By Joseph Wulfsohn
Published December 10, 2020
Piers Morgan blasted the American news media for turning a blind eye to the Hunter Biden scandal Thursday, asking what would have happened if similar allegations were made against members of the Trump family.
"Imagine for a moment that Donald Trump had won the US [sic] election last month," Morgan began his column in The Daily Mail. "Imagine if Trump had actually won fair and square and was now preparing to be inaugurated for his second term of office. Then imagine that his victory was quite narrow, like Biden's, and came down to a few thousand votes in the swing states.
"Then imagine," Morgan continued, "that just before the election, a major US [sic] newspaper had published an explosive story about his son Donald Trump Jr. based around the contents of his personal laptop that revealed extensive dodgy dealings with people from foreign countries, some very unfriendly to the United States, and which even suggested his father may have been involved in some of those dealings."
The British journalist then urged readers to "imagine" what would happen if -- despite the Trump campaign not denying key elements of the reporting -- "90% of America's mainstream media deliberately refused to cover the story" while social media giants like Twitter and Facebook "actively suppressed it altogether," Finally, Morgan invited readers to imagine hearing that Donald Trump Jr. was being investigated by the authorities all along.
"By now, some of you might be screaming that the election was 'rigged' and 'stolen' from Joe Biden, right?" Morgan suggested. "And of course, that is exactly what Donald Trump will be screaming all day long today, as he does every day, only this time with some actual evidence to support his otherwise hysterical claims."
Morgan revived his attacks against the media for its "abject failure to properly report the New York Post's scoop" at the time the bombshell report came out in October, calling it a "shameful dereliction of journalistic duty driven by the inherent liberal bias of much of the US [sic] media," stressing he made that criticism "as a liberal myself."
He then took aim at his former employer CNN, accusing "Reliable Sources" host Brian Stelter of canceling Morgan's scheduled appearance after he lambasted news organizations for refusing to cover the Hunter Biden story.
"If I were appearing on Stelter's show this Sunday, I might ask him if he is still comfortable that CNN refused to pursue the Post's story before the election?" Morgan wrote. "And what would they have done if it had been about Donald Trump Jr instead?"
After acknowledging he doesn't know for certain if President-elect Biden's son broke any laws, Morgan concluded: "Whatever the truth, the bombshell revelation that Hunter's the subject of a formal federal investigation is now a story that even the Trump-loathing mainstream media cannot ignore – however hard some will doubtless try."
Morgan's sentiments appeared to have received the stamp of approval from Trump Jr., who retweeted the column after sharing it on Twitter.