Cuomo addresses allegations of cover-up over NY nursing home deaths
FOX News contributor Ben Domenech, Harold Ford Jr., and Bill McGurn react on 'Special Report'
Brotherly love truly runs deep on CNN's airwaves as its most-watched news anchor continues to avoid the growing nursing home scandal plaguing the New York governor.
"Cuomo Prime Time" host Chris Cuomo has been criticized for having a conflict of interest during the coronavirus pandemic, particularly for repeatedly welcoming his big brother, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo, onto his show for chummy interviews that largely involved teasing each other's looks, competing for their mother's affection, and even prop comedy.
However, while Gov. Cuomo's controversial nursing home policy that ordered assisted living facilities to accept COVID patients has been brewing for months, recent developments have heightened the cloud over the Cuomo administration into scandal status after the New York Post ran its bombshell about a top aide apologizing to New York Democrats for keeping data of COVID nursing home deaths hidden.
That report was also accompanied by one from the Associated Press, which alleged that over 9,000 COVID patients were sent into nursing homes in the early months of the pandemic.
Despite his brother becoming the center of one of the nation's biggest political news stories, Chris Cuomo managed to fill much of his hour Monday night lecturing Republicans on morality following the now-concluded impeachment trial of former President Trump. He spent less than six minutes of his show even talking about the pandemic, which came toward the end of the hour.
For months, the embattled governor has largely found safe harbor during CNN's primetime lineup. Along with his brother, his pal, "CNN Tonight" anchor Don Lemon, failed to report on the controversy in his two hours on-air.
Anderson Cooper, however, did address the scandal Monday night for roughly five minutes, which was the first he mentioned New York's nursing home scandal since October, when he briefly confronted the governor on the issue during an interview.
Meanwhile, MSNBC completely avoided the subject throughout its primetime lineup on Monday night. Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes and Lawrence O'Donnell have yet to mention Gov. Cuomo's political woes on their programs throughout the pandemic.
While the most prominent shows on CNN and MSNBC continue to skip coverage of the Cuomo scandal, it's picking up steam elsewhere. All three broadcast networks addressed the controversy on their evening news shows on Monday after they skipped coverage on their morning programs.
NBC's "Nightly News" spent the most time on the subject, clocking in at a whopping one minute and 37 seconds. Both ABC's "World News Tonight" and "CBS Evening News" both paled in comparison, offering just 33 seconds and 25 seconds, respectively.