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American hostages released by Hamas in Sunday cease-fire exchange with Israel: Report

Some American hostages are said to be on the list of those to be released by Hamas on Sunday. Israel's cease-fire with the terrorist organizations has entered its third day, and Hamas is expected to release 13 hostages in exchange for Palesitinian criminals held in Israeli prisons. It is unknown how many Americans are among the 13 hostages.


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Guerra entre Israel y Hamás: La rehén Elma Avraham sigue en estado crítico tras una "negligencia significativa

Médicos israelíes afirman que Elma Avraham, la rehén israelí de 84 años que fue trasladada a un hospital tras ser liberada por Hamás el domingo, sigue en estado crítico.

En un comunicado, el director general del Centro Médico Soroka, el Dr. Shlomi Codish, afirmó que la anciana había sido "significativamente" desatendida por sus captores de Hamás.

"[Avraham] es tratada en un servicio de urgencias tras sufrir una importante negligencia médica durante las últimas semanas mientras estaba retenida por Hamás", declaró Codish. "Actualmente se encuentra en estado inestable con riesgo para su vida y será ingresada en nuestra unidad de cuidados intensivos y esperamos poder estabilizarla y mejorar su estado."

"El Centro Médico Soroka ha estado a la vanguardia del tratamiento de las víctimas de los horribles sucesos del 7 de octubre... es horrible que ahora tengamos que seguir atendiendo a pacientes ancianos retenidos en túneles subterráneos durante siete semanas con total negligencia médica y desprecio por su atención, lo que es un milagro", añadió el médico.

Fox News Dana Karni, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Suspect arrested in shooting of 3 Palestinian US students near University of Vermont

A suspect was arrested on Sunday in connection with a shooting near the University of Vermont that resulted in the injury of three U.S. college students of Palestinian descent.

Jason J. Eaton, 48, was detained Sunday afternoon near the scene of the shooting in Burlington, Vermont, Burlington Police said in a press release. Police searched his nearby apartment and found probable cause and Eaton was arrested Sunday night. He is expected to be arraigned Monday morning.

The three college students — Hisham Awartani of Brown University, Kinnan Abdalhamid of Haverford University and Tahseen Ahmed of Trinity University — were shot and injured at about 6:30 p.m. on Saturday while attending a Thanksgiving holiday gathering. The students were visiting the home of one of the victim's relatives and were walking to dinner when they were confronted by a white man with a handgun, police said.

The shooting happened in front of Eaton's apartment building, according to police.

Police previously said that the gunman opened fire on the suspects "without speaking." Two of the victims were wearing keffiyehs, traditional scarves worn by some in the Middle East. The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee said they were speaking Arabic when the shooting occurred.

The shooting comes amid escalating tension in the U.S. and around the world in the wake of the ongoing war in the Middle East between Israeli forces and Hamas terrorists. A temporary cease-fire agreement between the two sides is underway that includes Hamas releasing hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

The three victims, who are all 20-years-old, remain hospitalized as of Monday morning.

Two of the victims are U.S. citizens, while the third is a legal U.S. resident.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Una concejal de Nueva York critica el fracaso del "progresismo moderno" tras los disturbios antiisraelíes en un instituto

A New York City councilwoman unloaded on the failure of "modern progressivism" after students at a Queens high school last week reportedly rioted against a Jewish teacher for attending a pro-Israel rally.

"I was sickened by what I saw at Hillcrest HS, but sadly I was not surprised," Republican New York City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino told Fox News Digital on Sunday. "Our education system is fundamentally broken, and antisemitic riots like this are sadly the natural result of years of woke leftist indoctrination replacing real education.

"Permitir que los progresistas se hicieran con el control total de nuestras instituciones siempre iba a conducir a resultados trágicos; llevan décadas trabajando para instigar aquí una revolución cultural, y ahora esos esfuerzos parecen estar dando sus frutos."

El lunes, pasadas las 11 de la mañana, estalló el caos en el instituto Hillcrest de Queens cuando los alumnos planearon una protesta contra una profesora por haber asistido el mes pasado a una concentración pro-Israel, informó el New York Post. Al parecer, los alumnos comprobaron la cuenta de Facebook de la profesora y descubrieron que en su foto de perfil aparecía asistiendo a la concentración mientras sostenía un cartel en el que se leía: "Estoy con Israel."

Al parecer, cientos de alumnos corrieron por los pasillos de la escuela con banderas palestinas y corearon cánticos en apoyo de los palestinos, informó el medio de comunicación. Testigos afirmaron que los alumnos iniciaron un chat de grupo para denunciar al profesor y planearon "un motín" antes del caos del lunes, informó el New York Post.

"Everyone was yelling ‘Free Palestine!’" a senior told the news outlet.

"Everyone was screaming ‘[The teacher] needs to go!’" another student explained.

Al parecer, los alumnos intentaron incluso entrar en el aula del profesor proisraelí, pero otros miembros del profesorado se lo impidieron. La policía de Nueva York acudió a la escuela, situada en el barrio Jamaica de Queen, hacia las 11.20 horas.

Fox NewsEmma Colton ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Landon Mion

BBC editor says he 'doesn't regret one thing' after false Gaza hospital reporting

BBC's international editor Jeremy Bowen was pressed on his initial reporting of an explosion at a hospital in Gaza on Saturday and said he didn't regret his mistakes during an interview on the network on Saturday.

Several media outlets initially reported that Israel was responsibile for an explosion at a hospital in Gaza. Bowen claimed during his initial reports that the Al-Ahli hospital was flattened.

"The missile hit the hospital not long after dark. You can hear the impact. The explosion destroyed Al-Ahli Hospital. It was already damaged from a smaller attack at the weekend. The building was flattened," Bowen said.

Bowen, during an appearance on BBC News channel’s "Behind The Stories," said he didn't regret his reporting and that he "didn't race to judgment."

"So it broke in, I suppose, mid-evening. And to answer your question, no, I don’t regret one thing in my reporting, because I think I was measured throughout. I didn’t race to judgment," he said.

The BBC was also one of several news organizations, including The New York Times, the Associated Press and CNN, which rushed to report claims made by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry.

The outlet offered a correction to the reporting on Oct. 19.

"We accept that even in this fast-moving situation it was wrong to speculate in this way about the possible causes and we apologize for this, although he did not at any point report that it was an Israeli strike," referring to reporting from BBC senior reporter Jon Donnision. "This doesn't represent the entirety of the BBC's output, and anyone watching, listening to or reading our coverage can see we have set out both sides' competing claims about the explosion, clearly showing who is saying them, and what we do or don't know."

Fox NewsHanna Panreck ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Israel-Hamas war: Details begin to emerge of life in captivity after some hostages are freed

In the three days since Israel and Hamas declared a truce, 58 hostages have been released and details are beginning to emerge about their nearly two months of captivity inside Gaza. 

While information about the conditions has been tightly controlled, family members of the victims have begun sharing details about their loved ones’ experiences. Most of the freed hostages, though understandably shaken, appear to be in stable condition. 

One woman said her cousin and aunt, Keren and Ruth Munder, were fed irregularly having eaten mainly rice and bread, and lost around 15 pounds in just 50 days. Her family members said they had slept on rows of chairs pushed together in a room that looked like a reception area and had to wait hours before going to the bathroom.

Lee el artículo completo sobre la guerra Israel-Hamas por Bradford Betz

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Huge crowd fills streets of London in march against antisemitism, support for Israel

Over 100,000 people marched through London on Sunday with a message of solidarity against antisemitism, marking one of the largest demonstrations of its type since 1936.

The protest against antisemitism comes as the numbers of antisemitic incidents continue to rise following the Oct. 7 invasion of Israel by Hamas-led terrorists.

The Jewish Chronicle reported on Sunday that 1,124 antisemitic incidents were reported to the Community Security Trust (CST) from Oct. 7 to Nov. 7, which is the largest number of incidents to occur within a month since the organization began keeping records in 1984.

Read the full article about the London march by Greg Wehner

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

US Navy responds to distress call after Israeli-owned tanker seized off coast of Yemen

A U.S. Navy vessel responded to a distress call Sunday from an Israeli-linked tanker off the coast of Yemen on Sunday. 

U.S. Navy personnel from the USS Mason, a Mayport-based Arleigh Burke class destroyer assigned to the Eastern Mediterranean, responded to the distress call from the Liberian-flagged Central Park, carrying a cargo of phosphoric acid in the Gulf of Aden. 

The vessel is managed by Zodiac Maritime, a London-based international ship management company owned by Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer's Zodiac Group.

Read the full article about the tanker incident by Bradford Betz

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Dutch firebrand Geert Wilders under fire for suggesting Palestinians be relocated

Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders is facing condemnation from multiple Arab states after suggesting that the war between Hamas and Israel could be remedied if Palestinians are relocated to Jordan.

"Jordan is Palestine!" Wilders tweeted Saturday, linking to a Politico story that detailed how Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Yemen and the Arab League issued statements to condemn the suggestion that Palestinians should be relocated to Jordan.

The Palestinian Authority said Wilders' proposal is "a call to escalate the aggression against our people and a blatant interference in their affairs and future." While the UAE embassy in the Netherlands called Wilders' suggestion "irresponsible," leaders in Jordan labeled the suggestion a "racist position," Arab News reported.

Read the full article about Geert Wilders by Emma Colton

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Israel-Hamas war: Maayan Zin embraces two daughters after they were held hostage in Gaza

Israeli officials have released a photo of Maayan Zin embracing her 15-year-old daughter Dafna and 8-year-old daughter Ela after the two children were held captive by Hamas.

The girls were released by Hamas on Sunday. Their mother released a statement thanking the family's supporters and expressing happiness that she reunited with her daughters.

"After a long period in which I lived in terrible uncertainty, my daughters are finally with me," Zin's statement read. "These were 51 days in which I lived between despair and hope, between pain and optimism, and I am happy that now I am here with them. The girls are returning to a new and complex situation, and now we have a period of recovery that will take time."

Zin also said that she felt "a joy mixed with sadness."

"Joy for my daughters who are here and sadness for those who have not yet returned," the mother added. "My heart will not be whole again until everyone returns home safely.”

Fox News Dana Karni, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Israel-Hamas war: Video shows kidnapped Haran family arriving in Israel after Hamas captivity

The Prime Minister of Israel's office has released footage of a kidnapped family arriving back in Israel after being in Hamas captivity for over six weeks.

Shoshan Haran, 67, Adi Shoham, 38, 8-year-old Nave Shoham and 3-year-old Yahel Shoham were all taken captive by Hamas terrorists at the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war.

The four family members were part of the hostage group that were released on Saturday night. They were four of 13 Israelis who were freed at that time.

The video shows Nave and Yahel smiling and playing with toys in the Israeli facility. The beaming family members were also seen holding hands as they were escorted by military personnel.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Israeli President Isaac Herzog to meet with Elon Musk amid Hamas cease-fire

Israeli President Isaac Herzog plans to meet with Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Monday, the fourth day of Israel's cease-fire with Hamas.

Herzog's office said that he and Musk will discuss the Israel-Hamas war, including the October 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas. Musk is currently visiting Israel.

"President Herzog will be joined in the meeting by representatives of families of hostages held by Hamas, who will speak about the horrors of the Hamas terror attack on October 7, and of the ongoing pain and uncertainty for those held captive," the statement explained.

Herzog's office also highlighted the need to address rampant antisemitism that has been festering on the Internet during the war.

"In their meeting, the President will emphasize the need to act to combat rising antisemitism online," the press release added.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Israel-Hamas war: President Biden speaks with PM Benjamin Netanyahu about released American hostage

The White House announced that President Biden held a call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, where they discussed the release of American-Israeli orphan and hostage Abigail Edan.

"The President welcomed the release of hostages by Hamas over the past three days, including a young American girl," the statement explained. "The two leaders also discussed the pause in the fighting and surge in much needed additional humanitarian assistance into Gaza."

"The two leaders agreed that the work is not yet done and that they will continue working to secure the release of all hostages," the White House's statement added. "The two leaders agreed to remain in close contact over the coming days."

In a press statement, Netanyahu's office said that the prime minister spoke to Biden "with great excitement."

"What a joy to see [Abigail] with us," the press release read. "But on the other hand, what a pain that she returns to the reality of no parents. She has no parents - but she has a whole nation that embraces her and we will take care of all her needs."

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett says priority is to 'eradicate' Hamas before extending cease-fire

Former Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett appeared on "Fox News Live" Sunday to give the latest developments in the Israel-Hamas war on the third day of the planned four-day cease-fire.

Bennett was asked for his reaction to President Biden saying that he would like to extend the four-day period to free more hostages.

"We have two goals: the first goal is to eradicate and eliminate Hamas," the former prime minister explained. "We have to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth after what they did and what they say they're going to do again and again, which is try and massacre, rape, murder Israeli children, parents, moms, dads."

"We cannot continue with this entity existing," Bennett continued. "And the second objective is to release the hostages to some extent. There's tension between these two objectives."

Bennett added that the four-day cease-fire came with a "price."

"There is a price for the day of pause because it prolonged the existence of Hamas," he said. "Once this interim deal is over, the IDF will go full force to eradicate Hamas."

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Israel-Hamas war: 84-year-old hostage airlifted to Israeli hospital in 'serious clinical condition'

The 84-year-old hostage who was released by Hamas on Sunday and taken to a hospital is in "serious clinical condition," according to Israeli officials.

Spokespersons for Soroka University Medical Center, where the Elma Avraham is being treated, and Israel's Ministry of Health released a statement about the woman's health on Sunday night.

"An 84-year-old woman was rushed by helicopter this evening after returning to Israel from Gaza to Soroka University Medical Center, in poor physical condition and in a serious clinical condition," the press release explained. "Her life is in danger."

In a press briefing, IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said that Avraham was immediately evacuated by military personnel. Hagar also added that Israel killed five senior Hamas officials in Gaza on Sunday.

Fox News Dana Karni, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Israel-Hamas war: Family of 4-year-old released hostage Abigail Mor Edan speaks out

The family of Abigail Mor Edan, a 4-year-old American-Israeli girl who was released by Hamas terrorists on Sunday, released a statement expressing their "gratitude" towards the world leaders who made the young girl's release possible.

Liz Hirsh Naftali and Noa Naftali - Abigail's great aunt and cousin, respectively - issued the statement on Sunday. Edan's mother and father were killed by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

"We hoped and prayed today would come," the statement began. "There are no words to express our relief and gratitude that Abigail is safe and coming home."

The relieved family members issued special thanks to President Biden and Qatari negotiators for securing Abigail's return.

"Thank you to President Biden and his dedicated team; thank you to the Qatari government and other informal actors who are involved in securing Abigail’s release and reuniting other hostages with their loved ones," the statement continued. "Today’s release proves that it’s possible. We can get all hostages back home. We have to keep pushing."

"We will continue to stand with the families of all the hostages still held captive, and we remain committed as ever to securing their safe and swift return," the Naftalis added.

Publicado por Andrea Vacchiano

Israel identifies hostages released by Hamas in third cease-fire exchange

The Israeli government revealed the identities of more than a dozen hostages realesed by Hamas on Sunday.

Sunday's release included 9 children: Abigail Edan, 4; Ella Elyakim, 8; Dafna Elyakim, 14; Ofry Brodutch, 10; Yuval Brodutch, 8; Oria Brodutch, 4; Agam Almog Goldstein 17; Gal Almog Goldstein 11; and Tal Almog Goldstein, 9.

Otros rehenes liberados fueron: Hagar Brodutch, de 40 años; Chen Almog Goldstein, de 49 años; Elma Avraham, de 84 años; Adrienne (Aviva) Siegel, de 62 años; y Roni Krivoi, de 25 años, con doble nacionalidad rusa e israelí.

It was the third group of hostages that Hamas released as part of a fragile cease-fire with Israel after Hamas militants seized around 240 people in their Oct. 7 rampage across southern Israel that ignited the war.

Fox NewsStephen Sorace ha contribuido a este informe

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Sen. Cotton: 'Massive retaliation' against Iran needed to end attacks on US assets

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said the Biden administration needs to be tougher on Iran, and that a "massive retaliation" is needed to end attacks on U.S. assets. 

"Since Joe Biden took office, Iran has attacked American positions in the Middle East I think now over 150 times," Cotton told "Fox News Sunday."

The Republican senator added that the United States has only hit back a few times, and not at targets he would order were he commander in chief. The Senate Armed Services and Senate Intelligence Committee member said he would suggest targeting Iranians operating in Iraq and in Syria. 

"I would also send a clear message to Iran if these attacks don't stop immediately, then we will begin to threaten their assets," Cotton said, referencing when President Ronald Reagan sank half of Iran's navy for attacking a U.S. Navy ship.  

The senator believes President Biden wants to go "out of his way to avoid Iranian casualties" and does not have "escalation dominance over a terrorist-supporting regime like Iran."

Fox News' Pilar Elias contributed to this report

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Biden admin accused of aiding Palestinian 'pay for slay' as terrorists profit in Hamas deal

Many of the newly released convicted Palestinian terrorists who are part of a swap that secured the freedom of some Israeli and foreign hostages held by the terrorist movement Hamas could receive U.S. funds via the Palestinian Authority, an expert on the matter claimed. 

Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), an Israeli-based organization researching Palestinian society, told Fox News Digital, "The American and European funding boosts the Palestinian Authority budget by $600 million. The Palestinian Authority pays the salaries of imprisoned terrorists and the family members of the martyrs and the amount comes to $300 million a year."

Marcus continuó: "No hay duda de que la Autoridad Palestina no podría pagar esta financiación sin el impulso de la financiación de estadounidenses y europeos. Los estadounidenses y los europeos están facilitando absolutamente el pago. Es una ceguera voluntaria".

Señaló: "Todos y cada uno de los terroristas reciben un salario de la Autoridad Palestina una vez encarcelados". Según la legislación palestina, dijo Marcus, un preso que cumple más de cinco años de condena recibe un salario mensual de por vida.

The release of the Palestinian terrorists comes after Fox News Digital reported on a  lawsuit in January by victims of terrorism and Rep. Ronny Jackson., R-Texas, alleging the Biden administration pumped more than a half billion U.S. taxpayer dollars into the Palestinian Authority without verifying that the organization isn’t funding terrorism, according to a federal lawsuit. 

Fox NewsBenjamin Weinthal ha contribuido a este informe

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Biden reveals stance on cease-fire during third wave of hostage exchange

President Biden says he hopes that Israel and Hamas will hold to the current ceasefire so long as Hamas continues to release hostages.

Biden made the remarks on Sunday following the release of 4-year-old Abigail Edan. Israel and Hamas had agreed to a four-day cease-fire and the exchange of Israeli hostages for Palestinian criminals held in Israeli prisons.

Biden said the deal allowed for a cease-fire extension of one day for every 10 hostages released by Hamas.

"I would like to see the pause go on as long as prisoners keep coming out," Biden told reporters after his remarks.

Israel believes there were nearly 240 hostages in Gaza prior to the exchange deal, which is expected to result in the release of 50 women and children. The U.S. believes 10 of its citizens were in Hamas custody, though one was confirmed to be released on Sunday.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Biden confirms release of American Abigail Edan by Hamas terrorists

President Biden confirmed the release of the first American hostage from Hamas captivity in Gaza on Sunday.

Biden celebrated the release of four-year-old Abigail Edan, but said much work remains to be done to secure the safety of the rest of the Americans being held hostage.

During his remarks, Biden told of how Hamas terrorists had murdered Edan's mother in front of her during the Oct. 7 massacre. The young girl then fled to her father, who himself was gunned down as he tried to shield Edan with his body. She then fled to a neighbor's house, where she and the family there were taken hostage.

"Thank God she's home," Biden said. "I wish I was there to hold her."

Fox News Andrea Vacchiano, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Hamas releases first American hostage on third day of cease-fire exchange

Hamas terrorists released 4-year-old Abigail Edan to Red Cross custody on Sunday, marking the first release of a U.S. hostage since the October 7 massacre in Israel.

Edan, whose fourth birthday passed while she was in captivity, is among 14 Israelis and 2 other foriegn nationals released on Sunday. Edan was taken captive on Oct. 7 after Hamas terrorists murdered her parents. She is a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office says Edan was one of two Americans released on Sunday, according to Axios. The identity of the second American has not been made public.

Her release marks the third successful exchange of hostages for Palestinian criminals held in Israeli prisons. Israel agreed to a four-day cease-fire.

Fox News Andrea Vacchiano, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Israeli dad hopeful son with chronic disease will receive 'treatment' while being held hostage

Shai Wenkert, whose son is being held hostage by Hamas, joined 'FOX & Friends Weekend' to discuss hostage releases and the political climate in Israel as unrest rages in the Middle East.

Wenkert says his son, 22, has a chronic stomach disease that requires treatment, and he expressed hope that he is receiving everything he needs while in captivity.

So far, Hamas has released three groups of Israeli hostages as part of a four-day cease-fire agreement with Israel. In exchange, Israel has released dozens of Palestinian criminals held in Israeli prisons.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

14 Israeli hostages, 3 foreign hostages transferred to Red Cross by Hamas, IDF says

The Red Cross has informed the Israeli Defense Forces that they have taken custody of 14 Israeli hostages and three foreign hostages released by Hamas on Sunday, according to the IDF.

"Based on information that was received from the Red Cross, 14 Israeli hostages and three foreign hostages have been transferred to the Red Cross," an IDF spokesman said in a statement.

Neither the IDF nor the Red Cross confirmed the nationalities of the three foreign hostages, though it has been widely reported that an American was expected to be released on Sunday.

Multiple sources have also named four-year-old Abigail Edan, an American, as a likely candidate for release. Edan was taken hostage on Oct. 7 after Hamas terrorists murdered her parents.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

OPINION: Biden-defending fact-checkers fail to pounce on Rashida Tlaib

Opinion article by Tim Graham

The House of Representatives (212 Republicans and 22 Democrats) recently voted to censure radical Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) because she has "levied unbelievable falsehoods about our greatest ally, Israel, and the attack on October 7."

One of those outrageous falsehoods was clinging to the false claim that Israel bombed the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. But guess what? Our professional "fact-checkers" haven't located that lie ... or any other nutty utterance, like her laughable claim that "from the river to the sea" isn't a Hamas slogan about the eradication of Israel, it's an "aspirational call for freedom" and "peaceful coexistence."

With Democrats, the so-called independent fact-checkers rush to correct Tlaib critics, and not Tlaib -- just as they rush to correct Biden critics, and not Biden. Maybe those critics deserve correction -- but so do Democrats, especially when they lie about alleged "war crimes." The facts don't always lean to the left.

PolitiFact takes the cake, since Tlaib has only one "fact check" in her four-plus years in Congress, and it's a "Mostly True" in 2020 for asserting, "Detroit spent $294 million on police last year, and $9 million on health." This is ludicrous, since policing is an essential city government function, and government-funded health care is more of a state and federal function...

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Jake Sullivan confirms 'reason to believe' American citizen among next group of Hamas hostages

President Biden's administration says it has "reason to believe" an American citizen will be among the next group of hostages Hamas releases on Sunday.

Hamas is set to release a third group of hostages in exchange for Palestinian criminals held in Israeli prisons on Sunday. White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed to NBC's "Meet the Press" that the U.S. expected at least one American to be released.

"We “have reason to believe that one of those Americans will be released today," Sullivan told the outlet. He declined to identify the hostage, however.

The U.S. says there are up to 10 Americans currently being held by Hamas, including nine U.S. citizens and one greencard holder, or permanent resident.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Israeli-linked tanker seized off coast of Yemen after warnings from Iran-backed Houthi rebels

Unidentified gunmen boarded an seized an Israeli-linked tanker off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden on Sunday after Houthi rebels warned the vessel to divert its course toward a nearby port.

U.S. Naval assets in the region instructed the M/V Central Park to disregard the warnings. Vessels nearby then reported that the Central Park was approached by "eight persons on two skiffs wearing military uniforms," according to the Agence France-Presse.

"There are indications that an unknown number of unidentified armed individuals seized the M/V Central Park in the Gulf of Aden Nov. 26. US and coalition forces are in the vicinity and we are closely monitoring the situation," a U.S. military official told AFP.

While the affiliation of the apparent hijackers remains unverified, the Central Park is the second Israel-affiliated vessel to be targeted in recent days. Iran-backed Houthi rebels hijacked the Galaxy Leader, a vessel linked to an Israeli billionaire, last week.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Israel expects third hostage release to move forward smoothly, sees 'no indication' of issues

Israeli Defense Forces spokesman Peter Lerner joined Fox News on Sunday and said both Israel and the International Red Cross expect the third exchange of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners to move forward.

Lerner made the statement following reports that a Red Cross official had cast doubt on whether Hamas would release any hostages on Sunday. Lerner said that statement had been taken out of context, and that his conversations with the Red Cross had been more fruitful.

"We are planning to continue to operational pause to bring home hostages," Lerner said. "[The Red Cross] hasn't seen any indication that [an exchange] won't happen today--neither have we."

Hamas is reportedly expected to release 13 hostages on Sunday, and as many as three of those hostages could be American citizens.

Hamas had delayed the release of hostages on Saturday, claiming that Israel had not allowed the proper number of aid trucks into Gaza, a claim Israel denies.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Hostage releases designed to 'maximize anguish' for families to pressure Israel: Gen. Rob Spalding

Hamas' strategy of staggered hostage releases is designed to "maximize anguish" for families of the captives and pressure Israel to extend a cease-fire, Gen. Rob Spalding told Fox News on Sunday.

Spalding, a retired Air Force brigadier general, appeared on Fox News to discuss the Israel-Hamas ceasefire, which has entered its third day. At least one American is expected to be among the group released by Hamas on Sunday, if the exchange moves forward.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Conor McGregor torches Ireland's PM over response to Hamas release of child hostage: 'Disgrace'

Martial arts legend Conor McGregor blasted Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar over his reponse to Hamas terrorists releasing a young girl after roughly 50 days in captivity on Sunday.

Varadkar drew outrage this weekend after he celebrated the Hamas release, stating that Emily Hand "was lost" and had now "been found." McGregor spat on Varadkar's statement in his won tweet on Sunday.

"She was abducted by an evil terrorist organization. What is with you and your government and your paid for media affiliates constantly down playing / attempting to repress horrific acts that happen to children. You are a disgrace," McGregor wrote. "The day after a stabbing of children in Ireland, NOT ONE PAPER HAD IT ON THEIR FRONT COVER. We will not forget."

Ireland has been thrown into turmoil in recent days following the stabbing of three children and an adult by a migrant suspect. Anti-immigration protests have flared up across the country.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Israel says it killed Hamas commander for northern Gaza just before cease-fire went into effect

The Israeli military says it killed the senior Hamas commander responsible for the terrorist organization's operations in northern Gaza just before the Israel-Hamas cease-fire went into effect on Friday.

Israeli Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari says Israeli airstrikes killed Ahmed Ghandour and four other senior Hamas commanders.

"He was responsible for coordinating and managing all the terrorist activities of the terrorist organization Hamas in the northern area of ​​the Gaza Strip, initiating, promoting and approving terrorist activities and features including shooting attacks, explosives, rocket fire against the residents of the State of Israel as well as directing attacks throughout Judea and Samaria," Hagari wrote of Ahandor, adding that he was "one of the leaders in the planning and execution of the murderous raid and massacre carried out by the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Saturday 10/7."

The IDF also identified Aiman Siam, who they say served as head of weapons inventory for Hamas for roughly 15 years. The three other senior commanders include Wael Rajeb, Deputy Commander of Hamas’ Northern Gaza Brigade; Farsan Halifa, a senior operative in Hamas' Judea and Samaria Headquarters, and Rafet Salman, commander of the Combat Assistance Unit.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Experts blast Obama-era deal allowing Hamas office in Qatar: 'Fantasy world'

The U.S. played a direct role in helping set up the Hamas office in Qatar during the Obama administration, seeking appeasement and soft diplomacy but ultimately failing to control the terrorist group as it festered in Gaza.

"Durante muchos años, tanto Estados Unidos como Israel han vivido en un mundo de fantasía política en el que hemos tolerado la existencia de Hamás en Doha y hemos creído que Doha sería una influencia moderadora", declaró a Fox News Digital Richard Goldberg, coordinador de la campaña de máxima presión de la administración Trump sobre Irán. 

"Esa tesis quedó refutada el 7 de octubre, así que lo que haya ocurrido en los últimos años no importa porque el 7 de octubre se erige ahora como la nueva realidad", declaró Goldberg, también asesor principal de la Fundación para la Defensa de las Democracias. "Refuta las hipótesis de cualquiera de que Hamás se convertiría de algún modo en una entidad gobernante, no en un grupo terrorista".

Qatar's Ambassador to Washington Meshal bin Hamad Al Thani wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that his government set up the Hamas political office in Doha "after a request from Washington to establish indirect lines of communication" in 2012. He claimed the office "frequently" served in mediation efforts and helped de-escalate conflicts between Israel and the Palestinian territories.

Fox News' Peter Aitken contributed to this report

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Eric Adams condemns 'vile' school protest that left pro-Israel teacher locked in Brooklyn classroom

NYC Mayor Eric Adams had strong words for teenagers who rampaged through Hillcrest High Scool in Brooklyn protesting against a pro-Israel teacher on Saturday.

Footage from the incident showed mobs of students racing through the halls as the school locked down. The violence came after a teacher at the school posted a photo of her attending a pro-Israel rally while holding a sign that read, "I stand with Israel."

That teacher was reportedly forced to lock herself inside a classroom as students allegedly tried to barge in, according to the New York Post.

"The vile show of antisemitism at Hillcrest High School was motivated by ignorance-fueled hatred, plain and simple, and it will not be tolerated in any of our schools, let alone anywhere else in our city," Adams wrote Saturday night. "We are better than this."

Adams said the city is "already conducting a full investigation into how this incident took place, and, this week, Project Pivot teams will begin outreach with students at Hillcrest to ensure they understand why this behavior was unacceptable."

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Israel kills 5, arrests 21 in overnight raid on 'explosives laboratory' in West Bank, IDF says

The Israeli military says its operators killed five terrorists and arrested 21 "wanted persons" in an overnight operation in the West Bank city of Jenin on Sunday.

The IDF says its forces identified explosive devices laid under and to the sides of a road before exchanging gunfire with militants. Israeli forces killed five of the combatants and proceeded with arrests.

 "Forces located an explosives laboratory and destroyed it," the IDF wrote in a statement.

Israeli also says its forces arrested one Osama Issa Muhammad Bani Fade, a suspected Hamas terrorists Israeli accused of carrying out a shooting attack in Hawara on August 19, 2023.

The Israeli operation comes as Israel and Hamas enter the third day of their cease-fire agreement, which only applies to Gaza. Hamas is expected to release a third group of hostages later Sunday in exchange for more Palestinian criminals held in Israeli prisons.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

La USC traslada a un profesor judío a la enseñanza a distancia después de que dijera que los "asesinos" de Hamás "deberían ser asesinados

The University of Southern California recently moved a Jewish economic professor to remote work after he called Hamas terrorists "murderers" who "should be killed" in front of a group of pro-Palestinian students on campus.

El profesor John Strauss fue trasladado para impartir el resto de sus clases del semestre a distancia tras el enfrentamiento entre él y los estudiantes a principios de este mes.

La USC confirmó el traslado a Fox News Digital este fin de semana en un comunicado en el que decía que Strauss "impartirá sus clases a distancia hasta el final del semestre".

Strauss se convirtió en el centro de la polémica tras su interacción en el campus con manifestantes propalestinos organizados por la Coalición de Estudiantes de la USC contra la Explotación Laboral, Graduados de la USC por Palestina y Troyanos por Palestina.

En el vídeo del enfrentamiento se veía a Strauss pasando por delante de los estudiantes manifestantes y llamándoles "ignorantes. Realmente ignorantes".

Una vez que los alumnos se comprometieron con él, el profesor añadió: "Hamás son asesinos. Eso es todo lo que son. Deberían matarlos a todos, y espero que lo hagan".

Sin embargo, ediciones más cortas de esas imágenes -que omitían la parte en la que se nombraba a Hamás- se difundieron por Internet, dando a muchos espectadores la impresión de que Strauss quería que se matara a palestinos.

Fox News' Gabriel Hays and Landon Mion contributed to this report.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

First Americans set to be released among Sunday group of Hamas hostages: Report

Hamas is expected to release its first American hostage as part of its release deal with Israel on Sunday.

Hamas is set to release 13 hostages taken during the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, and at least one is said to be American, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing Egyptian officials. Hamas is currently holding as many as 10 Americans hostage, including nine U.S. citizens and one permanent resident, or greencard holder.

The exchange could include as many as three Americans, according to CNN. Only one potential release has been identified: 4-year-old Abigail Edan, whose parents were murdered by Hamas,

Israel's cease-fire with Hamas entered its third day on Sunday, having two successful exchanges of Israeli hostages for Palestinian criminals held in Israeli prisons.

President Biden's administration expressed frustration that no Americans were among the first two groups of hostages to be released on Friday and Saturday. The White House has not responded to reports that Americans will be released Sunday.

"We are disappointed that we haven’t seen the Americans on a list yet, but we are hopeful for the next couple of days," A Biden official told NBC News on Saturday. "The U.S. is hopeful that we can keep the pause in place and the exchange in place, because we want all of the hostages out."

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

El gobierno de Biden "decepcionado" por no haber liberado a ningún estadounidense durante el intercambio de rehenes: informe

Two senior Biden administration officials told NBC News that they were "disappointed" that no kidnapped Americans have been released so far during the 4-day Israel-Hamas cease-fire.

"Nos decepciona no haber visto aún a los estadounidenses en una lista, pero tenemos esperanzas para los próximos días", dijo uno de los funcionarios. "Estados Unidos espera que podamos mantener la pausa y el intercambio, porque queremos que todos los rehenes salgan".

Los funcionarios dijeron que esperaban que tres estadounidenses con doble nacionalidad israelí formaran parte de los primeros 50 rehenes liberados. Se cree que 10 de los cautivos son ciudadanos estadounidenses, y en total fueron secuestradas unas 240 personas.

Fox News Andrea Vacchiano, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

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