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Trump y Biden arrasan en el Supermartes, Nikki Haley suspende su campaña

Los resultados del Supermartes consolidaron el control de Trump sobre la candidatura presidencial republicana, y Nikki Haley anunció el miércoles que suspende su campaña. Esto prepara la revancha entre Biden y Trump.


actualización entrante...

La cobertura de este evento ha finalizado.

El Supermartes ha terminado, ¿qué es lo siguiente?

Las elecciones presidenciales de 2024 están prácticamente decididas, con el presidente demócrata Biden y el ex presidente republicano Donald Trump saliendo del Supermartes como presuntos candidatos de sus respectivos partidos. 

La candidata republicana Nikki Haley abandonó las primarias del Partido Republicano el miércoles por la mañana, tras ganar sólo un estado, Vermont, de las 15 primarias celebradas el martes. Era la última aspirante seria a Trump que quedaba en las primarias. Biden ha derrotado repetidamente a sus contrincantes en las primarias y no se enfrenta a una amenaza seria de reelección en el bando demócrata.

Salvo que se retiren por motivos de salud o edad, Biden, de 81 años, y Trump, de 77, serán nominados formalmente en las convenciones nacionales republicana y demócrata de este verano. 

La Convención Nacional Republicana se celebrará en Milwaukee del 15 al 18 de julio de 2024. La Convención Nacional Demócrata tendrá lugar un mes después en Chicago, del 19 al 22 de agosto.

Después de que los delegados de la convención elijan al candidato de cada partido, la campaña de las elecciones generales empezará en serio cuando Trump y Biden se enfrenten en una revancha de 2020. El día de las elecciones es el martes 5 de noviembre de 2024. 

Obtén las últimas actualizaciones de la campaña de 2024, entrevistas exclusivas y mucho más en nuestro centro electoral Fox News Digital.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Marianne Williamson sorprende al quedar segunda en varios estados, superando a Dean Phillips

Marianne Williamson sorprendió a los expertos demócratas al quedar segunda por detrás del presidente Biden en varios estados.

Williamson suspendió el miércoles su campaña para las primarias demócratas tras quedar segunda por delante del aspirante a Biden, el diputado Dean Phillips, en Michigan.

Consiguió el segundo puesto en varios estados en el Supermartes, como Arkansas, California, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Virginia y Vermont.

Aunque Williamson no consiguió ningún delegado -y Biden dominó todas las elecciones excepto Samoa Americana-, su actuación muestra una notable base de apoyo en comparación con Phillips.

Williamson hizo el anuncio en una declaración en vídeo en X, la plataforma antes conocida como Twitter. Williamson dijo que volvía a la carrera porque cree que Biden es un candidato vulnerable para enfrentarse al ex presidente Donald Trump.

Williamson ha acumulado seguidores entusiastas en las redes sociales, algo que cree que puede traducirse en votos reales en su intento de desbancar a Biden en las primarias del partido.

"La política estadounidense es muy impredecible", dijo Williamson a Fox News Digital. "Eso es parte de lo que la hace emocionante y de lo que la hace un poco desafiante a veces. Si te presentas, te presentas para ganar. Te presentas para exponer tus ideas a los votantes".

Fox News Timothy H.J. Nerozzi, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

El voto de protesta "no comprometido" contra Biden atrae a decenas de miles de personas en el Supermartes

Decenas de miles de votantes del Supermartes enviaron un mensaje al presidente Biden, después de que eligieran marcar "no comprometido" en sus papeletas en lugar de votar por él. 

Con el 99% de los votos previstos escrutados en Minnesota, casi 1 de cada 3 votantes respaldó a alguien distinto del presidente, con casi 46.000 votantes, o casi el 19% de los demócratas, marcando sus papeletas como "no comprometidos", o decidiendo voluntariamente no respaldar a ningún candidato nombrado, para protestar por su apoyo a Israel.

El considerable voto de protesta en Minnesota se extendió a otros seis estados -Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Massachusetts, Carolina del Norte y Tennessee-, donde decenas de miles de votantes también se negaron a apoyar a Biden, lo que sin duda plantea interrogantes para su campaña de reelección.

Las votaciones se producen apenas una semana después de que los líderes de la comunidad árabe-americana y musulmana de Michigan, donde reside una de las mayores comunidades musulmanas de Estados Unidos, instaran a los votantes a no apoyar a Biden.

Los grupos progresistas han respaldado el voto "no comprometido" para protestar por el apoyo de Biden a Israel y a su guerra continuada contra el grupo terrorista Hamás en Gaza, que ha provocado el desplazamiento de millones de palestinos de sus hogares y la muerte de decenas de miles de civiles. 

La opción "no comprometido" apareció en la papeleta demócrata en otros seis estados del Supermartes, y cada uno de ellos restó una parte del apoyo al presidente.

En Alabama, más de 11.000 votantes, o aproximadamente el 6%, votaron por "no comprometido". Esta opción fue la segunda más votada del estado.

En Colorado, más de 43.000 votantes, o aproximadamente el 8% de los votos, marcaron "Delegado no comprometido" en la papeleta. 

En Iowa, el 4% del voto total apoyó "No comprometido".

En Massachusetts, más de 54.000 votantes, o algo menos del 10%, apoyaron la "No Preferencia".

En Carolina del Norte, la friolera de 88.000 votantes, o casi el 13%, apoyaron la "No Preferencia".

Por último, en Tennessee, aproximadamente 10.450 votantes, o casi el 8%, votaron "No comprometido".

Fox News Lawrence Richard, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

McConnell apoya a Trump para presidente

El líder de la minoría del Senado , el republicano Mitch McConell, apoyó el miércoles la candidatura del ex presidente Donald Trump a la presidencia, después de que Nikki Haley abandonara las primarias republicanas.

En una declaración, McConnell reconoció que Trump es el presunto candidato presidencial republicano y dijo que "no debería sorprender" que apoyará a Trump para que gane en noviembre. 

"Está más que claro que el ex presidente Trump se ha ganado el apoyo necesario de los votantes republicanos para ser nuestro candidato a la presidencia de Estados Unidos. No debería sorprendernos que, como candidato, cuente con mi apoyo", declaró McConnell. 

"Durante su Presidencia, trabajamos juntos para lograr grandes cosas para el pueblo estadounidense, incluida una reforma fiscal que sobrealimentó nuestra economía y un cambio generacional de nuestro poder judicial federal -lo más importante, el Tribunal Supremo-. Espero tener la oportunidad de pasar de jugar a la defensiva contra las terribles políticas que ha seguido la administración Biden a una ofensiva sostenida orientada a marcar una diferencia real en la mejora de la vida del pueblo estadounidense." 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

Biden saluda a Haley al salir de las primarias del Partido Republicano e invita a sus partidarios a unirse a su campaña

El presidente Biden dijo que la republicana Nikki Haley llevó a cabo una valiente campaña de primarias contra el ex presidente Donald Trump e invitó a sus partidarios a unirse a él después de que Haley abandonara el miércoles. 

"Se necesita mucho valor para presentarse a la presidencia, especialmente en el actual Partido Republicano, donde muy pocos se atreven a decir la verdad sobre Donald Trump. Nikki Haley estaba dispuesta a decir la verdad sobre Trump: sobre el caos que siempre le persigue, sobre su incapacidad para distinguir el bien del mal, sobre su acobardamiento ante Vladimir Putin", afirmó Biden en un comunicado. 

"Donald Trump dejó claro que no quiere a los partidarios de Nikki Haley. Quiero ser claro: hay un lugar para ellos en mi campaña. Sé que hay muchas cosas en las que no estaremos de acuerdo. Pero en las cuestiones fundamentales de preservar la democracia estadounidense, de defender el Estado de derecho, de tratarnos unos a otros con decencia, dignidad y respeto, de preservar la OTAN y de hacer frente a los adversarios de Estados Unidos, espero y creo que podemos encontrar un terreno común", continuó. 

"Todos sabemos que éstas no son unas elecciones ordinarias. Y lo que está en juego para Estados Unidos no podría ser mayor. Sé que demócratas y republicanos e independientes discrepan en muchas cuestiones y mantienen firmes convicciones. Eso es bueno. Eso es lo que representa América. Pero también sé esto: lo que une a demócratas, republicanos e independientes es el amor por América". 

Aunque Haley salió vencedora en una sola contienda el martes, las encuestas recientes sugieren que gran parte de los votantes que la apoyaron dicen que estaban motivados por su oposición a Trump, y que podrían no cambiar su apoyo hacia él como candidato republicano en noviembre.

Biden está haciendo un juego activo para esos partidarios, con la esperanza de que si Trump no puede formar una coalición que pueda conseguir 270 votos del Colegio Electoral en noviembre.

Fox News Brandon Gillespie, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo
Noticias de última hora

Nikki Haley no respalda a Trump, dice que necesita ganarse el apoyo de sus votantes

Nikki Haley felicitó al ex presidente Donald Trump por su victoria en el Supermartes y anunció que suspendería su candidatura a la nominación presidencial republicana, en un discurso pronunciado el miércoles en Charleston, Carolina del Sur.  

"Me am llena de gratitud por la efusión de apoyo que hemos recibido de todo nuestro gran país", dijo Haley. "Pero ha llegado el momento de suspender mi campaña". 

En breves declaraciones ante una multitud de simpatizantes, Haley no respaldó a Trump, pero pidió al presunto candidato republicano para 2024 que se ganara los votos de quienes no le apoyaron en las primarias republicanas. 

"Ahora le toca a Donald Trump ganarse los votos de quienes en nuestro partido y fuera de él no le apoyaron", dijo Haley. "Y espero que lo haga. En el mejor de los casos, la política consiste en atraer a la gente a tu causa, no en rechazarla". 

Trump dio una patada a Haley en su salida de las primarias en un post en Truth Social poco después de que comenzaran sus comentarios. 

"Nikki Haley fue TROMPADA anoche, de forma récord, a pesar de que a los demócratas, por razones desconocidas, se les permite votar en Vermont, y en varias otras primarias republicanas. Gran parte de su dinero procedía de demócratas de izquierda radical, al igual que muchos de sus votantes, casi el 50%, según las encuestas", escribió Trump. 

"Llegados a este punto, ¡espero que permanezca en la "carrera" y luche hasta el final! Me gustaría dar las gracias a mi familia, amigos y al Gran Partido Republicano por ayudarme a producir, con diferencia, el Supermartes de mayor éxito de la HISTORIA, y me gustaría además invitar a todos los partidarios de Haley a unirse al mayor movimiento de la historia de nuestra Nación. BIDEN ES EL ENEMIGO, ESTÁ DESTRUYENDO NUESTRO PAÍS. HAGAMOS A AMÉRICA GRANDE DE NUEVO!!!" 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Los principales republicanos apoyan a Trump y llaman a la unidad tras el dominante Supermartes

Las reacciones de destacados conservadores en las redes sociales se multiplicaron cuando el ex presidente Trump se alzó con la victoria en casi todas las contiendas de las primarias del Supermartes, y la mayoría de ellos pidieron al partido que se uniera tras él.

"Tío, sabía que Trump tendría una buena noche, pero esto es una derrota", publicó en X el senador del Partido Republicano por Ohio, JD Vance, mientras Trump seguía acumulando victorias en un estado tras otro en la noche del martes. "Para los votantes, tenemos los próximos seis meses para convencerles de que DJT merece otro mandato".

"Pero para los donantes y los profesionales de la política, es hora de unirse detrás de nuestro candidato. Por favor, dejad de perder tiempo y dinero".

"Admítelo", publicó el gobernador republicano de Texas, Greg Abbott, en X. "Las primarias han terminado".

"Es hora de que los republicanos se unan y restablezcan la cordura en la frontera".

"Ya es hora de que nos unamos en torno al presidente Trump como candidato republicano que derrotará a Joe Biden en noviembre", publicó en X la congresista republicana Elise Stefanik, a quien algunos consideran candidata a la candidatura de Trump.  

"Las primarias presidenciales del Partido Republicano han terminado", ha publicado en X el presidente del Partido Republicano de Ohio, Alex Triantafilou. "Las rotundas victorias del presidente Trump en el Supermartes lo han consolidado. Es hora de escuchar a nuestros votantes y unir al Partido Republicano".

"Los votantes de todo el país han hablado: esta contienda trata del pueblo estadounidense", publicó en X el senador republicano por Carolina del Sur Tim Scott, de quien también se rumorea que podría ser elegido vicepresidente. Donald J. Trump es el único candidato que puede unir a nuestro país en torno al éxito y GANAR en noviembre".

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller

Psaki y Maddow de MSNBC se ríen y burlan de los votantes de Virginia por preocuparse de la crisis fronteriza

Un panel de la MSNBC dirigido por Rachel Maddow se rió y se burló de los votantes republicanos de Virginia que mencionaron la frontera y la inmigración como prioridad principal durante la cobertura del Supermartes.

La presentadora de extrema izquierda Joy Reid arremetió contra los votantes republicanos blancos de clase trabajadora por considerar que sólo toman sus decisiones en función de la raza y no agradecen al presidente Biden, un "tipo blanco de clase trabajadora él mismo", los "beneficios que obtienen económicamente" de él.

"Están votando sobre la raza", dijo. "Están votando sobre esta idea de una invasión de gente morena por la frontera".

Jen Psaki, ex secretaria de prensa de Biden en la Casa Blanca, coincidió y añadió: "Mira algunas de estas encuestas a pie de urna. Vivo en Virginia. La inmigración era el tema número uno", mientras Reid se reía.

Maddow añadió: "Bueno, Virginia tiene frontera con Virginia Occidental", mientras otros miembros del panel se reían.

El ex presidente Trump se impuso fácilmente en Virginia el martes por la noche, como parte de una serie de victorias en las primarias sobre Nikki Haley, consolidando su condición de favorito del Partido Republicano. El panel se refirió a las encuestas a pie de urna que mostraban que la inmigración era una de las principales prioridades de los votantes republicanos.

"Estás pensando, ¿qué?". dijo Psaki. "Trump ha adoctrinado a la gente con este miedo a que las personas que no se parecen a ellos sean una amenaza para ellos".

Maddow se quejó de que en cada ciclo electoral, sobre todo cuando gobierna un demócrata, "se nos recuerda lo de las fronteras", aunque los republicanos llevan años criticando las políticas fronterizas de Biden, ya que bajo su administración han cruzado a Estados Unidos cifras récord de inmigrantes.

"Haces de estas cosas un problema, las conviertes en hombres del saco... siempre que haya un titular demócrata al que culpar de ello", dijo. El panel criticó el papel de Trump al torpedear la legislación bipartidista sobre la frontera este año, diciendo que no quería una solución al problema.

Fox News David Rutz y Jeffrey Clark, de Digital, han contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Un sustituto de la campaña de Haley predice que al final apoyará a Trump

El representante Ralph Norman, republicano de Carolina del Sur, sustituto de la campaña de Nikki Haley, reaccionó el miércoles por la mañana a la noticia de que la ex gobernadora de Carolina del Sur y embajadora ante la ONU suspendería su campaña presidencial. 

Norman dijo a "Fox & Friends" que era el momento "adecuado" para que Haley abandonara después de que perdiera 14 de las 15 primarias del Supermartes frente a Trump, y sólo ganara Vermont por un estrecho margen. 

"El proceso democrático se ha desarrollado. Y, ya sabes, el pueblo ha hablado", dijo Norman. "Creo que apoyará plenamente al Presidente Trump. Si no lo hace hoy, lo hará, porque tenemos un país que salvar. Esto es más grande que cualquier cosa que hayamos visto nunca. No se trata de personalidades. Se trata realmente de salvar América".

Dado que Haley abandonará la carrera a las 10:00 a.m. ET en un discurso pronunciado en Charleston, Norman dijo que respaldará a Trump y le apoyará en las elecciones generales de noviembre.

"Donald Trump puede salvar este país", dijo Norman. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Samoa Americana rechaza a Biden 2 asambleas electorales seguidas

El presidente Biden ganó abrumadoramente las contiendas demócratas del Supermartes, con una notable excepción: Samoa Americana.

El territorio estadounidense, una isla situada en el océano Pacífico Sur, votó a un improbable candidato demócrata llamado Jason Palmer, un empresario de 52 años de Baltimore.  

De los 91 votos emitidos en el caucus del territorio, Palmer ganó 51 y Biden 40, según el partido local. La derrota no hará descarrilar la marcha de Biden hacia la nominación de su partido, pero es la segunda vez que el territorio estadounidense rechaza a Biden.

Durante las primarias demócratas de 2020, la única victoria del multimillonario Michael Bloomberg se produjo en Samoa Americana. Obtuvo 175 votos en la contienda, y Tulsi Gabbard quedó segunda con 103 votos. Bernie Sanders obtuvo 37 votos y Biden quedó cuarto con 31. 

Tras el caucus del martes, Palmer dio las gracias a Samoa Americana en un mensaje en X.

"Es un honor anunciar mi victoria en las primarias presidenciales de Samoa Americana. Gracias a la increíble comunidad por su apoyo. Esta victoria es un testimonio del poder de nuestras voces. Juntos, podemos reconstruir el Sueño Americano y forjar un futuro mejor para todos."

Fox News Lawrence Richard, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

La campaña de Biden planea enterrar a Trump en efectivo, presume de una caja de guerra de 130 millones de dólares

La campaña del presidente Biden ha acumulado un fondo de guerra de 130 millones de dólares y está dispuesta a enterrar al presunto candidato republicano Donald Trump en gastos para ganar en noviembre, dice la campaña.

Un memorándum publicado tras el Supermartes sostiene que sólo Biden tiene los recursos y la infraestructura necesarios para llegar a los votantes y dirigir una campaña presidencial moderna. 

"Desde su lanzamiento, el Equipo Biden-Harris ha recaudado casi 280 millones de dólares y terminó enero con la histórica cifra de 130 millones de dólares en efectivo, el mayor total acumulado por un candidato demócrata en la historia a estas alturas del ciclo", escribieron la presidenta de la campaña, Jen O'Malley Dillon, y la directora de la campaña, Julie Chávez Rodríguez. 

"Los grupos aliados de Biden están repletos de recursos y ya se han comprometido a gastar más de 700 millones de dólares para ayudarle a vencer de nuevo a Donald Trump", afirma la nota.

El memorándum expone la opinión de la campaña de Biden sobre el estado de las elecciones presidenciales de 2024. Trump se aseguró su puesto como presunto candidato republicano tras ganar 14 de los 15 estados del Supermartes, con la única excepción de Vermont. Su última contrincante, la ex gobernadora de Carolina del Sur Nikki Haley, suspenderá su campaña presidencial el miércoles a las 10:00 a.m. ET. 

El equipo de Biden argumenta que Trump está debilitado por la lucha de las primarias y falto de dinero mientras los republicanos se dirigen a las elecciones generales.

"En enero, la campaña de Trump recaudó 8,8 millones de dólares, mientras que gastó alrededor de 11,5 millones, terminando el mes con 2,6 millones de dólares de agujero. Su super PAC está aún más en el agujero: en todo el mes de enero, gastó más de lo que recaudó. Por si no pudiera ser peor, el Partido Republicano nacional, que servirá de columna vertebral de su campaña para las elecciones generales, está en completo desorden: 2023 fue el peor año de recaudación de fondos del RNC en casi una década", afirma el memorándum.

"Y aún no hemos mencionado lo que parece ser un problema que no desaparecerá este ciclo: La operación política de Trump ha tenido que desembolsar varios millones al mes en costes legales, una cantidad que supuso aproximadamente un tercio de su gasto total el año pasado y se espera que esa cifra empeore aún más."

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

La campaña de Biden califica a Trump de "asediado y mal equipado" para ganar la Casa Blanca

La campaña del presidente Biden sostiene que el ex presidente Trump llega a las elecciones generales "asediado y mal equipado" para ganar la Casa Blanca tras su dominante victoria en las primarias republicanas del Supermartes.

El miércoles por la mañana se hizo público a los medios de comunicación un memorándum con los resultados de las primarias del martes. La presidenta de la campaña de Biden, Jen O'Malley Dillon, y la directora de campaña, Julie Chávez Rodríguez, son las autoras del documento, que resume la visión de la campaña sobre el estado de la contienda.

"Los resultados de las contiendas del Supermartes de anoche cimentaron lo que sabemos desde hace tiempo: Donald Trump cojea hacia las elecciones generales como un candidato herido, peligroso e impopular", afirma la nota. "El candidato republicano tiene problemas de liquidez, está asediado por una serie de problemas externos y se presenta con un programa extremista que ya está demostrando ser un lastre importante para los bloques de votantes clave que son fundamentales para llegar a los 270 votos electorales".

La campaña de Biden afirma que las primarias han demostrado cómo Trump está luchando por unificar una coalición necesaria para ganar 270 votos del Colegio Electoral. Aunque Trump ganó todas las primarias del Supermartes excepto la de Vermont, el memorándum señala la importante cuota de voto de la ex gobernadora de Carolina del Sur, Nikki Haley, en las primarias del Partido Republicano en varios estados. Dillon y Rodríguez sostienen que, aunque Haley no tenga camino hacia la nominación, un número significativo de republicanos sigue negándose a respaldar a Trump. 

"Una parte significativa de los votantes moderados y Haley de todo el país dicen que Trump no puede contar con sus votos en unas elecciones generales", afirma el memorándum.

Por el contrario, la campaña de Biden-Harris "se dirige a las elecciones generales tras haber obtenido victorias constantes en todos los distritos electorales, mantiene un histórico y creciente fondo de guerra impulsado por las bases, y ahora añade una sólida actuación en el Supermartes de anoche para entrar en las elecciones generales bien preparada y bien posicionada para ganar en noviembre".

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Los aspirantes republicanos de Texas derrotan a los titulares de la Cámara manteniéndose "centrados con láser" en la frontera

Los republicanos insurgentes obtuvieron grandes victorias en las primarias de Texas el martes, desbancando a seis legisladores de la Cámara de Representantes del estado que se habían opuesto a la agenda de elección escolar del gobernador Greg Abbott.

Tres ganadores de las primarias, Janice Holt, Marc LaHood y Helen Kerwin, hablaron con Fox News sobre sus victorias y lo que piensan hacer si ganan las elecciones a la legislatura estatal en noviembre.

"La frontera abierta es uno de los principales problemas de nuestro distrito", dijo Holt, que derrotó al representante estatal republicano Ernest Bailes. "Nuestro distrito alberga una de las mayores, si no la mayor población de inmigrantes ilegales del país. Y aquí es la zona cero y la frontera abierta es terrible... la gente que vive en nuestro distrito estaba harta de que nuestro titular no hiciera nada. Llevaba ocho años en el cargo y estaban cansados y asustados y querían un cambio". 

LaHood coincidió en que la frontera era el "número uno" para los votantes en sus primarias. Kerwin, que pasará a una segunda vuelta, dijo que los votantes de su distrito buscaban un liderazgo más conservador. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Hume advierte "el país ve" que Biden está "palpablemente senil" al acercarse el Estado de la Unión

Fox News analista político jefe Brit Hume no le sorprenden las crecientes preocupaciones sobre la edad y la agudeza mental del presidente Biden: cree que han sido una "bomba de relojería".

Al preguntársele el Supermartes si habría podido prever hace meses que las encuestas actuales mostrarían que los votantes independientes se inclinan hacia el ex presidente Trump en una serie de cuestiones, Hume lo atribuyó, al menos en parte, al conocimiento del presidente Biden.

"Yo decía antes, cuando no estaba nada de moda decirlo, que está senil. Y ahora creo que está palpablemente senil y el país lo ve", dijo Hume en "Informe Especial", mientras las urnas del Supermartes se preparaban para cerrarse en 15 estados y en Samoa Americana.

Hume dijo que un reto importante para Biden se encuentra más adelante, el jueves, cuando pronuncie el discurso anual sobre el Estado de la Unión, destacando que el presidente debe demostrar a los estadounidenses que no es demasiado viejo para el cargo.

En las últimas semanas, Biden ha cometido varias meteduras de pata noticiosas, como referirse al presidente egipcio Abdel Fatah el-Sisi como "presidente de México" mientras hablaba del conflicto entre Israel y Gaza, o hablar con el ex canciller alemán Helmut Kohl y el presidente francés François Mitterrand varios años después de su muerte.

El presidente también causó revuelo tras un discurso en Connecticut sobre el control de armas en 2023, cuando cerró su intervención con un "Dios salve a la Reina, tío". Por aquel entonces, el rey Carlos III se había convertido en el monarca británico tras el fallecimiento de su madre Isabel II el año anterior.

Fox News Charles Creitz, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Nº 2 El líder republicano del Senado, John Thune, apoyó a Trump a finales de febrero

EXCLUSIVA: El líder de la minoría del Senado, John Thune, líder republicano número 2 del Senado, apoyó al ex presidente Trump para su reelección en febrero.

Fue una victoria clave para Trump del ala del establishment del Partido Republicano. El republicano de Dakota del Sur es el principal adjunto del líder de la minoría Mitch McConnell en el Partido Republicano del Senado.

"Los resultados de las primarias en Carolina del Sur dejan claro que Donald Trump será el candidato republicano a la presidencia en las cruciales elecciones presidenciales de este año. La elección ante el pueblo estadounidense está clara como el agua: Donald Trump o Joe Biden", declaró Thune a Fox News Digital en una entrevista exclusiva.

"Apoyo la campaña del ex presidente Trump para ganar la presidencia, y tengo la intención de hacer todo lo posible para que tenga una mayoría republicana en el Senado que trabaje con él para restaurar la fuerza estadounidense en casa y en el extranjero", continuó.

Thune y Trump hablaron por teléfono el sábado por la noche, tras la aplastante victoria de Trump en las primarias republicanas de Carolina del Sur, según dijo a Fox News Digital una fuente familiarizada con la llamada.

Este es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Elizabeth Elkind

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Ryan Binkley abandonó y apoyó a Trump para presidente la semana pasada

El ex candidato republicano a las primarias presidenciales Ryan Binkley abandonó la carrera como candidato del Partido Republicano la semana pasada e inmediatamente apoyó a Donald Trump para presidente.

"Hoy, am suspendo mi campaña por la Presidencia de los Estados Unidos de América y ofrezco mi respaldo y apoyo inquebrantable al presidente Trump", escribió Binkley en un post en X.

Binkley es el director general de Equity Group, una empresa de asesoramiento empresarial con sede en Texas.

"Cuando inicié este viaje, lo hice con el mensaje en el corazón de que nuestro país necesita despertar al hecho de que la insostenible senda de gasto deficitario y deuda en la que nos encontramos nos conducirá sin duda a un trastorno económico generacional", escribió Binkley el martes. "Creo que podemos salir de esa senda e iniciar un viaje para equilibrar el presupuesto federal transformando y desmantelando el sistema sanitario que ha estado llevando a la bancarrota a nuestra nación. También siento profundamente que, por muy mala que sea la política fiscal y monetaria estadounidense, la corrupción política y la división cultural de nuestro país son una amenaza aún mayor. A lo largo de mi campaña, he visto a nuestro partido luchar por encontrar un lugar para una nueva visión, al tiempo que sopesaba las corruptas acusaciones e imputaciones contra el presidente Trump. Necesitará el apoyo de todos, y tendrá el mío para seguir adelante".

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Manifestantes propalestinos interrumpen el discurso de victoria de Adam Schiff y exigen el alto el fuego en Gaza

Manifestantes propalestinos interrumpieron el martes el discurso de victoria del congresista Adam Schiff, demócrata por California, tras conseguir la nominación demócrata para un escaño en el Senado de EEUU.

El escaño lo ocupó durante más de 30 años la ex senadora Dianne Feinstein, demócrata de California, hasta su muerte el año pasado, lo que llevó al gobernador Gavin Newsom a nombrar a la senadora demócrata Laphonza Butler para cubrir la vacante.

Mientras Schiff intentaba presentar a su familia en la fiesta que celebró tras su victoria, los manifestantes corearon "alto el fuego ya" y "Palestina libre", y los cánticos se hicieron más fuertes a medida que se ahogaban las palabras del legislador.

Al menos una persona fue escoltada fuera del escenario en medio de la protesta.

Schiff se dirigió a los manifestantes tras la interrupción.

"Tenemos mucha suerte de vivir en una democracia en la que todos tenemos derecho a protestar", afirmó. "Queremos asegurarnos de que mantenemos este tipo de democracia".

El demócrata de California dijo a los periodistas el martes que apoyaba el llamamiento de la administración Biden a un alto el fuego en Gaza con la condición de que se liberara a los rehenes israelíes.

"Mi postura es la misma que la de la administración, que es que tiene que haber un acuerdo para liberar a los rehenes y hacer una pausa en los combates", dijo Schiff.

Fox News Landon Mion, de Digital, ha contribuido a esta actualización.

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Trump y Biden arrasan en las competiciones del Supermartes y se acercan a la revancha de las elecciones presidenciales

El miércoles por la mañana, el ex presidente Donald Trump y el presidente Biden están un paso de gigante hacia una revancha en las elecciones generales de 2024, después de que los favoritos del Partido Republicano y del Partido Demócrata se impusieran en el Supermartes, en el que 16 estados de costa a costa celebraron competiciones de nominación presidencial.

"Lo llaman Supermartes por una razón. Este es uno de los grandes", dijo Trump en un discurso de victoria en la noche de las primarias ante un nutrido grupo de seguidores en su club Mar-a-Lago de Palm Beach (Florida). "Éste ha sido un día que hemos estado esperando".

Y de cara a su casi segura batalla en las elecciones generales con Biden, Trump destacó que "el 5 de noviembre va a pasar a la historia como el día más importante de la historia de nuestro país".

Biden, en una declaración sobre los resultados del Supermartes, dijo que "hoy, millones de votantes de todo el país han hecho oír su voz, demostrando que están dispuestos a luchar contra el plan extremista de Donald Trump para hacernos retroceder."

"Cada generación de estadounidenses se enfrentará a un momento en el que tenga que defender la democracia. Ésta es nuestra lucha", subrayó.

El veterano estratega republicano David Kochel, veterano de numerosas campañas presidenciales, dijo a Fox News mientras se tabulaban los votos del Supermartes que "está bastante claro que ambos partidos están preparados para llegar a las elecciones generales".

Aunque Trump no consiguió el martes la nominación republicana para 2024, el ex presidente iba camino de hacerse con la gran mayoría de los 854 delegados republicanos en juego, lo que le acercaba significativamente a asegurarse la nominación frente a su última rival: la ex embajadora ante la ONU y ex gobernadora de Carolina del Sur , Nikki Haley.

Y aunque el ex presidente no mencionó a Haley en su discurso, señalando sus victorias en las primarias sobre su rival, pregonó que "nunca ha habido nada tan concluyente".

De hecho, Haley suspenderá su campaña presidencial el miércoles a las 10:00 a.m. ET durante un discurso en Charleston, Carolina del Sur, según ha sabido Fox News Digital. 

Su decisión de retirarse se produce después de las convincentes victorias de Trump en 14 de los 15 estados en los que el Partido Republicano se ha presentado a las elecciones; Haley se impuso por un estrecho margen al ex presidente en Vermont. 

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser
Noticias de última hora

Nikki Haley suspenderá la campaña presidencial, aún no apoyará a Trump

Nikki Haley suspenderá su campaña para las primarias presidenciales republicanas en un discurso que pronunciará el miércoles por la mañana, según ha confirmado Fox News Digital. 

Está previsto que la ex gobernadora de Carolina del Sur y ex embajadora ante las Naciones Unidas pronuncie un discurso en Charleston, Carolina del Sur, a las 10:00 de la mañana, hora del Este. En ese discurso hará oficial el anuncio, según informó primero el Wall Street Journal. 

Haley no respaldará al ex presidente Trump durante su discurso, según dijo a Fox News Digital una fuente conocedora de sus planes.

En un campo presidencial republicano que superó la docena de candidatos el verano pasado, Haley era la última rival que le quedaba a Trump, que durante meses ha sido el principal favorito en la carrera del Partido Republicano en su tercera candidatura consecutiva a la Casa Blanca.

Haley -que en 2021 y 2022 realizó numerosos viajes a Iowa y Nuevo Hampshire, los dos estados que encabezan el calendario de candidaturas presidenciales republicanas- lanzó formalmente su campaña para 2024 en febrero del año pasado. 

Pero tras una decepcionante serie de derrotas ante Trump, que dominó a sus rivales en todas las primarias salvo en Washington D.C. y Vermont, Haley dejará en suspenso sus ambiciones a la Casa Blanca. 

Publicado por Chris Pandolfo

Dana Perino en "The Five": Haley "no va a ser la candidata

Esta noche en "The Five", la copresentadora de "America's Newsroom" , Dana Perino, repasó la campaña de Trump y la sugerencia del ex presidente de que Nikki Haley no puede vencer a Biden.

"Creo que viste a un Donald Trump en Iowa, en términos de ser muy conciliador, y 'Vamos a llevarnos todos bien, y todo es genial', y luego en New Hampshire fue como 'Ella es absolutamente lo peor, y una perdedora total", dijo Perino sobre Trump entre mediados y finales de enero.

"Las elecciones son dentro de ocho meses. Así que hay tiempo", añadió. "Pero creo que después de esta noche, es probable que se diga que Donald Trump es el presunto candidato".

Perino también respondió a los comentarios anteriores de Trump de que Haley no podría vencer a Biden en las elecciones de noviembre.

"Podría", dijo Perino. "Pero no va a ser la candidata".

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
Noticias de última hora

Trump declarado ganador de los caucus republicanos de Utah

Associated Press ya puede proyectar que Donald Trump ganará los caucus republicanos de Utah.

La contienda se decantó por el ex presidente a las 3.39 horas del miércoles. Se calcula que Trump ha obtenido alrededor del 58,2% de los votos, mientras que Nikki Haley ha obtenido el 40,7% con el 65% de las papeletas escrutadas a las 4 de la madrugada.

Con la victoria en Utah, Trump fue declarado vencedor de 13 de los 14 caucus y primarias republicanos que se celebraron el Supermartes, y sólo perdió Vermont frente a la aspirante Nikki Haley.

Publicado por Elizabeth Pritchett

Los mejores momentos de las elecciones del Supermartes

El ex presidente Donald Trump y el presidente Biden salieron victoriosos del Supermartes, ya que ambos arrasaron en casi todas las contiendas de la mayor noche de primarias del ciclo electoral de 2024.

La ex embajadora ante la ONU Nikki Haley esperaba encontrar algo de luz al final del túnel tras apostar su candidatura en los 15 estados que emiten papeletas, mientras que los principales aspirantes de Biden buscaban cualquier atisbo de éxito tras presentar sus argumentos contra la edad del presidente y su capacidad para enfrentarse a Trump en una revancha de las elecciones generales.

Desde Haley, que consigue su primera victoria estatal, hasta Biden, que sufre una sorprendente derrota ante un oscuro hombre de negocios, he aquí los mejores momentos de lo que muchos pensaron que sería un Supermartes sin incidentes:

1. Haley se asegura la victoria en las primarias de Vermont

2. Biden sufre su primera derrota en 2024 ante el aspirante Jason Palmer

3. Haley sigue sin pronunciarse sobre el futuro de su campaña

4. Crece la preocupación sobre la capacidad de Trump para ganarse a los partidarios de Haley

Fox News Brandon Gillespie, de Digital, tiene más información sobre los mejores momentos del Supermartes aquí.

Publicado por Elizabeth Pritchett
Noticias de última hora

Trump gana los caucus republicanos de Alaska

Associated Press ya puede proyectar que Donald Trump ganará los caucus republicanos de Alaska.

La carrera se decantó por el ex presidente a las 2.17 horas del miércoles. Se calcula que Trump ha obtenido alrededor del 87,6% de los votos, mientras que Nikki Haley se sitúa en torno al 12% con el 99% de las papeletas escrutadas.

A las 3 de la madrugada del miércoles, Trump ha sido declarado ganador de 12 de las 14 primarias y asambleas republicanas que se celebraron el Supermartes, y sólo ha perdido Vermont frente a Haley.

Aún no se ha determinado el resultado de los caucus republicanos de Utah.

Publicado por Elizabeth Pritchett

'Fox News @ Night' los panelistas discuten la declaración de la campaña de Haley tras los resultados del Supermartes

Steve Hilton y Vik Bajaj discuten una declaración de la campaña de Nikki Haley tras una actuación mediocre en las elecciones del Supermartes en "Fox News @ Night" con Trace Gallagher.

En los 16 estados que celebraron elecciones presidenciales el Supermartes , salvo en dos, Haley sólo ganó las primarias de Vermont. Aunque ella misma no se ha pronunciado hasta primera hora de la mañana del miércoles, su campaña emitió una declaración en la que celebraba su victoria y afirmaba que hay un "gran bloque de votantes de las primarias republicanas que expresan su profunda preocupación por Donald Trump".

La declaración de la campaña fue recibida con críticas tanto por Hilton como por Bajaj, considerando que su posibilidad de convertirse en candidata del Partido Republicano es improbable a estas alturas de la carrera.

"Ha perdido todos los estados excepto el patio trasero de Bernie Sanders. Es completamente delirante cada día que sigue en esta carrera y hace declaraciones divisivas como ésa", dijo Hilton. "Sólo hay una persona a la que beneficia: no es Nikki Haley, es Joe Biden. Si realmente se preocupara por el país y su futuro, como afirma, dejaría de publicar cosas como ésa y se retiraría de esta carrera para apoyar un esfuerzo por deshacerse de esta administración destructiva de Joe Biden".

Publicado por Elizabeth Pritchett
Noticias de última hora

Schiff y Garvey pasan a las elecciones generales al Senado de California: AP

El representante Adam Schiff, demócrata por California, y el ex jugador de béisbol republicano Steve Garvey han pasado a las elecciones generales para la carrera al Senado por California, según informa Associated Press.

Schiff y Garvey pasarán a las elecciones de noviembre para decidir quién ocupará el escaño que antes ocupaba la difunta senadora Dianne Feinstein.

Se espera que los demócratas mantengan el escaño cómodamente. Pero el estado pone a todos los candidatos en la misma papeleta, y los dos que obtengan más votos pasan a las elecciones generales.

Otras candidatas eran las demócratas Katie Porter y Barbara Lee.

Associated Press colaboró en la elaboración de este informe.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

La campaña de Haley afirma que "un gran bloque" de votantes del Partido Republicano sigue teniendo "profundas preocupaciones" sobre Trump

En una declaración en reacción a los resultados de las elecciones del Supermartes, la campaña de la candidata presidencial republicana Nikki Haley afirmó que sigue habiendo una gran cantidad de votantes republicanos que siguen teniendo "profundas preocupaciones" sobre la candidatura del ex presidente Donald Trump.

Haley derrotó a Trump en las elecciones primarias del Partido Republicano de Vermont, pero perdió frente al ex presidente en casi todas las demás elecciones celebradas el martes.

"Nos sentimos honrados de haber recibido hoy el apoyo de millones de estadounidenses en todo el país, incluso en Vermont, donde Nikki se convirtió en la primera mujer republicana en ganar dos primarias presidenciales", declaró la campaña de Haley en un comunicado.

"La unidad no se consigue simplemente afirmando 'estamos unidos'. Hoy, en un estado tras otro, sigue habiendo un gran bloque de votantes de las primarias republicanas que expresan su profunda preocupación por Donald Trump. Esa no es la unidad que nuestro partido necesita para triunfar. Abordar las preocupaciones de esos votantes mejorará al Partido Republicano y a Estados Unidos", añadió la campaña de Haley.

Parece probable que Vermont sea el único estado que gane Haley en el Supermartes.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Biden ganará las primarias demócratas de California

El Escritorio de Decisiones de Fox News puede proyectar ahora que el Presidente Biden ganará las primarias demócratas de California.

Las primarias del Estado Dorado se celebraron el Supermartes, una jornada de primarias multiestatales que históricamente marca la pauta para el resto del ciclo electoral y reduce el campo de candidatos.

En 2020, Biden fue derrotado por el senador de Vermont Bernie Sanders, independiente, en las primarias de California por casi 10 puntos. Tras ganar la nominación demócrata ese mismo año, el presidente superó al ex presidente Donald Trump por casi 30 puntos en las elecciones generales de 2020 en el estado.

California es un estado tradicionalmente azul, que ha votado demócrata en todas las elecciones presidenciales desde 1988.

En medio de las crecientes dudas sobre la aptitud y capacidad de Biden para desempeñar otro mandato completo, el gobernador de California, el demócrata Gavin Newsom, ha sido propuesto como candidato alternativo para enfrentarse a Trump. Ha dicho que no se presentará a estas elecciones si Biden sigue en la carrera.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Se prevé que Trump gane las primarias del Partido Republicano en California

El Fox News Decision Desk puede proyectar ahora que el ex presidente Trump ganará las primarias republicanas de California.

La última victoria de Trump se produce en el Supermartes, una contienda de primarias multiestatales que permite a los votantes de 15 estados y un territorio de EE.UU. emitir su voto para elegir a quien quieren que les represente como candidato de su partido en 2024. La victoria de Trump supone también otra derrota para la ex embajadora ante las Naciones Unidas Nikki Haley, que sigue en la carrera republicana a pesar de haber perdido casi todas las primarias contra el ex presidente.

En las primarias del Partido Republicano de 2016, Trump ganó en el Estado Dorado a sus competidores republicanos por unos 60 puntos.

California vota tradicionalmente azul en las elecciones generales presidenciales, votando demócrata en todas las elecciones presidenciales desde 1988. Trump perdió el estado ante sus oponentes demócratas tanto en 2016 como en 2020, perdiendo ante el entonces Vicepresidente Joe Biden por unos 30 puntos porcentuales en las elecciones generales de 2020.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Biden reacciona a los resultados electorales del Supermartes y afirma que la "elección está clara" de cara a las elecciones de 2024

El presidente Biden emitió una declaración el martes por la noche tras una serie de victorias en las elecciones del Supermartes que tuvieron lugar en distintos rincones del país, afirmando que la "elección está clara" de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de 2024.

"Los resultados de esta noche dejan al pueblo estadounidense con una elección clara: ¿Vamos a seguir avanzando o vamos a permitir que Donald Trump nos arrastre hacia atrás, hacia el caos, la división y la oscuridad que definieron su mandato?". cuestionó Biden.

"Hace cuatro años, me presenté por la amenaza existencial que Donald Trump para los Estados Unidos en los que todos creemos. Desde entonces, hemos hecho enormes progresos: 15 millones de puestos de trabajo, salarios que suben más rápido que la inflación, enfrentándonos a la Gran Farma y al lobby de las armas... y ganando. Pero aún nos queda mucho por hacer".

Biden claimed the progress he has made since taking office in 2021 will be placed "at risk" if Trump is elected later this year.

"He is driven by grievance and grift, focused on his own revenge and retribution, not the American people. He is determined to destroy our democracy, rip away fundamental freedoms like the ability for women to make their own health care decisions, and pass another round of billions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy — and he’ll do or say anything to put himself in power," the president claimed.

Biden went on to claim that "millions of voters" made clear Tuesday that they're prepared "to fight back against Donald Trump’s extreme plan to take us backwards."

“My message to the country is this: Every generation of Americans will face a moment when it has to defend democracy. Stand up for our personal freedom. Stand up for the right to vote and our civil rights. To every Democrat, Republican, and independent who believes in a free and fair America: This is our moment. This is our fight. Together, we will win," he concluded.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Who is Jason Palmer, the obscure presidential candidate who delivered Biden's first 2024 loss?

President Biden lost his first contest in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination on Tuesday to an unknown candidate in the U.S. territory of American Samoa. 

The Fox News Decision Desk projected that Jason Palmer, a self-described entrepreneur and investor, would win American Samoa's caucuses, taking four delegates to Biden's two.

On his campaign website, Palmer describes himself as a 52-year-old resident of Baltimore, Maryland, with leadership and executive experience working for companies like Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others.

Click to read more from Fox News Digital's Brandon Gillespie.

Posted by Andrew Mark Miller

Se cierran las urnas en California y los republicanos de Utah terminan el caucus

It’s 11PM and polls have closed in California.

The Golden State offers more delegates than any other tonight. 

Republicans have also finished caucusing in Utah

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Haley gana las primarias del Partido Republicano de Vermont

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former Governor Nikki Haley will win the Vermont Republican primary. This is her second primary contest win, following D.C.

Haley was widely expected to do well in Vermont which is one of the few states that held an open primary on Tuesday night where both Republicans and Democrats could vote.

Parece probable que Vermont sea el único estado que gane Haley en el Supermartes.

Leading up to the Vermont primary, Haley held an event in the state featuring Vermont Republican Gov. Phil Scott, a vocal critic of Trump, who has endorsed Haley's White House bid.

Vermont will award 17 delegates in the primary. If Haley hits 50% she will be awarded all of the state's delegates. If not, the delegates will be divided up between Haley and Trump.

Vermont had been a staunch red state up until the election of Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1992. Former President George H.W. Bush defeated former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis in the state four years prior. Democrats have easily won the state every election since.

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller

El representante Colin Allred gana las primarias demócratas de Texas para el Senado

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that Democratic Representative Colin Allred will win his Texas Senate primary.

Democrats hope the former Titans linebacker can oust Republican Senator Ted Cruz in November.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Trump reacts to Super Tuesday victories: 'Rarely has politics seen anything quite like this'

EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump, reacting to Super Tuesday primary victories, told Fox News Digital that it is a "great evening," and that it is his "honor to represent not just the Republican Party but our country in leading it back to health and prosperity."

Trump, the GOP frontrunner, won Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, Massachusetts, Colorado, Maine, Alabama, Arkansas, and Minnesota by 9:45 p.m. ET Tuesday night.

"It is a great evening," Trump told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview after races were called in his favor in 11 states, and while awaiting race calls and polls closing in others.

"Rarely has politics seen anything quite like this," he said.

Trump added: "It is my honor to represent not just the Republican Party but our country in leading it back to health and prosperity."

Trump's reaction came after 11 states were called. The Fox News Decision Desk is still awaiting race calls in Vermont, and poll closures in Alaska, Utah, and California.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Brooke Singman

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Biden ganará las primarias demócratas de Utah

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the Utah Democratic primary. 

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Historia en desarrollo

Se cierran las urnas en las primarias presidenciales demócratas de Utah

It’s 10PM and polls have just closed in the Utah Democratic presidential primary. Biden is expected to win this state easily.

There are 40 delegates at stake.

Republican caucusing is ongoing.

Posted by Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Biden pierde la asamblea demócrata del Supermartes en Samoa Americana

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that Jason Palmer, a self-described entrepreneur and investor, will win the American Samoa Democratic caucus.

This marks President Biden’s first loss in the 2024 primaries. Palmer takes 4 delegates, Biden takes 2.

During the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primaries, Biden lost the territory against his competitors. The president captured 8% of the vote compared to Vermont Senator Bernie Sander’s 10%, Hawaiian Representative Tulsi Gabbard’s 29%, and New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s 50%.

As a territory, Samoa does not get a vote in the general presidential election. They are only permitted to send delegates to the convention during the primary season.  

Roughly 230 Samoans voted in the 2020 Democratic presidential caucus.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

El diputado Dean Phillips reacciona a los resultados electorales del Supermartes

Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips responded to Super Tuesday's developing election results on social media by sarcastically congratulating others on the ballot.

"Congratulations to Joe Biden, Uncommitted, Marianne Williamson, and Nikki Haley for demonstrating more appeal to Democratic Party loyalists than me," Rep. Phillips posted on X on Tuesday night.

Phillips, a long shot primary challenger to President Biden, has struggled to gain traction so far in the Super Tuesday competitions and is currently trailing "Uncommitted" in Alabama.

Phillips is registering around 9% in Oklahoma. The Democratic congressman is also registering at 9% in his home state of Minnesota but also trails "Uncommitted" which is registering 17%.

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
Noticias de última hora

Trump gana Minnesota en el Supermartes de 2024

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win the Minnesota Republican primary.

In 2020, during the presidential election , Trump lost to Biden with 45.28% to 52.4% of the vote, and did not win any delegates. Biden won 10, according to U.S. Election Atlas.

Trump won 97.7% of the votes and 39 pledged delegates during the 2020 Republican presidential primary in Minnesota. Other candidates had 2.0% of votes with 0 delegates, according to Ballotpedia.

In general presidential elections, state has seen 20 Democratic wins, 10 republican wins and one other win between the years 1900 and 2020. The last time a Republican won the state was in 1972. Starting in 1900, the state has voted for Democrats 64.5% of the time and only 32.3% for Republicans.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Trump gana las elecciones primarias republicanas de Colorado

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win the Colorado Republican primary. 

Trump secured a win in The Centennial State on Super Tuesday, one of 15 states and one U.S. territory voting on who they want to represent their party as the nominee in 2024.

When Trump was making his first bid for the presidency in 2016, Republicans canceled their presidential primary in the state. The former president lost Colorado to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the general election that fall.

In the 2020 general election, Trump again lost the state of Colorado to then-Vice President Joe Biden, who received 55% of the vote.

The Colorado Supreme Court recently attempted to remove Trump from the primary ballot in 2024, but the Colorado secretary of state said the former president will be on the 2024 Colorado primary ballot after Republicans filed an appeal with the court.

Several states have successfully removed Trump from their primary ballots, but despite his removal from the ballot in Nevada, the former president still won the state's primary.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Biden gana Minnesota en el Supermartes de 2024

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the Minnesota Democratic primary.

The state of Minnesota had a population of 5.7 million as of 2021.

In 2020, during the presidential election, Biden beat Trump with 52.4% of the votes to 45.28%, and won 10 delegates while Trump did not receive any, according to U.S. Election Atlas.

During the primary election in 2020, Biden won 38.6% of the vote, 38 delegates, Sen. Bernie Sanders won 29.89%, 27 delegates, Sen. Elizabeth Warren won 15.4%, 10 delegates.

Since 2000, the state has voted in favor of the Democratic candidates 100% of the time in presidential elections, and has voted for the winning candidate 50% of the time, according to Ballotpedia. Minnesota has participated in 31 presidential elections. The last time a Republican candidate won was in 1972.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

El presidente Biden gana las elecciones primarias demócratas en Colorado

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the Colorado Democratic primary.

The president's win comes on Super Tuesday, the day where voters in 15 states and one U.S. territory vote in a multi-state primary race for their preferred party nominee. Super Tuesday marks a significant point in presidential primary races, winnowing out the candidate field and revealing the Democrat and Republican frontrunners.

Biden lost the 2020 Super Tuesday Democratic primary in Colorado to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an Independent, but after being named the party's nominee, defeated former President Donald Trump on the general election ballot that fall.

Fox News Digital's Andrew Mark Miller and Aubrie Spady contributed to this report

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Trump, Biden y Cruz ganan sus elecciones primarias en Texas

It’s 9PM and all polls have closed in Texas.

Texas presidential primaries

In Texas, the Fox News Decision Desk can project that President Biden will win the Democratic primary, and former President Trump will win the Republican primary.Texas has the second highest number of delegates at stake for both parties tonight.

Texas Senate primaries

In the Texas Senate primaries, the Fox News Decision Desk can project that Republican Senator Ted Cruz will ‘cruise’ to the nomination.In the Democratic race, House Representative Colin Allred has a lead.

Colorado and Minnesota

Polls have also closed in Colorado and Minnesota. At the beginning of the night, Haley had hopes for these states, and the former governor spent time in both. Based on the results so far this evening, that seems like a steep climb.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Trump wins GOP primary in Massachusetts

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win the Massachusetts Republican primary.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Trump gana las elecciones primarias del Partido Republicano de Arkansas

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win the Arkansas Republican primary

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Biden declared winner of Arkansas Dem primary

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the Arkansas Democratic primary.

Biden's victory in the state comes on Super Tuesday, a multi-state primary night where voters across various states make their pick for a preferred Republican and Democrat presidential nominee. The president is currently leading the Democrat primary race, and is the likely party nominee after winning all but one primary state of the 2024 cycle.

The president also won the state's Democrat presidential primary in the 2020 race, but was defeated in November on the general election ballot.

Biden was defeated by former President Trump in Arkansas in the 2020 general election, losing the race in the Bear State by nearly 30 points. 

Trump, the frontrunner of the GOP primary race, won Arkansas in the general election in both 2016 and 2020 against his Democrat competitors. Biden and Trump are both leading their party's primary race, inching closer to a general election rematch in November.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Trump wins Maine GOP primary election

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win the Maine Republican primary.

Maine, which uses ranked-choice voting, is allocated 20 Republican delegates.

Maine has favored Democratic presidential candidates for the last eight elections. A Republican candidate has not won the state since 1988, according to Ballotpedia. During the 2020 primary, Trump won 83.8% of the votes, with 22 pledged delegates, leaving the remaining candidates with 16.2% of the votes and 0 pledged delegates.

In the 2020 general election, Trump lost to Biden with only 44% of the votes and one electoral vote, while Biden won 53.1% and 3 electoral votes, according to U.S. Election Atlas.

Maine’s Democratic secretary of state disqualified Trump from Maine’s presidential ballot back in December, citing the 14th Amendment, which bars anyone from running for office who engages in an insurrection. Earlier in January, Trump appealed the decision to the state Superior Court. The Superior Court ruled that for the time being, Trump could remain on the ballot until a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court was made regarding a related Colorado case.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Historia en desarrollo

Trump y Haley se enfrentan en unas primarias muy reñidas en Vermont

The Fox News Decision Desk believes we have a very close race in Vermont. Nikki Haley is performing well in suburban areas.

As expected, Trump dominates rurally.

Haley has a chance to win her first state of the primaries

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Cierran las urnas electorales en Arkansas

It’s 8:30PM and polls have closed in Arkansas.

Trump is expected to dominate in the state thanks to a heavily White rural population.

Biden should also pick up an easy win.

There are 40 delegates at stake for the Republican candidates and 31 delegates for the Democrats.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Biden gana las elecciones primarias demócratas de Oklahoma

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the Oklahoma Democratic primary.

Oklahoma has had 10 Democratic wins and 19 Republicans wins from 1900-2020 during the presidential elections. Since 1968, the Republican candidates have won the state, according to Ballotpedia.

Biden lost to Trump in the Oklahoma presidential election with 32.2% to 65.3%

Publicado por Andrew Mark Miller
Noticias de última hora

Trump gana las primarias republicanas de Oklahoma

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win the Oklahoma Republican primary.

Former South Carolina Governor and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley will come in second place.

There were 43 delegates to be allocated to the Republican candidates. 

In 2020, Trump won 92.6% of the votes and 43 delegates, while former Illinois Republican Rep. Joe Walsh came in second at 3.7% with 0 delegates.

Trump won the state over then-former Vice President Biden during the 2020 presidential election, with 65.37% to 32.29% of the votes, according to U.S. Election Atlas.

Historically, Oklahoma has had 19 Republican wins and only 10 Democratic wins, participating in 29 presidential elections between 1900-2020, according to Ballotpedia.

The state voted for the winning presidential candidate 72.4% of the time, and the last time a Democratic candidate won the state was in 1964.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Biden gana las primarias demócratas de Maine

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the Maine Democratic primary.

Maine, which uses ranked-choice voting, is allocated 24 Democratic delegates.

Despite Democrats winning the state in the last eight presidential elections, there have only been 11 Democratic victories from 1900 through 2020, while Republicans have secured 20 wins, as reported by Ballotpedia.

In the 2020 general election, Biden won with 53.1% of the vote with three electoral votes, while Trump had 44% of the votes and one electoral vote, according to U.S. Election Atlas.

Fox News Digital's Andrew Mark Miller and Emily Robertson contributed to this report

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Biden gana Massachusetts en el Supermartes de 2024

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the Massachusetts Democratic primary.

There were 92 delegates to be won by a Democratic candidate for the state.

Biden beat former President Donald Trump in the 2020 general election in Massachusetts, leading with 65.6% of the votes and earning the state’s 11 electoral votes. Trump trailed behind at 32.1% and 0 electoral votes, according to U.S. Elections Analysis.

During the Democratic primary, Biden won 33.5% of the votes and received 37 pledged delegates, while Sen. Bernie Sanders came in second at 26.6%, earning 30 pledged delegates. Sen. Elizabeth Warren came in third at 21.4% of the votes and 24 pledged delegates.

Between the years 1900 and 2020, the state has voted for the winning presidential candidate 74.2% of the time, and between 2000 and 2020 they voted for the winning presidential candidate 50% of the time, according to Ballotpedia.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Biden ganará las primarias demócratas de Tennessee

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the Tennessee Democratic primary.

The win was expected, as the president has cruised to victory against his challengers, Rep. Dean Phillips and health guru Marianne Williamson.

In 2020, Biden swept Super Tuesday, winning ten out of fifteen states. Tennessee was no different, with Biden capturing the state with 42% of the vote. Despite this, Tennessee remains a ruby red state with little sign of changing. Trump won the state with 61% of the vote to Biden’s 37% in the general election, according to state data. Biden’s only strong showing at the time was with Black voters, capturing 88% of the vote, AP reported at the time. 

An important issue for the state in 2020 was the removal of Confederate statues — 65% of voters opposed the measure, and Trump captured 83% of that demographic, according to the Associated Press.

Republican strength in the state relies on White evangelicals, with Trump in 2020 capturing 69% of a voter demographic that makes up 84% of the state.  

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Trump gana las primarias republicanas de Tennessee

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win the Tennessee Republican primary.

The victory was expected, with Trump winning all of the GOP primary elections so far.

In 2016, Trump won a plurality of Super Tuesday states, capturing Tennessee with 39% of the vote. In 2020, Trump won the state’s primary handedly with 96% of the vote. During the presidential election, Trump won the state with 61% of the vote to Biden’s 37%, according to state data. A particularly important issue for the state was the removal of Confederate statues — 65% of voters opposed the removals and Trump captured 83% of that demographic, AP reported at the time.

"We’ve got an incompetent president who doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing," Trump said during a rally in Nashville last month. "He will not lead us to the promised land, as the expression goes.”

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Stein, Robinson win North Carolina governor primaries

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that Attorney General Josh Stein will be the Democratic candidate for governor in North Carolina.

Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson will be the Republican candidate.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Trump gana las primarias republicanas de Alabama en el Supermartes de 2024

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win the Alabama Republican primary.

The GOP frontrunner's victory comes on Super Tuesday, a vital night for presidential contenders. Republicans in 15 states and one territory will make their pick for a preferred party nominee to represent them on the 2024 general election ballot.

Total delegates at stake on Super Tuesday are 854 for the GOP. In order to win the GOP presidential nomination, however, a candidate must have 1,215 delegates or more out of the 2,429 delegates in total.

Trump won the Cotton State during his first presidential bid eight years ago, securing 43% support in the Alabama Republican presidential primary in 2016. At that year's general election, the former president won the state by a whopping 50 points over former Secretary of State and then-Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton.

In 2020, Trump also won the general election in Alabama against President Biden, finishing the race with a lead of almost 30-percentage points.

Trump defeated former United Nations Ambassador and GOP candidate Nikki Haley in the Tuesday night primary.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Biden declarado ganador de las elecciones primarias demócratas de Alabama

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the Alabama Democratic primary.

Super Tuesday is a defining night for Republican and Democrat presidential contenders . Democrats in 14 states and one territory make their pick for a preferred party nominee to represent them on the general election ballot. With no serious competition in the Democrat primary, Biden was named the winner shortly after polls closed.

Former President Trump, the commanding frontrunner of the Republican primary race, won Alabama in both the 2016 and 2020 general elections against his Democrat competitors.

Biden was defeated by Trump in the Alabama general election in 2020, losing to the former president by nearly 30 percentage points in the Cotton State race.

Biden and Trump are currently leading their party primary races going into Super Tuesday, and are heading towards competing in a likely general election rematch.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Election polls close in Alabama, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee

It’s 8PM and all polls have closed in Alabama, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.

There are 211 delegates at stake for the Republican candidates, and 267 for the Democrats.

President Biden and former President Trump have posted strong results so far tonight and could significantly expand their leads this hour.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Trump gana las primarias de Carolina del Norte en el Supermartes de 2024

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win the North Carolina Republican primary.

There were 74 delegates for a Republican candidate to receive.

Back in 2016, Trump won 40% of the GOP primary vote in North Carolina and walked away with 29 delegates. Sen. Ted Cruz, then a candidate for the GOP nomination, came in second with 27 delegates, but he later dropped out of the race.

In the 2020 presidential election, Trump won 49.9% of votes and secured all of the North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes. Biden won 48.59% and 0 electoral votes.

Between 1900-2020, the southern state has had 18 Democratic wins and 13 Republican wins, according to Ballotpedia. North Carolina has voted for the Democratic candidate 58.1% of the time and for the Republican 41.9% of the time since 1900. Since 2000, the Democratic candidate was voted for 16.7% of the time while the Republican candidate was voted for 83.3% of the time.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk
Noticias de última hora

Biden wins North Carolina on Super Tuesday 2024

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the North Carolina Democratic primary.

During the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries , then-Vice President Biden won 42.95% and 68 delegates in North Carolina, Sen. Bernie Sanders won 24.2% and 37 delegates. Michael Bloomberg won 12.95% and 3 delegates, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren won 10.5% and 2 delegates, according to U.S. Election Atlas.

Between the years 1900 and 2020, the southern state has voted for the winning presidential candidate 64.5% of the time and between 2000 and 2020, the state has voted for the winning presidential candidate 66.7% of the time, according to Ballotpedia.

In presidential elections, North Carolina has had 18 Democratic wins and 13 Republican wins from 1900-2020.

The state has participated in 31 presidential elections up to the year 2020.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Trump sails to victory in Virginia Republican primary election

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that former President Trump will win Virginia’s Republican primary.

This was former Governor Haley’s best chance to win a state with significant delegates at stake.

During the 2016 Republican Presidential Primaries, Trump narrowly won the state against his competitors. Trump captured 35% of the vote compared to Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s 32%, Texas Senator Ted Cruz’ 17%, and former Ohio Governor John Kasich’s 10%.

During the general election, Biden defeated Trump, capturing 54% of the vote compared to Trump’s 44%.

The Virginia electorate has voted unpredictably over the last few decades. Through most of its history it was a deep blue state, voting Democrat in virtually every election until President Dwight D. Eisenhower broke the trend in 1952. Republicans regularly won the state until 2008 when Barack Obama returned the state to solid Democrat control.

Despite this, Republicans have had a slight resurgence in the state, narrowly electing Republican Glenn Youngkin for Governor in 2021.

Publicado por Kyle Morris
Historia en desarrollo

El panorama al cierre de las urnas en Carolina del Norte

It’s 7:30 p.m. ET and polls have closed in North Carolina. 

Former President Donald Trump is expected to do well in most of the state. But North Carolina will award delegates proportionally, giving Nikki Haley a chance to pick up in highly populated areas like Raleigh. 

There are 74 delegates at stake. 

North Carolina voters will also choose candidates for one of the most watched governor’s races. The leading candidates are Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein and Republican Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, who Trump endorsed at a rally on Saturday.

Publicado por Adam Shaw
Noticias de última hora

Biden gana las primarias demócratas de Vermont

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win Vermont’s Democratic primary.

During the 2020 Democrat primary, Vermont was a landslide defeat for the president. Biden ultimately lost the state with 22% of the vote compared to Vermont Senator Bernie Sander’s 51% of the vote and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s 13% of the vote.

During the 2020 Presidential Election, Democrats performed on par with their traditional record, with 66% of the vote going to Biden compared to Trump’s 37%, easily capturing the state.

Sanders not being on the ballot has not dampened Democrat voter outreach in the state.

Vermont had been a staunch red state up until the election of Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1992. Interestingly, former President George H.W. Bush defeated former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis in the state four years prior. Democrats have easily won the state every election since.

Publicado por Kyle Morris
Noticias de última hora

Biden gana las primarias demócratas en Virginia

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win Virginia’s Democratic primary.

During the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primaries, Biden dominated in the state against his competitors. The President captured 53% of the vote compared to Vermont Senator Bernie Sander’s 23%, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s 10%, and New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s 10%. Turnout in the Democratic primary was at an all-time high of 1.3 million.

During the general election, Biden defeated former President Trump, capturing 54% of the vote compared to Trump’s 44%.

Biden’s recent campaigning in Virginia, hoping to take advantage of pro-abortion sentiment, has been confronted by pro-gaza activists upset over his perceived inaction in the region. The President was heckled at a political event last month in Manassas.

Virginia has had a turbulent election history over the past few decades. Through most of its history it was a deep blue state, voting Democrat in virtually every election until President Dwight D. Eisenhower broke the trend in 1952. Republicans then reliably won the state until Barack Obama’s election in 2008 returned the state to solid Democrat control.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

The view in Vermont and Virginia as first primary election polls close

It’s 7 p.m. ET and all polls have closed in Vermont and Virginia.

Vermont could be Nikki Haley’s best chance to win a state tonight, thanks to moderate northeast Republican voters and an open primary system.

Virginia is also holding an open primary, and she could do well in suburban areas near D.C.

Both states also host Democratic presidential primaries tonight, where President Biden is widely expected to win.

Publicado por Fox News Decision Desk

Democrat Jessica Tarlov: 'This will be another big night for Donald Trump'

"The Five" co-hosts discussed the GOP showdown between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley taking place across the U.S. today.

Election results from Super Tuesday , the biggest primary day of the year, are expected to roll in tonight and into tomorrow.

"I certainly think that this will be another big night for Donald Trump, we've seen that consistently," said Fox News contributor Jessica Tarlov.

But Tarlov added that everyone is looking at what Haley voters are going to do if Trump wins the GOP nomination.

"They exist, they're coming out in primaries, and a lot of them are saying 'We won't be happy if Donald Trump is the nominee,'" she added.

On Super Tuesday, 15 states are voting in primaries, including in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia. One territory, American Samoa, is also holding primary elections.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Haley's team announced a 7-figure ad-buy before she lost in DC last week

Nikki Haley’s team announced a seven-figure ad-buy in various states in the weeks leading up to Super Tuesday.

"Nikki is moving full steam ahead to Super Tuesday states because 70 percent of Americans don’t want to see two grumpy old men duke it out in November, and they deserve a real choice in this election," Haley campaign spokeswoman AnnMarie Graham-Barnes told Fox News Digital in late February. "Her message is resonating, and she’s got the resources to keep fighting." 

Haley made clear in the days ahead of the primary election in South Carolina, her home state, that she planned to stay in no matter the outcome of the day, saying she would "refuse to quit."

This week, Haley rallied in Houston and Fort Worth, Texas.

"We're touching as many people as we can," Haley told Fox News' Martha MacCallum in an interview this morning. "The crowds are passionate. They're fired up. They want a new generational leader, they want to turn the page, and we're excited about that."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

'I think this is a two person race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden': Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, governor of Arkansas, joined Fox News' Sandra Smith on "America Reports" today to discuss former President Donald Trump and today's Super Tuesday presidential primary elections.

"Obviously, I think this is a two person race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden," Sanders said. "President Trump has all of the momentum on his side, a huge and unanimous win earlier this week from the Supreme Court, heavily in his favor. There are a number of states voting today including Arkansas, which I know is going to deliver a big win for Donald Trump, as well as I think the vast majority of states voting today."

In November, Sanders endorsed Trump during a Trump rally in Hialeah, Florida.

"Our country has never needed Donald Trump more than we do right now," she said. "We've got out-of-control inflation, violent crime, an open border, a rising China. Biden and the left have failed over and over again, and they know it, and you know it, and it is time for a change. That is why tonight I am so proud to endorse my former boss, my friend, and everybody's favorite president, Donald J. Trump."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto
Noticias de última hora

Biden gana las primarias demócratas en Iowa

The Fox News Decision Desk can now project that President Biden will win the mail-in Democratic primary in Iowa.

The state held its caucuses in January, but didn't release results until today in order to comply with new Democratic National Committee rules.

Publicado por Adam Shaw

'Arrogant' Democrats 'massively surprised' by ex-MLB star's surge in California Senate race: Hilton

As voters head to the polls on Super Tuesday, California's Senate race is taking center stage as an unlikely GOP candidate, former MLB star Steve Garvey, surges in popularity against likely November opponent Adam Schiff.

"Golden Together" founder and Fox News contributor Steve Hilton told "America's Newsroom" that the turn of events has Democrats "massively surprised" as California voters battle statewide issues stemming from immigration and homelessness.

"Están enormemente sorprendidos porque son increíblemente arrogantes", dijo Hilton a Dana Perino el martes.

"Parten de la base de que California es un estado unipartidista totalmente demócrata. Los republicanos no tienen ninguna posibilidad. Ésa era su actitud cuando Steve Garvey se presentó a la carrera y la suposición entre la prensa política de California y todos los demócratas era 'bueno, obviamente van a ser Adam Schiff y Katie Porter', pero lo que te dice es que este estado, mi hermoso estado natal de California, es mucho más republicano de lo que la gente cree."

"Garvey se ha visto favorecido por el hecho de que tenemos este sistema de los dos primeros, lo que significa que los dos primeros clasificados, independientemente del partido, pasan", continuó. "Debido a su arrogancia, porque supone que un republicano no puede ganar... Adam Schiff ha estado gastando enormes cantidades de dinero para tratar de meter a Steve Garvey en las elecciones generales porque supone que va a tener un walkover".

California voters are casting their ballots Tuesday to fill late Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein's seat, which is currently being filled temporarily by Laphonza Butler. Four candidates are in the running for her seat –  Reps. Schiff, Porter and Barbara Lee alongside Garvey, who is the only Republican in the race.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Bailee Hill

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Taylor Swift tiene un mensaje para los votantes del Supermartes

Taylor Swift is urging Americans to go to the polls and vote in their respective presidential primaries during Super Tuesday.

"Today, March 5, is the Presidential Primary in Tennessee and 16 other states and territories. I wanted to remind you guys to vote the people who most represent YOU into power," the 'Midnights' singer wrote in an Instagram story. "If you haven't already, make a plan to vote today."

"Whether you're in Tennessee or somewhere else in the US, check your polling places and times at vote.org," she added.

El ex presidente Donald Trump y Nikki Haley compiten en las primarias republicanas, y el presidente Biden se presenta para asegurarse la candidatura demócrata.

Fox News' Lawrence Richard and Lauryn Overhultz contributed to this report.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

Five areas could tell us a lot about the GOP on Super Tuesday

Fifteen states and one U.S. territory are holding presidential primaries this evening.

President Biden only faces nominal opposition on Democratic primary ballots, and barring any surprises, could get close to securing his party’s nomination tonight.

On the Republican side, 35% of the total delegates at stake will be settled.

Former President Trump comes into the race with formidable advantages. He has six times as many delegates as Haley, and has polled well ahead of her in recent national surveys.

Haley will be hoping for an upset to make this race competitive, and even if she doesn’t, she is likely to walk away with some delegates, thanks to varying rules.

But regardless of the overall result, the vote count in certain parts of the country tonight will tell us something about Republican voters in 2024.

Publicado por Kyle Morris

¿Por qué Colorado intentó eliminar a Trump de la papeleta de las primarias?

In December, the Supreme Court in Colorado ruled to disqualify Donald Trump from the state's 2024 presidential primary ballot.

The court found that Trump was disqualified under the 14h Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states that office holders who engage in insurrection are ineligible for federal office. The court argued that the Trump engaged in insurrection due to the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riots.

"No llegamos a estas conclusiones a la ligera", escribió la mayoría del tribunal. "Somos conscientes de la magnitud y el peso de las cuestiones que ahora se nos plantean. Asimismo, somos conscientes de nuestro solemne deber de aplicar la ley, sin temor ni favoritismos, y sin dejarnos influir por la reacción pública a las decisiones que la ley nos obliga a tomar."

In early January, Trump filed an appeal and asked the court to keep his name on the ballot. The Colorado secretary of state ultimately kept Trump's name on the ballot pending the Supreme Court's decision.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court sided unanimously with Trump. The ruling of all nine justices will impact the status of efforts in several other states, including Maine and Illinois , that had attempted to remove the likely GOP nominee from their respective ballots.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Hillary Clinton on Biden's age: 'You know what, Joe Biden is old'

Hillary Clinton says people need to "accept the reality" that President Biden is old, move on and focus on beating Donald Trump.

The former Secretary of State appeared on the "Mornings with Zerlina" radio show on SiriusXM Tuesday where she discussed what she saw as the authoritarian threat of Trump winning the 2024 presidential election. By contrast, she advised people to acknowledge Biden’s age and move on to protect democracy.

"Somebody the other day said to me… 'Well, but, you know, Joe Biden's old.' I said, 'You know what, Joe Biden is old . Let's go ahead and accept the reality. Joe Biden is old.' So we have a contest between one candidate who's old, but who's done an effective job and doesn't threaten our democracy. And we have another candidate who is old, barely makes sense when he talks, is dangerous, and threatens our democracy," Clinton said.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Lindsay Kornick 

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Michelle Obama desmiente las especulaciones sobre su intención de presentarse a las elecciones presidenciales

Michelle Obama will not launch a bid for the White House amid rumors that the former first lady was eyeing a presidential run, according to her office.

"As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president," Crystal Carson, the director of communications for Obama’s office, said in a statement provided to ITK on Tuesday.

Obama supports President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, her office said. Fox News Digital has reached out to Obama's communication team.

Rumors of Obama's candidacy came as questions about Biden's mental capacity continue to swirl. The rumors began to circulate after some Republicans floated the idea that she could replace Biden on the November ballot.

Some political commentators said the former first lady has the best chance of beating former President Donald Trump, who is the leading candidate to secure the GOP presidential nomination.

Biden is struggling with low poll numbers amid concerns from Republicans and some Democrats about his age and ability to lead the country.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Louis Casiano

Publicado por Kyle Morris

Estos legisladores republicanos apoyan a Trump en su candidatura a POTUS en 2024

Many GOP lawmakers are standing in support of Trump as he runs in the 2024 election against his Republican and Democrat opponents, including President Biden and GOP hopeful Nikki Haley.

Senate Minority Whip John Thune

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.

Gobernador Ron DeSantis, republicano de Florida.

Senador Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala.

Senadora Deb Fischer, republicana de Nebraska.

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas

Representante Nancy Mace, republicana de Carolina del Sur.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.

Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D.

Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D.

Sen. Katie Britt, R-Ala.

Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn.

House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.

National Republican Congressional Committee Chair Richard Hudson, R-N.C.

El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, republicano de La

Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.

Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell could also endorse former President Donald Trump in the 2024 race as one of his last major actions before leaving leadership.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Posibles candidatos a vicepresidente de Trump

Former President Donald Trump told supporters in the days leading up to the New Hampshire primary that he likely will not choose 2024 Republican nomination rival Nikki Haley as his running mate.

"She is not presidential timber," Trump said of Haley as he spoke at January rally in New Hampshire's capital city. "Now, when I say that, that probably means that she’s not going to be chosen as the vice president."

Some potential Vice President picks are former primary candidate and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, New York, House Rep Elise Stefanik, Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio, South Carolina House Rep Nancy Mace, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, and Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders. 

Scott, who remains popular with primary voters, is an enticing choice but Stefanik is said to have recently impressed Trump with her grilling of Ivy League presidents over antisemitism on campus. 

With an abundance of options, few in Trump’s political orbit have a good feel for whom Trump is leaning toward as his running mate. Veteran Republican strategist Ryan Williams noted that "Trump prizes loyalty and fealty above everything else when it comes to his supporters."

Publicado por Matteo Cina

Trump reacciona ante los demócratas de la Cámara de Representantes que trabajan para eliminarle de la votación: Son unos auténticos perdedores

Publicado por Michael Lee

Haley staying in the race despite loss in her home state of South Carolina

Former S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley, despite her loss in her home state of South Carolina in February, said she is staying in the GOP presidential primary race.

Haley had pledged to stay in the race even if she lost the Palmetto State, and she said she's sticking with that.

"I’m a woman of my word. I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden," she told supporters after her loss on Feb. 24.

Former President Donald Trump won the state's GOP primary.

"We’re headed to Michigan tomorrow. And we’re headed to the Super Tuesday states throughout all of next week," she said.

Last week, Trump beat Haley in Michigan where the remaining 39 of the state's 55 presidential delegates went to Trump.

Michigan Republicans were forced to split their primary into two parts after Democrats who control the state government moved Michigan into the early primary states, violating the national Republican Party’s rules.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Biden plans to 'trigger Trump' in new 'aggressive' election strategy: Report

In a major shift of his political strategy with just months to go before the election, President Biden wants to take every opportunity to attack former President Trump, according to a recent report. 

Biden, who has frequently refused to call Trump by name in interviews, "is privately pushing for a much more aggressive approach to 2024: Go for Donald Trump's jugular," Axios reported Tuesday. 

The report revealed that "Biden is convinced he'll rattle Trump if he taunts him daily" and that the president has told friends and allies that "he thinks Trump is wobbly, both intellectually and emotionally, and will explode if Biden mercilessly gigs and goads him." 

One advisor told Axios that Biden could make Trump "go haywire in public." 

"The ‘trigger Trump’ approach would be a departure from a traditional Rose Garden re-election campaign," according to the outlet.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Jeffrey Clark

Publicado por Michael Lee

Ramaswamy warns liberal justices 'buying political latitude' with 9-0 ruling

Former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy praised the Supreme Court's unanimous ruling against Colorado's removal of former President Trump from the 2024 ballot but warned of potential foreshadowing within the written decision.

After the decision was handed down, Ramaswamy echoed Trump's belief that it represented a "case of national unity," and that the United States cannot essentially be united if a "patchwork" of states can make unilateral decisions about a national candidate's eligibility beyond the typical age and tenure statutes.

"That doesn't work if we're one nation. So that's what this case was really about," he said. "I do think that this is not just about President Trump, but about the future unity of our country itself. And the Supreme Court, 9-0, came down on the right side of that question."

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Charles Creitz

Publicado por Michael Lee

Mark Cuban would vote for Biden even if 'he was being given last rites'

Billionaire Mark Cuban reiterated his support for President Biden over Trump, even to the point of death, in a recent comment.

The Dallas Mavericks minority owner and media personality spoke to Bloomberg News after he visited the White House on Monday to take part in a roundtable discussion on controlling drug prices. Cuban explained that while he voted for Nikki Haley in the Texas GOP primary, he would vote for Biden in the general if Trump was his opponent.

Despite ongoing and growing concerns over Biden’s age, Cuban shrugged off the issue, claiming he would vote for the president even on his deathbed.

"If they were having his last wake, and it was him versus Trump, and he was being given last rites, I would still vote for Joe Biden," Cuban emphasized.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Lindsay Kornick

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Kellyanne Conway on Trump: 'It's going to be another dominant day'

Fox News contributor and former campaign manager to Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, joined "Fox & Friends" Tuesday to discuss the Supreme Court's ballot ruling on Monday in favor of the former president.

"We should all applaud the unanimous decision by the Supreme Court, Conway said to Fox News' Lawrence B. Jones. "You have so many of our institutions now racked with Trump derangement syndrome, weaponizing themselves against him, trying to stop him politically, damage him financially."

All nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday in a unanimous decision to side with Trump in his challenge to Colorado’s attempt make him an ineligible candidate on the 2024 presidential primary ballot.

"Let the voters decide," she added. 

Regarding voter turnout on Super Tuesday, Conway believes voters will support Trump today.

"I think it's going to help turnout and there's no suspense today. It's going to be another dominant day for the former and future President Donald Trump."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

¿Cuántos delegados tiene asegurados actualmente Trump?

In the nationwide Republican Presidential Primary process there are 2,429 total delegates: 2,325 pledged and 104 unpledged. Pledged delegates are bound to vote for the candidate they were elected to vote for and unpledged delegates may vote for whomever they choose.

A candidate must receive 1,215 delegates, a majority, to receive the Republican’s nomination for president. Anything less than that will end in a contested convention where candidates will jockey for delegates live and in person. Certain states have winner take all systems, where whoever gets the most delegates wins them all, while most have proportional delegate systems, candidates get a number of delegates based on the percentage of votes they secure.

Currently, former President Donald Trump sits at 122 delegates compared to former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s 24 delegates. The combined 12 delegates won by former Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie are considered lost and not redistributed. 36% of the available delegates are up for grabs on Super Tuesday

Publicado por Matteo Cina

Keith Olbermann pide que el TSE sea "disuelto" por anular la prohibición de votar de Trump en Colorado

Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann called for the Supreme Court to be "dissolved" following Monday’s unanimous ruling against Colorado's removal of former President Trump from the 2024 ballot.

"El Tribunal Supremo ha traicionado a la democracia. Sus miembros, incluidos Jackson, Kagan y Sotomayor, han demostrado ser unos ineptos para la comprensión lectora. Y colectivamente el 'tribunal' ha demostrado ser corrupto e ilegítimo. Debe ser disuelto", publicó Olbermann en X. 

Un seguidor respondió: "¿Disolver la separación de poderes para salvar la democracia?". Y Olberman replicó: "Si las putas políticas del tribunal anulan un lenguaje bastante explícito de la Constitución para beneficiar a un político, vuestra "separación de poderes" murió hace mucho tiempo".

La personalidad mediática de extrema izquierda también respondió a un conservador que le dijo que "llorara más" declarando: "Eso no son lágrimas, fascista. Son orina. Seguro que disfrutas bañándote en ella".

Olbermann also said the Supreme Court is "betraying America yet again," on a video posted to social media. All nine justices ruled in favor of Trump in the case, which will impact the status of efforts in several other states to remove GOP frontrunner from their respective ballots. 

This is an excerpt of an article by Fox News' Brian Flood

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Trump hits back at Haley's claim that she is a better candidate to beat Biden

Former President Donald Trump refuted opponent Nikki Haley's claim that she is a better general election candidate to compete against President Biden, as voters head to the polls in a variety of states on Super Tuesday. 

"It's a lie. She knows it's a lie," Trump told Lawrence Jones and Brian Kilmeade during a "Fox & Friends" phone interview Tuesday, downplaying polls that have shown Haley performing better versus Biden.

"We are winning against Biden in every single poll, and everybody knows it, whether it's the New York Times, whether it's any of the polls that have been taken over the last three months. So she is misrepresenting that fact and it's fine. It's not going to matter because I think we're going to win every state tonight."

His remarks come after Haley suggested she has a better chance to oust Biden than Trump does during a campaign event on Monday, despite only having one primary victory under her belt. 

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Bailee Hill.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

OPINION: Democrats rush to keep Trump off ballot because election can't be left to voters

The following is an excerpt from an opinion article by Jonathan Turley:

Calling it "one on a huge list of priorities," Rep. Jamie Raskin, D., Md., announced that he will be reintroducing a prior bill with Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., and Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., to disqualify not just former President Donald Trump but a large number of Republicans from taking office.

The alternative, it appears, is unthinkable: allowing the public to choose their next president and representatives in Congress. It appears that the last thing Democrats want is for the unanimous decision to actually lead to an outbreak of democracy. Where the Court expressly warned of "chaos" in elections, Raskin and others appear eager to be agents of chaos in Congress.

Soon after the decision, Raskin went on CNN to assure people that he and his colleagues would not stand by and allow the right to vote to be restored to citizens in the upcoming election. He pledged to reintroduce a prior bill that would declare Jan. 6 an "insurrection" and that those involved "engaged in insurrection."

I previously wrote about these "ballot cleansing" efforts because it would not just disqualify Trump but potentially dozens of sitting Republican members of Congress. Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., sought to bar 126 members of Congress under the same theory. Similar legislation offered by Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., to disqualify members got 63 co-sponsors, all Democrats.

Raskin's participation in this effort is crushingly ironic. In 2016, he sought to block certification of the 2016 election under the very same law as violent protests were occurring before the inauguration.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

McConnell in talks to endorse Trump in 2024 presidential race: report

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell could endorse former President Donald Trump in the 2024 race as one of his last major actions before leaving leadership.

McConnell's office and Trump's presidential campaign have been in talks over a possible endorsement, as well as a strategy to unite Republicans just eight months away from the November election, according to The Associated Press, citing a person familiar with the situation.

McConnell is currently the highest-ranking Republican in Congress who has yet to back the former president's bid to return to the White House.

Any potential endorsement comes as Trump is competing with former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to win the Republican nomination, and as both candidates compete for a whopping 854 delegates at stake on Super Tuesday, March 5.

Fox News Digital reached out to both the Trump campaign and McConnell’s Senate office but did not immediately receive a response.

McConnell, who turned 82 last month, announced on Wednesday that he would step down as Republican leader and would pursue "life's next chapter."

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Nikki Haley on the eve of Super Tuesday: 'The crowds are passionate'

Nikki Haley spoke with anchor and executive editor of "The Story" Martha MacCallum on Monday ahead of Super Tuesday's kickoff.

MacCallum asked Haley, "Is it fair to say that you will be making some kind of decision on Wednesday?"

"What's fair to say is we've been in 10 states in the past week," Haley replied. Last night, Haley held rallies in both Houston and Fort Worth, Texas. As of now, Haley has yet to signify any end to her presidential campaign trail.

"We're running through the tape," Haley said. "We're touching as many people as we can. The crowds are passionate. They're fired up. They want a new generational leader, they want to turn the page, and we're excited about that."

Today, voting will take place in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia.

In terms of which states Haley believes she could win tonight, she isn't detailing them.

"We have some internal numbers that we're looking for and that's what we're gonna focus on," Haley told MacCallum. "I'm not gonna share those today, but our goal is just to be competitive."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Hannity tells Trump he fears illegal immigrants will 'plot, plan, scheme' the next 9/11 'or worse'

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump sat down with Sean Hannity in late February in Eagle Pass, Texas to discuss the crisis at the southern border, the influx of illegal immigrants migrating into the U.S. and the possible ramifications of the less than secure border.

"We're just started to see, I call it migrant crime," Trump said. "I really call it Biden migrant crime but it's too long so let's just call it migrant crime and everyone's gonna know it's because of Biden."

"You go back to New York, and you see hundreds of thousands of people and you can see, look, the mayor is trying, he wants to do a job, but it's just, it's impossible," Trump said of Eric Adams.

Adams was recently rebuffed by his own Democratic supermajority city council after he signaled a willingness to slacken New York City's "sanctuary" policies and cooperate more with ICE.

Hannity went on to mention the thousands of illegal, unvetted immigrants coming into the country from Egypt, Afghanistan, Russia and China.

"Now, why would they make that long journey to our southern border?" he asked Trump.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Trump hits at Nikki Haley's claim that she's a better choice to beat Biden: 'She knows it's a lie'

Former President Donald Trump refuted opponent Nikki Haley's claim that she is a better general election candidate to compete against President Biden, as voters head to the polls in a variety of states on Super Tuesday. 

"It's a lie. She knows it's a lie," Trump told Lawrence Jones and Brian Kilmeade during a "Fox & Friends" phone interview Tuesday, downplaying polls that have shown Haley performing better versus Biden.

"We are winning against Biden in every single poll, and everybody knows it, whether it's the New York Times, whether it's any of the polls that have been taken over the last three months. So she is misrepresenting that fact and it's fine. It's not going to matter because I think we're going to win every state tonight."

His remarks come after Haley suggested she has a better chance to oust Biden than Trump does during a campaign event on Monday, despite only having one primary victory under her belt. 

"If you look at any of the general election polls, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are even. I think there was a Fox poll today, he was up by two. That's still margin of error," Haley said during a campaign event in Fort Worth, Texas. "Between last week's poll. In this week's poll, I defeat Joe Biden by up to 18 points."

Trump doubled down on Haley pivoting on her previous pledge to not run against Trump, warning there is "no path" to victory for her 2024 campaign.

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Bailee Hill

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Los republicanos de Colorado amenazan con destituir a la secretaria de Estado tras la victoria de Trump en el Tribunal Supremo

Colorado Republicans have threatened the state's top election official with a recall effort after the Supreme Court decided 9-0 that Colorado cannot stop former President Trump from appearing on the 2024 ballot.

Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., led state party officials in a letter addressed to Secretary of State Jena Griswold Monday that accused her of attempting to "disenfranchise millions of Coloradans" and called the effort to bar Trump from the ballot "a stain on our Republic and an outright embarrassment." 

"With today's unanimous decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to keep President Donald J. Trump on the Colorado primary ballot, it is now even more clear Coloradans should have zero faith in you to adequately protect their right to vote and oversee elections in the state of Colorado," the letter states.

The GOP officials charge that Griswold made "a selfish political decision to rig the primary election" against Trump and declare that "all legal options" are on the table for payback, "including a formal recall effort." 

The letter was signed by Boebert, Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dave Wiliams, state party Vice Chair Hope Scheppelman and Secretary Anna Feguson.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Chris Pandolfo

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Trump se afianza en el GOP con su victoria en los caucus de Dakota del Norte

Former President Donald Trump inched closer to becoming the Republican nominee for president with another primary victory Monday, this time with a win in the North Dakota caucuses.

Trump won North Dakota's caucuses, finishing first in voting conducted at 12 caucus sites, according to an Associated Press call of the race shortly after polls closed Sunday, earning the former president 29 delegates. 

The win continues Trump's dominant streak in this year's GOP primary races, marking the 9th win in 10 tries for the former president as he closes in on representing the Republican Party for a third time. 

The only contest Trump has lost so far was last weekend's primary in Washington D.C.

The win comes as Trump's campaign has largely shifted its attention to the general election and an all-but-certain rematch of 2020's matchup against President Biden, with the Trump campaign telling Fox News Digital before this week's slate of contests that the primary race is "over."

"Republican voters have delivered resounding wins for President Trump in every single primary contest and this race is over," a spokesperson for the campaign said. "Our focus is now on Joe Biden and the general election."

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Michael Lee

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

¿Podría el tiempo del Supermartes afectar a la participación electoral?

One of the most anticipated voting days of the primary cycle will take place on Tuesday when 15 states and one territory will hold contests in the races for the presidential nominations.

Contests will be held from Alaska to Maine, and voters could face everything from snow showers to severe thunderstorms.

According to the FOX Forecast Center, three storm systems will impact the country on Tuesday – one stretching from the Ohio and Tennessee valleys to the Gulf Coast, one over the mid-Atlantic and Northeast and another in the Pacific Northwest and Northern California.

Neither storm system is expected to be historic regarding the strength of impacts. However, according to political experts, even nuisance weather could affect voter turnout, especially during caucuses.

"In states like Virginia where they’ve been voting more than a month at this point, early voting really kind of reduces the weather impact," said David Richards, Ph.D., an associate professor and political chair at the University of Lynchburg in Virginia.

On Tuesday, primaries will be held in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and American Samoa.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox News' Andrew Wulfeck

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Restoring America Editor on the must-watch California primary election today

Restoring America Editor from the Washington Examiner Kaylee McGhee White joined "Fox & Friends First" hosts Carley Shimkus and Todd Piro early Tuesday morning to discuss the primary elections taking place today.

Piro asked McGhee White what she will be watching out for today.

"I'm really interested to see what happens in California," she replied. "Newsom's approval ratings just dropped below 50% to 47% for the first time since 2019. That's lower than it's ever been, even lower than when he had that recall effort against him."

Though Newsom maintained his position as governor in California in 2021, the recall election against him sparked in 2020 mainly over accusations that he mishandled his state’s response to the coronavirus, the worst pandemic to strike the globe in a century.

McGhee White went on, "There's clearly a lot of discontent among Democratic voters in California against the state's current policies."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Trump on the crisis at the border: 'This border makes 2016 look like baby stuff'

Donald Trump sat down with Sean Hannity on "Hannity" in Eagle Pass, Texas in late February to discuss President Biden and the border crisis.

"I ran on the border, and I ran on other things, but I ran on the border largely. And we fixed the problem and in 2020 it wasn't even a subject," Trump told Hannity. "I'd go out and I'd say 'I want to talk about the border' they'd say 'Sir, you fixed the border. Nobody cares about the border anymore.'"

"This border makes 2016 look like baby stuff," he said. "It's the worst border ever in the history of the world."

"So you have 28,000 from China, all fighting age, you don't see women and you don't see men much older than that," Trump said. "It's from 18 to 25, 26 years old. And there's something going on. And they're coming from Yemen that we're bombing. They're coming from the Congo, from prisons in the Congo."

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data obtained by Fox News in February shows that Chinese nationals are the second-largest nationality encountered at the border in San Diego Sector since the fiscal year began in October.

"The only good thing is, it makes our prisoners look like very nice people," Trump continued. "These are rough people that are coming in."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

El barómetro del Supermartes de Haley: No pierdas de vista estos dos estados

We should get an early indication if Nikki Haley's going to have any success on Super Tuesday in her extreme long-shot bid for the Republican presidential nomination against former President Donald Trump.

Keep your eyes on Vermont and Virginia, where polls close at 7pm ET - the first two states to wrap up voting on the Republican side.

Only 65 GOP delegates are up for grabs in the two states - which is just a small slice of the overall 854 at stake in the 15 states from coast to coast holding Republican nominating contests on Super Tuesday.

But the states may be a good barometer of how the night will turn out for Haley, the former two-term South Carolina governor who later served as U.N. ambassador in the Trump administration.

Vermont and Virginia both hold open primaries, where registered voters are allowed to cast a ballot in either the GOP or Democratic presidential primaries, regardless of any party affiliation.

In the nine Republican primaries or caucuses already held so far this year, Haley has performed best in contests where independents and even some crossover Democrats have been able to vote.

Haley held a rally in each state in the final days leading up to Super Tuesday. And in Vermont, she was joined by anti-Trump Republican Gov. Phil Scott, who has endorsed her White House bid.

If Haley does well in both states, it could be a sign there's still some life left in her challenge against Trump.

But a poor showing in Vermont and Virginia would be a strong indicator that Trump will run the table on Super Tuesday.

Publicado por Paul Steinhauser

'She's not trying to win the Republican primary by ordinary means': Kaylee McGhee White on Haley

Kaylee McGhee White sat down with "Fox & Friends First" hosts Carley Shimkus and Todd Piro to analyze the highly anticipated Republican race today between Nikki Haley and Donald Trump.

Piro outlined the question that is on much of America's mind -- why is Haley still in the race? 

"She's vowed to stay," he said. "So long as it is competitive. She says today will be competitive. But Kaylee, will it be competitive?"

McGhee White believes it's "set in stone" and leaning in favor of Trump.

"The only person who seems to not be confused by Nikki Haley's strategy here is Nikki Haley, and even she doesn't really seem to know what she's doing anymore" she said.

"One thing is clear; she's not trying to win the Republican primary by ordinary means," McGhee White added. "She knows that she is not going to get enough delegates today, or any other day, to beat Donald Trump. At best, she's hoping that something happens to Donald Trump in the next several months, probably with one of the many court cases against him, that would take him out of the race."

But, would Republicans rally behind Haley if this were the case? Last week, Haley lost to Trump in her home state of South Carolina.

"I'm not quite sure why she thinks that she would just be the back up candidate if something were to take Donald Trump out of the race," McGhee White said. "Republican voters are going to remember every single thing that she said about the former president over the past several months, and they're not going to take too kindly to that."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Nikki Haley confirms she has no plans to make 3rd party run if Trump wins GOP primary

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley confirmed that she still has no plans to run as an independent if she fails to secure the GOP presidential nomination.

Haley made the statement during a Tuesday morning appearance on Fox News as voters across the country prepared to cast their ballots in Super Tuesday primaries.

"I am a conservative Republican. I have been all my life. And the problem is right now everybody is saying if you don't if you don't support Donald Trump, you're a Democrat. That's terrible. And that's not unifying and that's not going to get anyone to win a general election. What I will tell you is I'm a conservative Republican," Haley said in an interview.

"I have said many, many times I would not run as an independent. I would not run as no labels because I am a Republican. And that's who I've always been. That's what I'm going to do. And so that's my focus. What we wanted was to give people a voice. We're going to have that today. 16 states and territories are going to vote. God bless America that we get to do that. And and then we're going to take it from there. That's what we've always said," she added.

Trump is expected to walk away from Super Tuesday with major victories.

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

¿Cuándo fue el primer Supermartes en América?

The Super Tuesday that we recognize today has occurred every presidential election since 1988, but the very first Super Tuesday took place on May 25, of 1976 when Ronald Reagan was running against Gerald Ford for the Republican nomination.

There were six primaries held on that day and each candidate ended up gaining three states. During 1980, seven primaries and caucuses were held in early March, according to the National Constitution Center.

The website highlights that the special day was “used to describe the final Tuesday of the primary season in June, when a key group of states that included California and New Jersey cast votes.” Then in 1984, nine states participated and by 1988, the day was known as Southern Super Tuesday due to 21 states, a majority from the South, holding elections in March that year.

Now there are multiple “mini-Super Tuesday” events that come after the Super Tuesday in March. 

Publicado por Emily Robertson

Se espera que el Supermartes acerque a Trump a la nominación del Partido Republicano, mientras Haley hace su último esfuerzo

Donald Trump won't clinch the 2024 Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday.

But with the former president likely to capture the lion's share of the 854 Republican delegates up for grabs when 15 states hold GOP primaries or caucuses on what's known as Super Tuesday, Trump is expected to move significantly closer to locking up his party's presidential nomination over his last remaining rival – Nikki Haley.

"It’s big stuff and it’s the single most important primary day of the year," Trump told his supporters in a video posted on social media ahead of Super Tuesday.

Trump has swept all but one of the first nine contests on the GOP nominating calendar, including North Dakota's Republican presidential caucuses on the eve of Super Tuesday. 

Another strong showing by the former president in Tuesday's coast-to-coast primaries and caucuses will help him in his mission to completely pivot from a primary battle with Haley to a general election rematch with President Biden, who defeated Trump four years ago to win the White House.

"If every single conservative, Republican, and Trump supporter in these states shows up on Super Tuesday, we will be very close to finished with this primary contest," Trump emphasized. "Republicans will then be able to focus all of our energy, time, and resources, on defeating crooked Joe Biden."

Esto es un extracto de un artículo de Fox News' Paul Steinhauser

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Economic woes dominate Americans' worries on Super Tuesday

Voters are headed to the polls on the biggest primary election day of the 2024 cycle with one issue in particular at the top of their minds: the state of the U.S. economy.

About one-third of Americans think that economic problems are the most important issue facing the country today, according to a monthly poll published by Gallup. That includes 12% of voters who are worried about the economy in general and 11% who identified the high cost of living and ongoing inflation crisis as the top problem in the country.

Another 3% expressed concern about the steep federal budget deficit, while 2% said taxes. 

By comparison, 28% of Americans said that immigration is the No. 1 problem, while 20% said the top issue is the government and poor leadership. Another 6% identified poverty and homelessness as the biggest problems.

The findings come ahead of Super Tuesday, the day in the presidential primary cycle when many states vote. More than one-third of Republican delegates are up for grabs in the 15 states that are voting on Tuesday. About a third of Democratic delegates will also be decided, with nominating contests in 14 states plus American Samoa. 

Former President Trump, the GOP frontrunner, is widely expected to dominate the races, as he goes up against the last standing Republican challenger, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. President Biden, as the incumbent and only major candidate for the Democrats, is also likely to sweep the races.

This is an excerpt from an article by Fox Business' Megan Henney

Publicado por Anders Hagstrom

Kaylee McGhee White on Haley: 'She could end up being just as despised as Hillary Clinton'

Restoring America Editor Kaylee McGhee White joined "Fox & Friends First" hosts Carley Shimkus and Todd Piro early Tuesday morning. 

McGhee White touched on Nikki Haley's continued participation in the presidential primary race and what it could mean for her future with Republicans.

"Nikki Haley is not predicting victory in any single one of the states that heads to the polls today, but she's still insisting that she's going to stay in the race anyway," she said.

"And you know, I may be young, but I am old enough to remember the last female politician who came along, who also belittled her primary opponent by saying that he couldn't win a general election, that no one liked him, and that candidate's name was Hillary Clinton ," McGhee White added. "So, Nikki Haley has a choice to make here. She could end up being just as despised as Hillary Clinton if she continues down this road, or she could drop out now and save some of her dignity in the Republican party."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Años de momentos históricos del Supermartes de las pasadas noches de primarias

Every election cycle there is one detrimental Tuesday that makes or breaks presidential campaigns - Super Tuesday.

Since the late 1970s, Super Tuesday has worked to lock in the nominations of presidential candidates, including former President George H.W. Bush who won 16 out of 17 states in the 1989 primary election, as well as former President Bill Clinton in 1992.

Super Tuesday usually sees around 10 states holding primaries on the same night. On Super Tuesday in 2008, however, history was made when 24 states held primaries on the same Tuesday in February.

In the weeks ahead of Super Tuesday in 2020, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., was seemingly leading the Democrat presidential primary contest, however, then-candidate Joe Biden’s campaign made an unexpected comeback. The now-president had lost the Iowa, New Hampshire , and Nevada primary races, but went on to win 10 Super Tuesday states. This boost in his campaign quickly led to him securing the Democrat nomination and eventually winning the presidency. 

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

¿Qué pasó con los partidarios de Bernie Sanders en el Supermartes de 2020?

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., entered the 2020 presidential race with momentum stemming from his 2016 run and early wins, but his Super Tuesday results changed the trajectory of his entire campaign. 

In 2016, while Sanders trailed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, he secured wins in several vital states and was expected to perform going into his 2020 campaign.

Sanders nearly tied with Pete Buttigieg for the Iowa 2020 caucus, with a 0.1% difference, the state that used to kick off of the Democrat nomination calendar. Sanders then secured a win in both the New Hampshire and Nevada caucuses. 

In his home state of Vermont, however, where Sanders won 86% of the vote over Hillary Clinton four years prior, the progressive only won 50% of the vote.

While Sanders appeared to be in the run for the Democrat nomination, he did not perform well on Super Tuesday despite major 2016 victories.

Despite Sanders carrying the Super Tuesday states over Clinton in 2016, now-president Biden was named the victor of 10 states on the primary night.

Sanders suspended his campaign just one month later in April.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Flashback: Resultados del Supermartes 2020 entre Trump y Biden

As we continue to see results pour in on this Super Tuesday for the 2024 presidential election, let’s look at the results back in 2020.

In 2020, Super Tuesday took place on March 3, and then-former Vice President Joe Biden won 10 primaries and received 650 pledged delegates, according to U.S. Election Atlas.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., won four primaries and received 556 delegates. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., won 0 primaries and received 76 delegates. Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard won 0 primaries but received 2 delegates. Michael Bloomberg won one primary, gaining 60 delegates, however he eventually dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden, according to U.S. Election Atlas.

Around 40% of the United States held primary events on that Super Tuesday, according to Ballotpedia.

Former President Donald Trump ran unopposed for the Republican primary in Maine and Minnesota. A couple of his opponents were Joe Walsh and Bill Weld. Trump ended up winning 13 states.

Publicado por Emily Robertson

What does it mean to "win" Super Tuesday?

The 2024 presidential contenders are gearing up for one the defining nights of the presidential primary election, known as Super Tuesday.

On a Tuesday, normally held in February or March, several states hold presidential primaries or caucuses. These events help determine the candidates who will appear on the ballot for the general election later in the year. This cycle, 15 states and one U.S. territory will vote for their preferred nominees in the 2024 presidential election. 

A Super Tuesday "win" means one candidate from each of the two political parties will secure a number of valuable delegates. Whoever wins the majority of delegates is likely to become their party’s nominee. 

Historically, any remaining candidates in the field who failed to secure enough statewide wins will bow out of the race shortly after and the party will begin to back a single candidate as the nominee.

Alabama, Alaska (Republican only), Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and the U.S. territory of American Samoa will all be participating in Super Tuesday primary voting.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Las primarias de Carolina del Sur mostraron la fuerza de Trump en el estado natal de Haley

The South Carolina presidential primary took place on Saturday, February 24, between former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley on the Republican ticket. President Biden functionally ran unopposed and captured 96% of the vote when the Democrats held their primary.

South Carolina was highly anticipated to see how Haley’s name recognition as former governor would fare against Trump’s immense lead among GOP voters. Ultimately, Trump won with 60% of the vote compared to Haley’s 40%. This was comparable to Trump’s past victories in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada.

Haley remained defiant, insisting that an incumbent president losing 40% of the vote is evidence he can’t defeat Biden in November.

"Donald Trump as, technically, the Republican incumbent did not win 40% of the vote," Haley said to reporters during her campaigning in Michigan. "So, what you are looking at is something is shifting and this has been happening for a while."

Publicado por Matteo Cina

El propietario de los Jets de Nueva York apoyó a Trump durante su discurso de victoria en el SC en febrero

New York Jets owner and billionaire businessman Woody Johnson stood in support behind former President Trump in South Carolina after Trump was quickly projected the winner of the state’s primary.

Johnson, who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom during the Trump administration, was on stage alongside his wife Suzanne behind Trump as the former president delivered a speech after his quick victory in the Palmetto State primary on Feb. 24.

Johnson, a member of the founding family of Johnson & Johnson, has previously expressed support for the former president during the 2024 campaign.

"Americans remember how good it was or how much better it was on the border, and inflation, and gas prices, and grocery prices, all that, during the Trump administration, and they want to get back there," Johnson told News’ Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo earlier in February.

"So I think the most important thing is getting the former president back in the White House, which looks like it’s happening."

Fox NewsAndrew Mark Miller ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Dana Perino, Bill Hemmer y otros presentadores de Fox News analizarán los resultados del Supermartes en tiempo real

Starting at 7 p.m. ET, FOX News Channel’s (FNC) Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum will lead live marathon coverage surrounding the results during Democracy 2024: Super Tuesday Primaries. 

Throughout the evening, the co-anchors will be joined by a rotating team of commentators and hosts including Dana Perino , Sandra Smith and Bill Hemmer who will break down the latest developments in real-time on the electronic “Bill-Board.” 

Chief political analyst Brit Hume, Harold Ford Jr. and Kellyanne Conway will also contribute to the live coverage, along with appearances from Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, Shannon Bream, Jonathan Turley, Andy McCarthy, Jessica Tarlov, Kayleigh McEnany, Trey Gowdy and Karl Rove who will analyze the impact of the critical primary races for the presidential candidates.

7-11 PM/ET – Democracy 2024: Super Tuesday Primaries anchored by Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum11 PM-1 AM/ET – Democracy 2024: Super Tuesday Primaries anchored by Trace Gallagher1-4 AM/ET – Democracy 2024: Super Tuesday Primaries anchored by Gillian Turner and Mike Emanuel.

Super Tuesday results are not expected to all follow closely behind polls closing between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. ET.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Haley consigue su primera victoria y aumenta su número de delegados en las primarias presidenciales

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley still pushes through in the 2024 GOP presidential primary even after losing several states to former President Donald Trump.

After the South Carolina primary results came in, Trump and Haley gave speeches to their supporters.

"I said earlier this week that no matter what happens in South Carolina, I would continue to run for President. I’m a woman of my word. I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden," Haley said.

As of the recent primary in the state of Michigan, Haley had only 24 delegates while her opponent, Trump, had 122.

Total delegates at stake on Super Tuesday are 854 for the GOP.  In order to win the GOP presidential nomination, however, a candidate must have 1,215 delegates or more out of the 2,429 delegates in total.

Haley lost to Trump in Michigan having only 26.60% of votes cast while the former president had 68.11%.

Publicado por Emily Robertson

¿Cómo se llamó el Supermartes?

In the United States’ election system, primaries are by each party to determine who their nominee for president will be. While the general election has some regulation from the federal government – like mandating that the election takes place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November – primaries are well and truly governed by the state parties.

As such, parties will often jockey to have their state vote during strategically important times to try and maximize their influence on the presidential nomination process.

Enter Super Tuesday.

Why the day matters is simple: over 30% of the delegates that are available to win will be up for grabs on a single day. Primary campaigns often live and die off of Super Tuesday.

Prior to this recent trend, “Super Tuesday” used to refer to the last Tuesday of the election cycle, when big states like California were in play. However, since 2008, in an effort by parties to avoid politically bloody and costly primary elections, more and more states started frontloading their election dates in an effort to select a nominee early. 

Publicado por Matteo Cina

El presidente Biden ganó 9 estados en el Supermartes de 2020

President Joe Biden won 10 out of 15 states on Super Tuesday in 2020, ultimately securing his lead in the Democratic presidential primary race.

Ahead of Biden's night of wins, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an Independent, was a top contender in the Democratic presidential primary after tying for first place at the Iowa Caucus, and then winning both New Hampshire and Nevada.

However, Biden's slow start was given a boost when he was declared the victor of the South Carolina primary – the state where Democrats held their first contest this year. 

Just before Super Tuesday in 2020, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a Democrat, and Pete Buttigieg, a Democrat, ended their presidential bids and backed Biden ahead of the multi-state primary event, giving his campaign a final push to victory.

The night of Super Tuesday, Biden secured wins in Alabama, Arkansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. 

Sanders, Biden's last standing competition, dropped out of the race weeks later and endorsed the now-president.

Publicado por Aubrie Spady

Flashback: Resultados del Supermartes de 2016

As more results for the 2024 Super Tuesday come in, let’s take a look back at the 2016 primary results.

The primaries took place on March 1, involving both Democratic and Republican candidates. 

Looking at the totals for Republican candidates, Trump was in the lead with 283 total delegates, according to U.S. Election Atlas. Around 595 delegates were reported by Ballotpedia to be allocated to Republican candidates. 

Trump won 7 primaries in the 2016 Super Tuesday. Sen. Ted Cruz won 3 primaries and gained 245 delegates. Sen. Marco Rubio won one primary and received 97 delegates. Former Ohio Governor John Kasich won 0 primaries and gained 21 delegates. Ben Carson won 0 primaries and received 3 delegates.

For the Democrats, Ballotpedia reports that around 865 delegates were to be allocated by the presidential candidates. Hillary Clinton won 8 primaries and allocated 517 delegates, while Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., won 4 primaries and received 347 delegates.

Publicado por Emily Robertson

Florida Rep. Byron Donalds: 'Donald Trump is the nominee'

Florida Rep. Byron Donalds joined "Fox News Sunday" with Shannon Bream this weekend to discuss Super Tuesday.

"Donald Trump overwhelmingly won every single state," Donalds said. "Now we move to Super Tuesday and let me just tell you, it's basically over already. It's going to be over Tuesday night when Super Tuesday ballots come in because there is no path to victory for Nikki Haley."

Donalds represents Florida's 19th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

"On our side of the aisle, we believe in choices, we want options. The Democrats are the one who basically kicked Robert F. Kennedy out of their primary. They basically stopped Dean Phillips from being able to even try to mount a campaign against Joe Biden," he told Bream.

"Nikki Haley had an opportunity to run like everybody else. They all lost. Donald Trump is the nominee. We're going to move forward to November," he concluded.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Fox News' Bill Melugin says Tuesday could 'make or break' Nikki Haley's campaign

Fox News' Bill Melugin joined Arthel Neville on FOX News Live from Raleigh, North Carolina this weekend in the days leading up to Super Tuesday.

"She told me, when I caught up with her, she has no interest whatsoever in running on a third party, no labels ticket," he told Neville of GOP hopeful Nikki Haley. "Why? She says she doesn't want a Democrat as a VP and she is a Republican. She says she is Republican's best shot at beating Joe Biden this November."

Earlier in the day, Haley held a campaign event with more than 1,100 people.

"She says she's been seeing bigger crowds in recent days," he said.

Haley recently received endorsements from Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Maine Sen. Susan Collins.

"Let's face it, Super Tuesday could be a make or break moment for her campaign," Melugin said. In speaking with Haley, he told Neville that he asked Haley about whether she will endorse Donald Trump if Tuesday doesn't go her way.

"First of all, I'll tell you when you're running a race, you don't think about anything negative happening," Haley said in response. "You only look at running through the tape. So, I am running through the rape, I'm not thinking about anything after that."

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

Resultados de las pasadas elecciones primarias del Supermartes

Super Tuesday’s history is littered with the bones of presidential campaigns. In an average post 2008 election year, upwards of 20% of available delegates are up for grabs.

In 2020, Super Tuesday was instrumental in securing President Joe Biden’s victory. Up until then, Biden had been struggling in early-voting states. But the day before Super Tuesday, many moderate Democrats dropped out and endorsed Biden. Biden swept 10 out of the 14 states, winning 53% of the delegates and solidifying his victory as the Democratic nominee.

In 2016 there were two days that the media deemed “Super Tuesday I & II”. On Super Tuesday I almost half of the remaining delegates required for victory were up for grabs, but on Super Tuesday II four states with winner-take-all delegate distribution were up for grabs.

Former President Trump won a plurality of delegates on Super Tuesday I and a majority on Super Tuesday II, all but locking down the nomination for him. 

Publicado por Matteo Cina

Which primary elections are on Super Tuesday?

Presidential primaries, which are entirely run by state parties, are prone to changes based on the current political winds. 

For Super Tuesday 2024, candidates face an intimidating gauntlet of 16 states and territories including Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.

While many of these states are mainstays of Super Tuesday, what is notable is the inclusion of delegate-rich states Texas and California on the same election day. While most Super Tuesdays have about 20% of the potential delegates up for grabs, the inclusion of both these states at once rockets that number to be 30% of Democrat electors and 36% of Republican electors available to be won.

The inclusion of these two powerful states could be interpreted as a desire for both parties to avoid a drawn out primary and focus on defeating the opposition in November.  

Publicado por Matteo Cina

¿Terminará el Supermartes en una revancha en 2020 entre Biden y Trump?

Voters in Michigan handed decisive victories to President Biden and former President Trump last week, increasing the odds of a 2020 rematch as the candidates look to solidify their frontrunner positions on Super Tuesday.

The Associated Press called Michigan for Biden and Trump shortly after polls closed last Tuesday, leaving both candidates undefeated in their bid to once again represent their respective parties in 2024's presidential election.

Biden's victory in the state came despite a late push among Arab Americans to "abandon" their support for the president over his continued support of Israel in the War in Gaza.

Un movimiento creciente pidió a los votantes que emitieran un voto "no comprometido" en lugar de continuar con lo que normalmente ha sido un apoyo abrumador al presidente.

The movement picked up the support of Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who announced her public opposition to supporting the president ahead of her home state's primary.

"Hoy me he sentido orgulloso de entrar y sacar una papeleta demócrata y votar sin comprometerme. Debemos proteger nuestra democracia. Debemos asegurarnos de que nuestro gobierno se ocupa de nosotros, del pueblo", dijo Tlaib en un vídeo compartido por Listen To Michigan, un grupo que apoya el levantamiento contra Biden. 

Fox NewsMichael Lee ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

¿Qué es el Supermartes?

Super Tuesday is a day during the U.S. presidential primary election season when several states, typically from various regions across the country, hold their primary elections or caucuses in early March. 

New Hampshire and Iowa were the first states to hold contests in the 2024 presidential election cycle in January.

Super Tuesday is considered a critical day in the primary process, as the outcomes of millions of voters can significantly influence the overall nomination for presidential candidates. This year’s Super Tuesday will be held on March 5 with polls closing around 7 or 8 p.m. Results will not be immediately announced for many states. 

On 2024's Super Tuesday, states participating in casting ballots include California, Colorado, Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, Maine, Minnesota, North Carolina, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia.

GOP candidate Nikki Hailey’s campaign manager, Betsy Ankney, wrote in a memo early Tuesday that “despite the media narrative, there is significant fertile ground for Nikki.” 

“After Super Tuesday, we will have a very good picture of where this race stands. At that point, millions of Americans in 26 states and territories will have voted,” the memo read.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump has picked up several significant endorsements from key Republican senators. A growing number of GOP lawmakers urge Hailey to withdraw, advocating for party unity behind Trump before Super Tuesday.

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham have endorsed Trump, snubbing Hailey, despite her being a former governor of the state from 2011-2017.

Fox NewsJamie Joseph ha contribuido a este informe.

Publicado por Gabriele Regalbuto

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