Brandon Judd: ICE deportation raids – Here's the truth (that even Pelosi and Clinton don't want to admit)

Our nation’s capital is paralyzed by political gridlock. Democrats and Republicans often refuse to fight through the gridlock, and the American people they are supposed to serve pay the price. There is no better example of this than our illegal immigration disaster.

The United States became the greatest nation on earth because of our Constitution, which is the foundation of the laws that govern our land.  From the beginning of our country’s history, we’ve believed in the rule of law which has provided opportunity and prosperity to all who reside within our borders.  We are the envy of the world – which is the reason we face illegal immigration rates not seen by other nations year after year.

Given our prosperity, freedom and opportunity, it is unfathomable that Democrats are so intent on destroying one of the pillars that has supported our great nation for so long, the rule of law.


Consider three of the countries from which so many people are fleeing today –Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.  All three countries are rich in natural resources. All three countries have seaports, which allow for trade with other countries. They all have an able and willing workforce. So why aren’t they prosperous? Because all three countries have governments that fail to uphold the rule of law. 

Consider Mexico and its gun laws. 

Of all the nations that hold free elections, Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws.  Notwithstanding those laws, Mexico has the highest murder rate of all free nations. And most of the murders are committed with illegal firearms.

Powerful people are intent on upending the rule of law.  They would rather see the fabric that made our society the envy of the world torn to shreds, traded for personal power and political gain. 

They have extremely tough gun laws, but because bribery runs rampant and the laws aren’t evenly enforced, they mean nearly nothing. Many of Mexico’s citizens who can’t bribe their way out of obeying gun laws are ruled over by armed mobs of drug traffickers, common thugs who have zero respect for laws.

Mexico’s gun laws sound eerily similar to our immigration laws. The United States has some good immigration laws. The laws are intended to provide for an orderly immigration system. Immigration is supposed to work for the benefit of the United States, not for the benefit of lawbreakers who have no respect for our laws.  We are a country of immigrants, most of whom came to the United States legally.  The U.S. accepts more legal immigrants than any other nation in the world, yet we still have an illegal immigration problem that is out of control.

The major breakdown and the key magnet drawing people to cross our borders illegally is our failure to enforce the laws that currently exist.

The highly-publicized Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids which kicked off Sunday are the only examples you need to see in order to understand the complete breakdown in the rule of law. This breakdown is why people from other countries feel so empowered to come to the U.S. illegally.

In open defiance of the law, both Pelosi and Clinton have published guides for illegal immigrants who have already been ordered deported by a judge. These guides show illegal immigrants how they can avoid lawful deportation orders. The guides are unfathomable and unconscionable on many levels. 

Some of the most powerful people in the United States, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former first lady, Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are helping people in the United States evade justice.

In open defiance of the law, both Pelosi and Clinton have published guides for illegal immigrants who have already been ordered deported by a judge. These guides show illegal immigrants how they can avoid lawful deportation orders. The guides are unfathomable and unconscionable on many levels. 

Although ICE raids under the Obama administration proved to be effective tools and were condoned by Mrs. Clinton when she was Secretary of State, and by Congresswoman Pelosi, when she previously served as Speaker of the House and then Minority Leader, they’re now derided by these two decorated women as inhumane under the Trump administration. 

Nobody should wonder why we face a crisis at the border greater than anything we experienced during the Obama administration.

Powerful people are intent on upending the rule of law.  They would rather see the fabric that made our society the envy of the world torn to shreds, traded for personal power and political gain. 

Incessantly attacking, dehumanizing and endangering our law enforcement officers and agencies who are simply trying to enforce the laws that our legislators enacted in the first place is wrong.


Attacking the rule of law is wrong.

If this continues we face a fate similar to the countries so many are fleeing.


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