Steve Hilton: How does Anthony Fauci still have a job?

New report reveals the doctor lied to Congress again and again, Hilton says

A new report reveals that Dr. Anthony Fauci has a strong hand in funding research behind the origins of the coronavirus pandemic and "The Next Revolution" host Steve Hilton questioned why America’s beloved doctor still has not been held accountable.

"How is it possible that we have someone there who is now clearly revealed to have lied to Congress?" he asked on "Fox News Primetime." "The substance [of the report] isn’t particularly new but the detail is new. It’s further evidence that he lied to Congress, he’s lied every time he’s been asked about it."

"And you think – how is it possible that this guy who lies and lies and lies again is still in his job?"

During a July meeting on Capitol Hill, Fauci faced heated questioning from Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., who accused the immunologist of fostering COVID-19 beginnings. Fauci denied he had anything to do with the virus which has now killed more than four million people worldwide and shamed Paul for the blaring accusation.


But a new report from The Intercept revealed hundreds of documents from the National Institute of Health (NIH) suggest that EcoHealth Alliance used millions in federal grant money for bat coronavirus research.

Hilton stressed that the Republican senator was right for pinning the pandemic on Fauci who also managed to ignore funding rules set in place by both the Obama and Trump administrations.

"We are saying that the most likely origin of the pandemic is this research that Fauci and [Francis] Collins funded," he said. "And remember – they went around the rules to fund… this reckless, dangerous research."

The Fox News host explained that even though the Biden administration has brushed off the issue by continuing to place blame on the Chinese, Fauci’s research funding is still under investigation by Health and Human Services (HHS) and is expected to release its findings next year.

"We have to hope that the [HHS] inspector general will at least reveal the truth of this which is first that Fauci lied about the gain-of-function research that he funded and secondly – and this is where I think we might finally get some accountability – he broke the rules that were in place under two administrations to push forward this dangerous research."


Hilton considered Fauci to be a "fanatic" in favor of this research and recited the doctor’s comment in a 2011 Washington Post op-ed where he suggested, "creating a dangerous virus in the laboratory is a risk worth taking."

"Does he still think that today?" he asked.

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