In many ways, service is in my blood. My father and my uncles all joined the military, and when I graduated from high school, I knew that I wanted to follow in their footsteps and fight for my country.
Just like them, I knew that this is the greatest nation on the planet, and I wanted to do my part to keep it that way. I have never been angry that I left limbs on the battlefield in order to defend our freedom and our way of life. But I didn’t fight in Afghanistan just to see President Biden throw away the security, prosperity and freedom that myself and so many patriots gave so much for.
In one year, everything that President Biden has touched has fallen apart. The United States today is less secure, less prosperous and less free than it was on January 19, 2021.
Look no further than the record number of border crossings or the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. While he rolls out the welcome mat on the southern border, President Biden abandons the prison at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and lets thousands of Taliban terrorists go free.
Taken alone, either of these disasters is a huge threat to Americans' security. Taken together, we’re facing the probability that terrorists – who believe that they were released from prison to extract revenge on the U.S. – could be smuggled across our border and into our cities. My friends gave their lives for American security, and now, the commander-in-chief has shown zero commitment to our cause.
In one year, everything that President Biden has touched has fallen apart.
Our nation is also less prosperous under President Biden. Families are paying more for everything – when they can find it. Inflation has sent the cost of food, gas, clothes and used cars through the roof, just to name a few. I gave my legs to protect our way of life and the prosperity of the American Dream, and now, President Biden is destroying it by raising taxes, spying on people’s bank accounts, and telling Americans to do more with less while he does less with more.
Worse is that, thanks to President Biden, our nation is less free. In the last 12 months, we’ve seen egregious power grabs that infringe on the rights and privacy of citizens, and when someone tries to speak out, he or she is quickly silenced by the Biden administration and its allies at Facebook and Twitter.
Whether it is a federal employee protesting a vaccine mandate, or President Trump’s secretary of defense having his writing censored by the Biden Department of Defense, differing opinions are not tolerated. My brothers and sisters in arms fought so that our five fundamental freedoms, enshrined in the First Amendment, could never be undermined, not to see people’s freedom of speech and right to privacy eviscerated.
In combat, we never gave up the fight, and we never will. Hope is not lost. In Congress, I will fight so that my kids, Magnum, Maverick, Madlyn, and Major, get to grow up and never have to know the subjugation that children in Afghanistan or China live under. I’ll back the heroes in our law enforcement and the military so that kids can be kids and play in safe neighborhoods.
I’ll oppose spending that puts our kids into debt to China. I’ll continue to speak out so that my kids grow up with the freedom that has made this nation the envy of every other nation – freedom to speak their minds, freedom to choose what is best for themselves, and freedom to live their American Dreams.
No matter the inhibitor to our independence, I’ll fight with the tenacity that I did in war because our country deserves no less.