Published October 12, 2023
FOX News host Sean Hannity reacts to the war in Israel and calls out anti-Semitism on "Hannity."
SEAN HANNITY: Hamas is officially under siege. This war will not end until Hamas no longer exists. Make no mistake, the terrorists of Hamas, they are responsible. They are alone responsible for the immense human suffering on both sides of the Gaza border. The media mob, radical left-wing Democrats, watch, wait, you will see, I'll be proven right, they will very soon be attacking Israel for defending itself.
So, be prepared for the propaganda war from the left to begin, but here are the facts tonight: Gaza cannot produce its own clean water because Hamas re-purposed the city's plumbing. Why? Because they wanted to produce more rockets to attack Israel. Gaza cannot produce its own electricity. Why? Because Hamas accidentally knocked out critical infrastructure during a rocket attack against Israel and failed to rebuild a power plant after diverting aid and supplies to build rockets and dig tunnels with Israeli and American money and cement.
Yes, U.S. money, Israeli money, money that was supposed to be used to build schools and hospitals? Nope. It's been used for terrorist attacks, tunnels to kill Israelis and others. Now, Gaza doesn't even have a reliable sewer system because Hamas dug it up. Why did they dig it up? They wanted to turn the metal sewage pipes, you got it, into more rockets. The terrorists of Hamas, they are evil. It's that simple, and as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated, Hamas is ISIS.
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