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Who are the real American patriots?

Who are the real racists?

These two questions will play a big role in the 2020 election.


The left is desperate to turn any traditional patriotic appeal into an act of racism.

The left is desperate to smear Republicans and moderate Democrats as racists.

Part of this desperation is in the left’s inability to debate the facts and their hope that strong smears can shame their opponents out of broaching the argument.

Part of this desperation is in the left’s growing realization that President Trump and the Republicans are beginning to attract minority support in a serious way.

The 2018 election was a watershed in the shift of minority voters toward Republicans.

Consider the example of the very left-wing African-American female candidate for governor in Georgia. She alienated enough African-American males with her radicalized platforms that the Republican candidate wound up with a significant percentage of African-American male votes.

In Florida, a left-wing African-American candidate for governor lost almost one out of five African- American female votes because of his opposition to school choice.

In Michigan, a charismatic Republican African-American veteran and businessman, John James, received more votes for the Senate in Michigan than any Republican since the year 2000. James is running again, and if he wins, the historic monopoly that the left has on the African-American vote will collapse.

All around the country, President Trump is attracting Latinos to his rallies in record numbers. There is strong support in the Latino community for job creation, income growth, small business prosperity, and enforcing the law.

The left’s reaction to these threats has been hysteria.

Screaming “racist” – which the left-wing propaganda machine did relentlessly this week – is their most common effort to shut up conservatives in general and President Trump in particular. This week, between Sunday and Tuesday CNN and MSNBC used the word “racist” more than 1,100 times.

Defending the flag is racist in this left-wing world. Defending George Washington and Thomas Jefferson is racist according to the left. Again and again, they seek to shame today’s patriots into silence.

Yet the real racists are on the left. Consider Massachusetts Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley saying, “We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice.”

Consider both the racism and the fascist arrogance in that statement.

First, Pressley asserts the right to define the authenticity of voices.

Second, she defines each voice by skin color, religion, or sexual orientation rather than the content of their character.

Third, she dismisses or dehumanizes everyone who fails to meet her standard.

Consider her arrogance just in regard to the African-American community. By her standard, former Secretary of State Colin Powell isn't authentically black. Neither is former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Sen. Tim Scott of South Caroline, or Republican senatorial candidate John James of Michigan.

You can go through each of Pressley’s defined subgroups and find people who deeply disagree with her.

One of the keys to the 2020 campaign will be who the American people conclude are authentically patriotic and what views are actually racist.

President Trump and Republicans will be defined as genuinely patriotic. The left will grow hysterical as it loses its ability to dominate the public narrative with name-calling.

The election of 2020 will be one of the most defining elections in American history.

If the left succeeds in making its “racist” charge stick, it could seal off minority voters from even considering voting for President Trump and other candidates on the Republican ticket.


On the other hand, if Republicans successfully answer the racist attack and then prove that the Democrats have become the party of radical proposals that would destroy America as we know it, then the Democrats could find themselves losing everywhere except on college campuses and in some radical neighborhoods.

Patriotism and racism will be key arguments over the next 15 months.