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All signs point to the Senate’s swift confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court by the end of this month.  

Judge Barrett performed impeccably before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, to the point that even Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the top committee Democrat, stated -- off-script -- how impressed she was. 

The American Bar Association—by no means an ally of conservatives—gave its highest rating (“Well Qualified”) to Judge Barrett, praising the judge’s integrity, temperament, and intellect. 

Democrats were so dispirited after three days of hearing from Judge Barrett that there was barely a third round of questioning on Wednesday evening.  


Senators spent less than ten minutes reviewing her FBI background check. Indeed, she was just fully vetted three years ago for the Seventh Circuit, and no one seriously believes a federal judge, law professor and mother of seven kids had a “Breaking Bad” streak after that.

It is almost certain that Democrats all will vote against her, toeing the party line, but she appears to have at least fifty-one Republican votes.  

As such, she is home free and will soon be confirmed to the Supreme Court with a vote on Monday, October 26. 

Or is she?

In September 1991, the Senate Judiciary Committee—chaired by then-Senator Joe Biden—forwarded to the full Senate the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Clarence Thomas.  

The Senate scheduled the final confirmation vote for October 8. Judge Thomas appeared to have his confirmation securely in hand. 

Then, the media struck, reporting that the FBI was investigating a complaint of sexual harassment against Judge Thomas by Anita Hill, his former employee. The Senate delayed the vote on Judge Thomas’s nomination for a week while the Judiciary Committee heard from Judge Thomas, Hill, and others. 

This riveted the country, as both sides told their sides of the story--radically opposed to one another. 

Judge Thomas delivered an impassioned opening statement, referring to the proceedings as “a circus” and “a high-tech lynching.” Ultimately, the Senate voted 52-48 to confirm Justice Thomas on October 15, and he serves on the Court today--29 years later, but with a grossly unfair asterisk next to his name.

Having seen how close they came to destroying one good man, the left repeated their playbook in 2018. 

This time, President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the “swing seat” left by retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy. Judge Kavanaugh expertly performed at his hearing, and the Senate had his confirmation on track for a swift vote. Judge Kavanaugh had passed 6 FBI full-field background investigations and full White House, Justice Department, and Senate vetting before. Justice Kavanaugh was a shoe in.

Until the left almost destroyed him.

This saga began with allegations of some misconduct of a sexual nature by Judge Kavanaugh. The details were sketchy, but media outlets frantically sought them. 

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On September 16, the story exploded. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford alleged in an interview with The Washington Post that a teenage Kavanaugh had attempted to rape her in 1982. 

Judge Kavanaugh vehemently denied Ford’s charge which was riddled with contradictions. The left trotted out a circus full of others touting allegations against the Judge, including one led by Michael Avenatti, previously notorious as the lawyer for pornographic film star Stormy Daniels and who in 2020 is currently on home confinement facing extortion charges.

 Avenatti’s new client, Julie Swetnick, alleged that Kavanaugh was one of the leaders of a gang-rape ring that had operated at parties for years in the early 1980s. No one corroborated Swetnick’s charges, but that did not stop senators from portraying her allegations as credible. It was her account that prompted Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to call for Judge Kavanaugh’s withdrawal.

Judge Kavanaugh, however, refused to stand back and let the left destroy him. 

On September 27, he delivered an impassioned defense before the Senate Judiciary Committee, emphatically denying every charge. On October 6, the Senate voted 50-48 to confirm him to the Court. 


Protests erupted; some angry demonstrators were even banging on the bronze doors of the Supreme Court on the evening of Kavanaugh's confirmation. 

Justice Kavanaugh managed to survive his ordeal, and Republicans gained two Senate seats in the November elections, in large part due to the fiasco that had been the Kavanaugh confirmation. 

Yet again, Democrats and their allies on the left succeeded in unfairly putting an asterisk next to another Republican-appointed Supreme Court justice’s name, which Ford’s attorney Debra Katz later admitted was Ford’s goal.

Fast forward now to the present. With absolutely nothing else for which to attack Judge Barrett, Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, actually asked the nominee last week if she had ever demanded sexual favors or sexually assaulted anyone.

Others have revoltingly questioned her faith and even family, including her family's decision to adopt two of her children from Haiti.

Not realizing her mic was live, Feinstein, the Judiciary Committee's lead Democrat again chastised Judge Barrett’s faith and pro-life stance after the hearing on Wednesday.

Democrats have made clear their desperation to preserve the liberal advantage in courts across the country, and especially on the Supreme Court. 

They have set the wheels in motion to pack the Court, strategizing about how they can create additional seats to fill with leftist jurists. 

They have said repeatedly that they will stop at nothing to attempt to derail Judge Barrett’s nomination, and we’ve seen their attempts before. 


Any American who supports a judicial system that respects and upholds our Constitution should wonder what tricks Democrats have up their sleeves for these next couple of weeks.

The Democrats have proven that they will sink to the lowest depths to destroy Supreme Court nominees from Republican presidents. So get ready and brace yourselves.