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Biden announces additional $800 million in military aid for Ukraine: LIVE UPDATES

President Biden announced Wednesday that the U.S. will send an additional $800 million of security assistance to Ukraine to help it fight Russia's military.

07:50 PM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy says Russia's invasion could be the start of World War III

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that that Russia's invasion of Ukraine could be the wart of World War III.

"Nobody knows whether it may have already started. And what is the possibility of this war if Ukraine will fall, in case Ukraine will? It's very hard to say," Zelenskyy said during an interview with NBC News Wednesday. "And we've seen this 80 years ago, when the Second World War had started ... nobody would be able to predict when the full-scale war would start."

The Ukrainian leader's comments come as he has urged the U.S. and other NATO countries to provide more assistance to Ukraine, with some being reluctant to do so in fear that it could spark an escalation with Russia that could lead to world war.

Zelenskyy has called for a no fly-zone over Ukraine, invoking Martin Luther King Jr. to make the case during his address to Congress.

"I have a dream. ... I can say, I have a need, a need to protect our sky," he said. "I need your decision, your help, which means exactly the same, the same you feel when you hear the words 'I have a dream.'"

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Posted by Michael Lee
12:17 AM, March 17, 2022

Chinese official expresses support for Ukraine

Despite fears that China may help Russia avoid economic sanctions and may even provide military support to Russian President Vladimir Putin's regime, China's ambassador to Ukraine told officials in the western city of Lviv this week that his country will support Ukraine both economically and politically. 

"We will always respect your state, we will develop relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. We will respect the path chosen by Ukrainians, because this is the sovereign right of every nation," Fan Xiangong, who relocated with the Chinese embassy from Kyiv to Lviv after Russian forces invaded on Feb. 24, told Lviv officials on Monday, according to the Lviv regional government.

"In this situation, which you have now, we will act responsibly. We have seen how great the unity of the Ukrainian people is, and that means its strength," Fan added. 

Click here to read more.

Posted by Lawrence Richard
11:35 PM, March 16, 2022

Ukraine ambassador: 'Russians do not care. They bomb, destroy and kill.'

Posted by Lawrence Richard
10:53 PM, March 16, 2022

Ukraine has become a member of Energy Union

Posted by Lawrence Richard
10:17 PM, March 16, 2022

Canada removes Russia's RT from Canadian television

On Wednesday, the Canadian Radio‑television and Telecommunications Commission announced a ban on Russian state-owned television channels following the invasion of Ukraine.

"The CRTC is also concerned with programming from a foreign country that seeks to undermine the sovereignty of another country, demean Canadians of a particular ethnic background and undermine democratic institutions within Canada," the commission said in a statement. 

"Freedom of speech and a range of perspectives are a necessary part of our democracy. However, it is a privilege and not a right to be broadcast in Canada. Foreign channels can be removed from the authorized list should their programming not be consistent with the standards to which Canadian services are held, or their continued distribution no longer serves the public interest, as was the case for RT and RT France," Ian Scott, head of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), said. (READ MORE)

Posted by Lawrence Richard
09:31 PM, March 16, 2022

Ukrainians share human toll of Russian invasion, combat disinformation on social media

Amid the war in Ukraine, social media has become a much-needed outlet and a battlefield to fight Russian disinformation.

On social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Telegram, images of defiant Ukrainians are stirring support for the embattled nation. At the same time, social media influencers have become reliable sources for people hoping to understand daily life in the war zone.  

Before the war, Kristina Korban was a Kyiv-based TikTok influencer who shared investing and personal finance tips. On the first day of Russia's invasion, Korban recorded herself describing the explosions she heard from her home. The video has since been viewed more than 9 million times.

"I never expected to get that much feedback. I try my best to just portray an accurate image of my experience," Korban said. "If they [followers] can relate to somebody emotionally, it will get them towards action or maybe taking a stand or maybe sharing information."

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Posted by Michael Lee
08:30 PM, March 16, 2022

Biden condemns Putin as a 'war criminal,' Russia responds

Posted by Michael Lee
08:05 PM, March 16, 2022

Ukrainian president urges U.S. congressional action

Posted by Michael Lee
07:35 PM, March 16, 2022

US sends drones and Stingers to Ukraine

Posted by Michael Lee
07:01 PM, March 16, 2022

Law enforcement agencies donate tactical gear to Ukraine

Local law enforcement agencies around the U.S. are shipping tactical gear to Ukraine to defend against Russian forces.

Officials from the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office say they were inspired to help after seeing images from Ukraine. Now they want to do anything they can to help save lives.

"It will stop certain rounds and obviously protect you from, you know, headshots and falling debris and some of the things that we're seeing on TV," Sheriff Kurt Hoffman said as he showed a ballistic helmet.

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Posted by Michael Lee
06:30 PM, March 16, 2022

Southern Ukraine on verge of 'humanitarian catastrophe,' Zelenskyy warns

Posted by Michael Lee
05:58 PM, March 16, 2022

White House stands firm on opposition to no-fly zone over Ukraine despite Zelenskyy plea

The White House said Wednesday that it continues to stand in opposition to a no-fly zone over Ukraine as the country fights back against Russia, suggesting the move would have repercussions that would send the United States into World War 3.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's requested during an address to Congress Wednesday that the U.S. agree to a no-fly zone over his country. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the administration is "not interested in getting into World War III."

Psaki said Biden watched Zelenskyy's address to Congress from his private library and found his remarks to be "passionate" and "powerful."

"We are in very close touch with the Ukrainians. Nothing that he asked for or said today was a surprise in that sense. If we were President Zelenskyy, we would be asking for everything possible as well," Psaki said. "He is watching his country and his people be attacked and brutalized by President Putin and the Russian military."

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Posted by Michael Lee
05:23 PM, March 16, 2022

Putin will claim escalation 'whatever you do': Sen. Thune

Posted by Michael Lee
05:08 PM, March 16, 2022

US sends another $1 billion in defensive aid to Ukraine, State Dept breaks down what's included

The U.S. nearly doubled its defensive aid for Ukraine Wednesday after President Biden announced the approval of an additional $800 million in arms for the war-torn nation.

The decision came just days after the U.S. said it would rush another $200 million worth of small arms, anti-tank and anti-aircraft defenses – pushing the total U.S. supply of defensive equipment for Kyiv to $2 billion over the last year.

"As the president said today, America stands with the forces of freedom in Ukraine," State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters. "What's at stake here are the principles of freedom. The right to determine one's own future – a right that Ukrainians have shown the world they will fight to preserve."

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Posted by Michael Lee
04:42 PM, March 16, 2022

Russian airstrike hits Ukrainian theater sheltering 'hundreds'

Posted by Michael Lee
04:26 PM, March 16, 2022

Biden: Putin is a ‘war criminal’

President Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin a "war criminal" on Wednesday just hours after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealed to the U.S. Congress for more assistance in the fight against Russian forces invading his country.

 The president had initially said "no" when asked by Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich if he considers Putin a war criminal, but circled back about 30 seconds later and said, "Did you ask me whether I would call… Oh, I, I think he is a war criminal.

"Earlier in the day, Biden condemned Russia's invasion and said the U.S. is sending more weapons to Ukraine, including anti-aircraft, anti-armor weapons, body armor, guns, and drones. 

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Posted by Michael Lee
04:02 PM, March 16, 2022

Former Miss Ukraine on fleeing homeland: This is a true humanitarian catastrophe

Posted by Michael Lee
03:45 PM, March 16, 2022

White House wont allow for transfer of MiG fighter jets to Ukraine

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday that the White House has not changed its stance on allowing for the transfer of Polish MiG fighter jets to Ukraine, saying such a move could escalate NATO tensions with Russia.

Psaki cited a Defense Department assessment that found allowing for the transfer of fighter jets to Ukraine could be viewed by the Russians as "escalatory," something the U.S. is hoping to avoid.

The press secretary stressed that the U.S. would still continue to provide Ukraine with military assistance, though that assistance would be focused on defensive weapons that the Ukrainians have soo far used effectively.

Psaki also argued that the Defense Department has assessed that the Ukrainian military still has "several squadrons of mission capable aircraft that are not being utilized."

Posted by Michael Lee
03:39 PM, March 16, 2022

White House says there is 'not a difference' between no fly-zone and 'humanitarian' no fly-zone

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday that the White House has determined that there is "not a difference" between a no fly-zone that would shutdown all airspace over Ukraine and a "humanitarian" no fly-zone, saying both could be interpreted as escalatory by the Russians.

The comments come as calls have grown from Ukraine for NATO to implement a no-fly zone in the country to help it defend itself from Russian aircrats.

The U.S. has ruled out such a tactic, fearing that it could escalate the war into a conflict between Russia and NATO.

Posted by Michael Lee
03:08 PM, March 16, 2022

Biden says Putin is a war criminal

President Biden told reporters that he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin is a war criminal.

Asked if Putin was a war criminal by Fox News' Jacqui Heinrich  Wednesday, Biden initially said no, but after asking Heinrich to repeat the question Biden then confirmed he believed Putin is a war criminal.

The comments come after the White House has been cautious about characterizing Putin as a war criminal since he launched the Russian invasion of Ukraine, choosing caution in an effort to avoid escalating tensions with Russia that could lead to a conflict between the country and NATO.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during her Wednesday press briefing that Biden was "speaking from the heart" when he made the remarks, adding that there is a "legal process" for determining war crimes.

Psaki said Biden was “speaking to his own passion” and added, “but there is a legal process going on” at State.

"The president’s remarks speak for themselves, he was speaking from his heart and from what he has seen on television," Psaki said.

Posted by Michael Lee
02:45 PM, March 16, 2022

Despite emotional speech, unclear if Zelenskyy moved the needle on fighter jets, no fly zone

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy implored Congress Wednesday to implement a no-fly zone in Ukraine and provide fighter jets to his military – but it's not clear his emotional appeal will have its desired effect.

"I have been deeply affected by President Zelenskyy's repeated and forceful requests to the United States for assistance," Sen. Chris Coons. D-Del., who sits on the Foreign Relations Committee, said when asked about implementing a no-fly zone at Zelenskyy's request. "That's partly why I work so hard to secure a $13.6 billion in additional military and humanitarian aid." 

Coons added that Javelin and Stinger missiles will be "critical" to Ukraine's defense. But, he said, "a no-fly zone is not militarily feasible without huge escalatory risk. The simple point is this to enforce a no-fly zone, that would mean American, or at least certainly NATO's pilots, shooting down Russian jets piloted by Russians. There is a serious risk of escalation as a result."

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Posted by Michael Lee
02:20 PM, March 16, 2022

Putin to be held accountable for 'deliberate targeting' of civilians in Ukraine: Amb. Kurt Volker

Posted by Michael Lee
02:18 PM, March 16, 2022

Ukraine Parliament member calls Putin the 'Hitler of the 21st Century'

Posted by Fox News
01:59 PM, March 16, 2022

International Court of Justice orders Russia to cease military action in Ukraine

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Wednesday said the "Russian Federation shall immediately suspend the military operations that it commenced on Feb 24, 2022 in the territory of Ukraine," according to Reuters.

Two weeks ago, Ukraine asked the ICJ to intervene in the conflict, arguing Russia violated a 1948 treaty by falsely accusing Ukraine of committing genocide and using that as a pretext for the ongoing invasion.

Countries who refuse to abide by court orders can be referred to the U.N. Security Council, where Russia holds veto power.

Many are skeptical that Russia will comply with the order, but Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy hailed it as a major victory.

“Ukraine gained a complete victory in its case against Russia at the International Court of Justice,” he wrote on Twitter. “The ICJ ordered to immediately stop the invasion. The order is binding under international law. Russia must comply immediately. Ignoring the order will isolate Russia even further.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Posted by Greg Norman
01:35 PM, March 16, 2022

Here is what the new $800 million in US military aid to Ukraine includes

The White House said Wednesday that the additional $800 million in military aid it's sending to Ukraine includes: 

- 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems

- 2,000 Javelin, 1,000 light anti-armor weapons and 6,000 AT-4 anti-armor systems

- 100 Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems

- 100 grenade launchers, 5,000 rifles, 1,000 pistols, 400 machine guns and 400 shotguns

- More than 20 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenade launcher and mortar rounds

- 25,000 sets of body armor

- 25,000 helmets

Posted by Greg Norman
01:26 PM, March 16, 2022

Ukraine's Zelenskyy shows Congress graphic video of victims, destruction: 'Heart-wrenching to watch'

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy played a video during his address to U.S. Congress on Wednesday contrasting life in the once-peaceful nation to the current destruction, suffering and death impacting children, the elderly and other civilians since Russian President Vladimir Putin greenlit a full-scale invasion last month.  

The video began with footage of daily life in Ukraine before Putin launched the invasion on Feb. 24. With instrumental music playing, couples are seen holding hands, children play in parks or feed the birds and people enjoy cups of coffee on city blocks. 

The montage then takes a dramatic turn, showing security footage of a Russian missile narrowly missing a man out on a stroll in a city park. More clips show bombing and destruction in the country’s capital of Kyiv, and the images of happy children are contrasted against crying young ones in the war-torn country.  

"This is murder," a message on the screen said, as still photos showed the devastation following the Russian shelling of a maternity hospital in the southern city of Mariupol, a man crying over the body of a loved one covering a blood-soaked sheet, mass graves, soldiers attending to dead bodies strewn across city streets and a man carrying three photos of loved ones killed in the bombings. 

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Posted by Danielle Wallace
01:19 PM, March 16, 2022

Russia attacks shelter in Mariupol, Ukraine official claims

Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Wednesday that Russia's military has attacked a theater in Mariupol where "hundreds of innocent civilians were hiding."

"The building is now fully ruined. Russians could not have not known this was a civilian shelter. Save Mariupol! Stop Russian war criminals!" he added in a tweet.

Posted by Greg Norman
01:09 PM, March 16, 2022

Biden announces additional $800 million to Ukraine to help it ‘fend off Russia’s assault’

President Biden announced Wednesday that the U.S. will send an additional $800 million of security assistance to Ukraine , including transfers of equipment from the Department of Defense to the Ukrainian military. 

The package includes 800 anti-aircraft systems and 9,000 anti-armor systems, Biden said. 

"This could be a long and difficult battle, but the American people will be steadfast in our support for the people in Ukraine in the face of Putin's immoral, unethical attacks on civilian populations," Biden added.

Posted by Greg Norman
01:05 PM, March 16, 2022

Biden says Zelenskyy’s speech was ‘passionate’ and ‘convincing’

President Joe Biden said Wednesday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s speech to Congress earlier this morning speaks for people that have shown “remarkable courage and strength” in the face of Russian aggression. 

Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin’s military campaign in Ukraine – in which civilians are being routinely targeted -- “God-awful”. 

Posted by Greg Norman
12:59 PM, March 16, 2022

US calls on Russia to 'stop attacking' Ukraine, warns against using chemical weapons

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan spoke with the secretary of the Russian Security Council on Wednesday and called for Russia to "stop attacking" Ukrainian cities and towns, warning of "consequences" should Russia decide to use any chemical or biological weapons on Ukraine.

Sullivan spoke with Gen. Nikolay Patrushev on Wednesday as Ukraine and Russia continued talks on the current crisis.

"Mr. Sullivan clearly laid out the United States’ commitment to continue imposing costs on Russia, to support the defense of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to reinforce NATO’s eastern flank, in continued full coordination with our Allies and partners," National Security Council spokesperson Emily Horne said after the call.

"Mr. Sullivan told Gen. Patrushev that if Russia is serious about diplomacy then Moscow should stop attacking Ukrainian cities and towns," Horne said. "Mr. Sullivan also warned Gen. Patrushev about the consequences and implications of any possible Russian decision to use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine."

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Posted by Brooke Singman
12:51 PM, March 16, 2022

Sasse calls for action after Zelenskyy's address: 'We're a superpower. We should act like it.'

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., called on the U.S. to do whatever is necessary to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia, after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed Congress asking for assistance.

Zelenskyy showed video of the carnage taking place in his country and asked either for a no-fly zone over Ukraine or for fighter jets that his military can use. Sasse stressed that it is imperative that Ukraine emerges from this conflict victorious, not just for itself but for the world.

"Zelenskyy needs to win. The Ukrainian freedom fighters need to win. We don't need them just to lose more slowly. We need them to win. To win they need to kill Russians. To kill Russians they need more weapons," Sasse told reporters after Zelesnkyy's remarks. "They need more Javelins, they need more ammo, they need more Stingers, they need more SAMs, they need more airplanes, they need more of everything."

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Posted by Ronn Blitzer
12:49 PM, March 16, 2022

'Heart-wrenching' Zelenskyy speech gives Congress 'vivid reminder' of Putin's brutal war

WASHINGTON – Members of Congress Wednesday said they were deeply moved by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's address to U.S. lawmakers, including a graphic video he presented showing the horrors of Russia's war on his country.

"It was heart-wrenching," Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., said of the video. "It underscored the human side of this tragedy. These are families, children, and lives disrupted in a way that's really unspeakable." 

"You could see more concern in his eyes this time than what we saw a week or so ago when we did a Zoom with him," Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., told Fox News Digital.

"The video really captured the moment – devastating. Hopefully people, not only our country gets to see that video, which is very graphic. The whole world needs to see it," Tuberville added. "That's the trouble we're in with these dictators trying to do what they're doing."

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Posted by Fox News
12:19 PM, March 16, 2022

Video purportedly shows 10 people shot dead in Ukrainian city while waiting for bread

A video that has emerged Wednesday purportedly shows bodies scattered along a street in the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv. 

"Today, Russian forces shot and killed 10 people standing in line for bread in Chernihiv," the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv said in a tweet. "Such horrific attacks must stop. We are considering all available options to ensure accountability for any atrocity crimes in Ukraine."

Posted by Greg Norman
11:39 AM, March 16, 2022

President Biden delivers remarks on the assistance the United States is providing to Ukraine

Click here to watch on Fox News. 

Posted by Fox News
11:33 AM, March 16, 2022

In Putin's crosshairs, Baltic ambassadors praise NATO protections, push for more Ukraine aid

WASHINGTON – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuanian are counting on NATO for protection if Russia, their neighbor, targets them, ambassadors for the Baltic nations told Fox News in separate interviews while emphasizing the importance of continued support to Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin "is [in] a war that he is waging in our almost neighboring country – [a] "country and people, which we know very well, which are very dear friends to us," Latvian Ambassador Māris Selga told Fox News.

Lithuanian Ambassador Audra Plepytė told Fox News: "It's unbelievable [this is] happening in the 21st century."

The three Baltic states, which the Soviet Union occupied for 60 years, have warned the international community of the Russia threat for decades.

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Posted by Fox News
11:31 AM, March 16, 2022

UN: More than 3 million refugees have now fled Ukraine

The United Nations says 3,063,095 people have fled Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion on Feb. 24.

Nearly 2 million of those people are now taking refuge in Poland.

Posted by Greg Norman
11:28 AM, March 16, 2022

Congress is behind Ukraine, but only 'to a point': Chad Pergram

Congressional correspondent Chad Pergram joins 'America's Newsroom' live from Capitol Hill to report on reactions to Volodymyr Zelenskyy's address to Congress.

Posted by Fox News
11:14 AM, March 16, 2022

Czech PM after Kyiv visit: Ukraine 'needs above all arms supply'

Czech Republic Prime Minister Petr Fiala said Wednesday that "Ukraine these days and weeks needs above all arms supply" after visiting its capital of Kyiv Wednesday with his Polish and Slovenian counterparts.

He said such supplies have to be delivered quickly by as many countries as possible and have to be massive.

"It must be done in days," Fiala said. “We have to realize that (the Ukrainians) do also fight for our independence, for our freedom and we have to support them. That’s the reason why we traveled there, to show them they’re not alone."

All three prime ministers returned safely to Poland earlier this morning, the Polish government said. 

The leaders had met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday to send the message that Ukraine is not alone and that they support the nation’s aspirations to one day join the European Union.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Posted by Greg Norman
10:56 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy issues direct message to Biden in address to Congress: 'Be the leader of peace'

After three weeks of Russian bombardment , Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy issued a direct plea to President Biden Wednesday, urging him to be "the leader of peace."

"Today it is not enough to be the leader of the nation. Today, to be the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace," Zelenskyy said while making an address in front of the U.S. Congress. 

"Peace in your country doesn’t depend anymore only on you and your people. It depends on those next to you – on those who are strong," he continued. "Strong doesn’t mean big. Strong is brave and ready to fight for the lives of his citizens and citizens of the world."

Click here to read more on Fox News.

Posted by Caitlin McFall
10:35 AM, March 16, 2022

Third Ukrainian mayor abducted by Russian occupiers, minister says

After a third Ukrainian mayor was abducted by occupying Russian troops Wednesday, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba again called for the international community to intervene. 

Kuleba on Wednesday announced the abductions of Mayor of Skadovsk Oleksandr Yakovlyev and his deputy Yurii Palyukh. "Russian invaders continue to abduct democratically elected local leaders in Ukraine," Kuleba wrote, sharing a beachside selfie of Yakovlyev. "States & international organizations must demand Russia to immediately release all abducted Ukrainian officials!" 

Kuleba's tweet came just two hours before Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was expected to address U.S. Congress at 9 a.m. ET. Yakovlyev is the third Ukrainian mayor abducted so far. 

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Posted by Danielle Wallace
10:19 AM, March 16, 2022

Satellite images show Ukrainian attack on Russian military

Photos released by ImageSat International (ISI) show the aftermath of an attack by Ukraine on Russian military vehicles and equipment at an airfield in Kherson on Tuesday.

The images show black smoke billowing into the sky.

Kherson is about 275 miles southeast of Ukraine's capital, Kyiv, and the Ukrainian president’s office said Tuesday that fighting has been ongoing at the airport, according to the Associated Press.

Posted by Greg Norman
10:04 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy urges Congress to further sanction Russia and isolate its economy

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said during his speech Wednesday that the U.S. should sanction "all politicians in the Russian Federation who remain in their offices and do not cut ties with those who are responsible for the aggression against Ukraine.

"All American companies must leave Russia from their market, leave their market immediately because it is flooded with our blood," Zelenskyy continued. "Ladies and gentlemen, members of Congress, please take the lead."

"If you have companies in your districts who financed the Russian military machine leaving business in Russia, you should put pressure," Zelenskyy also said. "I am asking to make sure that the Russians do not receive a single penny that they use to destroy people in Ukraine."

Posted by Greg Norman
09:48 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy tells Congress: 'I call on you to do more'

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in an address to Congress Wednesday, pleaded with the United States to "do more" by implementing a no-fly zone, providing additional aircraft and air defense systems, and creating a new security alliance.

Zelenskyy, speaking to U.S. lawmakers from Kyiv, where he has chosen to remain even as Russian forces move on the city, thanked President Biden for his "personal involvement" and "sincere commitment to the defense of Ukraine," and the United States for the aid it has provided.

"However, now it is true in the darkest time for our country, for the whole Europe, I call on you to do more," Zelenskyy said.

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Posted by Brooke Singman
09:43 AM, March 16, 2022

Republican lawmakers react to Zelenskyy's speech to Congress

Click here to watch on Fox News.

Posted by Fox News
09:38 AM, March 16, 2022

Fox News correspondent Benjamin Hall safely out of Ukraine after suffering serious injuries

Fox News correspondent Benjamin Hall, who was injured this week while covering the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine when the vehicle he was traveling in came under attack, is alert and in good spirits, the network announced on Wednesday. 

Hall was wounded in the same attack outside Kyiv that took the lives of Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski and journalist Oleksandra "Sasha" Kuvshynova. 

FOX News Media CEO Suzanne Scott updated staffers about Hall’s condition in an internal memo and Bill Hemmer informed viewers shortly afterwards on Wednesday morning. 

"Ben is alert and said to be in good spirits. He’s being treated with the best possible care in the world," Hemmer said. 

Click here to read more on Fox News.

Posted by Brian Flood
09:32 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy appeals to Biden to be ‘the leader of peace’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in a personal appeal to President Biden, said “you are the leader of your great nation, I wish you to be the leader of the world. 

“Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace.”  

Posted by Greg Norman
09:32 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy invokes MLK in plea for no-fly zone

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invoked Martin Luther King, Jr. Wednesday during his speech to Congress while calling for a no-fly zone to be established in Ukraine.

“I have a need. I need to protect our sky. I need your decision, your help, which means exactly the same... when you hear the words, ‘I have a dream,'" he said. 

Posted by Greg Norman
09:25 AM, March 16, 2022

Ukraine's Zelenskyy shows Congress video of victims, destruction

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy showed Congress a video Wednesday showing the devastating effects of war on his country. 

The video showed airstrikes, destroyed buildings and Ukrainian children being given medical treatment.  

At one graphic point in the video, a body was thrown into a freshly-dug grave. 

The video ended with the message "close the sky over Ukraine."

Posted by Greg Norman
09:20 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy: Is a no-fly zone too much to ask for?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made a new plea Wednesday for Western countries to implement a no-fly zone over his country’s airspace in the fight against Russia’s military.  

“Is this a lot to ask for? To create a no-fly zone over Ukraine to save people,” he asked members of Congress. 

Posted by Greg Norman
09:17 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy urges Congress to remember Pearl Harbor, 9/11

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told Congress Wednesday to remember the scenes of the attack on Pearl Harbor and September 11, 2001, when thinking about the war in Ukraine. 

“Remember Pearl Harbor. Terrible morning of December 7, 1941 when your sky was black from the planes attacking you. Just remember it,” he said.  

“Remember September 11, a terrible day in 2001 when evil tried to turn your cities – independent territories – into battlefields,” he continued. “When innocent people were attacked from air, yes, just like nobody else expected it you could not stop it.” 

“Our country experiences the same every day,” Zelenskyy also said, adding that “Russia has turned the Ukrainian sky into a source of death.” 

Posted by Greg Norman
09:09 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy to Congress: ‘Right now the destiny of our country is being decided’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in a speech to Congress Wednesday, said Kyiv is under attacks every day from Russia, but “it doesn’t give up.” 

“I have the honor to greet you on behalf of the Ukrainian people... who for eight years have been resisting the Russian aggression,” he said. 

“Right now the destiny of our country is being decided,” he added. 

Posted by Greg Norman
09:06 AM, March 16, 2022

Congress gives Zelenskyy a standing ovation ahead of speech

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has received a standing ovation from Congress Wednesday as he is moments away from addressing lawmakers on the war in Ukraine. 

Posted by Greg Norman
09:01 AM, March 16, 2022

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy addresses Congress

Click here to watch on Fox News.

Posted by Fox News
08:45 AM, March 16, 2022

Ukraine claims TV channel hacked by Russians, used to broadcast false Zelenskyy statement

The Ukrainian Center for Strategic Communications & Information Security claimed Wednesday that "Russian hackers broke the news feed on Ukraine 24 TV and launched a false 'statement' by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy about the need to lay down weapons."

"Friends, we have been warned repeatedly about this. No one is going to give up. Especially, in conditions when the Russian army suffers defeat in battles with the Ukrainian army!" the station reportedly said in a Telegram post.

Posted by Greg Norman
08:40 AM, March 16, 2022

Ukrainian MP on peace talks: Russian diplomacy 'trying to catch up' with losses

Ukrainian Parliament member Inna Sovsun joins 'Fox & Friends First' to discuss Russia's claims about peace talks with Ukraine.

Posted by Fox News
08:31 AM, March 16, 2022

Lavrov: 'There are concrete formulations that in my view are close to being agreed'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday that a “business-like spirit” is emerging at talks with Ukraine that are now focused on a neutral status for the war-torn country.

“A neutral status is being seriously discussed in connection with security guarantees,” Lavrov said on Russian channel RBK TV. “There are concrete formulations that in my view are close to being agreed.”

He didn’t elaborate, but said “the business-like spirit” starting to surface in the talks “gives hope that we can agree on this issue.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Posted by Fox News
08:29 AM, March 16, 2022

Russia attacks Ukraine refugee hub, official claims

The Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia -- where people fleeing Mariupol have been taking refuge -- has come under fire Wednesday by the Russian military, an official in the area is claiming.

"Civilian objects have been bombed for the first time in Zaporizhzhia," regional governor Alexander Starukh reportedly wrote on Telegram. "The rockets landed in the area of the Zaporozhye-2 railway station."

There were no immediate reports of casualties.

Posted by Greg Norman
08:08 AM, March 16, 2022

Russian ground troops appear to be stalled by Ukrainian resistance

Former intelligence officer with the Defense Intelligence Agency, Matt Shoemaker, discussed the Russian strategy as the invasion into Ukraine continues.

Posted by Fox News
07:49 AM, March 16, 2022

US Army vet on aiding Ukraine: It's 'heart wrenching'

Army veteran Anthony Pate joins 'Fox & Friends First' to describe his trip to Ukraine to aid civilians affected by the country's war with Russia.

Posted by Fox News
07:39 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy says Ukraine won't put down its arms until victory

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in an Instagram video posted Wednesday, urged Russia's army to "put down their arms and go back home.

"And we are already home," he said. "We are defending our land, our kids, our families, so we are not planning to put down any arms until our victory."

Posted by Fox News
07:12 AM, March 16, 2022

Australian news station drone footage shows destruction in Kyiv

Footage posted on Twitter by 7NewsAustralia shows the extent of damage in Kyiv, with a reporter standing on top of an apartment building that was hit by a Russian military airstrike.

Posted by Greg Norman
07:06 AM, March 16, 2022

Ukraine claims it has killed a fourth Russian general

Russian Maj. Gen. Oleg Mityaev, who commanded the 150th motorized rifle division and had fought in Syria, has been killed in Ukraine, according to Interior Ministry adviser Anton Gerashchenko.

Gerashchenko published a photo on Telegram of what he said was the 46-year-old dead officer, claiming he was killed Tuesday in the area of Mariupol.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported the death of another Russian general in his nighttime address on Tuesday but didn’t name him.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Posted by Greg Norman
06:42 AM, March 16, 2022

Boris Johnson: 'There is no way Ukraine is going to join NATO any time soon'

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Wednesday that Ukraine won't become a member of NATO “any time soon.”

The remark comes a day after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zalenskyy said he knows his country does not have an open door to NATO membership and should instead find ways to protect itself with the help of security guarantees.

Johnson said “the reality of the position” is that “there is no way Ukraine is going to join NATO any time soon," according to the Associated Press.

Russia has opposed Ukraine's aspirations to join NATO.

Posted by Greg Norman
06:31 AM, March 16, 2022

Russian negotiator claims Ukraine is discussing this possible compromise

Russia’s chief negotiator in talks with Ukraine said Wednesday that Ukraine is discussing a possible compromise in which it would have a smaller, non-aligned military going forward, the Associated Press reports, citing Russian news agencies.

“A whole range of issues tied with the size of Ukraine’s army is being discussed,” Russian negotiator Vladimir Medinsky reportedly said. “Ukraine is proposing an Austrian or Swedish option of a neutral state, but a state that has its own army and navy.”

Medinsky said the issues are being discussed in the Russian and Ukrainian defense ministries.

The report comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Wednesday that Russia's demands were becoming “more realistic.” Talks are expected to continue today.

On Tuesday, Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak tweeted that the talks were a "very difficult and viscous negotiation process.

"There are fundamental contradictions. But there is certainly room for compromise," he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Posted by Greg Norman
05:43 AM, March 16, 2022

President Zelenskyy set to address Congress today at 9 a.m.

Posted by Lawrence Richard
05:00 AM, March 16, 2022

Ukraine war upended China's plan to invade Taiwan, alleged FSB whistleblower says

Russia's invasion of Ukraine upended Chinese President Xi Jinping's timetable to invade Taiwan, according to documents purportedly written by a Russian intelligence analyst in one of Moscow's security agencies. 

"Xi Jinping was at least considering taking over Taiwan in the fall - he needs his own little victory to get re-elected for a third term - there the struggle within the elite is colossal," an agent in Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), the successor agency to the KGB, allegedly wrote on March 9.

China will hold its 20th Communist Party Congress this fall, and Xi has said it will be a "major event." Analysts have predicted that Xi will either be re-elected as the general secretary of the Communist Party or be elected to the chairmanship of the party, a position that has not existed since 1982. 

"Now, after the Ukrainian events, this window of opportunity has been closed to him, which gives the United States the opportunity to both blackmail Xi and negotiate with its competitors on favorable terms," the FSB agent added. "It was in this case that we launched a trap mechanism for China with our actions." (READ MORE)

Posted by Lawrence Richard
04:31 AM, March 16, 2022

Ukrainians in shelled cities like Mariupol facing 'inhuman suffering': official

Russian forces attacking the port city of Mariupol have left its residents "on the verge of survival," a Ukrainian coordinator for the humanitarian corridors told Fox News Digital.

"In cities like Mariupol, where there's no light, water, air, heat, food, mobile communications, people are on the verge of survival," Tetiana Lomakina said. "According to eyewitnesses, their only saving grace is that relatives, friends and neighbors are helping each other, cooking on fires, taking water from streams or melting… the snow, lighting their homes with kerosene lamps, sleeping on the cold floor, which has caused mass illnesses among children and the elderly."

"There is no medicine. This is inhuman suffering," she added.

Click here to read more.

Posted by Lawrence Richard
04:03 AM, March 16, 2022

President Zelenskyy awarded 139 state awards to Ukrainian soldiers

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy awarded 139 state awards to Ukrainian soldiers, 32 of them posthumously, "For personal courage and selfless actions shown in defense of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath."

Posted by Lawrence Richard
03:48 AM, March 16, 2022

Russia is "systematically destroying" Ukrainian infrastructure, govt says

“Russia is systematically destroying Ukraineʼs civilian infrastructure, it destroyed 3,500 infrastructure facilities: transport, social, health care facilities, educational and social institutions. More than 2700 houses were destroyed," said the Ukrainian Emergency State Service.

Posted by Lawrence Richard
03:04 AM, March 16, 2022

NJ woman, a 'proud' Ukrainian, sells varsity sweater jackets to support home country amid war

As the Russia-Ukraine war drags on, one small business owner from New Jersey with deep roots in Ukraine is doing her part to help Ukrainian refugees any way she can. 

Lana Riggins, a Ukraine-born knitwear designer, is selling blue and yellow varsity sweater jackets to benefit a local charity that’s supporting Ukraine.

"Kyiv and Kharkiv are very dear to my heart. I have friends in both towns," Riggins said in a phone interview. 

Riggins moved to the U.S. from Ukraine in 1994 to study at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, she said. 

Click here to read more.

Posted by Lawrence Richard
02:59 AM, March 16, 2022

US allies have seen that Biden makes promises he ‘doesn’t keep’: Radcliffe

Posted by Lawrence Richard
02:39 AM, March 16, 2022

Ukrainian artillerymen fire volley: video

Translation: "Uninvited guests will not sleep peacefully on Ukrainian soil - our artillerymen greet them warmly everywhere," Ukraine Defense Ministry said.

Posted by Lawrence Richard
02:11 AM, March 16, 2022

Humanitarian aid arrives in Ukraine

Humanitarian cargo weighing 15 tons has arrived in Ukraine, including baby food from Italy, canned soups from Germany, sewing materials and medicines from the USA.

"In times of difficult trials, each of us must do our best for our joint victory. And now it is very important to provide assistance to the civilian population, because people will understand that they will not be left in trouble and will always be remembered," said Lieutenant General Sergey Naev.

Posted by Lawrence Richard
01:53 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy set to address Congress via Zoom

Posted by Lawrence Richard
01:02 AM, March 16, 2022

President Zelenskyy invites world leaders to Kyiv to see destruction first-hand

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during an address following 20 days of war: “I invite all friends of Ukraine to visit Kyiv. It can be dangerous here, because our skies are not yet closed from Russian missiles and planes."

Posted by Lawrence Richard
12:51 AM, March 16, 2022

Negotiations are 'very difficult' but will continue, a Ukrainian official said

A Ukrainian official said said negotiations with Russia to end the war were "very difficult" as there are "fundamental contradictions," but said they would continue.

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, added: "There is certainly room for compromise." 

"We'll continue tomorrow. A very difficult and viscous negotiation process. There are fundamental contradictions. But there is certainly room for compromise," tweeted Podolyak.

Posted by Lawrence Richard
12:38 AM, March 16, 2022

Now-deleted Kamala Harris tweet claimed US is supporting Ukraine 'in defense of the NATO alliance'

A social media account for Vice President Kamala Harris stated Tuesday in a now-deleted tweet that the United States is supporting Ukraine "in defense of the NATO alliance," which the Ukraine is not a part of.

"When I was in Poland, I met with U.S. and Polish service members, thanking them for standing with our NATO allies for freedom, peace, and security," a tweet from the @KamalaHarris account stated. "The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance."

The remarks made in the tweet, which featured a photo of Harris greeting American and Polish service members, come on the heels of similar statements she made while addressing House Democrats over the weekend at the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) winter meeting in D.C.

Click here to read more.

Posted by Lawrence Richard
12:26 AM, March 16, 2022

Zelenskyy speech to Congress could be most important by a foreign leader since Churchill in 1941

Ukrainian Leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy won’t be the first world leader to speak to both the House and Senate when he speaks virtually tomorrow. But this could be the most any world leader has had on the line when they spoke to Congress in 81 years.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill spoke to Congress on December 26, 1941 — weeks after the U.S. entered World War II following the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Churchill addressed lawmakers in the Senate chamber before movie cameras and added klieg lights. Multiple microphones from NBC, CBS and MBS (the Mutual Broadcasting System) sprang up in front of Churchill on the Senate dais.

Read more.

Posted by Michael Lee
12:25 AM, March 16, 2022

Biden promises more aid to Ukraine

After signing a massive $1.5 trillion government funding bill Tuesday (which includes $13.5 billion in Ukraine assistance), President Biden will announce over $1 billion in military assistance to Ukraine.

The president will announce an additional $800 million in funding, in addition to the $200 million announced on Saturday.

The funding comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to deliver a remote address to Congress Wednesday, during which he is expected to outline a list of equipment the Ukrainians feel they need to fend off the Russian invasion.

Read more here.

Posted by Tyler O'Neil

Coverage for this event has ended.