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Sean Hannity called on President Biden to "turn around and get back to the White House" Friday after departing for Delaware this weekend as Russian troops battle for Ukraine's capital

Hannity criticized the president for "fleeing the White House" shortly after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced he believes Russians will storm Kyiv tonight.  

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy holds a press conference on Russia's military operation in Ukraine, on February 25, 2022 in Kyiv.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy holds a press conference on Russia's military operation in Ukraine, on February 25, 2022 in Kyiv.

"We're talking about an evil, maniacal dictator with territorial ambitions that probably go well beyond, and even the Biden administration is admitting well beyond Ukraine," Hannity said, "and it's past time for devastating sanctions on Russian oil and gas."


Hannity said that the president won't stand up to the climate change alarmists in his own party and expand American oil and American gas exploration, drilling. These are "all the things that we could do to ease the pressure on our NATO allies and our Western European partners," he added. 

"Joe Biden has created what is a 40-year record high in inflation that is hurting every single American," Hannity said. "That's all because of his failed economic and energy policies."


Hannity also called on Europe and the United States to immediately take tough action against Russia's oil and gas industry. "That is where Putin is getting all of his money, that is his greatest vulnerability," Hannity added.

Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu at the Kremlin, in Moscow on February 14, 2022. ((Photo by ALEXEI NIKOLSKY/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images))

"It's the only one that means anything," Hannity added. "Joe is allowing Putin to get even richer as oil and gas as the lifeblood. It is fully half of Russia's economy."

"That's where Putin is getting all the money to fund his territorial ambitions," Hannity said.