" and other slogans. 

Hours earlier, more than 100 were arrested by NYPD for trespassing on NYU's campus after police were called to the scene to disperse the unruly crowd.

NYPD sources police used zip ties and flex cuffs to remove the protesters from campus. They were taken on a bus to police headquarters, where they were charged with trespassing, the sources said.

Some of the protesters at Monday night's demonstration were filmed hurling bottles at police.

"When NYU asked the NYPD to clear Gould Plaza of individuals who were refusing to disperse and were ‘interfering with the safety and security of our community,’ our officers moved in without delay," NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry posted on X.

"Unfortunately, as they were dispersing the crowd, some chose violence and pelted the police with bottles," Daughtry said. "The professionalism and composure our officers showed as they cleared the plaza — despite these dangerous acts of aggression they encountered — are to be commended." 

Fox News Michael Dorgan, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Obama, ex alumno de Columbia, guarda silencio ante el acoso antisemita que sufren profesores y estudiantes judíos en el campus

The open antisemitism running rampant on Columbia University's campus in New York City has drawn condemnation from both sides of the aisle, but one prominent Democrat and alumnus of the school is remaining silent, choosing not to speak out against the anti-Israel demonstrations taking place there.

In a lengthy Monday post on X commemorating the celebration of Passover, former President Obama, who graduated from Columbia in 1983, made no mention of protestors' violent rhetoric aimed at the university's Jewish students and staff, and neither he nor his representatives responded to Fox News Digital's request for comment about the antisemitic demonstrations that have engulfed the campus since last week.

A number of other Democrats have, however, joined their Republican colleagues in denouncing discrimination against Jews at Columbia, which was forced to move all classes to virtual on Tuesday because of safety concerns.

"Todos los estadounidenses tienen derecho a protestar", afirmó en un comunicado el líder de la mayoría, el demócrata Chuck Schumer. "Pero cuando las protestas se convierten en antisemitismo, abuso verbal, intimidación o glorificación de la violencia del 7 de octubre contra el pueblo judío, eso cruza la línea".

La senadora por Nueva York Kirsten Gillibrand, otra demócrata, también denunció la muestra de antisemitismo en la universidad, diciendo que estaba "horrorizada". 

"Las amenazas de violencia contra los estudiantes judíos y la comunidad judía son horribles, despreciables y totalmente inaceptables", declaró. "Utilizar la retórica de los terroristas no tiene cabida en Nueva York, donde nos enorgullecemos de la tolerancia y del derecho de todo grupo a practicar su religión en paz".

Otros que se unieron a los miembros de su partido para dirigirse al campamento fueron los senadores Jacky Rosen, demócrata de Nevada, y John Fetterman, demócrata de Pensilvania. Jacky Rosen, demócrata de Nevada, y John Fetterman, demócrata de Pensilvania.

Fox NewsBrandon Gillespie ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

House Democrat says he would be worried to send children to Columbia after visiting protests

Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., spoke out Tuesday about his experience visiting the anti-Israel student protests at Columbia University. 

Those protests have spread to multiple Ivy League and elite campuses across the U.S. and have resulted in hundreds of arrests.

"It has created a place that does not feel safe for all students from all backgrounds and races and religions, and the bottom line is that is completely unacceptable at any college campus," Gottheimer said on CNN's "This Morning." 

Gottheimer said he came to Columbia in support of an educational experience that is safe and welcoming for all students.

"No antisemitism, no Islamophobia, no attacks on anybody," he said, endorsing "civil and constructive discourse." 

When asked if he would feel safe sending his children to Columbia University after what he witnessed on campus, Gottheimer said he would be concerned about their well-being. 

"After what I saw yesterday? I would be very concerned," he said. "And I understand why parents would be very concerned." 

"Imagine sending your child off to college and obviously spending a pretty penny for it and they‘re not safe and you're worried if they‘re going to be safe," he said.

"I think that‘s unacceptable," Gottheimer continued, "that they can‘t even feel safe on the campus, and I think that it echoes a huge responsibility now that many of my colleagues are calling for, that these university presidents across the country step up and provide a safe space for all students."

Fox News Jeffrey Clark, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Los estudiantes de la Universidad de Nueva York planean una huelga tras las violentas protestas contra Israel

A group called the NYU Palestine Solidarity Coalition is calling on students at New York University to walk out of classes Tuesday following violent anti-Israel protests that unfolded there last night. 

The group has posted on Instagram for students to walk out of class at 1 p.m. ET and head to Washington Square Park in Manhattan "to reflect, debrief [and] strategize." 

Anti-Israel protests at New York University's campus turned violent Monday night when demonstrators hurled bottles at police officers who were sent to the scene to disperse a large unruly crowd, officials said. 

Fuentes de la policía de Nueva York confirmaron el martes a Fox News que la policía detuvo a 133 manifestantes utilizando bridas y esposas flexibles para sacarlos del campus. Fueron trasladados en autobús a la jefatura de policía, donde se les acusó de allanamiento de morada, añadieron las fuentes. 

The NYU Palestine Solidarity Coalition said in an Instagram post that NYU students in their group set up a "Gaza Solidarity Encampment" on Monday. 

El grupo exige "poner fin a toda especulación bélica e inversión en genocidio", un "completo boicot académico a Israel", la retirada de la policía de Nueva York del campus y que la Universidad de Nueva York "proteja la libertad de expresión en el campus y proporcione una amnistía total a todos los estudiantes y profesores sancionados por su activismo propalestino". 

They claimed the arrests last night were "violent" but that "the violence we faced is only a fraction of the violence that Palestinians face on the ground every day." 

La Universidad de Nueva York no respondió inmediatamente el martes a una solicitud de comentarios de Fox News Digital en relación con el paro. 

Publicado por Greg Norman

Bill Bennett: Authority has to be asserted on campuses against 'ignorant' protesters

Former Education Secretary Bill Bennett said authority must be asserted on college campuses to clamp down on antisemitism at anti-Israel protests.

Bennett joined America's Newsroom on Tuesday to react to the protests at Columbia and New York University's campuses, where dozens of protesters were arrested for trespassing.

"The main thing that has to happen is authority has to be asserted on the campuses," Bennett said. "It's not enough for the presidents to maintain peace, they need to maintain the order and to assert their authority and say, 'this is a university. We do not do this here. You people are ignorant. Go to the library, if you're students that are enrolled here, and read about what happened in the Holocaust."

He criticized Columbia University's decision to move to virtual classes, calling it a "win" for the disruptive protesters.

"The president of that university should say we are open. We are open for business. And anybody who tries to interfere with our students coming on campus will be arrested and, hopefully, for a long time," Bennett said. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Berkeley anti-Israel agitators met with stern university warning: 'We will take the steps necessary'

The University of California- Berkeley is among the latest campuses to join in on the anti-Israel protests sweeping the country, as students occupied part of the Bay Area campus Monday during a sit-in.

UCB Divest, a coalition of students, staff and faculty members, is one of the organizations leading the charge and calling on the community to come out and support their group, in what they call the first encampment of its kind on the West coast, during the occupation of Sproul Plaza.

"WE NEED YOU HERE! We will need you every night throughout this week to take up space with us. We know the Bay Area will not disappoint," the group posted on Instagram.

Organizers told Fox News the encampment is in solidarity with students from Columbia University and elsewhere who’ve been arrested, and say the tents will remain until UC divests from corporations -especially military manufacturers- that are helping Israel with the war effort.

The group is also calling on the university to enact policies to protect Palestinian students, and call for an end "to the violence in Gaza."

"As students of this university, we have no choice but to take action as UC Berkeley stays silent about our people's genocide and remains complicit in the mass murder of Palestinians," the group posted. 

The group told Fox News that they are prepared to be arrested. However, Monday's rally was reportedly peaceful and there was no sign of police.

Fox News Digital's Stepheny Price contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

El Secretario de Educación, Miguel Cardona, condena las protestas antiisraelíes en los campus universitarios

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona released a statement Tuesday condemning the anti-Israel protests on college campuses that led to dozens of arrests.

"Antisemitic hate on college campuses is unacceptable. I am deeply concerned by what is happening at Columbia University. In November 2023, our Office for Civil Rights opened an investigation of Columbia involving Title VI," Cardona posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

"While we can’t comment on pending investigations, every student deserves to feel a sense of safety and belonging at school. Hate has no place in our schools. All education leaders must stand definitively against hate, antisemitism, anti-Arab, and anti-Muslim sentiment," the secretary continued.

"Universities are at their best when they promote the respectful exchange of diverse views and constructive debate. Our Office for Civil Rights interprets the civil rights laws we enforce consistent with free speech and other rights protected under the First Amendment." 

"But we won’t tolerate hate or harassment that targets students because of who they are or who they’re perceived to be," he concluded. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

Columbia University responds after Robert Kraft says he's pulling support over antisemitic violence

Columbia University has told FOX Business on Tuesday that it is "grateful" for Robert Kraft’s "years of generosity and service" after the New England Patriots team owner announced he is pulling financial support to his alma mater over the antisemitic protests unfolding there. 

On Monday, Kraft, through a statement released by his philanthropic organization Foundation to Combat Antisemitism, said he is "deeply saddened at the virulent hate that continues to grow on campus and throughout our country" and that he is no longer "comfortable supporting the university until corrective action is taken." 

When asked to respond to his remarks Tuesday, a Columbia spokesperson told FOX Business that "Columbia is grateful to Mr. Kraft for his years of generosity and service to Columbia." 

"This is a time of crisis for many members of our community and we are focused on providing the support they need while keeping our campus safe," the spokesperson added.

Publicado por Greg Norman
Noticias de última hora

Trump calls anti-Israel protests 'a disgrace,' says Biden 'no friend to Israel'

Former President Trump addressed the anti-Israel protests on college campuses Tuesday morning, calling them a "disgrace."

Speaking ahead of his appearance in Manhattan court for his criminal trial, Trump blamed President Biden for the demonstrations, which have interrupted classes at Columbia and NYU and led to dozens of arrests.  

"It's really on Biden, he's got the wrong signal. He's got the wrong tone. He's got the wrong words. He doesn't know who he's backing and it's a mess," Trump said. 

"If this were me, they'd be after me, they'd be after me so much but they're trying to give him a pass and what's going on is a disgrace to our country, and it's all Biden's fault," he continued.

"Everybody knows he's got no message, he's got no compassion and he doesn't know what he's doing, can't put two sentences together. Frankly, he is the worst president in the history of our country." 

"The signals he puts out are so bad. And I can tell you, he's no friend of Israel, that's for sure," Trump added.

Trump is on trial for allegedly falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and other women he allegedly had sexual affairs with before his 2016 campaign for president. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Biden crushed for equivocating on antisemitic protests: 'Very fine people on both sides' moment

President Biden’s latest comment on antisemitic protests on college campuses is being called his "very fine people on both sides" moment by some on social media.

Following the president’s Earth Day comments at Prince William Forest Park in Virginia, reporters caught up with Biden and asked for a comment on anti-Israel protests occurring across multiple universities at the time.

"Do you condemn the antisemitic protests on college campuses?" Biden was asked.

"I condemn the antisemitic protests. That’s why I have set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians," he said.

Equating the antisemitic protests with people who "don’t understand" the Palestinians ignited several comments accusing Biden of echoing Trump’s "very fine people on both sides" Charlottesville comment from 2017.

"This sure sounds like he’s ACTUALLY saying there are very fine people on both sides," OutKick founder Clay Travis remarked.

"’Very fine people on both sides,’" RedState writer Bonchie agreed.

American Spectator writer Nate Hochman noted, "I'm old enough to remember when ‘good people on both sides’ was evil and racist."

Fox News Lindsay Kornick, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

Más de 100 detenidos en una protesta antiisraelí en la Universidad de Nueva York: NYPD

Police offices arrested more than 100 demonstrators at the anti-Israel protests at New York University's campus on Monday night, NYPD sources told Fox News. 

Officers used zip ties and flex cuffs to remove the protesters from campus. They were taken on a bus to police headquarters, where they were charged with trespassing, the sources said.

The arrests come after an NYU spokesperson told local media that the protestors were behaving in a “disorderly, disruptive, and antagonizing manner." 

Antes, los manifestantes antiisraelíes habían formado una cadena humana mientras la policía acudía para disolver la manifestación.

Un vídeo grabado por Fox News Digital muestra a la policía de Nueva York diciendo a los estudiantes: "Habéis sido advertidos por la Universidad de Nueva York para que abandonéis la zona". 

Los que no se marcharan pronto, serían detenidos por allanamiento de morada, dijo la policía de Nueva York. 

La Seguridad Global del Campus de la Universidad de Nueva York publicó en Instagram que los manifestantes habían traspasado las barreras instaladas en Gould Plaza, Fountain Walker. 

"El único requisito de seguridad que exigimos fue que no entraran más manifestantes en la Plaza Gould. Con la ruptura de las barricadas a primera hora de esta tarde, se violó ese requisito, y fuimos testigos de un comportamiento desordenado, perturbador y antagonista que ha interferido en la seguridad de nuestra comunidad", declaró la universidad en un comunicado. 

"No podemos tolerar que la gente salga herida. Tendréis que desalojar la plaza antes de las 4:00 pm. Si os marcháis ahora, nadie se enfrentará a ninguna consecuencia por las acciones de hoy: ni disciplina, ni policía."

Las detenciones masivas comenzaron hacia las 20.30 h. Al cabo de una hora, la manifestación se había disipado en gran medida. 

Fox News' Alexis McAdams and Fox News Digital's Bradford Betz and Julia Bonavita contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Arab-Israeli journalist speaks out after being attacked by anti-Israel agitator at Columbia

An Arab-Israeli journalist said anti-Israel agitators assaulted him ahead of a lecture he was supposed to give at Columbia University last Thursday.

Yoseph Haddad, a journalist, Israel Defense Forces veteran and activist who founded the interfaith group Together Vouch for Each Other, said a pro-Israel student group invited him to speak on campus about the coalition of Arabs and Jews in Israel last week, right as anti-Israel protests rocked the college campus.

When he first arrived, he was alarmed to find agitators chanting "intifada" and "from the river to the sea," and confronted the group.

"As an Arab, I know the real meaning of [intifada]. Of course, the direct meaning is, ‘a violent uprising.’ But people do not understand what this ‘violent uprising’ means," Haddad told Fox News Digital.

"Intifada means the moral death of Jews, the moral death of Arabs," he said.

The Israeli journalist said he asked the group how they could "literally support terrorism" before they turned their hostilities toward him. Haddad said they began hurling death threats and antisemitic slurs at him even though he is not Jewish.

Fox News Digital's Nikolas Lanum and Kristine Parks contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Un superviviente del Holocausto advierte sobre las protestas contra Israel: "Sólo pueden acabar en tragedia".

Holocaust survivor Tova Friedman called the anti-Israel protests on Ivy League campuses were "utterly shocking" and warned that antisemitism "can only end in tragedy.

Friedman, who was imprisoned at Auschwitz when she was five years old, reacted to footage from the protests at Columbia and New York University's campuses on "Fox & Friends." 

"I am shocked. I am pained. I'm scared, both for America, I'm scared for the Jews. And very painful for our young people," Friedman said. "What's shocking most of all is that the professors, some of them, are on board." 

Police made dozens of arrests and dispersed the protests at Columbia and NYU as demonstrators screamed antisemitic slogans and demanded that the schools divest from Israel.

Este tipo de manifestaciones han estallado en los campus universitarios en los últimos meses como protesta por la ofensiva israelí en Gaza, que a su vez es una reacción al ataque de Hamás contra Israel del 7 de octubre, en el que murieron 1.200 personas y unas 240 fueron tomadas como rehenes. 

El Ministerio de Sanidad de Gaza, dirigido por Hamás, afirma que la guerra ha matado al menos a 34.097 palestinos y herido a otros 76.980, aunque Israel ha rebatido estas cifras. El ministerio no distingue entre combatientes y civiles en su recuento. 

Fox News Stephen Sorace, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Harvard cierra Harvard Yard mientras manifestantes antiisraelíes toman los campus de la Ivy League: informe

Harvard University has closed Harvard Yard at the heart of its campus and is restricting access to the outside area until Friday, according to a report, a move that comes as anti-Israel protesters take over open areas of other Ivy League campuses.

Signs posted on the gates of Harvard Yard on Sunday said that the area was closed to non-Harvard ID holders and that "structures, including tents and tables" are not permitted without prior permission, the Harvard Crimson first reported.

Blocking pedestrian pathways and access to building entrances was also prohibited, according to the Crimson. The university said that students who violate these policies are subject to disciplinary action.

Fox News Digital reached out to Harvard University but did not immediately receive a response.

The announcement comes after more than 200 anti-Israel protesters gathered in Harvard Yard on Friday and demanded that the university divest from Israeli companies and investments in the West Bank.

Fox News Stephen Sorace, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Bottles thrown at police officers during NYU protests Monday night

Anti-Israel Protests at New York University's campus turned violent Monday night when demonstrators hurled bottles at police officers who were sent to the scene, officials said.

"When NYU asked the NYPD to clear Gould Plaza of individuals who were refusing to disperse and were 'interfering with the safety and security of our community.,' our officers moved in without delay," said NYPD Deputy Commissioner, Operations Kaz Daughtry. 

"Unfortunately, as they were dispersing the crowd, some chose violence and pelted the police with bottles," Daughtry said. "The professionalism and composure our officers showed as they cleared the plaza — despite these dangerous acts of aggression they encountered  — are to be commended." 

The deputy commissioner shared video that appears to show bottles thrown at police. 

Mass arrests began around 8:30 p.m. after the protest escalated the plaza in front of the business school. The university released a statement explaining while it supports students' rights to protest, safety remains its priority.

"Los acontecimientos de hoy no tenían por qué conducir a este desenlace", declaró en un comunicado John Beckman, portavoz de la Universidad de Nueva York.

Beckman said the protests were "considerably disruptive of classes and other operations in schools around the plaza." 

"Nonetheless we made no move to clear the plaza at that point because high among the University's aims was to avoid any escalation or violence," Beckman said. "So, the University was deeply disturbed when, early this afternoon, additional protesters, many of whom we believe were not affiliated with NYU, suddenly breached the barriers that had been put in place at the north side of the plaza and joined the others already on the plaza. This breach was in violation of directions from Campus Safety Officers and in violation of multiple University rules."

"Este acontecimiento cambió radicalmente la situación", continuó. "Hemos sido testigos de un comportamiento desordenado, perturbador y antagonista que ha interferido en la seguridad de nuestra comunidad, y que ha demostrado lo rápido que una manifestación puede salirse de control o que la gente puede resultar herida".

Fox News Landon Mion, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Vandalizan la oficina de un congresista de Texas con un líquido rojo que dice "Free Gaza" (Liberad a Gaza)

Rep. John Carter, R-Texas said "unhinged anti-Israel activists" vandalized his Georgetown office, posting pictures of the display on social media just days after he voted in favor of providing $26 billion in aid to Israel.

El lunes por la mañana, Carter publicó una imagen de la puerta de su oficina de Georgetown, Texas, salpicada de un líquido rojo que decía: "Liberad Gaza".

"Activistas antiisraelíes desquiciados destrozaron mi oficina de Georgetown", publicó. "Permítanme dejar dos cosas claras: mi apoyo a Israel es inquebrantable y su intimidación no funcionará. En segundo lugar, los responsables serán encontrados y procesados con todo el peso de la ley".

FOX 7 in Austin reported that officers with the Georgetown Police Department responded to Carter’s office at about 8:45 a.m. after reports of a possible burglary.

La policía dijo a la emisora que está investigando el vandalismo como delito de daños, que en Texas es un delito menor si la pérdida es de entre 750 y 2.500 dólares.

The incident comes as anti-Israel agitators continue to protest at major cities and universities across the country, including Columbia University in New York City.

Fox News Digital's Greg Wehner contributed to this update.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Columbia's main campus moves to hybrid learning for remainder of semester over anti-Israel protests

Columbia University in New York City announced Monday evening that classes at its main campus will be remote for the remainder of the season over safety concerns following days of anti-Israel protests on campus.

"Safety is our highest priority as we strive to support our students' learning and all the required academic operations," Columbia provost Angela V. Olinto said in a message to the university's community.

The Morningside main campus will be moving all classes to hybrid learning, as long as classroom technology permits it, until the end of the Spring semester.

The university stated exceptions for arts and practice-based programs, saying that there will be in-person learning with "generous accommodations" supported by school deans and staff.

Courses at the Columbia University Irvine Medical Center and Manhattanville campuses will also remain in-person, operating as usual but offering accommodations for "religious reasons, or approved disability accommodations."

"All faculty whose classrooms are located on the main Morningside campus and equipped with hybrid capabilities should enable them to provide virtual learning options to students who need such a learning modality," Olinto wrote.

"Faculty in other classrooms or teaching spaces that do not have capabilities for offering hybrid options should hold classes remotely if there are student requests for virtual participation," she continued. "If the class does not permit adapting to the remote offering format, we encourage faculty to provide other accommodations liberally to students who have requested support for virtual learning this week."

Publicado por Landon Mion

Arab-Israeli journalist speaks out after being attacked by anti-Israel agitator at Columbia U.

An Arab-Israeli journalist said anti-Israel agitators assaulted him ahead of a lecture he was supposed to give at Columbia University last Thursday.

Yoseph Haddad, a journalist, Israel Defense Forces veteran and activist who founded the interfaith group Together Vouch for Each Other, said a pro-Israel student group invited him to speak on campus about the coalition of Arabs and Jews in Israel last week, right as anti-Israel protests rocked the college campus.

When he first arrived, he was alarmed to find agitators chanting "intifada" and "from the river to the sea," and confronted the group.

"As an Arab, I know the real meaning of [intifada]. Of course, the direct meaning is, ‘a violent uprising.’ But people do not understand what this ‘violent uprising’ means," Haddad told Fox News Digital.

"Intifada means the moral death of Jews, the moral death of Arabs," he said.

The Israeli journalist said he asked the group how they could "literally support terrorism" before they turned their hostilities toward him. Haddad said they began hurling death threats and antisemitic slurs at him even though he is not Jewish.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Cal Poly cierra el campus de Humboldt por protestas contra Israel por motivos de seguridad

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt announced that the campus will be closed through Wednesday for safety concerns in response to anti-Israel demonstrations.

In a statement, the university said the campus would be closed "for the safety of the campus community" as protestors continue occupying Siemens Hall.

"The campus community is advised to avoid the area of the building, as it is a dangerous and volatile situation," the statement said.

"The University is deeply concerned about the safety of the protestors who have barricaded themselves inside the building," the statement continued. "The University is urgently asking that the protestors listen to directives from law enforcement that have responded and to peacefully leave the building."

The university said in-person classes and activities will be transitioning to remote where possible.

Publicado por Landon Mion

NYU asked NYPD to gain control of ‘disorderly’ anti-Israel protest: ‘Did not need to lead to this'

Tras la escalada de una protesta antiisraelí en la Universidad de Nueva York el lunes -que requirió la presencia de la policía municipal-, la universidad emitió una declaración en la que explicaba que, aunque apoya el derecho de los estudiantes a protestar, la seguridad sigue siendo su prioridad.

"Today's events did not need to lead to this outcome," NYU spokesperson John Beckman said in a statement.

Mass arrests began around 8:30 p.m. and, within an hour, the demonstration had largely fizzled out.

Unos 50 manifestantes antiisraelíes iniciaron el lunes por la mañana una manifestación en la plaza situada frente a la escuela de negocios, sin previo aviso ni autorización de la NYU, según Beckman.

The university closed access to the plaza, placed barriers and emphasized that it would not allow additional protesters to join the demonstration because it was already "considerably disruptive of classes and other operations in schools around the plaza," Beckman said.

In response to intimidating chants, antisemitic incidents and safety issues, the university requested assistance from the NYPD, who initially urged people on the plaza to leave peacefully before ultimately making several arrests.

"We will continue to support individuals' right to freedom of expression, and, as we have said since October, the safety of our students and maintaining an equitable learning environment remain paramount," Beckman said, referring to the initial response to protests following Hamas terrorists' Oct. 7 attack against Israel, which started the ongoing war in the Middle East.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Ex-CNN anchor bringing her sons to Israel where she says they will be 'safer' than in New York City

Former CNN host Campbell Brown declared Sunday she is heading to Israel with her sons, arguing that the embattled country is currently more welcoming to her Jewish family than New York City, where antisemitic protests have roiled Columbia University.

Just before Passover began, the former news anchor and ex-Meta executive wrote on social media, "I’m on my way to Israel where my two sons will be safer and feel more welcomed than they would be today on the Upper West Side. #AmYisraelChai [The people of Israel live]."

Brown’s husband, former Bush administration foreign policy adviser and author Dan Senor, responded with a series of emojis in support of her statement.

New York City has been a hotbed of massive anti-Israel protests since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks. Columbia University, in particular, one of America’s most prestigious universities, has been shaken by such demonstrations in the past several days.

Fox News'  Alexander Hall contributed to this report.

Publicado por Landon Mion

NYPD arrests 'numerous' anti-Israel protesters on NYU's campus following university's request

The New York City Police Department arrested several anti-Israel protesters on New York University's campus after school officials requested police presence to clear out people who refused to leave the area.

NYPD Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry said the department received a letter from NYU on Monday "detailing a request to clear Gould Plaza of individuals who were refusing to comply with repeated requests to disperse."

"They were described as 'interfering with the safety and security of our community.' Our officers responded to the location without delay and dispersed the crowd — making numerous arrests, as necessary," Daughtry said.

"There is a pattern of behavior occurring on campuses across our nation, in which individuals attempt to occupy a space in defiance of school policy," he continued. "Rest assured, in NYC the NYPD stands ready to address these prohibited and subsequently illegal actions whenever we are called upon."

Publicado por Landon Mion

Rabbi: Columbia University proves we need 'real enforcement' by White House against 'anarchy'

Rabbi Moshe Hauer is calling on the White House and federal government to take a harder stance on combating campus antisemitism after the "anarchy" at Columbia University.

"What was very clear last week was basically a cry from the university leadership of Columbia and from the law school, the former law school dean, who's the head of the antisemitism Task Force, that they don't know how to draw the line between what is permitted and what is forbidden. And that task should not be on a task force of the community. That task, that definition, should be provided by the government of the country that tells them what's permitted, what's forbidden," Hauer told Fox News Digital.

He continued, "The Justice Department, the Department of Education, should be telling the schools where the line is, should be telling the schools what appropriate enforcement looks like. Meanwhile, they're left to figure it out for themselves. And that's helping to grow this problem, the absence of crystal-clear guidance from our government and moral support in that enforcement."

On Sunday, Orthodox Union-Jewish Learning Initiative (OU-JLIC) Director Rabbi Elie Buechler put out a recommendation for Jewish students to return home ahead of Passover.

"Los acontecimientos de los últimos días, especialmente los de anoche, han dejado claro que la Seguridad Pública de la Universidad de Columbia y la Policía de Nueva York no pueden garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes judíos ante el antisemitismo extremo y la anarquía", escribió Buechler. "Me duele profundamente decir que os recomiendo encarecidamente que volváis a casa lo antes posible y permanezcáis en ella hasta que la realidad en el campus y sus alrededores haya mejorado drásticamente".

To read the full article, click here.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

NYU anti-Israel protesters form human chain as NYPD moves in

The New York Police Department was making several arrest of pro-Palestinian protesters at New York University on Monday night.

Large crowds were on the campus all day protesting Israel amid its war with Hamas.

Authorities warned the anti-Israel protesters that they needed to disperse. Instead, some began forming a human chain as the police moved in. The participants also denounced capitalism and stomped on the Israeli flag.

"This is the New York City Police Department,” an officer is heard saying over a loudspeaker. “You have been warned by New York University to leave the area. Please leave the plaza now or you will be arrested for trespass."

At least two police buses and several police vans were seen in the area.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Columbia president condemns terrorism after video surfaces of her calling it 'form of protesting'

As Columbia University President Dr. Nemat "Minouche" Shafik faces scrutiny from ongoing campus protests over Israel’s war with Hamas, a more than 20-year-old video is getting renewed attention for remarks on the causes of terrorism.  

The video, filmed just two months after 9/11, shows Shafik – who was then vice president at the World Bank – discussing the economic roots of terrorism with UC Berkeley’s Harry Kreisler on the program, "Conversations with History."

Shafik argued that although terrorism has sprung up in "fairly rich and open societies," its most fertile ground is in countries beset by "economic stagnation and political authoritarianism." 

"You’ll always have individuals with extreme views. But what’s really troubling in the region is that there’s actually quite a broad base of society which has some sympathy for the terrorists, not so much because they approve of their methods, but it’s a form of protesting against a system which is not delivering for them on the economic or the political front," she said. 

The video was first unearthed by The Daily Wire’s Brent Scher. 

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Los estudiantes de la escuela universitaria de Columbia votan a favor de la desinversión en Israel

Students at one of Columbia University’s undergraduate colleges has voted in favor of a referendum asking if the school should divest from Israel. 

Students at Columbia College were asked if the university should divest financially from Israel, cancel the Tel Aviv Global Center, and end Columbia’s dual degree program with Tel Aviv University, the Columbia Spector reported. 

More than 60% of the 2,013 students who voted were in favor of divestment for each of the three questions.

“Columbia University welcomes and embraces the Israeli students, faculty, and staff on our campus,” a University spokesperson wrote in a statement to Spectator, the student newspaper.

“We also benefit greatly from our dual degree program with Tel Aviv University.” 

The vote has no impact on university policy but lets officials know where students stand. 

Teji Vijayakumar, president of the Columbia College Student Council, told the student newspaper she doesn’t “necessarily think that this referendum will be enough to get divestment."

Vijayakumar, instead, hopes the university senate will put out a university-wide referendum to form a consensus on the matter. The referendum results came amid days of protests at the university in which participants have called for a halt of aid to Israel.  

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Harvard suspende a un grupo propalestino durante el resto del trimestre de primavera

Harvard University has suspended its Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee and ordered them to cease all organizational activities for the remainder of the Spring 2024 term or risk permanent expulsion, according to reports.

The group confirmed the suspension on its Instagram account.

The PSC was one of several groups to stage a rally at Harvard Yard, located at the heart of the Ivy League campus, last week in solidarity with students at Columbia University, The Harvard Crimson reported.

More than 100 students were arrested last week during protests at Columbia, many for trespassing, the New York Police Department said.

Harvard told the PSC that suspension came after the group failed to register a demonstration and violated university guidelines on the use of space.

The group had previously been placed on probation by the College in March, according to the email, according to the student newspaper.

“The organization will not be recognized and will not have access to university benefits and services during this time, including but not limited to use of campus space and appropriate use of the Harvard name,” the email stated. “If the organization continues to operate and commits additional violations during this suspension, the organization risks permanent expulsion, as provided in the Resource Guide.”

Publicado por Louis Casiano

NY AG Letitia James calls anti-Israel events at Columbia University 'concerning and painful'

New York Attorney General Letitia James on Monday called the anti-Israel protests at Columbia University “concerning and painful.” 

“The events that have occurred at Columbia University have been deeply concerning and painful for many,” James said in a statement. “The right to protest peacefully is the bedrock of our nation’s democracy. However, when peaceful protest devolves into hate and antisemitic violence, the line is crossed and will not be tolerated. My office is monitoring the situation closely.    

“We know the dire consequences of failing to stand tall in the face of hate, and this moment must be a clarion call to respond to those who seek to spark the flames of division,” she added.

James said her office was monitoring the protests closely. 

Publicado por Louis Casiano

60 detenidos en las protestas antiisraelíes de Yale, según el presidente de la escuela

Sixty people were arrested at Yale University for refusing to voluntarily leave a portion of the Connecticut campus, the school president said Monday evening.

Those arrested were taken into custody by Yale police after they refused to leave an encampment set up last week. Of those arrested, 47 were Yale students, university president Peter Salovey said in a message.

“I am grateful that we were able to take these actions peacefully and that none of the protesters resisted arrest,” he said. “We will pursue disciplinary action to address possible violations of our policies, particularly those policies prohibiting threats, intimidation, coercion, harassment, and physical harm as well as conduct that interferes with university operations.”

Salovey noted that the protesters were warned that unauthorized use of campus space would result in disciplinary and legal action.

“Members of the Jewish, Muslim, Israeli, Arab, and Palestinian communities reported that the campus environment had become increasingly difficult,” he said.

“We then became aware of police reports identifying harmful acts and threatening language used against individuals at or near the protest sites," he added.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Anti-Israel protesters at NYU chant 'From the river to the sea,' anti-police phrases

Protesters at New York University displayed solidarity with the Palestinian people on Monday as displays against Israel continue on college campuses. 

Video footage at a gathering in Manhattan show a crowd chanting “Free, Free Palestine” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” 

The slogan is a pro-Palestinian liberation phrase that has been used by Hamas and other anti-Israel actors as a call to arms against the Jewish state. 

It refers to the land between the Jordan River and The Mediterranean Sea, which encompasses Israel. A House resolution condemning the phrase recently passed with 44 Democrats and one Republican opposing. 

Protesters were also chanting anti-police phrases'

"No Justice, no peace. F*** these racists a** police," they were heard saying.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

UC Berkeley students make ‘Camp Free Palestine’ to get school to divest from companies aiding Israel

Pro-Palestinian activists on Monday organized a “Camp Free Palestine” in front at the University of California at Berkeley, similar to what students at Columbia University in New York have done in recent days. 

The gathering spot was in front of Sprout Hall in the main quad area of the campus. As of Monday afternoon, there was at least a dozen tents. 

“With three weeks left in the semester, Berkeley is prioritizing students’ academic interests,” a school statement to Fox News states. “We will take the steps necessary to ensure the protest does not disrupt the university’s operations. There are no plans to change the university's investment policies and practices.” 

Organizers with the UC Berkeley Graduate Students for Justice in Palestine said the encampment is in solidarity with students from Columbia University and elsewhere who’ve been arrested. They said the tents will remain until the school divests from corporations, particularly military manufacturers, that are aiding Israel in its war effort against Hamas. 

Participants said they were prepared to be arrested. A rally on Monday drew several hundred people and was peaceful. 

Publicado por Louis Casiano

La Casa Blanca no dice si Biden enviará a la Guardia Nacional a la Universidad de Columbia

Despite multiple efforts on Monday to get an answer from the White House, officials remained silent on the issue of whether President Biden intends to deploy the National Guard to break up anti-Israel protests at Columbia University.

Fox News Digital preguntó a la Casa Blanca si comentaría la situación en la Universidad de Columbia y si requería una intervención federal, pero no recibió respuesta. El silencio se produce cuando cientos de agitadores antiisraelíes han organizado protestas disruptivas en el campus de la universidad en la ciudad de Nueva York, y algunos han hecho llamamientos a la violencia contra los judíos y los estudiantes judíos.

"Eisenhower sent the 101st to Little Rock," Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said in a social media post Monday. "It’s time for Biden to call out the National Guard at our universities to protect Jewish Americans."

"Los incipientes pogromos en Columbia tienen que parar HOY, antes de que nuestros hermanos judíos se sienten esta noche para el Seder de Pascua", añadió el senador Tom Cotton, republicano de Arkansas. "Si Eric Adams no envía a la policía de Nueva York y Kathy Hochul no envía a la Guardia Nacional, Joe Biden tiene el deber de hacerse cargo y disolver estas turbas".

Last week, anti-Israel agitators initiated protests, staging what they labeled a "Gaza solidarity encampment" on the Columbia University campus and shutting down a central lawn at the university. The protesters, who erected tents as part of the action, called for hostilities in the Middle East to end and for the university to divest of companies that have ties to Israel.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

AOC califica de "pacíficas" las protestas en Columbia, a pesar de que un rabino advirtió a los estudiantes judíos que se quedaran en casa

During an Earth Day news conference, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., switched gears and called the student-led protests happening across college campuses across the country "peaceful."

"El día de hoy también sirve para recordar el poder de la organización, lo que podemos conseguir [cuando] los jóvenes, los defensores del clima, los organizadores sindicales y los trabajadores de todas las procedencias se unen para exigir el futuro. Todos nos lo merecemos. Es especialmente importante que recordemos el poder de los jóvenes que hoy dan forma al país", declaró Ocasio-Cortez.

"Of all days as we one once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campuses like Columbia, Yale, Berkeley and many others," Ocasio-Cortez continued.

Her message comes as the Orthodox rabbi at Columbia University and Barnard College sent a message recommending Jewish students leave campus and go home as anti-Israel agitators have continued an "encampment" on campus and participants were caught on camera sympathizing with the terrorist group Hamas.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Anti-Israel crowd at Yale confined to single intersection after campus police action

Pro-Palestinian agitators who had occupied Yale University’s Beinecke Plaza over the weekend put on a toned-down display at a single intersection on the edge of campus Monday after police shut down their encampment in the morning.

Yale police announced 47 student arrests after the demonstrators refused the school’s invitation to voice their concerns with university trustees and also ignored police requests to clear out.

On Monday afternoon, traffic around the intersection of Grove and College streets was closed to cars as more than 200 people gathered, some singing pro-Palestinian slogans as many sat in the sun with their laptops and beach chairs.

Campus police and their city of New Haven counterparts maintained a visible presence as activists handed out snacks and drinks in the Connecticut college town.

Publicado por Michael Ruiz

Code Pink targets LA Times book festival to demand 'Free Palestine,' support valedictorian

Code Pink, the anti-war group, protested in support of the Palestinian people Monday at a large book festival being held at the University of Southern California.

Group members visited the LA Times Festival of Books on the USC campus to also support 2024 valedictorian, Asna Tabassum, who was supposed to give her valedictorian remarks at this years commencement ceremony before the school scrapped canceled the speech.

"Today at the LA Times Festival of Books we put Palestine on the agenda!" Code Pink posted on X. "Ahead of World Central Kitchen’s Jose Andres’ speech, we demanded accountability for Israel’s murder of 35,000+ Palestinians and WCK aid workers. FREE FREE PALESTINE."

Code Pink members were seen walking on the Los Angeles campus with signs calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and holding Palestinian flags.

Last week, USC announced it would be not be allowing Tabassum, a biomedical engineering major, to give her valedictorian speech during the main stage commencement after a series of social media posts she made about Israel.

"To be clear: this decision has nothing to do with freedom of speech. There is no free-speech entitlement to speak at a commencement. The issue here is how best to maintain campus security and safety, period," Andrew Guzman, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, wrote in the statement. 

Publicado por Louis Casiano

House Dems, Republicans condemn anti-Israel Columbia University protests: an 'attack on democracy''

Several congressional lawmakers decried antisemitism on college campuses, particularly Columbia University, this weekend as anti-Israel protesters briefly took over a part of the Ivy League school campus, resulting in hundreds of arrests. 

Amid the demonstrations that began last week, Columbia University President Dr. Nemat "Minouche" Shafik said in a statement posted Monday that she was "deeply saddened" by certain actions of agitators, who have formed an "encampment" on the campus and have riled students and faculty with anti-Jewish slogans and chants.

"Me am entristece profundamente lo que está ocurriendo en nuestro campus", escribió Shafik. "Nuestros lazos como comunidad se han visto gravemente puestos a prueba de un modo que llevará mucho tiempo y esfuerzo reafirmar. Estudiantes de diversas comunidades han expresado su temor por su seguridad y hemos anunciado medidas adicionales que estamos adoptando para abordar los problemas de seguridad. El decibelio de nuestros desacuerdos no ha hecho más que aumentar en los últimos días. Estas tensiones han sido explotadas y amplificadas por individuos no afiliados a Columbia que han venido al campus para perseguir sus propios objetivos."

U.S. Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Fla., visited the university over the weekend to stand with Jewish students, some of whom have said they don't feel safe on campus. 

"Collectively, not just the folks here, but on a bipartisan basis, we in Congress are going to do something about it," he said in a video posted to X. 

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Anti-Israel Yale agitators refuse meeting with trustees before police bust dozens of occupiers

Dozens of anti-Israel agitators who gathered at Yale University’s Beinecke Plaza demanding divestment from weapon manufacturers turned down a chance to meet with school trustees and the chairperson of the campus’ investor responsibility committee on Sunday before they were arrested in a Monday morning raid, according to a university official. Yale authorities spent the weekend attempting to negotiate with the group to no avail.

"La universidad también pasó ayer varias horas discutiendo con los estudiantes manifestantes, ofreciéndoles la oportunidad de reunirse con los administradores, incluido el presidente del Comité Corporativo de Responsabilidad de los Inversores (CCIR), y de evitar la detención si abandonaban la plaza antes del fin de semana", dijo un portavoz de la Universidad de Yale a Fox News Digital. "Rechazaron esta oferta y continuaron ocupando la plaza".

According to the university's website, the board of trustees had a pre-planned meeting scheduled for Saturday. But the agitators made their demands without meeting the board, the spokesperson said.

Según el sitio web de la universidad, el consejo de administración tenía programada una reunión previa para el sábado. 

Pero los agitadores hicieron sus demandas sin reunirse con la junta, dijo el portavoz.

Fox News Michael Ruiz, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Manifestantes anti-Israel de la Universidad de Columbia: 5 momentos dramáticos de una semana de caos

El caos se ha apoderado de la Ivy League.

Protesters at Columbia University have spent days protesting against Israel’s war with Hamas, forcing authorities to arrest more than 100 of the agitators, and the school’s president has shifted all classes to virtual learning on Monday amid safety concerns.

La presidenta de la Universidad de Columbia, la Dra. Nemat "Minouche" Shafik, cerró en su mayor parte el campus e instó a los estudiantes que se desplazan al trabajo a que no viajaran al campus en una declaración publicada poco después de la 1 de la madrugada del lunes. En la declaración, la presidenta se declaró "profundamente entristecida" por ciertas acciones de los agitadores, que han formado un "campamento" en el campus y han irritado a estudiantes y profesores con consignas y cánticos antijudíos.

La declaración es la última acción de la administración de la escuela en medio de las encendidas protestas en el campus de Nueva York y sus alrededores, que comenzaron el miércoles cuando decenas de activistas antiisraelíes crearon un campamento en el césped principal del campus.

To read about dramatic moments on the campus from Columbia University anti-Israel protests, click here.

Fox News Lawrence Richard, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Schumer y un puñado de senadores demócratas se unen a los republicanos para condenar el antisemitismo en la Universidad de Columbia

A number of Democrats in the Senate have joined their Republican colleagues in denouncing discrimination against Jewish students at the prestigious Ivy League Columbia University, where an anti-Israel solidarity encampment persists on campus, prompting the institution to move classes online on Monday. 

"Every American has a right to protest," Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement.

"But when protests shift to antisemitism, verbal abuse, intimidation, or glorification of Oct. 7 violence against Jewish people, that crosses the line."

"Los campus deben seguir siendo seguros para todos los estudiantes".

Schumer, who represents New York City, where Columbia is located, is the first Jewish majority leader in the Senate and also the highest ranking Jewish elected official in U.S. history. 

Last week, the anti-Israel demonstration sprang up on Columbia's campus, with students camping out in tents and demanding that the university divest from all companies with ties to Israel. Since then, the protest has grown in size and presented a safety threat to Jewish students. This has mushroomed into such a concern that an Orthodox rabbi at the school advised Jewish students to leave campus because "Columbia University’s Public Safety and the NYPD cannot guarantee Jewish students’ safety."

Fox News Julia Johnson, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

Un profesor judío y pro-Israel de la Universidad de Columbia dice que le bloquearon la entrada al campus

A Jewish Columbia University professor who has been critical of the school’s response to widespread anti-Israel protests and planned a counter demonstration said Monday that he was blocked from entering the main campus. 

Assistant business professor Shai Davidai, who was born in Israel and has called for Columbia leadership to resign as anti-Israel agitators wreak havoc on campus, said his keycard to enter the school’s main campus had been deactivated. 

"I have, not just a civil right, a civil right as a Jewish person to be on campus. I have a right as a professor employed by the university to be on campus. They deactivated my card," Davidai told demonstrators Monday.

The moment when Davidai apparently realized his entry card was deactivated was captured on video that quickly spread on social media. 

"My card has been deactivated? Why? Wait, wait, wait, everybody my card has been deactivated. This is Cas Holloway, the COO [Chief Operating Officer], this is [Vice President for Public Safety] Gerald Lewis. They were in the meeting when I asked them if Hamas is a terror organization, and they couldn’t say that it is a terrorist organization," Davidai told the crowd as Holloway and Lewis looked on. 

Fox News Digital's Brian Flood contributed to this post.

Publicado por Louis Casiano

New York House Republicans call for Columbia University president to resign

Republicans from New York in the House of Representatives have written a letter Monday calling for Columbia University President Minouche Shafik to resign over her handling of the anti-Israel demonstrations on campus.

"Over the past few days, anarchy has engulfed the campus of Columbia University. As the leader of this institution, one of your chief objectives, morally and under law, is to ensure students have a safe learning environment," they wrote. "By every measure, you have failed this obligation. The situation unfolding on campus right now is a direct product of your policies and misguided decisions."

"As Representatives from the State of New York, many of our constituents are directly impacted by the unfolding chaos on Columbia's campus," they continued. "Based on these recent events and your testimony in front of Congress, we have no confidence in your leadership of this once esteemed institution."

The letter was co-signed by Reps. Elise Stefanik, Nicole Malliotakis, Claudia Tenney, Nicholas Langworthy, Michael Lawler, Anthony D'Esposito, Nick LaLota, Brandon Williams, Andrew Garbarino and Marcus Molinaro.

Publicado por Greg Norman

Robert Kraft, de los Patriots, retira su apoyo a la Universidad de Columbia en medio de la violencia antisemita

New England Patriots team owner Robert Kraft made it his mission to "stand up to Jewish hate" in the wake of the Oct. 7 terror attacks in Israel and on Monday he went a step further.

Kraft announced he was pulling his support for Columbia University amid the antisemitic violence at the Ivy League school. He released a statement through his philanthropic organization, Foundation to Combat Antisemitism.

"Fue gracias a la beca académica completa que Columbia me concedió que pude asistir a la universidad y empezar mi vida, y por ello he estado tremendamente agradecido", decía la declaración de Kraft. "Sin embargo, la escuela que tanto quiero -la que me acogió y me brindó tantas oportunidades- ya no es una institución que reconozca.

"Me am entristece profundamente el odio virulento que sigue creciendo en el campus y en todo nuestro país. Yo am ya no confío en que Columbia pueda proteger a sus estudiantes y personal y yo am no me siento cómodo apoyando a la universidad hasta que se tomen medidas correctivas.

Publicado por Ryan Gaydos

Michael Rapaport calls anti-Israel protests at Columbia an ‘embarrassment to New York City’

Liberal comedian and actor Michael Rapoport said Monday that the anti-Israel protests that are happening at Columbia University are “not the New York way” and are an “embarrassment to New York City.” 

Rapoport, speaking near Columbia University, said “as offensive as these people are across the street, agenda number one... is to free our hostages,” prompting a crowd to start chanting “bring them home!” 

"These are bullies. These are cowards. These are pathetic, low-life scumbags," Rapoport continued. "Agenda number one A is to eradicate Hamas to the very last one of them." 

"For all you Jewish younger people... be prouder, be louder than you've ever been before about being Jewish,” Rapoport also said.  

"Do not be afraid of being Jewish, especially in New York City. Nobody should be afraid of what they are,” he added. “Their race, their religion, their sexuality in this city.” 

Publicado por Greg Norman

Columbia protester who ‘killed’ VT couple in crash belongs in prison, not college: victims' family

A wealthy young woman who avoided prison time for a deadly 2020 crash that killed a Vermont couple was among 114 anti-Israel agitators arrested at Columbia University last week – enraging the victims' family.

Protests have been rocking the campus in recent days as anti-Israel sympathizers demand the Israeli military stop fighting back after Hamas terrorists launched an attack on the country in October.

Things have gotten so bad that a campus rabbi is urging Jewish students to leave amid concerns for their safety.

One of the protesters is Isabel Jennifer Seward, now 20, the New York Post revealed, citing arrest records. She was 16 when she allegedly drove over the double yellow lines and plowed into Chet and Connie Hawkins, 73 and 72. Police reports allege she made no effort to avoid the crash.

"She has no remorse, she received no punishment. She’s just prancing around Columbia with her Ivy League privilege," the couple's 49-year-old niece, Eve Taylor, told the Post Sunday. "After basically getting away with murder, she’s now promoting murder, with no understanding of what she’s promoting."

Publicado por Michael Ruiz

NYPD says 'no credible threats' emerging from Columbia University anti-Israel protests

NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Tarik Sheppard said Monday that "there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or any other" at Columbia University, where anti-Israel demonstrations have been raging.

Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry added that the local bureau commander "has been in close contact with the school administration here, and they asked -- the only NYPD assistance that they have currently asked for -- is for us to patrol the outside, the outer perimeter of the school."

"We have received reports that Israeli students walking on campus had their flags taken away from them, snatched out of their hands. We also received reports that the Israeli students -- there were some hateful things that were said towards them and they want to know if that was a crime or not," Daughtry added. "But there has been we have received any reports of any physical harm against any student. However, if there's any student, Jewish or whoever that's been assaulted or wants to make a police report or wants to talk to the police, we encourage them to call 911."

Publicado por Greg Norman

NYPD says ‘violence is not going to be tolerated’ at Columbia, which doesn't want officers there

Michael Gerber, the NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Legal Matters, said Monday that “any kind of violence is not going to be tolerated” as anti-Israel demonstrations have upended Columbia University. 

"Any kind of property damage is not going it is not going to be tolerated,” he continued. “Any sort of criminality is not going to be tolerated. And that includes harassment or threats or menacing or stalking or anything like that that is not protected by the First Amendment.” 

Gerber earlier said "Columbia University is private property" and "absent some ongoing crime, we cannot just go on the Columbia campus as we see fit.” 

"It is up to the university to decide whether or not they want us on campus. As a general matter, Columbia University -- and this goes back many years -- does not want NYPD present on campus. That is their decision,” Gerber added. 

"Last week, on Thursday, they informed us that they had students who were trespassing. They asked us to come on the campus to take action, and we did,” he continued. “But that was an exceptional case in the normal course. They've made clear that we're not to be there.” 

Publicado por Greg Norman

NYPD gives update as antisemitic violence wreaks havoc across campuses

The New York City Police Department is expected to hold a news conference in just minutes regarding recent anti-Israel demonstrations at Columbia University in Manhattan.

Publicado por Greg Norman

Una congresista republicana de NY pide la dimisión del presidente de la Universidad de Columbia

A Republican congresswoman from New York is calling Monday for Columbia University President Minouche Shafik to resign over anti-Israel demonstrations on campus.

"It’s clear Columbia University President Shafik can’t get her school under control or protect her students & she should resign," Rep. Nicole Malliotakis wrote on X. "The gross antisemitism being displayed against Jewish students at Columbia University is horrific, unacceptable and the reason I introduced legislation to strip federal funding from colleges that blatantly allow antisemitism & don’t hold those responsible accountable."

Rep. Elise Stefanik, a fellow New York Republican, made a similar call on Sunday for Shafik to step down.

Publicado por Greg Norman

Jewish Yale student stabbed in eye with Palestinian flag during rowdy protest

A Jewish student journalist at Yale University says a protester wielding a Palestinian flag jabbed her in the eye during a rowdy anti-Israel protest on campus Saturday evening and got away with it. 

Sahar Tartak, editor-in-chief of the Yale Free Press, had been covering the protest, which had drawn hundreds of students in support of Palestinians, when she says she was surrounded by a mob of protesters. 

"Uno de los estudiantes, que tenía la cara cubierta con un keffiyeh, cogió una bandera palestina que llevaba en la mano, la agitó en mi cara y me golpeó en el ojo izquierdo", dijo Tartak. 

Tartak intentó correr tras el agresor, pero el bloqueo humano le impidió perseguirle porque "querían protegerle". Los demás se reían de ella, y ninguno hizo un esfuerzo por seguirle la pista, dijo. 

"Tenía anonimato debido al keffiyeh. Los organizadores fomentan el anonimato en estos actos porque crea inmunidad, de modo que los estudiantes pueden agredir físicamente a personas como yo y salir impunes", afirmó. 

Publicado por Bradford Betz

Fetterman hammers 'a--hole' anti-Israel protesters, slams own party for response to Iranian attack

Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., reiterated his criticisms of activists calling for cease-fire in Gaza, and slammed fellow Democrats for their "crazy" response to the attacks Iran has launched against Israel, in an interview with Fox Digital.

"It is not appropriate or legal or helpful to advance your argument if you show up in a Starbucks with a bullhorn and start yelling at people," he told Fox News Digital in a Friday interview. 

He also claimed such protests don't "make you noble."

"It just makes you an a--hole," Fetterman said. 

Since the onset of the war between Israel and terrorist group Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrations have erupted across the U.S. The protesters have gone to extreme lengths at times to telegraph their displeasure with U.S. policy in regard to Israel. Some have trespassed in government buildings, blocked high-traffic bridges and entered private businesses with bullhorns, chanting at employees. 

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Un estudiante de la Universidad de Columbia ya no se siente "físicamente seguro" en el campus tras las protestas

Columbia University student Andrew Parker Stein told ‘Fox & Friends’ on Monday that "I no longer feel physically safe on my campus” due to anti-Israel demonstrations there. 

Stein, speaking on the first day of Passover, said he and Jewish students came to the campus Saturday night to “sing songs of peace” to what has been described as a “Gaza Solidarity Encampment.” 

But on the way out, “a pro-Hamas mob started chasing us, calling us – in the middle of campus – calling us inbred, that we have no culture” and stole an Israeli flag from a student, he said. 

“They tried to light his flag on fire,” he said. “After that, on the way out, we were talking to public safety – they started following us on the way out – and public safety just shrugged their shoulders,” Stein added. “They are the ones who are responsible in protecting us." 

Fellow student Elisha Baker added that “we know that these are anti-Semites using anti-Semitic rhetoric” and “now we see what happens when you don’t shut down anti-Semitic rhetoric and you allow these people to feel entitled.” 

Publicado por Greg Norman

NYC mayor hammers 'professional' Columbia anti-Israel agitators, says NYPD 'ready' to move in

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Sunday warned that the New York City Police Department "cannot have a presence" at Columbia University’s campus "unless specifically requested by senior university officials," decrying "professional agitators" and "antisemitism being spewed" at the Ivy League School. 

"I am horrified and disgusted with the antisemitism being spewed at and around the Columbia University campus," Adams said, citing the example of a young woman holding a sign with an arrow pointing to Jewish students stating "Al-Qasam’s Next Targets." 

The Al-Qassam Brigade is the military wing of Hamas. 

The mayor noted another instance where a woman is literally yelling "We are Hamas," and another where groups of students are chanting "We don’t want no Zionists here."

"I condemn this hate speech in the strongest of terms. Supporting a terrorist organization that aims to kill Jews is sickening and despicable. As I have repeatedly said, hate has no place in our city, and I have instructed the NYPD to investigate any violation of law that is reported. Rest assured, the NYPD will not hesitate to arrest anyone who is found to be breaking the law," Adams continued. "We will not be a city of lawlessness, and those professional agitators seeking to seize the ongoing conflict in the Middle East to sow chaos and division in our city will not succeed."

Publicado por Danielle Wallace

Múltiples agitadores antiisraelíes de Yale detenidos mientras la policía se acerca a la ocupación: informe

La policía comenzó a desalojar a los manifestantes antiisraelíes de un campamento en el campus de Yale a primera hora del lunes, tras una semana de protestas en las que se pedía que la universidad desinvirtiera de los fabricantes de armamento militar.

Entre 40 y 45 manifestantes fueron detenidos mientras la policía revisaba las tiendas de campaña instaladas en el campamento cerca de Beinecke Plaza, según informó el jefe de policía de Yale, Anthony Campbell, al Yale Daily News. Beinecke Plaza es donde se habían reunido más de 250 agitadores el domingo por la noche.

Los organizadores de la protesta dijeron al periódico que al menos algunos de los detenidos son estudiantes. 

Campbell dijo al Yale Daily News que los manifestantes detenidos serían acusados de allanamiento, un delito menor de clase A, y serían puestos en libertad una vez procesados. 

Publicado por Stephen Sorace

El presidente de la Universidad de Columbia ordena clases virtuales mientras se suceden las protestas contra Israel

Los estudiantes de la Universidad de Columbia fueron informados en un comunicado nocturno de que todas las clases se impartirán virtualmente el lunes, ya que los manifestantes antiisraelíes han tomado el campus, según anunció su presidente.

La presidenta de la Universidad de Columbia, Dra. Nemat "Minouche" Shafik, dijo en una declaración publicada en la madrugada del lunes que estaba "profundamente entristecida" por ciertas acciones de los agitadores, que han formado un "campamento" en el campus y han alborotado a estudiantes y profesores con consignas y cánticos antijudíos.

"Me am entristece profundamente lo que está ocurriendo en nuestro campus", escribió Shafik. "Nuestros lazos como comunidad se han visto gravemente puestos a prueba de un modo que llevará mucho tiempo y esfuerzo reafirmar. Estudiantes de diversas comunidades han expresado su temor por su seguridad y hemos anunciado medidas adicionales que estamos adoptando para abordar los problemas de seguridad. El decibelio de nuestros desacuerdos no ha hecho más que aumentar en los últimos días. Estas tensiones han sido explotadas y amplificadas por individuos no afiliados a Columbia que han venido al campus para perseguir sus propios objetivos."

"Necesitamos un reinicio", añadió. "Para desescalar el rencor y darnos a todos la oportunidad de considerar los próximos pasos, yo am anunciando que todas las clases se impartirán virtualmente el lunes. El profesorado y el personal que puedan trabajar a distancia deberán hacerlo; el personal esencial deberá presentarse a trabajar de acuerdo con la política de la universidad. Preferimos que los estudiantes que no vivan en el campus no acudan a él.

Publicado por Lawrence Richard

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