Última actualización

JD Vance honra a su madre en su primer gran discurso como VP del Partido Republicano en el RNC; Don Jr. y Kai Trump hablan

El miércoles comienza el tercer día de la Convención Nacional Republicana de 2024. El Día 1, el ex presidente Trump recibió oficialmente la nominación republicana. En Verdad Social, anunció que el senador de Ohio JD Vance sería su compañero de fórmula.


actualización entrante...

La cobertura de este evento ha finalizado.


Vance aborda los temas del populismo y la familia en su discurso en el RNC

El senador de Ohio JD Vance, candidato a vicepresidente del Partido Republicano candidato a vicepresidente del Partido Republicano, subió al escenario de la Convención Nacional Republicana y expuso sus argumentos para enviar al ex presidente Donald Trump de vuelta a la Casa Blanca, ofreciendo al público una mirada retrospectiva a su educación, al tiempo que abordaba temas de populismo económico dirigidos a la clase trabajadora.

"Juntos, protegeremos los salarios de los trabajadores estadounidenses", afirmó Vance, argumentando que otra administración Trump dejaría de permitir que el Partido Comunista Chino construyera "su clase media a costa" de los ciudadanos estadounidenses.

Vance prometió no importar mano de obra extranjera, no "complacer" a Wall Street y no comprar energía extranjera.

Vance también se refirió a la agenda de Trump de "Estados Unidos primero", prometiendo hacer que los aliados paguen la parte que les corresponde por la paz mundial en lugar de traicionar "la generosidad del contribuyente estadounidense" En política exterior, Vance prometió que la administración enviaría a miembros del servicio a la guerra "sólo cuando sea necesario".

"Pero como demostró el presidente Trump con la eliminación del Isis, cuando golpeemos, golpearemos fuerte", dijo Vance.

Vance también presentó a la audiencia a su familia y su educación, atribuyendo a su abuela el mérito de ser su "ángel de la guarda", al tiempo que honraba a su madre y sus 10 años de sobriedad.

"Se trata de madres solteras como la mía, que luchan contra el dinero y la adicción, pero que nunca se rindieron", dijo Vance mientras su madre estaba sentada en el palco de Amigos y Familiares del ex presidente Donald Trump para asistir al discurso. "Estoy am orgulloso de decir que esta noche mi madre está aquí, 10 años limpia y sobria. Te quiero, mamá".

Publicado por Michael Lee

Este blog se ha cerrado, visita aquí el blog del Día 4.

Publicado por Landon Mion

"CURTIDO EN MIL BATALLAS": Los votantes dan sus primeras impresiones sobre el compañero de fórmula de Trump, JD Vance

Los votantes del Partido Republicano elogiaron la elección del ex presidente Donald Trump del senador de Ohio JD Vance como su compañero de fórmula en la Convención Nacional Republicana.

"Es joven, enérgico, le han atacado y, por supuesto, cualquiera que esté relacionado con el presidente Trump va a ser atacado", dijo Mary de Hawai a Fox News Digital en Milwaukee, sede del RNC de 2024. "Está curtido en mil batallas. Así que creo que es una buena elección".

Vance, de 39 años, fue elegido senador en 2022. El ex corresponsal de combate del Cuerpo de Marines se licenció en la Facultad de Derecho de Yale y saltó a la fama tras escribir en 2016 el best seller de memorias "Hillbilly Elegy" sobre su infancia en los Apalaches.

Paul, de Buffalo, Nueva York, es fan de Vance desde que leyó su libro.

"En el momento en que lo leí, no tenía ni idea de que fuera a entrar en política, y mucho menos de que fuera a tener este ascenso meteórico", dijo, añadiendo que confía en que Vance defienda la "agenda America First" y cree que el nativo de Ohio tiene su "dedo en el pulso de las preocupaciones de la clase trabajadora".

Ed, de Zanesville, Ohio, se alegró de ver elegido a uno de los "chicos de casa".

"Entiende al estadounidense medio", dijo Ed. "Y entiende lo que le está pasando a nuestra economía".

A los que no les gusta Trump no les entusiasmó su elección como vicepresidente.

"No me interesa en absoluto JD Vance ni nadie que Donald Trump elija para ser su vicepresidente", dijo Michael, de Nueva Jersey.

Ellen calificó a Vance de "clon de Trump" y dijo que al menos el ex vicepresidente Mike Pence tenía una "visión del Partido Republicano diferente a la de Donald Trump".

Fox NewsKira Mautone y Hannah Ray Lambert contribuyeron a este reportaje.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Trump aceptará formalmente la candidatura presidencial del Partido Republicano en un discurso alterado tras el intento de asesinato

Cinco días después de sobrevivir a un intento de asesinato, el ex presidente Trump aceptará formalmente el jueves la candidatura presidencial del Partido Republicano durante el momento culminante de la Convención Nacional Republicana de 2024.

El tiroteo, en el mitin de Trump del sábado en el oeste de Pensilvania, en el que murió un espectador, junto con el pistolero, impactó instantáneamente en el tono y el mensaje de la convención, y alteró el discurso del ex presidente.

La campaña de Trump ha dicho esta semana que el ex presidente -tras su roce con la muerte- utilizará su discurso para hacer un llamamiento a la unidad ante la tragedia, en lugar de criticar a sus adversarios políticos.

Trump, en una entrevista el domingo con el Washington Examiner, dijo "sinceramente, ahora va a ser un discurso totalmente distinto".

"Es una oportunidad para unir al país. Se me dio esa oportunidad", subrayó.

Y en un correo electrónico enviado a sus partidarios la víspera de su discurso, Trump dijo: "Expondré mi visión para UNIR NUESTRO PAÍS Y HACERLO MÁS GRANDE QUE NUNCA".

El impulso a la unidad del partido se puso de manifiesto durante los tres primeros días de la convención, en los que el ex rival presidencial del Partido Republicano, el gobernador de Florida Ron DeSantis, y la ex embajadora ante la ONU y ex gobernadora de Carolina del Sur Nikki Haley -que se enfrentó a Trump en unas polémicas primarias- pronunciaron discursos desde el podio en apoyo del ex presidente.

Fox News' Paul Steinhauser y Brooke Singman contribuyeron a este reportaje.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Flashback: Un vistazo a las declaraciones de Donald Trump en las convenciones republicanas de 2016 y 2020

Mientras continúa la Convención Nacional Republicana y se realizan los preparativos para los discursos del ex presidente Trump del jueves, he aquí una mirada retrospectiva a sus dos discursos anteriores en las convenciones de 2016 y 2020:

Tras unas impredecibles primarias presidenciales republicanas en 2016, Trump debutó en el RNC de Cleveland. En su discurso, Trump denunció la corrección política y dijo a los asistentes: "Por fin ha llegado el momento de hacer una evaluación directa del estado de nuestra nación. Presentaré los hechos de forma clara y honesta. ... Ya no podemos permitirnos ser tan políticamente correctos".

Gran parte de sus comentarios hicieron hincapié en su visión para devolver a Estados Unidos a la ley y el orden, sobre todo en lo relativo a la delincuencia y la frontera sur.

Trump habló de crímenes perpetrados por inmigrantes ilegales cuando presionaba para que la frontera fuera más segura, iniciando una tendencia que ha continuado, en la que los republicanos hacen hincapié en crímenes atroces supuestamente cometidos por sospechosos que entraron ilegalmente en el país.

"Uno de ellos fue puesto en libertad y se dirigió a Nebraska. Allí acabó con la vida de una joven inocente llamada Sarah Root. Tenía 21 años y la mataron al día siguiente de licenciarse en la universidad con una nota media de 4,0, la primera de su promoción", dijo a los oyentes.

Las declaraciones de Trump en 2016 anticiparían lo que sería gran parte de su presidencia, con un fuerte énfasis en la inmigración ilegal.

En 2020, después de que Trump hubiera desempeñado el cargo de comandante en jefe durante varios años, sus comentarios empezaron a centrarse en un tema diferente. En ese momento, el país estaba inmerso en la pandemia de COVID-19 y aún no se disponía de una vacuna. Debido a la pandemia, muchos discursos se pronunciaron incluso a distancia.

"En los últimos meses, nuestra nación y todo el planeta han sido golpeados por un nuevo y poderoso enemigo invisible. Al igual que aquellos valientes estadounidenses que nos precedieron, estamos haciendo frente a este desafío", dijo el entonces presidente Trump. "Estamos suministrando terapias que salvan vidas y produciremos una vacuna antes de finales de año o quizá incluso antes. Derrotaremos al virus, acabaremos con la pandemia y resurgiremos más fuertes que nunca".

Fox NewsJulia Johnson ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Los asistentes al RNC llevan parches en las orejas en señal de solidaridad con Trump

Se observó a personas que asistían a la Convención Nacional Republicana llevando parches en las orejas como muestra de solidaridad con el ex presidente Trump, que lleva un parche en la oreja tras sufrir heridas en la oreja cuando sobrevivió a un intento de asesinato.

Esto se produce después del tiroteo del sábado en un mitin de Trump en Butler, Pensilvania, donde el pistolero Thomas Mathew Crooks abrió fuego e intentó matar al ex presidente.

Publicado por Landon Mion

Vance rinde un emotivo homenaje a su madre durante su discurso en el RNC

El senador de Ohio y candidato republicano a la Vicepresidencia , JD Vance, hizo un emotivo guiño a su madre, Beverly Aikins, durante su intervención en la Convención Nacional Republicana del miércoles.

"Se trata de madres solteras como la mía, que luchan contra el dinero y la adicción, pero que nunca se rindieron", dijo Vance mientras su madre estaba sentada en el palco de Amigos y Familiares del ex presidente Donald Trump para asistir al discurso. "Estoy am orgulloso de decir que esta noche mi madre está aquí, 10 años limpia y sobria. Te quiero, mamá".

Vance se hizo a un lado y reconoció a su madre mientras el público coreaba "¡Mamá de JD! Mamá de JD!"

Antes de presentarse como candidato al Senado, Vance era más conocido como autor del bestseller de memorias "Hillbilly Elegy", que detalla la educación rural del senador de Ohio y las luchas de su historia familiar contra la pobreza y el abuso de sustancias.

Gran parte del libro se centraba en su madre, que Vance recordaba que luchaba contra el abuso de sustancias y a veces se mostraba agresiva en casa. La disfunción, recordaba Vance, hizo que acabara al cuidado de sus abuelos, que se convirtieron en sus principales cuidadores.

Vance también rindió homenaje a su abuela, diciendo que fue su "ángel de la guarda" cuando crecía a pesar de las luchas económicas que asolaban zonas como su ciudad natal.

"Gracias a Mamaw, las cosas me salieron bien", dijo Vance.

Publicado por Michael Lee

¿Quién es la madre de JD Vance?

La madre del recién nombrado candidato a vicepresidente JD V ance, Beverly Vance, dio a luz a Vance en 1984, cuando tenía 24 años.

Como Vance documentó en su exitoso libro "Hillbilly Elegy", su padre abandonó a su madre cuando él era un niño pequeño y ella empezó a luchar contra el abuso de sustancias y la adicción. Además, a veces maltrataba a su hijo pequeño.

Finalmente, Vance quedó al cuidado de sus abuelos, a los que describió como demócratas sindicalistas.

Beverly Vance tiene dos hijos, JD y su hermana mayor Lindsey. Ambos hijos se criaron en la ciudad de Middletown, al suroeste de Ohio.

Beverly, que trabajaba como enfermero, fue detenido cuando tenía 12 años, lo que, según declaró a la revista People, fue una experiencia traumatizante.

"En ese momento me sentí aliviada y pensé: 'Muy bien, voy a vivir un día más", dijo en una entrevista. 

"Sólo quería que aquella situación acabara y entonces me derrumbé. Estaba muy triste y me sentía muy sola porque estaba sentada en la parte de atrás de un coche de policía, acababan de detener a mi madre, el alivio de haber sobrevivido un día más se había esfumado y entonces sólo quería que alguien viniera y me llevara."

Beverly Vance, sobria desde 2014, se casó un total de cinco veces y Vance acabó adoptando el apellido Vance de sus abuelos.

La madre de Vance asistió el miércoles a su discurso.

"Nuestro movimiento trata de madres solteras como la mía, que lucharon contra el dinero y la adicción, pero nunca se rindieron, y me enorgullece decir que esta noche mi madre lleva aquí diez años limpia y sobria", dijo Vance. "Te quiero, mamá".

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller

Usha, la esposa de JD Vance, se dirige a la convención del RNC: "Ejemplo del sueño americano

Usha Vance, la esposa del candidato a la vicepresidencia del Partido Republicano , JD Vance, presentó a su marido en un discurso ante el RNC el miércoles por la noche.

"Conocí a J.D. en la Facultad de Derecho, cuando acababa de salir de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio, a la que asistió con la ayuda de la Ley GI", dijo Usha Vance. "Primero fuimos amigos porque, quiero decir, ¿quién no querría ser amigo de J.D.? Entonces, como ahora, era la persona más interesante que conocía: un chico de clase trabajadora que había superado traumas infantiles que yo apenas podía imaginar para acabar en la Facultad de Derecho de Yale. Un duro marine que había servido en Irak, pero cuya idea de pasárselo bien era jugar con cachorros y ver la película Babe".

Usha Vance describió a su marido como "la persona más decidida que conocí, con una ambición primordial: convertirse en marido y padre y construir el tipo de familia unida que había anhelado de niño".

Usha Vance explicó que su educación era muy diferente a la de su marido, pero él "abordaba nuestras diferencias con curiosidad y entusiasmo".

"El J.D. que conocí entonces es el mismo J.D. que ves hoy, salvo por esa barba, y, y sus objetivos en este nuevo papel son los mismos que ha perseguido para nuestra familia", explicó Vance. "Mantener a salvo a la gente, crear oportunidades para construir una vida mejor y resolver los problemas con una mente abierta".

Vance dijo que es "seguro decir" que ninguno de los dos esperaba encontrarse en esta situación.

"Pero es difícil imaginar un ejemplo más poderoso del sueño americano".

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller

Donald Trump Jr. pronuncia un apasionado discurso antes de que el candidato a vicepresidente JD Vance se dirija a los delegados del RNC

Donald Trump Jr. reflexionó sobre el intento de asesinato de su padre en su mitin de Pensilvania del fin de semana, antes de presentar al candidato a vicepresidente de la campaña de Trump, JD Vance, en la tercera noche del RNC en la disputada ciudad de Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

"Y en ese momento, mi padre no sólo mostró su carácter, mostró el carácter de Estados Unidos", dijo Trump Jr. al relatar los acontecimientos del sábado. "Cuando se puso en pie, con sangre en la cara y la bandera en la espalda, el mundo vio un espíritu que nunca podría quebrarse".

Trump Jr. también defendió a su padre frente a los grandes medios de comunicación, diciendo: "Nunca olvidaremos las mentiras de los políticos de izquierdas de sus aliados en los medios de comunicación."

"Comprendes perfectamente hasta dónde han llegado para dividir a esta gran nación", dijo. "Mintieron sobre la colusión con Rusia. Mintieron sobre el portátil de Hunter. Mintieron sobre la idoneidad de Joe Biden para el cargo".

"No podemos vivir de la nostalgia", dijo Trump Jr. "Sí, Estados Unidos fue grande. Pero nuestros mejores días aún están por llegar. Porque por muy lejana que parezca esa vieja foto, no es el final de nuestra historia. Somos como ese hombre que estaba en esa plataforma y sintió cómo la bala le atravesaba la carne hace sólo unos días en Pensilvania. Puede que se tirara al suelo, pero volvió a levantarse y, cuando lo hizo, mi padre alzó el puño al aire. Miró a la multitud y ¿qué dijo?".

La multitud prorrumpió en cánticos de "lucha, lucha, lucha" tras sus declaraciones, haciéndose eco del grito de guerra de Trump el sábado tras el intento de asesinato del que estuvo a punto de ser víctima, en el que una bala falló por poco y le rozó la oreja derecha.

"Y lucharemos", dijo Trump Jr. "Lucharemos. Lucharemos con nuestras voces. Lucharemos con nuestras lágrimas. Y el 5 de noviembre, lucharemos con nuestro voto".

"JD Vance va a ser un vicepresidente cojonudo", concluyó Trump Jr., mientras algunos delegados coreaban "JD, JD, JD".

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Vance anticipa las declaraciones previstas para el CNR

El senador de Ohio JD Vance, elegido compañero de fórmula del ex presidente Donald Trump el primer día de la convención republicana, planea vincular la carrera política del presidente Biden con las luchas de su educación durante su discurso del miércoles.

"Cuando estaba en cuarto curso, un político de carrera llamado Joe Biden apoyó el TLCAN, un mal acuerdo comercial que envió a México innumerables buenos puestos de trabajo de la industria manufacturera estadounidense", dirá Vance. "Cuando estaba en segundo de bachillerato, un político de carrera llamado Joe Biden concedió a China un acuerdo comercial ventajoso que destruyó aún más puestos de trabajo buenos de la clase media. Y cuando estaba en mi último año de instituto, Joe Biden apoyó la desastrosa invasión de Irak".

Vance argumentará que Trump se opuso a todas esas políticas, posturas que finalmente le llevaron a presentarse a la presidencia.

"De alguna manera, un promotor inmobiliario de Nueva York llamado Donald Trump tenía razón en todas estas cuestiones, mientras que Joe Biden estaba equivocado. Donald Trump sabía, ya entonces, que necesitábamos líderes que pusieran a AMÉRICA EN PRIMER LUGAR", piensa decir Vance.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Kai, la nieta de 17 años de Trump, habla en la convención del RNC: "Os quiero

La nieta del ex presidente Trump La nieta de Kai Trump habló en la convención del RNC el miércoles por la noche y le defendió de sus críticos.

"Me llama en mitad de la jornada escolar para preguntarme cómo va mi partido de golf y me cuenta todo sobre el suyo, pero luego tengo que recordarle que estoy en la escuela y que tendré que llamarle más tarde", dijo la nieta de Trump a una multitud enardecida en Milwaukee.

"El sábado, me quedé atónito cuando oí que le habían disparado y sólo quería saber si estaba bien", dijo Trump describiendo los acontecimientos que siguieron al intento de asesinato del ex presidente.

"Mucha gente ha hecho pasar a mi abuelo por un infierno y él sigue en pie", añadió el adolescente.

"Abuelo, eres toda una inspiración y te quiero", dijo Trump. "Los medios de comunicación hacen que mi abuelo parezca una persona diferente. Pero yo le conozco tal y como es. Es muy atento y cariñoso. Quiere de verdad lo mejor para este país. Y luchará cada día para que América vuelva a ser grande. Muchas gracias".

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller

Un veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial recibe una gran ovación y cánticos de "USA" tras un emotivo discurso

El sargento William Pekrul, veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y del Día D, de 98 años, recibió una gran ovación y vítores tras su emotivo discurso en la tercera noche del RNC.

"Me duele el corazón al ver lo que nuestro actual presidente y vicepresidente han hecho al país que tanto amo", dijo Pekrul. "Mientras [somos] mangoneados por China, los terroristas campan a sus anchas en Oriente Medio y dejan que nuestra propia frontera sur sea invadida".

Pekrul afirmó que "Estados Unidos es la nación más grande de la historia del mundo" y dijo que cuando regresó de la guerra en Europa, "besé el suelo".

Los delegados del RNC ovacionaron a Pekrul y corearon "USA", mientras el ex presidente Trump sonreía y aplaudía.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Los senadores republicanos Blackburn y Barrasso se enfrentan "cara a cara" con el director del Servicio Secreto en el RNC

Los senadores republicanos Marsha Blackburn, de Tennessee, y John Barrasso, de Wyoming, declararon el miércoles que se enfrentaron "cara a cara" a Kimberly Cheatle, directora del Servicio Secreto de EEUU, en la Convención Nacional Republicana.

En un vídeo compartido en las redes sociales, Barrasso dijo que él y Blackburn buscaban "respuestas concretas sobre lo ocurrido con el presidente Trump en Pensilvania y sobre cómo ese tirador pudo efectuar un disparo certero cuando el FBI y el Servicio Secreto sabían que había una persona sospechosa una hora antes de que se produjera el tiroteo".

El vídeo del enfrentamiento también se compartió en las redes sociales.

Blackburn añadió: "E identificaron una amenaza potencial a las 5:51".

"No quiso responder a nuestras preguntas. Quiso decir que no era el momento ni el lugar. Y esto después de que hoy hayamos mantenido una conferencia telefónica en la que la pregunta que se cortó", añadió Blackburn.

Blackburn también emitió un mensaje para Cheatle: "Puede huir, pero no puede esconderse porque el pueblo estadounidense quiere saber cómo se llevó a cabo un intento de asesinato contra el ex presidente Donald Trump".

Persisten los interrogantes sobre cómo el tirador de 20 años, Thomas Matthew Crooks, consiguió encaramarse a un edificio y abrir fuego contra el ex presidente Donald Trump y los asistentes a un mitin en Butler, Pensilvania, el pasado sábado.

Cheatle dijo en una entrevista el martes que su agencia era "la única responsable" de la aplicación y ejecución de la seguridad allí.

Dijo a la CNN que no se desviaron activos del mitin el día en que dispararon a Trump, a pesar de que otros actos en el estado requerían la protección del Servicio Secreto.

"En ese sitio concreto, dividimos las áreas de responsabilidad, pero el Servicio Secreto es totalmente responsable del diseño y la puesta en marcha y la ejecución del sitio", dijo Cheatle.

Cheatle, en una entrevista aparte con ABC News, dijo que la agencia era consciente de las vulnerabilidades de seguridad que presentaba el edificio en el que Crooks se colocó como francotirador para apuntar a Trump.

Fox NewsBrianna Herlihy ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

La senadora Marsha Blackburn sobre el ambiente del RNC tras el tiroteo del sábado en el mitin

Fox NewsBrooke Singman se reunió con la senadora de Tennessee Marsha Blackburn en la Convención Nacional 2024 para hablar del impacto que tuvo en el acto político el intento de asesinato del ex presidente Donald Trump.

"Hay una atmósfera de gratitud y aprecio y también de reconocimiento de que Dios realmente tuvo su mano sobre Donald Trump el sábado y le perdonó la vida", dijo Blackburn. "Creo que esa sensación de humildad y agradecimiento que el presidente Trump, las dos noches que ha venido, lo impactante que ha sido para el pueblo estadounidense".

Políticos republicanos y demócratas, líderes empresariales, delegados y el pueblo estadounidense acudieron a las redes sociales para expresar sus mejores deseos para Trump tras el intento de asesinato del sábado en Pensilvania. "Es estupendo que el presidente Trump esté bien", publicó en X el gobernador Ron DeSantis, republicano de Florida. "Fue triste sin medida que un asistente al mitin fuera asesinado y que otros resultaran heridos".

El senador Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., escribió a X: "La violencia política es absolutamente inaceptable".

Y añadió: "Deseo a Donald Trump, y a cualquiera que haya podido resultar herido, una pronta recuperación".

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Los chicos de la fraternidad de la UNC que defendieron la bandera estadounidense durante una protesta en el campus reciben una calurosa bienvenida en el RNC

Un grupo de chicos de la fraternidad de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte (UNC) que protegieron una bandera estadounidense de agitadores antiisraelíes durante una manifestación en el campus a principios de este año recibieron una calurosa bienvenida el tercer día del Congreso Nacional Republicano, portando banderas estadounidenses.

"Cuando la turba intentó arriar la bandera estadounidense en nuestro campus, sabíamos que no podíamos permitirlo", dijo uno de los chicos de la fraternidad en el RNC. "Montamos guardia, la sostuvimos en alto y no dejamos que cayera".

"Demasiada gente lo ha sacrificado todo por ella", dijo el estudiante. "Demasiada gente lo ha sacrificado todo por ella. Lo menos que podemos hacer es mantenerla ondeando, y esta noche estamos orgullosos de honrar de nuevo a nuestra bandera."

Tras soportar casi una hora de gritos, balbuceos y objetos voladores, los hermanos de la fraternidad sostuvieron la bandera estadounidense caída hasta que pudo ser restaurada en una exhibición que muchos consideraron un acto heroico de patriotismo el 1 de mayo. Se inició un GoFundMe para organizar una fiesta para las fraternidades implicadas, que recaudó más de medio millón de dólares cuando se cerraron las donaciones. 

Fox News Kendall Tietz, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

El público de la Convención sigue en pie por las familias de la Estrella Dorada

Los familiares de los 13 miembros del ejército estadounidense que perdieron la vida durante los últimos días de la guerra de Estados Unidos en Afganistán hablaron el miércoles en la Convención Nacional Republicana.

Fox NewsEmma Colton captó la emotiva escena de la multitud, en la que la mayor parte del público permaneció de pie mientras las familias de las Estrellas de Oro hacían sus comentarios.

Durante el discurso, se leyeron ante el público los nombres de cada uno de los miembros del servicio fallecidos, y los asistentes gritaron los nombres a su vez.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Los asistentes al RNC muestran sus atuendos políticos en apoyo al ex presidente Trump

Fox NewsBrooke Singman recorrió el perímetro de la Convención Nacional Republicana de Milwaukee y habló con los asistentes sobre sus elecciones de moda en rojo, blanco y azul.

"Hay mucha energía, mucha diversión y muchos trajes estupendos", dijo Singman.

El conjunto de una mujer, incluido su sombrero, estaba completamente engalanado con alfileres de Trump y del orgullo americano. Especificó que empezó su colección con uno de Trump bajando las escaleras mecánicas en 2015, cuando el ex presidente anunció su candidatura en 2016. En algunos de los pins de su sombrero se podía leer "Trump 2016", "Trump 2024", "Veteranos por Trump", "Tim Sheehy Senado de EE.UU." y "Adorable Deplorable", entre otros.

Sheehy es el candidato del Partido Republicano que aspira a desbancar al senador demócrata de Montana Jon Tester.

Otra mujer llevaba calcetines de Trump, zapatos rojos y blancos de "Trump 2024" y ropa a juego, y otra llevaba un vestido amarillo hecho a mano de "declaración política" en el que se leía "Don't Tread on Me". Añadió que lleva un vestido hecho a mano diferente para cada día de la convención republicana de 2024.

Un anciano en silla de ruedas se detuvo para hablarle a Singman de sus atavíos, que incluían una visera"Trump 2024" con el pelo a lo Trump que, según dijo bromeando, es todo suyo.

"Lo cogí prestado", dijo el hombre. "No se lo digas".

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

El republicano de Florida espera con impaciencia el discurso "cambiado" de Trump el jueves

El congresista por Florida Carlos Giménez dijo a Fox News Digital que tiene "curiosidad" por saber cómo cambió el discurso del ex presidente Trump en la RNC, después de que sobreviviera por poco a un intento de asesinato en su mitin de Pensilvania el sábado.

"Espero que... vamos a cambiar el rumbo de este país, pero vamos a hacerlo de forma unificada", dijo Giménez. "Estoy muy ilusionado por intentar escuchar lo que va a decir. He oído que ha cambiado su discurso, que los acontecimientos del sábado le han cambiado. Así que tengo mucha curiosidad por saber cómo se va a expresar".

Trump indicó que había desechado su discurso original de 20 páginas y que "empezaba de nuevo". Se espera que se dirija al RNC el jueves, la última noche de la convención, donde también aceptará formalmente la nominación del Partido Republicano para ser su candidato presidencial.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind

Homan envía un mensaje a los inmigrantes ilegales: "Será mejor que empecéis a hacer las maletas ya

El ex director en funciones del ICE, Thomas Homan, subió al escenario de la Convención Nacional Republicana el miércoles, criticando al presidente Biden por su historial en materia de inmigración.

"Biden es el primer presidente de la historia de Estados Unidos que llega al cargo y desprotege la frontera. ¿Quién demonios hace eso?", dijo durante su intervención Homan, que subió al escenario en medio de una entusiasta ovación.

Homan esbozó las diferencias entre el ex presidente Trump y el presidente Biden sobre la frontera, argumentando que bajo Trump la inmigración ilegal "se redujo en un 90%, el nivel más bajo en 45 años".

"Las deportaciones alcanzaron los niveles más altos de la historia, incluyendo cifras históricas de pandilleros y delincuentes extranjeros ilegales", declaró Homan.

Homan también expresó su apoyo al plan de Trump de deportar a millones de inmigrantes.

"Tengo un mensaje para los millones de extranjeros ilegales que Joe Biden ha liberado en nuestro país violando la ley federal. Será mejor que empecéis a hacer las maletas ya", dijo Homan.

Publicado por Michael Lee

El alcalde de East Palestine, Trent Conaway, arremete contra Biden en el RNC por su respuesta al descarrilamiento del tren

Palestina Este El alcalde Trent Conaway criticó a la administración Biden-Harris por su escasa respuesta federal al desastroso descarrilamiento del tren en la ciudad, ocurrido en enero de 2023.

"Cuando el tren descarriló derramando llamas y sustancias químicas tóxicas en nuestra ciudad, nos enfrentamos a un desastre como nunca habíamos visto", dijo Conaway en el RNC. "Y en el caos, fuimos testigos de un claro contraste entre liderazgo e incompetencia. Nuestros primeros intervinientes no dudaron. Corrieron al lugar de los hechos. Lucharon contra las llamas y evacuaron a nuestros ciudadanos. Y por ello, quiero dar las gracias a cada uno de ellos esta noche.

"Por desgracia, la respuesta federal de la administración Biden fue muy diferente y constante. Consistió casi exclusivamente en reuniones y actos de prensa. Hablaron y hablaron, pero prestaron poca ayuda. Luego hubo una clara diferencia entre el ex presidente Trump y el presidente Biden. Durante mucho tiempo, la Casa Blanca guardó silencio. Y nunca oímos una palabra del Vicepresidente Harris. Supongo que no éramos su tipo de gente, ni élites de Hollywood, ni multimillonarios de Wall Street que viven en Palestina Este, sólo estadounidenses trabajadores".

"Pero Donald Trump se preocupó", continuó Conaway. "Primero llamó para pedir permiso para visitarnos, sin querer importunar, y luego preguntó cómo podíamos ayudar".

Biden visitó finalmente Palestina Oriental en el primer aniversario del incidente. Biden fue muy criticado en el momento del descarrilamiento por no haber visitado nunca la comunidad en las semanas y meses siguientes.

Fox News Anders Hagstrom y Peter Doocy, de Digital, han contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

La política exterior "America First" de Vance en el punto de mira antes de su esperado discurso en el RNC

Las posturas de política exterior del candidato republicano a la vicepresidencia, JD Vance, de "Estados Unidos primero", están acaparando la atención mientras se prepara para pronunciar su primer gran discurso en horario de máxima audiencia en la Convención Nacional Republicana el miércoles por la noche.

Vance fue anunciado el lunes como compañero de fórmula del ex presidente Donald Trump y, desde entonces, numerosos políticos y medios de comunicación, especialmente extranjeros, han empezado a hacer sonar la alarma sobre lo que describen como su política "aislacionista", advirtiendo de que una presidencia Trump-Vance podría llegar a abandonar a Ucrania en medio de su guerra con Rusia.

"La elección de Trump como compañero de fórmula suscita temores en Ucrania y en la UE", decía un titular de la BBC, que citaba a continuación a un político alemán que afirmaba que Vance era "más aislacionista" e "impredecible" que Trump.

The Washington Post escribió que Trump eligió a "un aislacionista de ideas afines en política exterior", mientras que Politico escribió que Vance "augura un 'desastre' para Europa y Ucrania".

Van Jones, de CNN, describió a Vance como "un horror en el escenario mundial", advirtiendo: "Los ucranianos están ahora en graves problemas".

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Brandon Gillespie, de Fox News Digital.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Enes Kanter Freedom describe una "experiencia increíble" en el RNC

El jugador de baloncesto Enes Kanter Freedom está en la Convención Nacional Republicana y habló con Liz Elkind, de Fox News Digital, sobre su experiencia.

"Bueno, es la primera vez que vengo. Y creo que, ya sabes lo que es tan asombroso de todo esto, tanta gente que se preocupa y ama la libertad viniendo aquí, y simplemente, es literalmente como una gran familia, ya sabes, por eso me llega al corazón. Ha sido una experiencia increíble estos dos o tres últimos días".

Dice que ha recibido muchos buenos comentarios de los legisladores del Partido Republicano sobre sus ambiciones de presentarse al Congreso:

"Cada vez que los veo, no paran de preguntarme a qué distrito me voy a presentar. Y me dicen que no me presente contra ellos. Y ahí me están presionando para que les haga una promesa. Sé que tengo muchos amigos allí y que me apoyan mucho. Así que eso significa mucho para mí", afirmó.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Biden más "receptivo" a dejar la carrera: Informe

El presidente Biden se ha vuelto más receptivo a abandonar la carrera, pasando de argumentar que la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris no puede ganar a preguntar a los asesores si el vicepresidente puede ganar, según un informe de la CNN.

Biden se ha enfrentado a crecientes llamamientos para que abandone la candidatura, y el miércoles surgieron informes de que el congresista Adam Schiff, demócrata de California, y el líder de la mayoría en el Senado Chuck Schumer, demócrata de Nueva York, han instado en privado al presidente a que se haga a un lado por los crecientes temores sobre su edad y su capacidad para vencer al ex presidente Donald Trump en noviembre.

A los demócratas también les preocupa cada vez más que los problemas de Biden como cabeza de lista puedan costar al partido el Senado y la oportunidad de cambiar la Cámara de Representantes.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Los rancheros de Arizona muestran imágenes de la llegada de miles de inmigrantes ilegales: Invasión

Dos rancheros de Arizona mostraron a la Convención Nacional Republicana el impacto que la crisis fronteriza está teniendo en su propiedad, con imágenes de miles de inmigrantes ilegales atravesándola.

Sue y Jim Chilton son ganaderos de quinta generación de Arizona, junto a la frontera sur.

"En la pantalla verás imágenes de nuestro rancho. Desde que Joe Biden asumió el cargo, nuestras cámaras ocultas han grabado a más de 3500 empaquetadores de droga y otras personas vestidas de camuflaje marchando hacia el norte a través de nuestro rancho", dijo.

"No son solicitantes de asilo. Parece una invasión porque lo es", dijo.

"Cada vez que Jim sale de la Casa del Rancho, tengo que preocuparme de que no vuelva vivo", dijo Sue. "Han asaltado nuestra casa dos veces. Un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza fue tiroteado por narcotraficantes en nuestro rancho".

Publicado por Adam Shaw

El ex miembro de la banda Florida Georgia Line actuará en el RNC de 2024 el día 3

La Convención Nacional Republicana de 2024 en Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ha visto varios artistas en los días transcurridos desde que comenzó el evento político.

Esta noche, para el Día 3 del RNC, la estrella de la música country Brian Kelley, antiguo miembro de Florida Georgia Line, entretendrá a los asistentes republicanos.

El cantante de "See You Next Summer" publicó el martes un post en su Instagram en el que informaba a sus fans de que su próxima parada era Milwaukee. Su colega Jason Aldean y su esposa Brittany, ávidos partidarios de Donald Trump, mostraron su apoyo a la publicación.

En febrero de 2022, el dúo FGL, que incluía a Kelley y Tyler Hubbard, se tomó un "descanso" antes de separarse oficialmente en septiembre de ese mismo año.

Está previsto que Kelley actúe a las 20.20 h del miércoles por la noche y, para promocionar el espectáculo, compartió en su cuenta de Instagram una retransmisión en directo de la RNC de 2024.

Un grupo de Nashville llamado Sixville y el cantautor Chris Janson, también han actuado en los dos primeros días del RNC.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Peter Navarro sube al escenario de la Convención Nacional Republicana, horas después de salir de prisión

Elex asesor de Donald Trump Peter Navarro subió al escenario el tercer día de la Convención Nacional Republicana en Milwaukee, Wisconsin, donde fue recibido por una multitud de republicanos.

"Sí, en efecto. Esta mañana he salido de una prisión federal de Miami. Joe Biden y su Departamento de Injusticia me metieron allí. Esta noche, estoy aquí con vosotros en esta hermosa ciudad de Milwaukee. Tengo un mensaje muy sencillo para vosotros: Si pueden venir a por mí, si pueden venir a por Donald Trump, tened cuidado, vendrán a por vosotros", dijo a la multitud.

Navarro, que subió al escenario al grito de "LUCHA, LUCHA, LUCHA", fue liberado de una prisión de Miami el miércoles, horas antes de que hablara en la convención.

Navarro, de 75 años, fue declarado culpable de desacato al Congreso y condenado en marzo a cuatro meses de prisión en una cárcel federal de Miami.

Durante su discurso en la convención, Navarro instó a apoyar a Trump y advirtió de que, si no recupera la Casa Blanca este otoño, "su gobierno" nos "controlará".

"Si no controlamos nuestro gobierno, su gobierno nos controlará a nosotros. Si no controlamos los tres poderes de nuestro gobierno -legislativo, ejecutivo y judicial-, su gobierno encarcelará a algunos de nosotros, como yo y Steve Bannon", afirmó.

Navarro, esbozando las diferencias entre las presidencias de Trump y el presidente Biden, dijo que es la "historia de dos Américas".

"Esta es una historia de dos Américas, y sabes que no era así cuando Donald Trump era presidente. Recuerdo aquellos días. Yo estaba allí. En la América de Trump, estabais a salvo y nuestras fronteras eran seguras. En la América de Trump, eras más próspero y no tenías que elegir entre... comida en la mesa, medicinas en el botiquín y un techo sobre tu cabeza. Y en la América de Trump, no tenías que preocuparte de que te encerraran por discrepar del gobierno", dijo Navarro a los republicanos.

"Fui a la cárcel para que tú no tuvieras que hacerlo. Yo am tu llamada de atención", añadió.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Schumer dijo "enérgicamente" a Biden que debía abandonar su candidatura a la reelección: Informe

Al parecer, el principal demócrata del Senado , Chuck Schumer, dijo el sábado al presidente Biden en una "tajante conversación cara a cara" que lo mejor sería que "se retirara de la carrera", según un reportaje de ABC sobre X.

"La oficina de Schumer no quiso comentar los pormenores de la conversación y se limitó a decir que el líder Schumer había transmitido la opinión de su grupo", escribió Jonathan Karl, corresponsal jefe de ABC News en Washington.

La oficina del líder de la mayoría del Senado emitió una respuesta similar obtenida por Fox News Digital el miércoles.

"A menos que la fuente de ABC sea el senador Chuck Schumer o el presidente Joe Biden, la información es pura especulación", declaró un portavoz del senador Schumer. "El líder Schumer transmitió las opiniones de su grupo directamente al presidente Biden el sábado".

La noticia se produce cuando el demócrata neoyorquino ha presionado para que se retrase la Convención Nacional Demócrata, ya que persisten las dudas sobre la candidatura de Biden para 2024 debido a las preocupaciones sobre su agudeza mental, según múltiples fuentes.

Schumer habló con el líder de la minoría en la Cámara de Representantes, el demócrata por Nueva York Hakeem Jeffries, y ambos acordaron instar al Comité Nacional Demócrata a retrasar la votación virtual prevista para este mes para designar oficialmente a Biden, según dijeron tres fuentes a Fox News Digital.

El miércoles se supo que el Comité Nacional Demócrata (DNC) iba a retrasar sus planes de nominación hasta agosto, después de que los miembros del partido se opusieran a un plan inicial de nominar a Biden a finales de este mes.

Fox News Paul Steinhauser y Julia Johnson, de Digital, han contribuido a este reportaje.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

La campaña de Biden juega con el diagnóstico de COVID para recaudar fondos en un post sobre X: "Estoy enfermo

La campaña de Biden está utilizando el diagnóstico COVID del presidente Biden para recaudar fondos para su campaña de reelección.

"Estoy enfermo", decía un misterioso post en X de la cuenta de campaña de Biden.

Momentos después llegó un seguimiento

"de Elon Musk y sus amigos ricos intentando comprar estas elecciones. Y si estás de acuerdo, colabora aquí".

Estaba previsto que Biden pronunciara un discurso en la conferencia de Las Vegas, Nevada, pero se canceló.

"Hoy mismo, tras su primer acto en Las Vegas, el presidente Biden ha dado positivo en la prueba de COVID-19. Está vacunado y reforzado y experimenta síntomas leves", declaró la Secretaria de Prensa de la Casa Blanca, Karine Jean-Pierre.

"Regresará a Delaware, donde se autoaislará y seguirá desempeñando plenamente todas sus funciones durante ese tiempo. La Casa Blanca proporcionará actualizaciones periódicas sobre el estado del Presidente mientras sigue desempeñando todas las funciones del cargo mientras está aislado."

El diagnóstico de COVID sigue a las declaraciones de un día antes, en las que Biden dijo que una enfermedad podría hacerle abandonar la carrera.

"Si tuviera algún problema médico que surgiera, si alguien, los médicos vinieran y dijeran tienes este problema, aquel problema", dijo Biden a Ed Gordon, de BET. "Pero cometí un grave error en todo el debate y, mira, cuando me presenté originalmente, quizá lo recuerdes, dije que iba a ser un candidato de transición. Pensé que sería capaz de salir de esto, de pasárselo a otra persona. Pero no preví que las cosas se dividieran tanto, tanto".

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Jueza Jeanine: Trump convirtió 'detractores en partidarios'

Los copresentadores de "The Five" analizan el discurso inaugural de JD Vance, compañero de fórmula de Trump, en la Convención Nacional Republicana y los continuos llamamientos de los principales demócratas para que el presidente Biden se haga a un lado. Fox News' La juez Jeanine argumenta que el ex presidente Donald Trump ha sido capaz de convertir a sus enemigos en amigos.

"La política hace extraños compañeros de cama, así es la historia de cómo funciona", dijo Jeanine. "Tienes a JD Vance, que criticó a Donald Trump, Nikki Haley más que criticó a Donald Trump, DeSantis criticó a Donald Trump. Amber Rose criticó a Donald Trump... Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio.... Donald Trump ha sido capaz de convertir a sus detractores en sus partidarios. Y ahora hemos visto al Partido Republicano más unido de lo que ha estado nunca. Ya ni siquiera hablamos de Rinocerontes, el Partido Republicano es sólidamente el Partido MAGA".

Trump ha hecho que varios antiguos oponentes de las primarias hablaran en su nombre en la Convención Nacional Republicana, consolidando el apoyo en torno al ex presidente antes de su revancha con el presidente Biden.

Publicado por Michael Lee

Biden-Harris team sends rebuttal after Trump-Vance's tongue-in-cheek response to debate challenge

The Biden-Harris team emailed a rebuttal to the Trump-Vance campaign's tongue-in-cheek response to VP Harris's agreement to debate the newly-selected Republican VP on Wednesday.

“Donald Trump is the one whose campaign said he would debate 'anytime, anyplace' and who picked JD Vance specifically for his debating skills," the Biden-Harris clapped back in the email.

“Now suddenly right after a damning new leak showing his support for a nationwide abortion ban, Vance is backing off a debate against Vice President Harris, who has spent the last two years prosecuting the case on behalf of  reproductive freedom," the email read. “This debate has been discussed for two months now. If JD Vance is unwilling to defend the Trump-Vance record on the debate stage, he should just say so.”

The campaign statement comes just minutes after White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed that President Biden has tested positive for COVID-19 and an hour after the Trump-Vance campaign sent out their initial response to Harris's request to debate.

“We don’t know who the Democrat nominee for Vice President is going to be, so we can’t lock in a date before their convention," Brian Hughes, senior campaign advisor for the Trump-Vance campaign, said in the email Wednesday afternoon.

"To do so would be unfair to Gavin Newsom, JB Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, or whoever Kamala Harris picks as her running mate," Hughes said.

Harris has already accepted the CBS News' invitation to debate Vance on August 12. 

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

What would a JD Vance-Kamala Harris debate look like?

Fox News 'Democracy 2024' panelists Sarah Selip and Jonae Warte provided their takes on what could be an expected "high voltage showdown" between Ohio GOP Sen. JD Vance, former President Trump's running mate in the 2024 race for the White House, and Vice President Kamala Harris following the Republican National Convention.

An official debate between the pair of vice presidential candidates has yet to be set in stone, a point Selip brought up as she highlighted calls by Democrats for President Biden to step aside ahead of the November election.

"Here's the thing: Democrats are getting way too ahead of themselves with this here," Selip said. "Just this weekend, I mean even now, Democrats are circulating letters asking for Biden to resign. So, in a few weeks, we don't even know if Biden will be the nominee or who takes his place will bring Kamala with them."

"Otherwise, I think it would be very exciting," she continued. "JD Vance is a great performer, a great debater, a great lawmaker. He would crush it. He would wipe the floor with Kamala.

Warte, however, said she believes Harris would fare well in a debate against Vance.

"I have to agree with Sen. Warren that Vice President Harris will take it to Senator Vance," Warte said. "The reality of it is he's a young guy. Senator Vance hasn't been on the scene for very long, though we are very clear on where his position is, which is really not aligned with the American people and their values and ideas that are popular among most Americans."

"I think Vice President Harris is a very clear contrast here," she added. "She has a record, certainly with the Biden administration and understanding where her finger's on the pulse of the American people's ideas around healthcare, of their ideas around the economy."

Warte said she believes Kamala is "well prepared to take [Vance] on" and that she wouldn't "call this a true match-up."

Harris has already accepted a CBS News' invite to debate Vance on August 12. Vance has yet to accept a debate invitation.

Brian Hughes, senior campaign advisor for the Trump-Vance campaign, issued a tongue-in-cheek email response on Wednesday to Harris's invitation to debate JD Vance.

“We don’t know who the Democrat nominee for Vice President is going to be, so we can’t lock in a date before their convention," Hughes said in the campaign email. "To do so would be unfair to Gavin Newsom, JB Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, or whoever Kamala Harris picks as her running mate.”

Fox NewsJamie Joseph ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Los hermanos de la fraternidad de la UNC que protegieron la Vieja Gloria serán oradores en el RNC de 2024

A group of fraternity brothers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who went viral for their patriotic defense of the American flag will attend Day 3 proceedings at the 2024 Republican National Convention.

The men made headlines in May when its members displayed admirable patriotism by preventing the American flag from touching the ground during a protest where anti-Israel agitators had attempted to take the Stars and Stripes off a campus flag pole and replace it with the Palestinian flag.

The fraternity brothers stood in the rain for nearly an hour with the U.S. flag held above their heads while anti-Israel protesters threw objects at them in protest.

A GoFundMe set up to throw a party celebrating the men raised more than $500,000.The young men received praise from around the country for their defense of Old Glory.

Texas Rep. Pat Fallon wrote a letter in salute of the young men and Seth Weathers, CEO of Ultra Right Beer Company, planned a party, "Frat Boy Summer Kickoff," for the gentlemen which was postponed due to universal attention.

Now dubbed "Flagstock 2024", the party is slated to be thrown on Labor Day. Country musician and Fox Nation “The Pursuit!” host John Rich applauded the students and offered to play a free show in their honor. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: This post has been updated to clarify that the men belong to various fraternities at UNC.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Biden da positivo en COVID y se autoaisla en Delaware

President Biden has tested positive for COVID, the White House has confirmed.

Biden was due to deliver remarks at the conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, but the speech was canceled.

"Hoy mismo, tras su primer acto en Las Vegas, el presidente Biden ha dado positivo en la prueba de COVID-19. Está vacunado y reforzado y experimenta síntomas leves", declaró la Secretaria de Prensa de la Casa Blanca, Karine Jean-Pierre.

"Regresará a Delaware, donde se autoaislará y seguirá desempeñando plenamente todas sus funciones durante ese tiempo. La Casa Blanca proporcionará actualizaciones periódicas sobre el estado del Presidente mientras sigue desempeñando todas las funciones del cargo mientras está aislado."

El diagnóstico de COVID sigue a las declaraciones de un día antes, en las que Biden dijo que una enfermedad podría hacerle abandonar la carrera.

"If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, the doctors came and said you've got this problem, that problem," Biden told BET's Ed Gordon. "But I made a serious mistake in the whole debate and, look, when I originally ran, you might remember it, I said I was gonna be a transitional candidate. I thought that I would be able to move from this, to pass it on to somebody else. But I didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided."

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Fox News' Bill Hemmer compares the 2024 RNC to the 2016 RNC

Fox News' Bill Hemmer is covering the 2024 Republican National Convention live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin as he did during the 2016 RNC eight years ago.

"What a difference eight years can make," Hemmer told Fox News Digital. "In 2016, many Republicans were hesitant in their support for Donald Trump and they were not on board the Trump train. In 2024, I would argue it's entirely different. Every Republican opponent that he vanquished during the primary season, they are here, they are on stage and showing their support."

Last night, on Day 2 of the 2024 RNC, former GOP candidates Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley threw their undoubted support behind the GOP presidential nominee and his vice presidential pick Ohio Sen. JD Vance.

"I would argue they are two-for-two for the first two nights here in terms of performance, and execution and we get ready to see if they can do it again on night 3 with JD Vance," Hemmer concluded.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Senate candidate Steve Garvey says Schiff's call for Biden to drop out 'doesn't go far enough'

Republican Senate candidate and ex-MLB star Steve Garvey says Rep. Adam Schiff's latest announcement for Biden to step down from the 2024 race "doesn't go far enough."

"Adam Schiff's call for President Biden not to run for re-election doesn't go far enough," Garvey said in a statement Wednesday afternoon. "It's not just about the next election; it's about the current governance. President Biden should resign immediately for the good of the nation."

Garvey argued that under Biden, the U.S. is facing "unprecednted international threats," and cited the Ukraine-Russia war and the Israel-Hamas conflict.

"Schiff not demanding his resignation imperils Americans at home and abroad every day," he said.

In a statement to Fox News Digital on Wednesday, Schiff argued that a "second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November."

Schiff and Garvey will face off in the November election to fill the California Senate seat of the late Dianne Feinstein.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

GOP lawmaker rips Biden's 'weak' foreign policy record in preview of RNC speeches

MILWAUKEE – GOP Congressman Darrell Issa previewed what he expects to see in the foreign policy speeches on Wednesday night at the GOP convention and outlined what he believes a second Trump term will mean for the world. 

"When I think about Trump foreign policy, Russia didn't gain an inch during his tenure, having taken Crimea under his predecessor, Obama," Issa, who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Fox News Digital on Wednesday before Republicans took the stage in Milwaukee to talk foreign policy.

"I think about the fact that China did not aggressively go after Taiwan the way they are today, or the Philippines, where they're literally stealing fish out of the water by force. I think of the fact that the Houthis and Iran were not active and literally interrupting global trade. All of these things happened in the last three and a half years under a weak Biden administration, and they won't, didn't and won't happen under a Trump administration."

"Make America Strong Once Again" is the theme of the third day of the convention, where speakers will outline Trump’s foreign policy agenda and argue against Biden’s record.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Don Jr. on what a second Trump term means: 'Like the first term but accelerated'

Donald Trump Jr. spoke with Fox News Digital about what a reelection for his father in 2024 looks like.

"I think a Trump second term is going to look like the first term but accelerated," Don Jr. said. "I think with the knowledge, the experience that you've had four years in office, four years out of it, I think you can hire the right people. I think you're not going to be swayed by the people who aren't going to be great actors."

Don Jr. is an avid supporter of his father, former President Donald Trump, and while at the 2024 Republican National Convention clashed with liberal-leaning MSNBC for entertaining conspiratorial takes on Saturday’s assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.

"I think that's also why they've gone after my father so much more aggressively," Don Jr. told Fox. "He knows how to get things done in Washington. He came as an outsider with no experience, no knowledge. It's so different now."

He concluded by saying, "I think he can execute so many of the policies that made us prosperous, that made us safe and I think he can do that much faster than ever before."

Posted by Gabriele Regalbuto

Trump-Vance campaign responds to VP Harris's invitation to debate

Brian Hughes, senior campaign adviser for the Trump-Vance campaign, issued a tongue-in-cheek email response to Vice President Kamala Harris's invitation to debate JD Vance:

“We don’t know who the Democrat nominee for Vice President is going to be, so we can’t lock in a date before their convention," Hughes said in the campaign email. "To do so would be unfair to Gavin Newsom, JB Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, or whoever Kamala Harris picks as her running mate.”

Harris called Vance, whom former President Trump chose as his running mate Monday, and congratulated him after the announcement in a voicemail.

"Vice President Harris reached out to Senator Vance and left a message to congratulate him on his selection, welcome him to the race and express her hope that the two can meet in the vice presidential debate proposed by CBS News," a Biden campaign official told Fox News on Monday. 

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Federal air marshal union backs Trump for president

The union for federal air marshals formally announced its endorsement for former President Trump on Wednesday.

"The Air Marshal National Council is proud to announce our endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President," the council said in a statement.

"President Trump you are the only one who can make our Homeland Security and Air Marshal Program great again," it said.

The union accuses the administration of running an "open border" policy and of weaponizing FAMs "for political purposes."

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Vance says his mission at GOP convention speech is 'to fire up the crowd tonight'

MILWAUKEE – GOP vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance says his mission as he delivers his acceptance speech on day three of the Republican National Convention is simple.

Vance, the 39-year-old senator from Ohio whom former President Trump named as his running mate at the beginning of the week, on Wednesday night will address the roughly 2,400 delegates and thousands of other attendees packed inside Milwaukee's Fiserv Arena, and the millions of Americans watching the GOP convention from home.

"We're gonna get out there and try to fire up the crowd tonight," Vance said at a financial event hours before his prime time address at the convention.

The senator added that he would "make the case, a very easy case to make, but an important case to make, that we have got to re-elect President Donald J. Trump to the White House."

Publicado por Fox News Staff

El senador Bernie Sanders quiere que el presidente Biden siga en la carrera electoral

As the Democratic Party faces internal turmoil over their split support for President Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee, an unlikely ally -- Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. -- wants Biden to stay in the race.

"I have been critical of the Biden campaign—above and beyond the debate, which everybody understands was a disaster," Sanders said in an interview with the New Yorker magazine on Wednesday. "The truth of the matter is Biden’s record, in my view, is the strongest record of any President in modern American history. I don’t think they’ve done a particularly good job of getting that out."

Sanders, a staunch critic of continued aid to Israel -- which Biden supports -- amid Palestinian casualties, acknowledged "it's not enough to talk about what you’ve done in the last three and a half years," and urged Biden to focus on the solution to issues that are hurting everyday Americans.

"I’ve been extremely critical of this and I see it beginning to change now—it’s not good enough just to talk about what you’ve done in the last three and a half years. The American people are hurting. Sixty percent of our people live paycheck to paycheck," Sanders said.

The independent senator -- who typically aligns with Congress's progressive flank -- added that young voters are worried about "climate change" and "reproductive rights."

When asked if he thinks Biden can serve another four years amid concerns about his mental acuity, Sanders said he has "concerns about everything."

"And everybody should have concerns about everything," he said. "As a nation, we do a very poor job, both in Congress and in the media, of focussing on issues that impact the working class. So I would much prefer to have somebody who can’t put three sentences together who is setting forth an agenda that speaks to the needs of working-class people: raising the minimum wage, making it easier for workers to join unions, dealing with the existential threat of climate change, protecting women’s reproductive rights, building millions of units of affordable housing."

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Journalist who's known Biden for decades urges him to drop out of race: 'Painful to watch'

Journalist Curtis Wilkie, who has covered eight presidential campaigns and White House administrations, called on President Biden to drop out of the race in an op-ed for Mississippi Today, arguing it's become "painful to watch" the president he's known for decades.

"President Biden should never have sought a second term," Wilkie wrote. 

Wilkie joins a long list of media outlets, reporters and Democrats who have called on Biden to drop out following a rocky debate performance. 

"I have an unusual perspective on this discussion dominating American politics considering I’ve known Joe Biden longer than any reporter who ever covered him. I’ve witnessed over the years how the relentless demands of the presidency have ravaged other occupants of the White House. And I share with Biden the frailties of old age that grip us both and have begun to diminish our physical and cognitive powers," Wilkie wrote. 

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Country star Lee Greenwood reflects on playing at Republican National Convention

Speaking to Fox News Digital by phone on Tuesday evening, country star Lee Greenwood reflected on the electric experience of performing his classic song "God Bless the USA" and introducing former President Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention on Monday night, July 15, in Milwaukee. 

"It's easy to say that I've done this before," Greenwood said, noting that while this is his sixth RNC, it's also the 40th anniversary of writing his iconic song and releasing it as a record. 

"It's also the 40th anniversary of the Republican Party using ‘God Bless the USA’ with Ronald Reagan at the '84 RNC," said Greenwood. "But there were a lot of things that were different last night."

"The most important of all," he said as the second night of the convention gets underway, "is that we recognize that the assassination attempt on the president's life would have changed the entire world for us if President Trump had been killed," said Greenwood.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News Digital's Maureen Mackey.

Posted by Fox News Staff

La ex estrella de la MLB Steve Garevy recauda más que el representante Adam Schiff en la carrera al Senado para sustituir a Dianne Feinstein

Ex-MLB star Steve Garvey has outpaced his Democratic opponent, Rep. Adam Schiff, in fundraising from April to June for one of California's closely watched Congressional races.

"I'm for unity, common sense, compassion, and consensus building," Garvey said in a post on X Wednesday afternoon, just hours after Schiff told Fox News Digital he has called on President Biden to step down from the race.

"[Adam Schiff] is for division, vitriolic rhetoric, and hatred," Garvey's post read. "Californians deserve someone who is working towards unity and the best interests of the people.

Schiff raised $4.2 million in the second quarter, while Garvey raised $5.4 million. In the duo's previous financial report, Schiff narrowly outraised Garvey at $3.6 million compared to the baseball star's $3.4 million.

The winner of the Senate race will take the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein. 

Schiff will take on Garvey, a Republican, in November. The race is considered "Solid Democratic" by nonpartisan political handicapper the Cook Political Report, giving Schiff an edge over his opponent. 

Fox News Julia Johnson, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Lawrence Jones on his first conversation with Trump after the rally shooting

"Fox & Friends" co-host Lawrence Jones recalled the first conversation he had with former President Donald Trump the day after a gunman attempted to assassinate him at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

"I'm seeing all of the reports," Jones said. "It's horrific. Of course, at that moment, you worry about the man, not that he's the former president or the election coming up."

Jones said he was just waking up from a nap when his phone began ringing as people wondered whether he'd spoken to Trump family members yet.

"I had to put on the reporter hat," he said. "It was time to get on the air and start reporting on what we knew."Jones said when he spoke with Trump the day after the shooting Trump asked Jones how he was doing.

"I responded to him and I said 'I should be asking you the same thing,'" he told the former president. "He just wanted the audience to know, all of his supporters, the country to know that he loves them. I think that truly tells you about the man, is that in the moment that he was shot, he was concerned about the country."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

CNN correspondent says Trump has a real path to 330 electoral votes: ‘Numbers are getting worse’

Former President Trump could reach 330 electoral votes in 2024 and handily defeat President Biden, according to CNN’s John King.

King, the media network's chief national correspondent, cited new polls that found Biden’s approval rating and ballot number to be below 40 in most battleground states. He noted that it would be "very hard" for the president to turn around his numbers 16 weeks out from the election.

"Democrats are now worried, they think, I’m not saying this is going to happen, but what they’re saying is the president’s going to have to spend more time and more effort on places like Virginia because it is competitive," he said.

A new Virginia Commonwealth University-Wilder School poll shows Biden dropping from the 42% support he enjoyed in the last VCU-Wilder poll, released in January, to 36%.

The poll shows Trump leading Biden in Virginia by three percentage points as Republicans look to flip the state after Biden trounced Trump by 10 points in the Old Dominion State in 2020.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Katie Britt takes swipe at Kamala Harris amid debate talk: Vance will 'run circles' around her

MILWAUKEE — Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance will "run circles" around Vice President Kamala Harris in a debate, Alabama Sen. Katie Britt told Fox News Digital in an interview at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Britt, a rising star in the GOP who delivered the official Republican rebuttal to President Biden's  State of the Union address earlier this year, praised Vance ahead of his highly anticipated convention speech Wednesday night and predicted Americans would "love" him the moment they get to know him.

"I am excited to watch him debate Kamala Harris because it will not even be a contest. With all due respect to the vice president, our next vice president of the United States, JD Vance, is going to run circles around her. No doubt," Britt said.

"I am honored not only to call JD a colleague, but to call him a friend … The best part about it is we've gotten to know each other as people, and when the American people get to know JD Vance, they are going to love everything about him."

Britt later said Vance's life story of pulling himself up by his bootstraps and pushing through "unimaginable" circumstances was part of why he is "uniquely suited to push forward President Trump's agenda of secure borders, safe streets, stable prices, and really showing strength across the globe."

She described the feeling of seeing Trump enter the convention hall on Monday to stand alongside Vance for the first time since his attempted assassination over the weekend as "electric."

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Brandon Gillespie.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Vance recounts attempted assassination of Trump: 'He showed leadership'

Former President Trump's VP pick, Republican Sen. JD Vance, said during a luncheon at Discovery World in Milwaukee Wednesday afternoon that after the attempted assassination of the former president on Saturday, Trump "showed leadership."

"Was he mad and angry?" Vance said. "He called for national unity. He called for calm. He showed leadership, my friends -- the media keeps on saying they want somebody to tone down the temperature. Well, Donald Trump got shot and he toned down the temperature. That's what a real leader does."

Vance also hit on the importance of electing Trump, arguing that middle class families were better off financially under the Trump administration compared to President Biden.

The event, hosted by Log Cabin Republicans, comes just several hours before Vance is scheduled to speak Wednesday night at the RNC in Milwaukee. It was his first solo-political event outside of the convention since he was tapped by former President Trump to join the ticket for vice president on Monday.

Fox News Emma Colton, de Digital, ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

El DNC avanza con la votación nominal virtual antes de la convención, pero retrasa la fijación de la fecha

The Democratic National Committee is moving ahead with plans to formally nominate President Biden ahead of next month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago, despite a rising chorus of calls by some top Democrats on Capitol Hill to scrap a virtual roll call amid an intra-party debate over whether the 81-year-old president should end his re-election campaign.

DNC Rules Committee co-chairs Leah Daughtry and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, in a letter to committee members on Wednesday, announced they were pushing forward with the virtual roll call, which is being held due to a ballot access deadline in Ohio that’s 12 days ahead of the start of the August 19 convention.

But the letter, obtained by Fox News, assured DNC delegates that “no virtual voting will begin before August 1,” which is more than a week later than some reports suggested the roll call would take place.

And Daughtry and Walz highlighted that “we will not be implementing a rushed virtual voting process” and later in the letter reiterated that “our goal is not to fast track.”

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Fox News reporter recounts shielding herself from Butler, PA, shooter at Trump rally

Fox News' Alexis McAdams recounted her experience reporting live at the Trump assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.

"We were on the media riser so, just about 100 feet back from where President Trump was speaking," she said. "He was talking about immigration and other main topics when all of a sudden you heard what sounded like fireworks or pop, pop, pop, pop."

A lone gunman, Thomas Michael Crooks, 20, fired at Trump from a rooftop nearby and shot him in the ear.

"We saw people take cover. We saw the Secret Service move in and we saw the former president go down behind that podium," McAdams said. "At that point, there was so much chaos, we really didn't know what to think."

McAdams said she wasn't aware of where the shots were coming from and herself, Fox News media team members and other professionals from news organizations took cover on the media riser.

"That's when we heard them say, 'Shooter down' and saw all of those law enforcement members move in," she recalled.

She described the chaos of the large crowd and the concerns for the safety and security of the former president as the shooter was about a football field away.

Two people in the crowd were wounded and one man, Corey Comperatore, a volunteer firefighter from Pennsylvania was shot and killed shielding his family from bullets.

"We're kind of just reflecting on all that here at the Republican National Convention now in Milwaukee," McAdams said. "This could have changed politics and has changed politics forever."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

JD Vance asiste a su primer acto político desde que fue designado candidato a vicepresidente

Republican Senator JD Vance is attending a luncheon at Discovery World in Milwaukee this afternoon hosted by Log Cabin Republicans - his first political event outside of the convention since he was tapped by former President Trump to join the ticket for vice president.

"We will celebrate our accomplishments heading into the 2024 election, including highlighting our Congressional Champions," a notice for the event reads.

"At this lunch, we'll hear from our leadership team to review our programs, discuss the 2024 Battleplan to take back the White House, the Senate and increase our majority in the House of Representatives," it says.

Former U.S. Ambassador Ric Grenell is listed as a special guest speaker.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Tim Scott warns of Iranian, Afghan 'sleeper cells' in US due to border crisis

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., issued a dire warning about the U.S. border crisis during an event at the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Wednesday.

"We have men from Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon crossing…our southern border," Scott said during a South Carolina GOP delegation breakfast.

"I believe we have sleeper cells in this nation as a result of Joe Biden."

"We've got to fire him," Scott added as the room applauded in response. 

Scott's warning of terror threats at the border is not new – FBI Director Chris Wray told Congress in March that there is "no doubt" criminals have come across the southwestern border, though no specific threats were outlined. 

Publicado por Adam Shaw

Marco Rubio remembers Trump rally shooting victim during 2024 RNC speech

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio spoke at Day 2 of the 2024 Republican National Convention. The senator was previously floated as a possible running mate to Trump before the GOP nominee revealed Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his vice presidential pick.

During his speech, Rubio touched on the assassination attempt against former President Trump last weekend, specifically remembering Corey Comperatore, a campaign rally attendee fatally struck by one of the gunman’s bullets.

"Corey was one of the millions of ever day Americans who make our country great," Rubio said. "He wasn't rich, he wasn't famous. and the only reason why we know his name and story now is because last Saturday, he shielded his wife and daughter from an assassin's bullet and lost his life the way he lived it, a hero."

Rubio's remarks on the Pennsylvania man received a standing ovation from Republican convention delegates who began chanting "Corey, Corey, Corey."

Comperatore, 50, was a volunteer firefighter and described by his daughter as the best dad a girl could ever ask for.

President Trump will attend Comperatore’s funeral, the New York Post reported.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Adam Schiff pide a Biden que abandone la carrera presidencial mientras disminuye la confianza de los Demócratas

Powerful Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff called on President Biden to drop out of the 2024 race on Wednesday. 

"Una segunda presidencia de Trump socavará los cimientos mismos de nuestra democracia, y tengo serias dudas de que el Presidente pueda derrotar a Donald Trump en noviembre", dijo en una declaración a Fox News Digital. 

Schiff was selected as one of the "top two" Senate primary winners in California. The winner of the Senate race will take the seat of the late Sen. Diane Feinstein. 

Schiff will take on Republican candidate Steve Garvey, a former professional baseball player, in November. The race is considered "Solid Democratic" by non-partisan political handicapper the Cook Political Report, giving Schiff an edge over his opponent. 

The House Democrat praised Biden's accomplishments while in office, claiming, "Joe Biden has been one of the most consequential presidents in our nation's history, and his lifetime of service as a Senator, a Vice President, and now as President has made our country better."

Read the full report by Julia Johnson on Fox News Digital.

Publicado por Jamie Joseph

Cuatro de cada cinco estadounidenses temen que la nación entre en una espiral de caos, según una nueva encuesta

About four in five Americans believe that the country is spiraling into chaos, according to a two-day poll. 

The poll by Ipsos for Reuters was conducted after the assassination attempt on former President Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania and after Trump announced Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, as his vice presidential running mate at the start of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Monday. 

Cerca del 80% de los encuestados estaban de acuerdo con la afirmación de que "el país está fuera de control". 

La encuesta reveló que el 86% de los estadounidenses están preocupados por los actos de violencia que sumen al país en el caos, mientras que el 56% están muy preocupados. Según la encuesta realizada a 1.202 adultos mayores de 18 años de la población general de Estados Unidos, el 57% dijo estar muy preocupado y el 87% totalmente preocupado por que los estadounidenses recurran a la violencia en lugar de unirse pacíficamente para resolver los desacuerdos. 

This is an excerpt of an article by Fox News Digital's Danielle Wallace.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

California mom speaks at RNC on dangers of open borders: 'Fentanyl still found my son'

A California mom moved the 2024 Republican National Convention crowd with her speech last night focused on open borders and the fentanyl crisis that has made its way across the nation.

"Like most teenagers, Weston wanted to fit in, and in a moment of peer pressure, he tried something that someone gave to him, and it took my baby's life," Anne Fundner said to thousands of RNC attendees.

"We did everything right," she said. "I had those conversations with him, and fentanyl still found my son."

On Feb. 27, 2022, Weston passed away.

Fundner told the crowd, "Our lives were shattered and our baby was gone."

"This was not an overdose. It was as poisoning," she said to the crowd, including former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, who sat in the family box. "His whole future, everything we ever wanted for him, was ripped away from him in an instant and Joe Biden does nothing."

Fundner went on to say she holds Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom and other Democrats who support open borders responsible for the death of her teenage son.

She received overwhelming support and applause from a tear-filled crowd.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
Noticias de última hora

Schumer presionó para retrasar el DNC mientras continúan las preguntas sobre Biden: Fuente

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., pushed for the Democratic National Convention's delay as questions of President Biden's 2024 candidacy persist, a source familiar told Fox News Digital.

Schumer spoke with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., and both men agreed to urge a delayed convention despite initial plans to hold a virtual roll call to officially nominate Biden.

Fox NewsKelly Phares ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Trump supporters' fist-raised 'Fight' chant becomes new rallying cry after assassination attempt

Supporters of former President Trump have adopted a new rallying cry in the wake of the assassination attempt this past weekend.Chants of "Fight! Fight! Fight!" could be heard throughout the stadium hosting the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The chant echoes Trump's own shout moments after being shot at his rally in Pennsylvania.Trump raised his fist and yelled in defiance as the Secret Service escorted him off the stage from his Butler rally.

The incident has become a heavy unifying force for the Republican Party, with even Trump's rivals in the party speaking on his behalf at the RNC.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who was the last remaining challenger to Trump in the GOP primary race, gave her full endorsement to the former president during a Tuesday night speech. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the second most popular figure in the party, also praised Trump in his own speech Tuesday night.

"No tienes que estar de acuerdo con Trump el 100% de las veces para votarle", dijo Haley. "Hazme caso. No siempre he estado de acuerdo con el presidente Trump. Pero estamos de acuerdo más a menudo de lo que discrepamos".

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Chris Christie calls on Trump to lead GOP in 'new direction'

Former New Jersey governor and longtime Trump critic Chris Christie is calling on the GOP presidential nominee to lead the party in a "new direction" following Saturday's assassination attempt.

Christie published a guest essay in The New York Times on Tuesday about his desire for Republicans to move forward and former President Trump to "demonstrate the will to change."

"Mr. Trump, however, can demonstrate the will to change not just how we speak to one another but also how we act. This moment can confirm that our country is greater than any political party, but only if we work for it," Christie wrote.

"Mr. Trump has the opportunity to rein in some of the worst rhetorical impulses of the Republican Party at its convention this week. He can point the party and its leadership in a new direction in the wake of the assassination attempt against him."

Christie argued that harsher and more divisive language has resulted in "gridlock in Congress. Impeachments. Endless meaningless congressional hearings," and said this has caused a "catastrophization" of politics and our elections.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Elizabeth Heckman.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Adam Schiff pide a Biden que abandone la carrera presidencial

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., called on President Biden to drop out of the 2024 race on Wednesday. 

“A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November," he said in a statement to Fox News Digital.

Schiff is one of the two nominees who advanced after California's Senate primary. The winner of the November election will take the seat of the late Sen. Diane Feinstein. 

He will take on Republican candidate Steve Garvey, a former professional baseball player, in November. 

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Who is Kai Trump? Donald Trump's eldest grandchild to speak at 2024 RNC

Donald J. Trump is often referred to as "President Trump" or "Mr. President," and has formerly been known as "Commander in Chief," "POTUS" and "45," as he was the 45th President of the United States. He has also enjoyed several other prominent titles.

However, before Trump was the leader of the free world, he was lovingly known as "dad" to five children, including Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany and Barron, and "grandpa" to 10 grandchildren, beginning with the eldest, Kai.

Kai, 17, is seemingly ready to be cast into America's political spotlight as she is slated to speak at the 2024 Republican National Convention on Day 3 of the event in Milwaukee.

Ohio Sen. JD Vance, Trump's vice presidential pick, will also take center stage tonight.

Recently, the daughter of Don Jr. and Vanessa Trump, now divorced, was a regaled guest of Dana White's at the UFC 303 fight, which she attended opposite her dad. The Florida teen posed for photographs with White, the president of the UFC, former NFL superstar Aaron Rodgers and country music star Jelly Roll, among other A-listers.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News Digital's Gabriele Regalbuto.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

El ex asesor de Trump Peter Navarro hablará en el RNC horas después de salir de prisión

A top adviser to then-President Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, has been released from a Miami prison and is expected to speak at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night. 

Navarro, 75, was convicted after being found in contempt of Congress  and was sentenced to four months in a federal prison in Miami in March. 

"Entraré allí con orgullo para cumplir mi condena", dijo Navarro durante una rueda de prensa antes de entregarse. "Sacaré fuerzas de esto: Donald John Trump es el candidato".

Navarro is set to speak in the 6 p.m. hour local time in Milwuakee on Wednesday night. 

Navarro, who served as former President Trump's trade adviser, was the second Trump aide convicted of a misdemeanor contempt of Congress charge. Former White House adviser Steve Bannon previously received a four-month sentence but was allowed to stay free pending appeal by U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, who was appointed by Trump.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Biden responde al "desencanto" de los votantes negros: "Saben dónde está mi corazón

President Biden in a recent interview addressed Black voters' "disenchantment" with his re-election bid. 

Biden recently sat down for an interview with BET’s Ed Gordon in Las Vegas, which is scheduled to air in full Wednesday night.

In the third and final clip teased on Wednesday morning during "CBS Mornings," Gordan described a "disenchantment" felt among Black voters and asked the president to make his case to them. 

"If I’m honest with you, the enthusiasm this time around is not the same as the last time you won. There is a certain disenchantment," Gordan told the president. "Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta are going to be deciding factors in that 270 you’ve got to get to. I’d like you to take a moment and tell Black America why they should turn out for you." 

"Because they know where my heart is, they know where my head is," Biden responded. 

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News Digital's Danielle Wallace.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Mike Rogers says GOP ‘is more unified now than I have seen it in a decade’

Former Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan, the clear front-runner in the August 6 GOP Senate primary in Michigan, says he thinks the GOP “is more unified now than I have seen it in a decade.”

In an interview Wednesday morning with Fox News Digital, Rogers emphasized that “people from different flavors of our party, the Republican Party, have come together.”

Looking ahead to Wednesday night’s address at the Republican National Convention by vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, Rogers said, “I hope we see a little bit of unity and why our appeal is to working families.”

“The Democrat Party is not your grandfather’s party anymore. It is coastal elite. The Republican Party is addressing issues for families whose paycheck doesn’t go to the end of the month,” Rogers argued. “I think [Vance's] going to talk about those things in terms that people who are struggling now know that help is on the way.”

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

El ex portavoz de la campaña de Hillary Clinton dice que los votantes ven a los demócratas "como perdedores

Former Hillary Clinton campaign spokesperson Karen Finney blasted the Democratic Party for acting so afraid that they will lose the presidential election, stating that the attitude could be a self-fulfilling prophecy in November.

Finney, also a CNN commentator, warned a network panel on Wednesday morning that voters will pick up on this fear and be less inclined to vote for Democratic candidates.

"Voters are seeing us as losers," Finney lamented.

The former Clinton campaign official made the remarks while discussing new polling showing that President Biden is trailing former President Trump in multiple states crucial for winning the presidency in November.

She first noted how this election cycle was going to be a challenge, no matter what, saying, "Look, it was always going to be a tough map for Democrats."

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News Digital's Gabriel Hays.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Riley Gaines se unirá al congresista de Tennessee en el RNC

Former NCAA athlete and "OutKick" contributor Riley Gaines will join a Tennessee representative at a Republican National Convention (RNC) luncheon, Fox News Digital has learned.

Rep. John Rose, R-Tenn., is hosting a luncheon for the Tennessee delegation on Thursday, where Gaines, a constituent in his district, will be in attendance as a special guest. Rose is rumored to be considering launching a bid for the Tennessee gubernatorial race in 2026.

Gaines first rose to prominence after sharing her story of being forced to compete against and eventually tying with biological male Lia Thomas in the women's NCAA 500-yard freestyle in 2022. The swimmer, host of "Gaines for Girls," quickly became an activist for speaking out against biological males participating in women's sports.

Gaines is one of many prominent political figures being featured at the 4-day major Republican event, where former President Donald Trump and running mate Sen. JD Vance of Ohio were officially named the 2024 GOP ticket.

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind

Biden says his mental acuity is 'pretty damn good,' but recent polling shows many Americans disagree

President Biden has declared in an interview this week that his mental acuity is "pretty damn good" — despite numerous recent polls showing majorities of Americans thinking otherwise and raising concerns about his age

"I’ve been doing this a long time. The idea I’m the old guy, I am. I’m old. But I’m only three years older than Trump, number one," Biden told NBC News. "And number two, my mental acuity’s been pretty damn good. I’ve gotten more done than any president has in a long, long time in 3½ years. So I’m willing to be judged on that." 

"I understand. I understand why people say, 'God, he’s 81 years old. Whoa," Biden added. "What’s he gonna be when he’s 83 years old, or 84 years?' It’s a legitimate question to ask." 

But a new national poll released this week by NBC News, which surveyed 800 registered voters between July 7-9, found that nearly 80% are concerned about Biden "not having the necessary mental and physical health to be a president for a second term." 

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Greg Norman.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Jim Jordan habla de la posible vacante en el Senado dejada por JD Vance en Ohio

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, hasn't given much thought to who might replace Sen. JD Vance in the upper chamber if former President Trump wins.

The Ohio Republican told Fox News' Jamie Vera he hasn't thought about who should replace Vance if the Republican ticket defeats Democrats. "I'm focused on winning on November 5," Jordan said.

Jordan, an elected member of Congress representing Ohio, could be in consideration to take on the role if needed.

Gov. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio, would be charged with appointing a replacement if JD Vance becomes vice president. Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who is also an Ohio resident, has said he'd be open to considering it if he was offered the Senate seat.

Jordan also said he expects a great speech from Vance on Wednesday night. "Just watch him...he's been phenomenal. And he's not afraid to go up against the lefties on...the mainstream media...and he does a great job every single time," he said.

Fox News' Jamie Vera contributed to this post.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Los 5 mejores momentos de la 2ª noche de la Convención Nacional Republicana

1. Nikki Haley se gana al público

Former Ambassador and presidential contender Nikki Haley received a standing ovation at her main stage appearance from former President Trump – a signal of a desire for unity after bitter words were exchanged between the two on the campaign trail. 

2. Ron DeSantis dice que Estados Unidos no puede permitirse otra presidencia de "Fin de semana en casa de Bernie".

El gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, que también se enfrentó a Trump en las primarias, lanzó una buena indirecta contra el presidente Biden, diciendo a la enfervorizada multitud que el país "no puede permitirse cuatro años más de una presidencia de 'Fin de semana en Bernie'". 

3. Una madre cuyo hijo murió por sobredosis de drogas arrancó lágrimas a la multitud

Anne Fundner, who lost her 15-year-old son to fentanyl poisoning, brought the crowd at the RNC to tears Tuesday night with her remarks focused on the importance of securing the border and stopping the flow of fentanyl into the U.S.

4. El hermano de la familia Morin recuerda sombríamente los costes de la inmigración ilegal

The family of a mother of five who was murdered, allegedly by an illegal immigrant, took aim at the Biden administration for having "opened our borders" to the man accused of killing her.

5. Predicciones de Baby Dog

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice brought special guest "Babydog" along with him for his address at the GOP convention. It was a move that erupted on social media as political onlookers rejoiced over the appearance of the English bulldog.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Los demócratas argumentan que Nikki Haley "perdió el norte" con el apoyo de Trump

President Biden’s campaign argues that former President Trump’s final challenger in the GOP presidential primaries “lost her way” in endorsing Trump in a speech from Republican National Convention.

Former U.N. ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who ended her White House bid over four months ago, said in her address to the convention on Tuesday night, “I’ll start by making one thing perfectly clear: Donald Trump has my strong endorsement, period."

Biden principal deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks, reacting to Haley’s comments, told reporters Wednesday morning that “last night Nikki Haley lost her way” and charged that she “spewed MAGA extremist talking points.”

“It’s no surprise what Nikki Haley did last night. This is politics,” Fulks added.

Haley, who wasn’t originally invited to speak at the convention, was added in a show of GOP unity following Saturday’s assassination attempt against Trump at his rally in western Pennsylvania.

Haley and Trump waged a bitter two-candidate race from late January into early March before he swept the coast-to-coast Super Tuesday contests, which led to her suspension of her campaign. But Haley remained on the ballot in the ensuing primaries and continued to win up to 20% of the vote in a number of contests.

The Biden campaign is now making a pitch to disgruntled moderate and centrist Republicans who voted for Haley in the primaries.

Fulks argued that Haley supporters, "while they were voting for her in the primary, it’s more important to point out what they were voting against. They were voting against Donald Trump and an extreme MAGA agenda.”

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Husco CEO testifies to Congress in support of the Trump-era 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ co-host Pete Hegseth toured Husco headquarters in Wisconsin to discuss some of the challenges that American manufacturers are currently facing.

"Our goal is for us to be able to grow regardless of if consumers want EVs or internal combustion engines," Husco CEO Austin Ramirez told Fox News. "We want to have a foot in both markets."

"The biggest challenge is when the government gets involved and they're subsidizing certain technologies like EVs that customers maybe aren't ready to buy and that creates some real hurdles," Ramirez said.

The Husco CEO previously testified in front of congress about the importance of the 2017 Trump-era tax cuts.

"Taxes are a huge part of it. We've got to have competitive taxes. In the US, we've got the most regressive tax regime in the world," he said, adding that the Trump-era tax cuts were  "absolutely" beneficial to his business.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Revelados los oradores del tercer día de la Convención Nacional Republicana

On Day 3 of the Republican National Convention (RNC), attendees will hear from a wide-range of speakers, including members of Congress, Trump family members, and the vice presidential nominee, Ohio Sen. JD Vance. They include:

Rep. Brian Mast of Florida

Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina

Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas

Ric Grenell, Former Acting Director of National Intelligence

Former Congressman Lee Zeldin

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida

Callista Gingrich, former Ambassador to the Holy See

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives

Peter Navarro, former Director of the U.S. Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy

Rep. Monica De La Cruz R-Texas

Thomas Homan, former Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement

David Lara, business owner and community activist

Jim Chilton, fifth generation rancher from Arivaca, Arizona

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas

Sarah Philips, petroleum engineer

Mayor Trent Conway of East Palestine, Ohio

Governor Doug Burgum of North Dakota

Kellyanne Conway, former Counselor to the President

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida

Staff Sergeant David Bellavia Ret., Medal of Honor recipient

Scott Neil, Decorated War Hero & Founder, Horse Soldier Bourbon

Kimberly Guilfoyle, fiancée of Donald Trump Jr., TV news personality

Rep. Michael Waltz of Florida

Alicia Lopez and Herman Lopez, Cheryl Jules and Christy Shamblin. Gold Star Families

Performance: Brian Kelley, Country Music Artist, and the Holy Redeemer Church of God in Christ Choir. UNC Frat Boys

Shabbos Kestenbaum, Jewish American & Alumnus, Harvard University

Neutra Family, the family of Hamas a hostage are expected to speak about their son Omer who was kidnapped on October 7th and has been held as a hostage for 278 days now

Sergeant William Pekrul, Decorated War Hero, World War II and D-Day Veteran

Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. and his daughter Kai Trump

Usha Chilukuri Vance, wife of vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance, will take the stage to introduce her husband.

Vance will deliver a speech Wednesday night to close the night, his first address to voters since being selected as Trump's running mate.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

DeSantis to 2024 RNC: 'Joe Biden has failed this nation'

Former GOP candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis joined Republicans in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at the second day of the 2024 Republican National Convention.

The former Donald Trump competitor spoke to attendees and appealed to viewers in favor of the former president and ripped apart the Biden Administration for failures within the last four years.

"My fellow Republicans, let's send Joe Biden back to his basement and let's send Donald Trump back to the White House," DeSantis implored.

"Life was more affordable when Donald Trump was president. Our border was safer under the Trump Administration and our country was respected when Donald Trump was our Commander in Chief," he stated.Since Biden took office, Russia invaded Ukraine and Hamas, a terrorist organization, invaded Israel beginning with a terror attack on innocent civilians attending an outdoor concert on Oct. 7, 2023.

"Joe Biden has failed this nation," DeSantis went on. "As a veteran, I was appalled when 13 of our servicemembers were killed in Afghanistan due to Joe Biden's dereliction of duty."

On Aug. 26, 2021, 13 US servicemembers were killed outside of Hamid Karzai International Airport and Biden has since been heavily scrutinized for the withdrawal which killed American soldiers.

"As a citizen, as a husband and as a father, I am alarmed that the current President of the United States lacks the capability to discharge the duties of his office," DeSantis said.

"Our enemies do not confine their designs to between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. We need a Commander in Chief who can lead 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. America cannot afford four more years of a 'Weekend at Bernie's' presidency," he said before the crowd rang out in applause.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

65% of Democrats say Biden should drop out after debate disaster, poll finds

A new poll released on Wednesday found that 65% of Democrats say President Biden should drop out following his disastrous debate performance against former President Trump. 

The AP-NORC survey – which was conducted July 11-15, mostly completed before the attempted assassination of Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend – found that 7 in 10 adults, including 65% of Democrats, say Biden should withdraw and allow his party to select a different nominee.

Overall, 57% of adults say Trump should withdraw from the race and allow his party to name a replacement. But Trump is maintaining support from his party, with 73% of Republicans saying he should stay in the race.

Associated Press colaboró en la elaboración de este informe. 

This is an excerpt of an article by Fox News Digital's Danielle Wallace.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Trump says he would allow Fed Chair Powell to finish his term if re-elected

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said that he would allow Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell to finish his term at the helm of the central bank if he wins the November election. 

"I would let him serve it out, especially if I thought he was doing the right thing," Trump said, according to a Bloomberg News interview that took place in June.

Powell's term as chair ends in May 2026, while his position on the Fed board continues until 2028.

Trump also warned that the Fed should not cut interest rates before the November election, which could give the economy – and President Biden – a lift. Wall Street widely expects the Fed to cut interest rates twice by the end of the year, with the first reduction coming in September.

"It's something that they know they shouldn't be doing," Trump said.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox Business' Megan Henney.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Biden camp dubs Trump running mate JD Vance an 'anti-choice politician'

President Biden's campaign slammed former President Trump and his vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance as "Anti-choice" on Wednesday.

During a press call amid the Republican National Convention, Biden's campaign and the Democratic National Committee went after the newly-selected Trump running mate specifically.

"JD Vance is an anti-choice politician whose views on reproductive freedom and women's rights would take us back decades," claimed Biden campaign principal deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks. "He supports a nationwide ban on abortion and criticizes exceptions for rape, incest survivors, saying 'two wrongs don't make a right.'"

"In fact, he called rape and incest 'inconvenient.' And he wants women to stay in violent marriages," he added.

Trump named Vance as his vice presidential choice in a post on Truth Social on Monday as the RNC was kicking off in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Trump aventaja por poco a Biden en una nueva encuesta sobre las elecciones generales realizada tras el atentado

Former President Donald Trump is narrowly leading President Joe Biden, according to a new poll.

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll, conducted in the days after Trump was shot in the ear during a campaign rally Saturday, found that the former president leads Biden by two percentage points in a general election matchup, 43% to 41%.

The poll, released Tuesday, also found that the majority of registered voters are concerned over "chaos" in America. About 80% of registered voters said they believe that "the country is spiraling out of the control" after the assassination attempt on Trump.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online with a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.

The survey was released on the second day of the Republican National Convention (RNC), where Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, were officially nominated as the GOP's candidates for 2024 election.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Usha Vance, esposa de JD Vance, presentará a su marido en el RNC el miércoles por la noche: Don Jr.

Usha Vance, the wife of vice presidential candidate JD Vance, is expected introduce her husband on the main stage tonight at in Milwaukee before his primetime speech on day 3 of the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump, Jr. told CBS News.

It will be his first address since Trump announced Vance as his choice of running mate on Monday.

Usha Vance, née Chilukuri, born in 1986, was raised in San Diego, California, and attended Yale Law School, where she met the future Ohio senator, according to a report from the New York Times."We were friends, and I liked that he was very diligent," she told NBC News about how she met her husband in a 2017 interview.

"He would show up at 9 a.m. appointments that I would set up for us to start working on the brief together."

"Lo que más recuerdo de Usha es lo completamente atrevida y cómoda consigo misma que era", dijo el senador de Ohio sobre su esposa durante la entrevista. "(Era) tan defensora de las cosas que realmente le importaban".

Fox News Digital Michael Lee contributed to this report.

Publicado por Brianna Herlihy

Don Jr. explains why JD Vance was the best VP choice: 'Young, intelligent, vibrant guy'

Donald Trump Jr., discussed the process for his father making a running mate selection on Fox News, explaining the importance of chemistry.

"I think he has to find the right mix, the right chemistry. I mean, he's a big, sort of, chemistry guy to work with," former President Trump's son said.

"There's a lot of people, obviously, in politics, many on people's payrolls that sort of give, let's call it partial advice about things," he explained. "Or they, you know, tell you these sort of lies by omission to get what they want."

Trump Jr., said this prompted him to get "fairly involved" in the selection process.

Talking about Trump's ultimate choice of Sen. JD Vance, he said, "I've known the guy now for years."

He said he first thought Vance's story was incredible when his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, came out in 2016.

Trump Jr., called Vance, "just the perfect pick."

"There is a chemistry with my father that I think is perfect," he added.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Los votantes de Wisconsin expresan su entusiasmo por JD Vance como VP de Trump

Fox News' Pete Hegseth asked voters how they feel about JD Vance being the vice presidential candidate during a 'Breakfast with Friends' in Delafield, Wisconsin.

When asked about Vance as a candidate, everyone in the room cheered and clapped.

A man named Jeff told Fox News that Trump choosing Vance as his running mate was "possibly the best pick he could have ever made."

"Smart, articulate, military man, self-made, from Ohio, swing state. It could not have been better. Young, energetic. What more do you want? Compare that to what else ie being offered," he said.

"He's amazing. He's a millennial, he's not bad on the eyes," another woman told Fox. "And he's going to make our country great with President Trump, I know it."

"I think he's gonna do well," one voter said.

Another woman told Hegseth that they "think its a great choice. I just saw his movie the other night and I really enjoyed the history of where he came from."

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Vance expected to focus on 'powerful upbringing' in first address to voters as Trump's running mate

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance will focus heavily on his "powerful upbringing" during a speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC), sources tell Fox News.

Vance will be introducing himself to the nation for the first time as Trump's running mate Wednesday night, a crucial speech that could set the stage for the rest of his campaign.

The address will focus on his story as "a boy who grew up in poverty, with no father in his life, and a drug-addicted mother," a source with knowledge of the speech tells Fox.

A source in Vance's political orbit also told Fox News to "expect the speech to focus heavily on his bio and incredible life story and how that ties into the America First Agenda."

A source close to the Republican senator also said he will highlight his passion for a variety of issues, including "trade, immigration, ending endless wars, fentanyl and drugs, and how inflation hurts the poor the most."

Fox News' Paul Steinhauser contributed to this post.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Americans react to the assassination attempt on Trump: 'Our country is in a terribly sad state'

The attempted assassination of President Trump shocked Americans on both sides of the aisle, with many seeing the close call as a time to reflect on the state of the nation and turn down the temperature of political rhetoric

Fox News Digital spoke to Americans in New York City, Detroit, Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, about their reaction to what happened, the way Trump handled the moment while under fire and their predictions about what the failed assassination means for the country. 

Tom in Milwaukee told Fox News Digital that it is "really, really a sad thing" that the country has gotten to the point where somebody has to take a shot at the former president" and while he said he won't be voting for Trump in November, he was sorry to see it happen and would keep the former president in his prayers. 

"I hope that the Republicans have a great convention here," he said of the Republican National Convention taking place in Milwaukee this week. He also noted Trump had indicated he would be taking a softer tone in his political rhetoric, "which we should all follow." 

John from Milwaukee also described the weekend's assassination attempt by 20-year-old Pennsylvania native Thomas Matthew Crooks as a sad moment where violence came to fruition based on the way Trump has been discussed since 2015. 

"A lot of the rhetoric that has been pushed out there and some people are reacting to it," he said. "It is not surprising, but it is a sad moment."

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Kendall Tietz, Nikolas Lanum, Amanda Cappelli, Joshua Q. Nelson, Kira Mautone, and Gabriel Hays.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

JD Vance to address the RNC after being named Trump's VP

A Trump campaign spokeswoman previewed newly-selected vice presidential nominee JD Vance's remarks at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday.

"Well, President Trump is the great American fighter. That's what I call him. ... And he has selected a fellow fighter in choosing JD Vance as his vice presidential nominee," said Caroline Sunshine, former President Trump 2024 campaign deputy communications director, on Fox News.

"JD Vance, obviously an extraordinary American with an incredible life story," she said.

Sunshine explained that Trump has always considered himself a fighter for "the forgotten men and women of America."

"JD Vance is from one of those communities," she pointed out. "He's from the Forgotten Men and Women of America. He understands some of the unique suffering that takes place in those communities viscerally."

She also noted Vance's past service in the Marines. "He, of course, answered the call to service after our country was attacked on 9/11, joining the Marine Corps. Once a marine, always a marine."

The campaign spokeswoman additionally stressed that while Vance has made comments in the past against Trump, he is a "convert" not a critic.

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Michigan rep posts video response to Stephen Colbert's joke about his RNC speech: 'Touché'

Rep. John James, R-Mich., responded Tuesday to "Late Show" host Stephen Colbert's joke mocking a line in his speech at the Republican National Convention.

While delivering a monologue about the RNC, the late-night comedian commented on James’ primetime address Monday night, showing a brief portion.

"America’s the greatest idea there’s ever been," James exclaimed in the clip."Greatest idea? Someone obviously hasn’t tried the Taco Bell Big Cheez-It Crunch Wrap Supreme. That’s a good idea," Colbert joked.

On Tuesday night, James responded by posting a video of himself trying a Taco Bell Big Cheez-It Crunch Wrap Supreme for the first time outside a local Taco Bell.

"Touché @StephenAtHome," James wrote. "Tried it... wouldn't go to war for it."

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News Digital's Lindsay Kornick.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

Kamala Harris says JD Vance will be 'rubber stamp' for Trump's 'extreme agenda'

Vice President Kamala Harris said in a newly released video that former President Trump selected Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, as his running mate to be a "rubber stamp" for the Republican White House hopeful's "extreme agenda."

Esto se produce antes del discurso de aceptación de Vance el miércoles en la Convención Nacional Republicana de Milwaukee. Trump, que ya es formalmente el candidato republicano a la presidencia, anunció el lunes a Vance como su candidato a la vicepresidencia.

"Trump looked for someone he knew would be a rubber stamp for his extreme agenda," Harris said in the video.

"No os equivoquéis: JD Vance sólo será leal a Trump, no a nuestro país", continuó.

Harris and Vance spoke by phone after Vance's nomination in a brief and respectful conversation, Fox News' Alexis McAdams reports, after Harris left a congratulatory voicemail.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News Digital's Landon Mion.

Publicado por Fox News Staff

RNC holds Great American Farm Fair to support agriculture industry

Kip Tom, who is with Famers and Ranchers for Trump, joined 'Fox & Friends First' to discuss the upcoming farm fair at the Republican National Convention (RNC) and recall the "surreal" moment Trump was shot in Butler, Pennsylvania. 

Tom was present at the campaign rally where Trump survived an assassination attempt, telling Fox News he is "still processing" the tragic events of that day.

Tom added that "we need to work hard to make sure we make agriculture great again."

"We want to continue to promote that food security is national security, yet under the Biden-Harris administration we continue to offshore many of our critical elements that we use to produce food, fiber, and energy to places like China, Russia, Belarus. We are weakening our own food security in our nation," Tom said. "At the same time we need to reinvest in infrastructure in our nation and make sure that our bioeconomy and our contributions to exports continue to grow."

Asked about Trump and running mate Sen. JD Vance, Tom told Fox that "it'll be great to have a president and vice president that are focused on agriculture and our food system."

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

'Defensive' Biden lashes out at vulnerable Dems warning of November losses: reports

President Biden reportedly lashed out at fellow Democrats on a group call Saturday, insisting that questions about his viability for a second term were ridiculous.

The president allegedly exploded on Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado during the call after Crow said "without a major change, we are facing a loss in November," according to NBC News.

"First of all, I think you're dead wrong on national security," Biden told Crow, according to a report from Puck News. "You saw what happened recently in terms of the meeting we had with NATO. I put NATO together. Name me a foreign leader who thinks I'm not the most effective leader in the world on foreign policy."

"Tell me!" Biden insisted during the outburst, according to the report. "Tell me who the hell that is! Tell me who put NATO back together! Tell me who enlarged NATO, tell me who did the Pacific basin."

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Where does JD Vance stand on taxes? Everything you need to know

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, was thrust into the national spotlight this week after former President Donald Trump officially tapped him to be his running mate ahead of the November election.

Vance, 39, grew up in poverty in rural Ohio and went on to attend Yale Law School before he worked as a venture capitalist in San Francisco – a rags-to-riches story that he chronicled in his 2016 memoir, "Hillbilly Elegy." 

Just a few years later, Vance used some of his Silicon Valley connections from his venture capital days – including right-leaning billionaire Peter Thiel – to make a foray into national politics.

Vance was elected to the Senate in 2022, with the help of more than $10 million in donations from Thiel. Since then, he has cultivated an identity on Capitol Hill as a staunch ally of Trump and has embraced many of the former president's populist economic policies. 

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

All about Babydog: The governor's pet that stole the show at the RNC

Babydog is one of three canines owned by Justice and his family. They also have two Boston terriers named Lucy and Ellie, according to the governor's campaign website for his U.S. Senate bid in November. 

Babydog is an English Bulldog. Like most bulldogs, Babydog is white and tan and brown, with stubby legs and an abundance of folds around her face. 

The friendly canine is four years old, but will be five in late October. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Justice made Babydog a mascot for his vaccination sweepstakes. A website was even set up to encourage vaccinations for coronavirus, titled "DoItForBabydog.wv.gov."

According to the West Virginia governor's official website, "Whether it be special appearances on the biggest of stages, like the Governor’s State of the State address, or simply meeting people and shaking paws in her travels, Babydog always makes everyone smile everywhere that she and the Governor go.​"

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Doug Burgum: Trump walked into the RNC as the 'pinnacle of strength'

Gov. Doug Burgum, R-N.D., described the atmosphere of the Republican National Convention after the assassination attempt in an interview with Fox News' Jesse Watters.

"Monday night was unbelievable. Just 48 hours after we were a millisecond away from this week being in chaos and mourning, we had the president walk in here as the pinnacle of strength," he said.

According to Burgum, "you can feel that energy when President Trump walks in here."

"He transferred into everybody here. And I think he's transferred that energy to America," he added.

The governor also previewed what he expects from Trump's RNC remarks to Watters. "His message has always been powerful," he claimed. "But when he came out earlier this week and said he's tearing up a speech, he's going to talk about unifying America, I think America is so ready for that."

Publicado por Julia Johnson

Gov. Jim Justice's dog Babydog stole the show at night 2 of the 2024 RNC

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice spoke during the second night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and his companion, a Bulldog named Babydog Justice, appeared on stage alongside him.

RNC attendees went wild for the dog and his political owner as they walked the convention floor together.Babydog, who often appears on Justice's social media accounts supporting and promoting his agenda, patiently waited on stage for Justice. She panned the scene from left to right with a big smile as she hung back awaiting his speech's conclusion.

Babydog's summer bucket list includes attending a campaign event, eating chicken nuggets, meeting new voters, traveling the Great State of West Virginia, taking car rides and earning constituents' votes, according to Justice's Instagram account.

In January, Babydog accompanied his owner as he filed the paperwork to guarantee former President Donald Trump will appear on the ballot in the Mountain State come November.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Janelle King: Trump has a 'unique opportunity' to unite the GOP

Let's Win for America Action co-chair Janelle King joined 'Fox & Friends First' to discuss the reaction to Nikki Haley's Republican National Convention (RNC) speech and why she believes Biden could still be ousted ahead of November.

"I thought Nikki Haley did exactly what she was supposed to do. Im not surprised whatsoever at the reaction as it relates to her going out there and giving Donald Trump a full endorsement," King told Fox.

"I think that president trump has a unique opportunity right now. Unfortunately it came a result of him almost risking his life, almost losing his life i should say," King said. "He has a unique opportunity to message to the people to pivot a little bit and to create this uniting force. this is an opportunity for the Republican party to stand in the gap, to show America that we understand what is going on."

King added that she believes Haley "did the best she could do" to unite her supporters for Trump during her speech at the RNC.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Swing state Republicans say Vance could broaden Trump's appeal in blue stronghold

Former President Trump’s allies are looking at his selection of Sen. JD Vance as a key appeal to Midwestern voters – and some New York Republican lawmakers are hopeful it’ll give the GOP a boost in their own state as well.

House GOP lawmakers representing the Democratic stronghold state held a media event on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Tuesday, a day after Trump named Vance as his running mate in the November election.

Reps. Nicole Malliotakis and Mike Lawler both pointed to Vance’s pro-union stances, which line up with policies that have won support in their districts as well.

Malliotakis pointed out that Teamsters Union President Sean O’Brien, who spoke at the RNC on Monday night, gave shoutouts to a handful of Republican lawmakers including herself, Vance and Lawler "as people who have been working with labor."

Publicado por Elizabeth Elkind

GOP, Trump notching wins despite unprecedented Dem weaponization of government: state election chief

MILWAUKEE – Former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party continue defeating attacks thrown at them by the Democratic Party as the election season comes down to its final months, Wyoming's secretary of state told Fox News Digital from the Republican National Convention. 

Democrats during the "last 110 days of this election [will] do everything they can to try to blunt our momentum. I think they're going to fail at that, because the American people see the record of this Biden administration and that it is just opposed to everything that the American people value," Republican Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray told Fox News Digital on Tuesday. 

Gray asiste al RNC, donde preside la delegación del Estado Vaquero. Meses antes de que Trump se convirtiera oficialmente en el candidato del Partido Republicano a la presidencia, el lunes, Gray luchaba contra los demócratas en la primera línea de la batalla legal para impedir que el 45º presidente apareciera siquiera en las papeletas electorales. 

Gray dijo que, a pesar de los repetidos esfuerzos de los demócratas por atar a Trump en causas judiciales, y de los esfuerzos por impedir que su nombre aparezca en la papeleta electoral, y del "armamentismo" general del gobierno contra los conservadores, el Partido Republicano y el ex presidente han salido victoriosos. 

Publicado por Emma Colton

Exclusive: Fox News' Brooke Singman on the first phone call between VPs Vance, Harris

Fox News' Brooke Singman spoke with a source close to Ohio Sen. JD Vance, former President Donald Trump's vice presidential pick, and informed Fox News Digital of the exclusive conversation.

"Senator JD Vance just hung up the phone with Vice President Kamala Harris," she said. "It's their first conversation since he was picked as President Trump's running mate. The two had a brief and respectful conversation, the source told me. The two said they're both looking forward to debating."

While there is no date set for a Vance versus Harris debate, the Republican duo will hold an indoor rally one week following the assassination attempt on Trump.

The rally on July 20 will be in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which is located around six hours from Butler, Pennsylvania, where a gunman opened fire on the former president and shot him in the ear.

Vance earned the vice presidential nomination Monday night, the first night of the 2024 Republican National Convention.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Fmr congressman lays out Dems’ years-long escalating rhetoric ahead of Trump assassination attempt

MILWAUKEE – Former New York Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin said he's "tired" of seeing Republicans verbally and physically attacked, arguing that anti-Trump and anti-GOP rhetoric has reached new highs across the years. 

"La retórica se ha vuelto tan mala entre, sí, el comentario de la diana, recuerda a Dan Goldman haciendo un comentario sobre cómo hay que eliminar al Presidente Trump. Bennie Thompson quiere quitar la protección del Servicio Secreto. Uno de los ayudantes [de Thompson] se quejaba de que el tirador del sábado por la noche no había visto al presidente Trump. Estoy harto de que se ataque así a los republicanos", dijo Zeldin a Fox News Digital durante la Convención Nacional Republicana del martes. 

Zeldin was responding to President Biden backtracking on his comment earlier this month that "it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye," saying the remark was a "mistake" after a 20-year-old man in Pennsylvania attempted to assassinate Trump during a rally on Saturday evening.

Zeldin reflected that verbal and physical attacks against Republicans have been ongoing and heightening for years before a shooter tried to kill the 45th president.

Publicado por Emma Colton

McCarthy says Trump showing 'real leadership' to the world after assassination attempt

FIRST ON FOX: President Trump is showing "real leadership" to "not just America, but the world" following the attempt on his life over the weekend — drawing a stark contrast between himself and President Biden, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said.

McCarthy spoke with Fox News Digital on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention, nothing that while JD Vance is a strong pick for vice president, this election is "all about Trump and he is stronger than he has ever been." 

"Seeing President Trump, talking to him the day after the shooting, I mean, it is unbelievable that he is alive," McCarthy said. "I think just in that sheer moment he taught, not just America, but the world, that he is a real leader." 

McCarthy told Fox News Digital that in the past several days following the assassination attempt against Trump, he has spoken with numerous world leaders who have called to check in on the former president.

Publicado por Brooke Singman

Trump llama a la viuda del bombero que murió protegiendo a su familia: 'Era muy amable'

The widow of the volunteer firefighter who was shot and killed over the weekend at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania says the former president called her and was "very kind," a report says. 

Helen Comperatore wrote on Facebook that Trump phoned her on Tuesday, three days after her husband Corey was struck with gunfire while trying to protect his family during the campaign event in Butler, according to the New York Post. 

"Fue muy amable y me dijo que seguiría llamándome en los próximos días y semanas", escribió la viuda. "Le dije lo mismo que a todos los demás. Dejó este mundo como un héroe y Dios le dio la bienvenida. Aquel día no murió en vano". 

Helen Comperatore declaró el lunes al New York Post que las últimas palabras de su marido fueron "¡agáchate!". 

"He’s my hero," Helen Comperatore said to the newspaper from her home in Sarver, Pennsylvania. "He just said, ‘get down!’ That was the last thing he said."  

"Los niños y yo estábamos allí en familia", añadió. "Estaba emocionado. Iba a ser un bonito día en familia. 

Corey Comperatore, de 50 años, fue jefe de bomberos de la Compañía de Bomberos Voluntarios de Buffalo Township. El departamento tiene ahora instalado un monumento en el exterior de su parque de bomberos con el uniforme de Comperatore para honrar a quien describieron como "hermano, hijo, marido, padre y amigo".  

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Greg Norman

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

What is the 25th Amendment?

The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution establishes the line of succession in regard to the president, the vice president, and the president’s cabinet. Ratified two years after President John Fitzpatrick Kennedy’s assassination, the 25th Amendment contains four sections.

Section 1 establishes that the vice president assumes command should the president be removed from office, dies, or resigns. Section 2 establishes that the president may appoint a vice president should the office become vacant. Section 3 declares that the president may temporarily grant the powers of the presidency to the vice president in anticipation of temporary incapacitation, like an upcoming medical procedure. Section 4 declares that the president may be deposed by the vice president and a majority of the cabinet should the president be unfit to complete the duties of office.

Section 4 has never been formally discussed or proposed, but there are several instances when it has reportedly been considered. During the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot, there were reportedly talks of removing former President Donald Trump via the 25th Amendment. Additionally, after President Biden’s 2024 debate performance raised concerns over his mental capacity, talks of removing him via the 25th Amendment have grown in the popular discourse.  

Publicado por Matteo Cina

Trump running-mate Vance to deliver 'the most important speech' of his career at RNC

MILWAUKEE, WI - The spotlight will shine firmly on GOP vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance on day three of the Republican National Convention.

Vance on Wednesday night will address the roughly 2,400 delegates and thousands of other attendees packed inside Milwaukee's Fiserv Arena, and the millions of Americans watching the GOP convention from home, in his first speech since former President Trump on Monday named the 39-year-old senator from Ohio as his running mate.

"This is clearly the most important speech of JD Vance's career," Dan Eberhart, an oil drilling chief executive officer and a prominent Republican donor and bundler who's attending the convention, told Fox News.

Trump, in making his greatly anticipated and high-stakes running mate announcement as the GOP convention kicked off in swing-state Wisconsin's largest city, will now share the ticket with one of his top supporters in the Senate and a one-time Trump critic who has transformed into a leading America First ally.

The former president and Vance teamed up on Monday and Tuesday nights in the family box above the floor of the GOP convention.

Vance, a former venture capitalist and the author of the bestselling memoir "Hillbilly Elegy" before running for elective office, on Wednesday night will appear on the podium to tell his story.

A source in Vance's political orbit told Fox News to "expect the speech to focus heavily on his bio and incredible life story and how that ties into the America First Agenda."

That story began with Vance growing up in a working-class family in a small city in southwestern Ohio. His parents divorced when he was young, and as his mother struggled for years with drug and alcohol abuse, Vance was raised in part by his maternal grandparents.

Vance, who lives in Cincinnati, moved to San Francisco after law school and worked as a principal in a venture capital firm owned by billionaire venture capitalist Peter Thiel, who later became a major financial supporter of Vance's successful 2022 campaign for the Senate.

This is an excerpt of an article by Fox News' Paul Steinhauser

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el próximo DNC en agosto

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) will be held in Chicago from Aug. 19 through Aug. 22, just one month after next week's Republican National Convention.

Should President Biden remain in the race despite calls for him to step aside, he will likely accept the party nomination on Aug. 22, the final day of the convention.

Biden has vowed to remain in the race, but if he changes his mind, the party could decide to hold an open convention, which hasn't been done since 1968 following then-President Lyndon Johnson's decision to withdraw from the race.

An open convention would likely involve the party's delegates voting in rounds to select a new nominee, and could lead to a divide among party members or potential nominees seeking to take on former President Donald Trump in the November general election.

Experts largely believe Biden would retain enough delegates to remain the nominee if he decides not to withdraw from the race.

Publicado por Brandon Gillespie

What is an open convention?

Throughout American history, political party conventions have become increasingly ceremonial formalities.

For the majority of primary elections, a winner is established well before the convention date, and therefore the party’s nominee for president is determined after the first round of voting. However, if a candidate does not receive a majority of primary votes during the primary elections, a candidate must be selected at an “open convention” by achieving a majority of delegate votes. While a handful of presidential candidates have been selected at open conventions, there has yet to be a true multi-round convention fight.

The last Democratic open convention was in 1984 when Walter Mondale was 40 votes short of a majority. However, there was little speculation of a contest as Gary Hart, Mondale’s chief rival, was backing Mondale in hopes of securing the vice presidential nomination.

The last Republican open convention was in 1976 between President Gerald Ford and California Gov. Ronald Reagan. Ford was backed by centrists and liberal Republicans from the northeast, whereas Reagan was backed by a coalition of western and southern conservatives, most notably, “Reagan’s Raiders” from the Texas delegation. While close, Ford ultimately won on the first ballot.

Publicado por Matteo Cina

Dana Perino on seeing Trump for the first time since has assassination attempt: 'A remarkable night'

Dana Perino spoke with Fox News Digital on watching in-person as former President Donald Trump made his first public appearance since a gunman opened fire at a campaign event and attempted to assassinate him.

"There are few experiences in your life where you can feel the electricity coming from your toes all the way to the top of your head," she said. "The feeling of the charisma and the energy and the good will towards President Trump that the people in this room felt, and when he popped up on the jumbotron, which is just behind me, and you saw him for the first time, with a red tie and with a bandage on his ear, I think everybody in this room was like wow, look at that."

Perino added that it was just around 52 hours from when he had been shot and the crowd was chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" as Trump said immediately following the attack on his life.

"It was pretty emotional," she said. "I think he was even emotional just taking in the moment. He had an expression of gratitude for all the people that were here. I think he also realizes he was this close to not being here. If he hadn't moved his head like that, he might not have been here."

Perino called it "a remarkable night" and said that she was moved by the evening.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

What happens to Biden's campaign cash if he ends his 2024 re-election bid?

Despite a rising chorus of calls from within the Democratic Party, President Biden has repeatedly said he's not dropping out of his 2024 election rematch with former President Trump.

But if Biden changes his mind and ends his bid amid serious questions over his mental fitness following his disastrous debate last month with Trump, the spotlight would instantly focus on the piles of cash the president's campaign has raised.

Since the launch of the re-election campaign over a year ago, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have hauled in hundreds of millions of dollars for their campaign and various fundraising committees that have split funds between Team Biden-Harris, the Democratic National Committee, and nearly every state Democratic Party across the country.

All of those groups combined had around $240 million cash on hand as of the end of June. The Biden campaign alone said it had over $90 million in its coffers at the end of May.

If the president drops out, the campaign funds could only stay with the campaign if Harris becomes the nominee.

But if someone else became the party's presidential nominee, the money would have to be refunded to donors.

Another option if Biden ends his bid and the vice president doesn't become the Democratic Party standard-bearer - the millions of dollars currently in the campaign coffers could be transferred to a federal super PAC, which could use the cash to pay for ads on behalf of the new Democratic national ticket.

But there is a drawback, as super PACs by law are forced to pay higher rates for ad time. 

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Trump VP pick JD Vance slammed Biden admin’s student loan handout: ‘unfair and illegal’

Former President Trump's pick to serve as his running mate on the Republican ticket this year, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, has been a staunch critic of the Biden administration's student loan handout as part of the White House's repeated efforts to cancel borrowers' debt.

President Biden campaigned on forgiving student loan debt derived from undergraduate tuition at two- and four-year public universities for borrowers earning up to $125,000 a year. His administration developed the handout plan in the first year and a half of his time in office, and he announced in August 2022 that he would move to cancel $10,000 per borrower and $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients.

Biden's plan encountered stiff resistance from Republicans, with several states filing legal challenges and Vance joining the ranks of its vocal opponents in his 2022 U.S. Senate race against Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan in Ohio.

"Forgiving student debt is a massive windfall to the rich, to the college educated, and most of all to the corrupt university administrators of America," Vance wrote in a post on X in April 2022. "No bailouts for a corrupt system. Republicans must fight this with every ounce of our energy and power."

"Thanks to Tim Ryan and Joe Biden, Ohio workers are paying off the loans of Harvard Law students. If this seems unfair and illegal, it's because it is," he added in an X post that August.

After his victory in the 2022 Senate race, Vance cosponsored a bill in the Senate that would have rejected the Biden administration's regulation for implementing the student loan handout using the Congressional Review Act. Although an identical bill passed both the House and Senate, it failed to override President Biden's veto.

The various legal challenges to the Biden administration's proposal eventually led to the handout plan being blocked by the Supreme Court in June 2023. However, the White House has continued its pursuit of a plan that will pass legal muster and has since issued more narrowly tailored proposals.

Vance has also looked to advance other reforms to other aspects of federal student loans, and to that end he sponsored a bill known as Domenic and Ed's Law in May.

This is an excerpt of an article by Fox Business' Eric Revell

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Fox News' Brooke Singman gives the lowdown on JD Vance, Trump's VP pick

Fox News' Brooke Singman gives the lowdown on Ohio Sen. JD Vance, former President Donald Trump's vice presidential pick in the 2024 elections.

Vance, 39, is a first-term senator from Middletown, Ohio. His wife, Usha Vance, née Chilukuri, was raised in San Diego, California, and attended Yale Law School as Vance did. The couple met while at Yale.

"His youth could represent a valuable demographic the GOP is hoping to woo," Singman said. "That's millennials and Gen Z."

Singman adds that Vance is a best selling author of the book "Hillbilly Elegy" which has seen a spike in sales since day one of the 2024 RNC when Trump revealed Vance as his running mate.

The book was turned into a movie produced by Netflix and starred Glenn Close, Amy Adams and Gabriel Basso the American actor who played Vance in the film.

Vance was selected after weeks of speculation as to who the VP pick could be. Doug Burgum, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and Vivek Ramaswamy, among others, were floated as potential picks.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

¿Qué legisladores han intervenido en el RNC de 2024?

Aunque al cierre de esta edición no se había hecho pública una lista completa de los oradores del Comité Nacional Republicano, varios informes de todo el país citaban a legisladores y otras figuras políticas que estaban confirmados como oradores en el foro de Milwaukee.

El representante Jim Banks, republicano de la India, habló durante el programa de máxima audiencia del martes.

El Indiana Capital Chronicle dijo que la destacada aparición de Banks es una prueba de su estatus de estrella en ascenso dentro del Partido Republicano.

El informe citaba la educación obrera de Banks como un aspecto clave de su aspecto.

El gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, que en su día se opuso al ex presidente Trump durante la campaña, habló el martes durante un destacado turno de palabra. Otra aspirante para 2024, la ex gobernadora de Carolina del Sur Nikki Haley, también habló a favor de Trump el martes.

La representante Elise Stefanik, republicana de Nueva York, una de las principales aliadas de Trump en la Cámara de Representantes y presidenta de la conferencia republicana de la cámara, habló antes ese mismo día en el RNC.

El Dr. Ben Carson siguió a la gobernadora Sarah Huckabee Sanders a última hora de la noche del martes, antes de que el senador Marco Rubio subiera al escenario en apoyo de Trump.

Antes, el gobernador de Virginia Occidental, Jim Justice, pronunció un discurso con su perro, Babydog, a su lado.

El presidente de los Teamsters, Sean O'Brien, cuyo sindicato es demócrata, habló en el RNC el lunes por la noche, y el presidente de la UFC, Dana White, también ha tenido tiempo en el escenario.

Publicado por Charles Creitz

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