Media top headlines September 7
In media news today, Rachel Maddow and other liberal media figures get slammed for 'taking the bait' on false ivermectin overdose story, CNN gets blasted for an article that claims 'Whiteness' will be expanded to 'tan' in a more diverse America, and The New York Times gets mocked for a piece that appeared to defend Biden's Afghanistan exit
ABC News’ "The View" returned from summer hiatus on Tuesday and co-host Joy Behar quickly praised President Biden for pulling U.S. troops from Afghanistan, claiming that Americans will come around on the president in about six months.
Biden has been criticized from all sides since the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan during a chaotic withdrawal last month but the liberal pundit feels the president will eventually get praised for his role.

"The View" co-host Joy Behar praised President Biden for pulling U.S. troops from Afghanistan, claiming that Americans will come around on the president in about six months.
"I believe that in six months, people will say about this war that Biden got us out of the longest war that Americans ever had. No other president can say that," Behar said. "I think the man deserves a lot of credit for that and Americans will back him up in six months to a year."
Co-host Sara Haines disagreed, admitting she voted for Biden but feels American troops should have stayed in Afghanistan to maintain peace in the region.
"I think we had to stay there to protect what was going on," Haines said.
Behar’s comments came without a token conservative to chime in, as Meghan McCain ditched the daytime gabfest at the end of last season. Former Utah congresswoman Mia Love will occupy McCain’s old seat for the first week of the new season, but she was not scheduled to begin until Wednesday.
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, CNN host S.E. Cupp, former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, former Fox News host Eboni K. Williams, CNN analyst Mary Katharine Ham, Trump communications director Alyssa Farah and reality TV star Cameran Eubanks are also expected to serve as guest hosts while producers search for a permanent McCain replacement.
Executive producer Brian Teta said last week that he is "taking a little time" before deciding who will be McCain’s permanent replacement.
McCain said her decision to leave was difficult, but she enjoyed settling down in Washington, D.C., with her husband and daughter since the coronavirus pandemic and didn't want to upend her life again for the New York-based program. A source told Fox News last month it was indeed McCain's decision to leave the program.
The Biden administration removed all U.S. troops and military assets from Afghanistan last week, after having a presence in the region for 20 years.
Fox News’ Brooke Singman contributed to this report.