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Life is unaffordable for all of us. It does not have to be this way. 

Everywhere I go, I hear the same story from Connecticut residents – they are worried for their families and for the future of our country. No matter a person’s background, profession, or whether they are married, single, have children, or are retired, everyone is struggling to keep up with the rising prices that out-of-touch D.C. liberals have been crushing us with.

Ask yourself this question, are you better off now than you were two years ago? From energy shortages to rising prices, to the invasion at our southern border, life is becoming worse, and middle-class Americans are hurting. 


At the grocery store, families are juggling how to afford the basic staples. Eggs alone are up 30.5%! People have told me they are losing sleep at night, stressed about how to feed their family, as many take on second or third jobs just to make ends meet. 

I could no longer sit on the sidelines and watch as career politicians destroy our country. My family escaped Communist Cuba in the 1960s and I refuse to stand by as our nation heads down the path of communism and socialism. 

Energy prices are also skyrocketing. Before President Biden took office, our nation was energy independent, but Biden and his Democratic allies, including my opponent Sen. Richard Blumenthal, chose to advance their radical green dreams at the expense of our nation, American families, and our national security. We are now begging dictators to produce more oil, instead of unleashing America’s abundant natural resources. 

Leora Levy headshot

Connecticut Republican candidate for Senate Leora Levy  (Leora Levy Senate campaign)

My home state of Connecticut has among the highest energy prices in the nation, and thanks to Biden’s failed energy policies, we are facing a critical energy shortage. Home heating oil costs are 98.5% higher than they were last year, and on top of that, heating oil will be rationed in the Northeast. It is expected the average family will pay $2,300 to heat their homes this winter. This is unaffordable, unsustainable, and entirely unnecessary. 


Beyond rising prices, families are worried about their children. American children are suffering record learning loss, with reports showing students are failing in critical subjects like math and reading. 

Worse still, low-income and minority students who were already behind saw even more dramatic declines. Instead of focusing on educating our country’s children, we see the far-Left obsessively prioritizing politics in the classroom over learning the fundamentals. I will always stand with parents and against the indoctrination of our children. 

In Connecticut, crime is also a critical concern as it is in many places across the country. Recently, three hero cops were diabolically ambushed in Bristol, and two tragically lost their lives. 

Democrats, with the support of Blumenthal, created an anti-police climate in our state and try to defund our police. People want to feel safe in their communities and our revolving door justice system puts dangerous criminals right back on the streets in a matter of hours. We are all unsafe thanks to their radical agenda. 


Of course, also feeding into rising crime is our open border. Biden and Blumenthal would rather fund 87,000 new IRS agents to go after middle-class taxpayers than fund more border patrol agents to stop the invasion! 

Deadly fentanyl, human trafficking, and even terrorists are flooding into our country. The Biden administration then sends migrants to New York's Westchester County Airport, making Connecticut a border state. 

Voters have had enough. They know we can never have the true change our country needs without a change in leadership. 

I believe in the American Dream and I want to ensure future generations can pursue their own version of the American Dream. That is why I am running for U.S. Senate

I could no longer sit on the sidelines and watch as career politicians destroy our country. My family escaped Communist Cuba in the 1960s and I refuse to stand by as our nation heads down the path of communism and socialism. 


I am a political outsider, not a career politician. I promise to be a voice for the middle class, not special interests or criminals. My commonsense message is resonating and momentum is growing every day as we head toward victory. 

Life is unaffordable and more dangerous, but it does not have to be this way. We cannot afford six more years of Dick Blumenthal.