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Critical race theory and its proponents have dominated American society for more than four years. From corporations to classrooms, it's everywhere and yet, those same proponents shout ‘racism’ when folks like myself have grave concerns over its effects on not just our nation, but our nation’s future: our children.

Functioning as more than a simple curriculum, CRT has resulted in the unfair treatment of underserved kids; brainwashing them to believe things like poor academic achievement and mediocracy is sufficient based on their ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Fundamentally, CRT is harming our nation’s youth through the promotion of segregation, the degradation of academic aptitude, and the denial of the American Dream.


Empty Classroom In Elementary School.

Empty classroom in an elementary school.  (Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

I have seen first-hand the results of CRT on some of our nation’s most vulnerable youth at my organization, the Jack Brewer Foundation. My kids—often from broken homes without fathers—are often told in school that their F’s are "good" because of their socioeconomic status and their race. These schools don’t address the deficiencies in math or struggles in reading—where some of these kids are at a reading level which is three to four grades behind—and yet they still are pushed through the school system. There is no extra programming or specialized training to even attempt to address their learning impairments.

No child, regardless of race, should receive a D or F on a report card and have a teacher insist that they have made satisfactory progress due to demographics. However, this is the residuals of critical race theory where your expected aptitude is based solely on your skin color.

Given the reality my kids are facing, you would expect the mission of the Jack Brewer Foundation to not only be uncontroversial but championed by Americans across the political spectrum and throughout the country. In fact, in early April, we were first invited by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to come down for the signing of a bill designed to help address the fatherhood crisis plaguing our nation. Two weeks later, Governor DeSantis invited us once again to for the signing of another bill designed to combat CRT in our nation’s schools.

While separate issues, these bills were designed to protect families and ensure our nation’s children were able to accomplish whatever their dreams may be. As the governor signed the bill, he was flanked by my kids who were the ultimate benefactors of such legislation.

However, sadly widespread support was not the case with Joy Reid. If you’re not familiar with Joy Reid, she’s a political anchor on MSNBC who took it upon herself to tweet that "The [misuse] of Black boys is tantamount to child abuse. I would really like to hear the back-story on who these kids were and how they wound up at a DeSantis event. Given how anti-Black DeSantis is, using Black children this way is extra sick." Upon seeing the tweet, we immediately secured our kids for their own safety and privacy as calls to locate them grew amongst the media and our attention turned to Joy Reid. Being present as Gov. DeSantis signed these bills meant the world to our kids, and now they are being forced to think of their governor—the same governor that stood by them—as some racist, anti-Black person after Joy Reid’s vile comments went viral.

Joy Reid talks about the "misuse of Black boys" and "anti-Blackness," but doesn’t seem to have that same energy when young Black boys are being misused and degraded in the school system based on CRT—a theory that has her ringing endorsement. Furthermore, for her to sit there and accuse both me and the hardworking people who work at the Jack Brewer Foundation of "child abuse" for kids who volunteered to be at event with the governor of their state is beyond comprehension.

However, I can’t say I’m surprised by her actions. CRT is so vile that positive things like support of two-parent households or teaching our kids that their skin color does not determine their future are rejected. Instead of teaching our nation’s youth that the color of skin should not determine how they are viewed, CRT asks that we teach our Black kids that they are victims and tell our White kids that they are oppressors. Outside the classroom, we see the same thing in corporations, our nation’s military, and even banks. For example, woke banks are now closing accounts and refusing to serve entire industries they deem not woke enough. Companies like the GEO Group and even the oil gas industry are suffering because the left’s woke agenda knows no boundaries.


The left’s woke ideology must be stopped. What began in universities has infected every facet of American life and continues to strike at our future—our children—and if we do not fight back, we will lose our country. I will hold Joy Reid accountable, and she can soon expect legal action for putting my kids in danger. But ultimately, this is about an apology that’s due. I do not want any money from MSNBC nor Joy Reid, but rather closure for my kids given this entire situation.


We must return to the foundation our nation, the Holy Bible, that teaches us to love God with all our hearts and to "love thy neighbor as thyself." Only then, will we fulfill our country’s pledge of "one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."