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Former Reagan Justice Department official and host of "Life, Liberty & Levin" Mark Levin called for President Biden to fire Adm. Michael Gilday, chief of Naval Operations.

Gilday was recently questioned by House Armed Services Committee member Jim Banks, R-Ind., who called attention to his inclusion of "How to Be an Anti-Racist" by left-wing academic Ibram X. Kendi, in recommended reading for Naval officers. 

"Do you personally consider advocating for the destruction of American capitalism to be extremist?" Banks asked. Gilday replied that he would not "defend cherry-picked quotes from somebody's book" – and that Banks was trying to paint the Navy as "woke."

Gilday was similarly terse with Rep. Douglas Lamborn, R-Colo., who asked how Kendi's divisive book would further cohesion in the U.S. military.

"There is racism in the Navy just as there is racism in our country, and the way we are going to get out of it is by being honest and not sweeping it under the rug," Gilday testified during the hearing. 

The admiral previously served in the Gulf War, as well as a position at the former NATO command post in Oeiras, Portugal.

On "Hannity," Levin echoed the concerns of those lawmakers, declaring that Gilday is, in his mind, safe in his post because he is purportedly a "Biden lackey."

"Adm. Michael Gilday … may have been a great warrior as an admiral. He needs to be fired," Levin told host Sean Hannity.

"This is a man who is encouraging personnel in the Navy to read one of the most racist books in modern times by this fellow by the name of Kendi."

"Kendi isn't writing about civil liberties and civil rights and real diversity or anything of the sort," Levin added. "People need to understand something … critical race theory is a Marxist-based ideology. It's not even about race: It's about destroying the existing society using race, gender; using the climate; using immigration…"

In an interview with Slate this month, Kendi defended critical race theory, saying that Republicans and other critics chose to attack it because "they felt they could define it more easily than other terms."

Levin said that "critical race theoreticians" show they "reject" Dr. Martin Luther King and his teachings and activism.

While King believed that people should be judged by the content of their character, Levin said critical race theory preaches that if you live "in a color-blind society, you're a sellout and part of the white-supremacist-dominant society."

"They reject the 1964 & 1965 civil rights acts as halfway measures to cover up for white supremacy."

Levin went on to refer to proponents of critical race theory as "fools" who reject both the outcome of the U.S. Civil War and the advances made by King and other civil rights leaders.

"They are rejecting that which has taken place in this country -- they are embracing Marxism."

"[Gilday] is pushing this Marxist ideology."