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Democrats have moved on from their Obama-era motto of "never let a crisis go to waste," to their current mantra of "never let a crisis end," Laura Ingraham told viewers Tuesday.

"The Ingraham Angle" host accused Democrat lawmakers of using the coronavirus pandemic to "ram through radical policies", doing so to "devastating effect during the 2020 election cycle.

"Under the guise of protecting public health, liberal state officials made sweeping changes to election laws that were designed to benefit their candidates," she said, adding that those changes worked so well that Democrats want to make them permanent with H.R. 1 -- also known as the "For the People Act" -- whose "sole purpose is to ensure a permanent Democrat majority."

"H.R. 1 takes a chainsaw to our constitutional order," Ingraham argued, "by ending state control over elections, it thus opens the door to rampant fraud and abuse."

Ingraham listed what she called "the bag of horribles" contained in the bill, including mandated universal mail-in ballots, early voting, same-day and online registration, bans on state voter ID laws, prohibitions on states checking duplicate voter registrations with other states within six months of an election, legalizing ballot harvesting and nationwide automatic voter registration by capturing anyone enrolling in college classes, leaving prison, applying for a driver’s license or filing for unemployment, Medicaid or ObamaCare.

"But perhaps the most insidious aspect of H.R. 1 is the targeting of our kids," claimed the Fox News host. "The bill forces states to accept voter registrations from 16 year-olds, even though they cannot legally vote. The bill also turns colleges and universities into government-funded voter mills. H.R. 1 creates 'Campus Vote Coordinators' and [hands out] cash to schools that register students — in other words, schools that churn out the most Democrat voters."

Ingraham urged viewers to contact their senators and tell them to vote against the bill and singled out West Virginia residents, due to the crucial role that Sen. Joe Manchin is likely to play in the fate of this legislation.

"Right now," Ingraham declared, "The Senate is the only thing standing between this bill and Biden’s signature."


Ingraham concluded by saying "allowing Democrats, or frankly anyone, to use a pandemic or any other crisis — real or imagined — to pervert our voting process and to gut voter ID laws" should never be allowed to happen again.

"We need to restore integrity to our elections and not allow partisan, outside forces to dilute or cancel our votes."