Gingrich: Biden is not going to win a second term
Fox News political analyst Newt Gingrich weighs in as President Biden's poll numbers drop and possible 2024 Democratic candidates emerge
Look around and try to find something in America today that is working.
Inflation is floating around 8.6 percent according to the latest report by the U.S. Department of Labor – the highest it’s been since 1981.
The national average price of a gallon of gasoline is $4.63 – and it’s as high as $6 in California. The Biden administration is hindering new oil production and selling oil from our strategic reserve to other countries.
Americans are experiencing once-unthinkable shortages of baby formula, personal hygiene products, fertilizer, and basic pantry staples. The Biden administration is blaming Russia’s war on Ukraine – and doing little to end it.

Jan. 23, 2022: Fox News footage shows migrants being released into the US. (Fox News)
Millions of people are crossing the southern border illegally and meeting virtually no resistance. This disaster is enriching international crime cartels who benefit from illegally trading drugs and human beings. People are dying, children are being sold into sexual slavery, and the administration is doing nothing to secure the border.
Speaking of enrichment, Iran is rapidly enriching uranium. Nuclear weapons experts say the world’s largest funder of terrorism is close to having weapons-grade material. The Biden administration is feebly asking Tehran to stop and come back to a flawed deal that would only delay its plans.
This list goes on.
Now think about each one of these problems and what state they were in two years ago just before Joe Biden took office and Chuck Schumer became Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate.
In December 2020, the annual U.S. rate of inflation was 1.4 percent – more than seven percentage points lower.
A gallon of gas cost $2.28 on average. America was no longer dependent on hostile foreign nations for energy.
America’s only significant shortages included rare earth metals, such as aluminum and silicon, and products made with them.
The southern border was secure. U.S. Border Patrol only had 40,565 encounters in December 2020 (compared to 239,416 in May 2022).

The shortage started three months ago, when the FDA found a deadly bacterial contamination which led to a baby formula recall, and shut down a major manufacturing plant. (FNC)
Meanwhile, there was largely peace abroad. Russia had not invaded Ukraine (and would not likely have considered doing so) because it could expect a serious reaction from a U.S.-led international community. Bloodshed had largely been staunched in Afghanistan. And Iran was under crippling economic sanctions that hindered its ability to develop nuclear weapons.
In other words, things were working.
They aren’t working anymore, and there’s a simple reason: Big Government Socialism doesn’t work, and it can’t.
As I wrote in my new book, "Defeating Big Government Socialism:"
"The core tenets of Big Government Socialism – wealth distribution, woke thought-policing, and dictatorial government control – have become the core tenets of the American Democratic Party. The few moderates who are left are either being coerced to fall in line or pushed out of office by the radical wing, which has taken over."
Big Government Socialism doesn’t work now – and no permutation of socialism ever has.
More than any rhetoric or ideological argument, the reality of the last two years has shown that the Democrats’ fanatical belief that gigantic, self-interested, ideologically driven federal bureaucracies cannot solve our problems. In fact, they more often get in the way of the historic success that comes from freedom, local decision-making, and entrepreneurial activity.

The Democrats’ attempts to control markets (such as the American energy sector) and manage foreign affairs (such as the surrender in Afghanistan and Russia’s war in Ukraine) have been disastrous failures. This is because their basic beliefs about how government and society work are just plain wrong.
I wrote this book because (as Ronald Reagan once said) I think America is again at a critical time for choosing.
Down one road is continued decay and decline under Big Government Socialism. Down the other road is a renewal of the American faith in hard work, free enterprise, and problem-solving.
I hope you will read my book and start working today to restore an America that works.