Hannity: Where are the COVID tests?
The "Hannity" host calls on Biden to resign amid his administration’s bungling of its COVID-19 response in his opening monologue.
Sean Hannity called for President Biden's resignation in Tuesday's opening monologue of "Hannity" amid a skyrocketing COVID-19 death toll during his administration.
"More than 419,200 Americans have died from COVID-19 under Joe Biden's watch," Hannity said. "That means more dead Americans from COVID in 2021 than 2020. But in October 2020, Biden claimed … [there were] 220,000 Americans dead. … Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States."
As Hannity noted, Biden's COVID failures come despite running "an entire campaign that he would shut down this virus." Biden broke his oft-repeated campaign promise in late December, saying "there is no federal solution" to the pandemic.
Notwithstanding Biden's insistence on a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," fully vaccinated individuals who have received booster shots and those with natural immunity still contract and transmit the coronavirus, Hannity said.
"This is a big reason why testing is so important," he said. "Now the question is: Where is Joe Biden? Where are the tests, Joe? Because a year ago you vowed to make testing a top priority in your administration. You said it's a travesty that we don't have enough tests when Donald Trump was president. Now those tests for most Americans are nowhere to be found."
Instead, Biden advocated social distancing on children's school buses Tuesday. Hannity said he has "all but outsourced his education policy to major far-left teachers unions" throughout his presidency.
These include the American Federation of Teachers, helmed by president Randi Weingarten.
She is "a real-life radical extremist who worked as hard as she could to keep your kids out of school for nearly two years," Hannity said. "Now, she's lobbying in favor of a vaccine mandate for all public school kids, so don't be surprised if Joe Biden tries to require vaccines for all public school children as young as 5 even though the science is not showing a lot of 5- to 11-year-olds dying."
"Now you see what's happening here?" Hannity continued. "The administration has no plan or strategy to deliver on Joe's lofty campaign promise that he was going to stop the virus. … So they're doubling down, they're tripling down. They're looking for ways to deflect the blame."