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"What's Killing America" author Jason Rantz believes a "subset of radical activists within the Democratic Party" are ruining American cities, but hopes his new book can offer solutions because the country is "not going in the right direction."

"I wrote ‘What's Killing America: Inside the Radical Left’s Tragic Destruction of Our Cities,’ because I've been covering so many of these issues that have been destroying big Democrat-run cities, but notice, of course, that they were spreading," Rantz told FOX News Digital. 

Rantz, a Seattle-based conservative radio host who has been putting a spotlight on issues plaguing big cities for years, has noticed what happens in major cities spreads out to suburbs, effectively impacting all Americans.  



"What's Killing America: Inside the Radical Lefts Tragic Destruction of Our Cities" by Jason Rantz is available where books are sold. 

"The good news is we know precisely why some of the crises are hitting us. We can point directly to policies, to an ideology," Rantz said. "The problem, however, is that not a lot of people are connecting the dots. Local media doesn't often connect the dots, specifically explaining why something is happening. And so, one of the reasons why I wrote ‘What's Killing America’ is to tell you. To connect the dots for you so that we can actually push back and enact some change."

Rantz believes that Americans who rely on news outlets like CNN, MSNBC and The New York Times for information are "in denial" about what’s occurring, because mainstream news organizations often gloss over the damning issues in Democrat-run cities. In addition, most Americans don’t even have time to consume enough news to truly understand the nuances of problems regarding things like crime, education, and homelessness.

"’What's Killing America’ condenses everything into a book form, so we can engage and understand truly, not just what's going on, but the why," Rantz said.  

"We all generally have an understanding, especially in these big cities, that, yes, there is a crime problem. Yes, there is a homeless or drug abuse problem. We certainly know when cost of living goes through the roof or when education gets into propaganda and indoctrination. But we don't always know the why," he continued. "We don't always know who to, or what to point to, in order to reverse that course. And ‘What's Killing America’ aims to do that."


Portland homeless camps

Jason Rantz puts a spotlight on issues plaguing Democrat-run cities. (AP Photo/Craig Mitchelldyer, File)

The book details how "radical policies spread outside of big cities" and infiltrate suburbs and rural areas. 

"There's no real hiding from it," he said. "There have been a lot of folks who decided to leave San Francisco or L.A., or they decided to leave Chicago, because they wanted to get away from the danger. But then they found out, well, it just continues to spread because no one is getting in its way. No one is stopping it." 

Rantz also explored why the average American isn’t necessarily "speaking the language of the radical left" and may accidently endorse policies that "sound good on paper" but end up hurting their community. 

"Good luck finding a community that hasn't been hit by the drug epidemic. We have a crisis in this country. We have an open border, which I get to in ‘What's killing America,’ but the fact of the matter is, harm reduction is a policy that right now is being utilized," he said. 

"Now, if I went and ask some random person whether it's in Sarasota or Tempe, they're not going to be able to define it. And yet that's precisely why we have the drug crisis that we have," Rantz continued. "So, if we’re not able to define the crisis and know why it's not working, we're never going to truly push back. And ultimately, we're never truly going to be safe."


Jason Rantz radio host

Jason Rantz said his new book helps Americans "connect the dots" between liberal policies and the issues plaguing big cities. (Fox News Digital)

"What’s Killing America" also goes out of its way to differentiate Democrats and what Rantz calls the "radical left."

"I don't think the Democrats are the problem. I think a subset of radical activists within the Democratic Party are the problem," Rantz said. 

He believes that far-left activists who use "tactics of intimidation, bullying and, frankly, violence," have been able to seize a lot of power within the Democrat Party

"Unfortunately, in these blue cities, counties, states, they've been getting into office, and they've been taking that ideology that is very, very, very extreme and far to the left to implement policy changes that are impacting our lives for the worse," he said, noting that the average Democrat probably doesn’t agree with issues plaguing America.  

"I think it's a group of activists that are, and right now they have power because we've allowed them to get as much power as they have. And so, ‘What's Killing America’ is a tool that we can use to take that power back," Rantz said. "It's time that we take our cities back."

Rantz isn’t just some talking head and has proven his dedication to restoring America by going undercover in dangerous situations. In the book, he detailed a shocking story about being embedded with Antifa thugs attempting to cause chaos when one of the liberal anarchists learned he was among the group. 


"This is not going in the right direction. We are not trending well, whether it goes to crime or cost of living, which is rather ironic because you're spending more money living in cities that are more dangerous. We've got to get off this path," Rantz said.

"There is a way. But at some point, it's going to be too late for individual cities. And I don't want anyone out there to be in one of those cities and realize when it's too late," he added. "We can save this. We just need the tools, the knowledge, to be able to do that. And ‘What's Killing America’ will give them to you."

"What's Killing America: Inside the Radical Left's Tragic Destruction of Our Cities" is available where books are sold

FOX News’ Joseph A. Wulfsohn contributed to this report. 

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