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In her "Ingraham Angle" monologue on Wednesday, host Laura Ingraham ripped the current crop of top military brass, and contrasted them with timeless names like Gens. Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower and Omar Bradley.

Ingraham said Bradley's contemporary, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley – who mans the post the late Korean War strategist was the inaugural holder of – is continually parroting White House talking points when it comes to the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"Less than 24 hours after Biden’s tone-deaf and hectoring speech about the Afghan withdrawal, his top military leaders decided to further squander what’s left of their credibility," she said.

"Today they came off like junior members of the White House comms team.  Saying anything to prop up the commander in chief who didn’t fire them.  They bombed—but not in the way we want the military to bomb. We have 13 American troops dead, hundreds of our fellow citizens stuck in enemy territory, and an emboldened Taliban and other terrorists.  Any rational person knows this was a humiliating failure — and the honorable thing to have done was to admit you didn’t measure up, and tender your resignation."

Ingraham said Milley is joining Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III in "desperately trying to hang onto their jobs by mouthing whatever would please Biden’s political team."

"Instead of giving us a detailed military analysis of what occurred, they regurgitated the same pablum that the Biden White House has been giving us for days.  As if anyone ever doubted the heroism of our troops.  How odious to use the bravery of America’s servicemen as a shield against blame and accountability," she said, after Milley was quoted praising the "talent" and "efforts" of the troops – to which he added: "I am certain of for any soldier, sailor, airman or Marine and their family, your service mattered and it was not in vain."

Regarding Austin, a former CENTCOM commander and Raytheon boardmember, Ingraham said he is trying to usher in sweeping changes to America's refugee policies and other applicable laws.

"Here's an idea," Ingraham countered. "We need a different type of general."

"We want generals who can actually win wars, not ones who mislead Congress for years about the fitness of the Afghan Army and the likelihood of victory."

"How dare they try to lecture us about how many Afghans taxpayers should have to support when they couldn’t support the armed forces who depended on them! The same guys who cut corners in our hasty withdrawal, now they argue that we should cut corners again – this time to speed up resettlement of Afghans?"

She noted that top Democrats like Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono routinely blasted the Trump administration for politicizing the military, while that party remains silent on the current purported similar use of the military as a political tool.

"Now more than any time since the Cold War, we need competent and committed military leaders who can help protect us and our freedoms from our enemies.  Biden tells us that the decision to handle the withdrawal was unanimous among his military advisers.  If that’s the case, they ALL need to be fired," Ingraham said.


"I see zero reason to believe, given what we’ve seen these last few months, that our military can defeat China anywhere at any time."

"Do we really think General MacArthur, or Bradley or Marshall or Eisenhower would have put up with the ineptitude of Milley, Austin and CENTCOM Commander [Frank] McKenzie for five seconds?"