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Psst, an occasionally reliable source tells me Joe Biden has settled on a motto for his administration. It’s going to be “The Way We Were.”

Just before he announced the first members of his team, the next president was heard singing in his Delaware basement,

Memories light the corners of my mind,“Misty water-colored memories of the way we were.”

My source claims Biden wanted Perry Como to sing the song at the inauguration. Informed that Como died nearly 20 years ago, Biden agreed to let a fresh face, Barbra Streisand, give it a try.


The next president turned 78 last Friday and his first selections reveal he’s got a bad case of nostalgia. Less kindly, he’s stuck in the past.

Is Biden assembling an administration or a wax museum? John Kerry and Janet Yellen, you’re melting! And it has nothing to do with climate change.

The problem is not just that Biden’s selections show a fondness for old shoes. It’s the policies, stupid.

Robert Gates, who ran the CIA and was later secretary of defense during much of the Obama-Biden administration, famously said of the former vice president, “I think he’s been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

In Washington terms, that gives Biden a perfect record, and because nothing succeeds like failure, it’s not surprising he would tap others involved in many of the same policy disasters.

Is Biden assembling an administration or a wax museum? John Kerry and Janet Yellen, you’re melting! And it has nothing to do with climate change.

As Sen. Marco Rubio described it, Biden has gathered “polite and orderly caretakers of American decline.”

America First is dead, America Last is back. Is there a good idea in the house?

Kerry, as secretary of state, was the architect of the Iran deal and the Paris climate accord, both of which President Trump rightly jettisoned. Now Kerry’s back as climate czar, and eager to throw another wet blanket over the economy. Biden foolishly also put him on the National Security Council, guaranteeing monologues and endless turf battles.

The Iran pact coddled and financed the murderous mullahs and their terror brigades while paving the way for them to get nukes. Biden, perhaps unaware of the earth-shattering Mideast changes during the last four years, has talked of wanting to return to it.

Somebody might want to get his attention by singing that “time has rewritten every line.” Under the Abraham Accords forged by Trump, three Muslim countries — the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan — recognized Israel and are establishing trade and tourist relations with the Jewish state.

Just last weekend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the crown prince of Saudi Arabia met in a historic first, suggesting the Saudis might join the growing club.


The triumph of peace over hatred reflects that the four Muslim countries fear Iran and regard Israel as an ally. Kerry said such deals were not possible without Palestinian approval. He was clearly wrong, so why would Biden jeopardize progress by again embracing Iran and its malignant regime?

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Here’s another sure sign of how bad Biden’s picks are: China is delighted. The Global Times, a Communist Party mouthpiece pretending to be a newspaper, saw the choices, especially that of Tony Blinken as secretary of state and Jake Sullivan as national security adviser, as evidence Biden “would bring back a rational approach to relations with China.”

Rational to China means they win, we lose. That was the imbalance Trump inherited, and he made great progress in changing, or didn’t Biden notice that either?

Even most Democrats realize that China was ripping off our technology and stealing jobs for the last 30 years, and that Trump’s trade deals, and the use of tariffs, were big steps in fixing the one-sided relationship.

The Global Times also quoted a Chinese professor as saying Blinken’s history shows “his stance is softer than that of the current administration.” Another professor said that “Compared to Trump’s barbaric style of dealing with China, Biden will take a much more civilized manner with a much more clever approach.”

Amid all this flattery, it’s worth remembering that China, with its vast spying network and cyber snooping, knows what Hunter Biden was up to with his schemes, and also what Joe Biden knew about his son’s lucrative deal with Chinese officials, struck while Joe was veep. And Blinken reportedly met twice with Hunter Biden in 2015 in the State Department.

That kind of thing is why Attorney General Bill Barr must take the existing FBI probe of possible money laundering by Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe’s brother, and fold it into an expanded probe headed by a special counsel. The aim would be to protect the investigation from a Biden White House so it could learn whether crimes were committed and whether Joe Biden is compromised by his family’s dealings with leaders of the Communist Party.

Tony Bobulinski, a former partner of Hunter and Jim’s, told the FBI that Joe Biden was slated to get a secret 10 percent cut in one arrangement. It’s worth noting, too, that no Biden has claimed the bombshell emails The Post published or anything Bobulinski said is false.


Sullivan, the new national security adviser, also has some explaining to do. He worked for Biden in the White House, so presumably knows all about the family’s China connections. He also helped push the Steele dossier, which was used by the FBI to spy on Trump’s 2016 campaign and ultimately led to the Robert Mueller investigation.

As Fox News reported, Sullivan secretly admitted to Congress he met with Washington media outlets before the 2016 election and “walked through what we understood to be the case” of Russia collusion with the Trump campaign. Chalk that up as another example of weaponizing government power for partisan purposes, though not a single Democrat, including Biden, ever apologized for putting the nation through three years of hell based on phony accusations of collusion.

It’s bad enough most of those people escaped accountability. Worse, some now get an encore. Backward, march!