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Like the rest of the nation, I was deeply disturbed by the video that captured George Floyd’s final moments. It was a terrible thing that happened. Those responsible will be held accountable based on the facts presented through a criminal justice system that is one of the best in the world.

Like the rest of the nation, I have been watching television and seeing what this country is going through since that day in Minneapolis. Many people in America are making their voices heard by peaceful protests and demanding attention and change. That is just one of the things that make this country one of the greatest in the world. 

However, when peaceful protests turn violent the message is lost. When protesters turn into criminals or are overshadowed by the rampant criminal activity of rioters, it is just plain wrong.


I know protesters well. When I was with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), there were many protests in front of our building in Washington, D.C.  I was third in command at one point and professionally insulted when the director issued a shelter-in-place order. I could not believe that federal law enforcement officers were expected to hide inside the building during a legal protest. What were we afraid of?

In my first week as acting ICE director, appointed by President Trump, I changed that policy. I didn’t want our law enforcement officers to fear any peaceful protest. We will not hide and we will not be victimized by such demonstrations. It is America in action.

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I once had about 80 protesters at my home on a Sunday morning, yelling and chanting what a terrible person I was and calling for ICE and Customs and Border Protection to be abolished. I was being called a Nazi, a racist and a bigot.  Of course, I was offended because I am not any of these things, but I knew they had the right to their opinion and a right to protest.

I also thought they were directing their protest at the wrong person and institutions. If they didn’t like the fact that CBP and ICE were enforcing the laws enacted by Congress, they should have been on Capitol Hill urging their elected representatives to change the laws.

I have had similar feelings over the past week. Americans have the right to protest but the hate they are showing to the law enforcement officers monitoring the protests is uncalled for. Spitting on them, calling them names, shoving them, or worse, is not peaceful protest and detracts from any meaning the protest may have had. These officers were not involved in the incident in Minneapolis. They are standing there trying to keep the peace and do their jobs.

They see you trying to defend our communities, our lives and our property, and they stand shoulder to shoulder with you in spirit.   

Those who are using this tragedy to riot are not protesters, they are criminals. They are assaulting people, destroying property, stealing merchandise by looting and ruining the lives of innocent business owners who are trying to recover and survive after COVID-19 lockdowns pretty much devastated their businesses.

There is absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION for rioting and these criminals need to be held accountable. They need to be arrested and charged. There should be zero tolerance for rioting. I agree with President Trump that we must restore law and order now with all legal means available.

To the police officers around the country who are being attacked, I say, America stands with you. There may be thousands of rioters out there but there are millions of Americans who are disgusted by that behavior. They see you trying to defend our communities, our lives and our property, and they stand shoulder to shoulder with you in spirit.


In the last week, one federal guard has been killed in Oakland, and another critically injured. A police officer was shot in the head in Las Vegas. Numerous other police officers have been injured, as well as many Secret Service agents.

Law enforcement must be allowed to take back the streets. Too many politicians are tying the hands of law enforcement, and not providing the resources these patriots need to do the job they have sworn to do. Some remained silent during the rioting and only spoke out when the president walked across the street from the White House to a church, which had been burned by rioters.

Where is their leadership on this issue? They seem to want chaos because they think it hurts our president. I have said it many times and I will continue to say it: They hate this president more than they love this country.


A poem written years ago by an unknown author reminds us who the vast majority of men and women law enforcement really are. This is part of it:

While you sleep, they’re out there. 
When you are sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner or celebrating Christmas, they’re out there. 
When it’s their children’s birthday, they’re out there.  
While you are asleep with your spouse or significant other, their spouse sleeps alone.   
At your job you strive to succeed, at their job they strive to survive.  
When you are scared you call them.   
When they are scared, they carry on.   
When most people put on a suit or dress to go to work, they put on a Kevlar vest and a gun.  
When you tell your families “See you tonight” as you leave for work, you mean it.  
When they say it, we pray they will.