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Night two of the Republican National Convention continued to highlight the stark contrast to last week’s gloomy blame America first Democrat National Convention.

Tuesday night’s convention theme, “Land Of Opportunity,” showcased American exceptionalism and drove home the fact that in our country anything is possible if you’re willing to work hard.

As President Trump and Republicans put forward a unifying and uplifting message, top Democrats are doubling down on their negativity and personal attacks.


Former Secretary of State, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s recent statement advising 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden that he “should not concede under any circumstances” and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., calling President Trump and Republicans “enemies of the state” over the universal vote by mail policy dispute, proves the Democrats’ strategy is to divide Americans and try to win by any means necessary.

As Eric Trump said Tuesday night, “in the view of the radical Democrats, America is a source of the world’s problems. As a result, they believe the only path forward is to erase history and forget the past.”

President Trump loves our country, our wonderful people, and our system of free-market capitalism.  And this president knows our best days are yet to come.


Biden wants to fundamentally transform our great land into some sort of debunked socialist utopia that history has shown will never exist.

Biden’s pessimism about America is troubling.

Recall when he said earlier this year that “there are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there that are just not very good people.” Writing off north of 30 million Americans on a whim is a terrible attribute for a presidential candidate.

President Trump believes to his core that the sky is the limit for all Americans regardless of one’s race, sex, or religious beliefs.

The president’s pro-growth economic policies focus on unleashing American potential and entrepreneurship at full throttle – and it’s working.

President Trump believes to his core that the sky is the limit for all Americans regardless of one’s race, sex, or religious beliefs. 

As National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said Tuesday night, “a rising tide lifted all boats.”  And as Tiffany Trump said, “my father built a thriving economy once and believe me, he will do it again.”

Biden, on the other hand, wants to enact massive tax increases and job-killing regulations that would stifle economic growth.

Only a weak pawn of the radical left would support such a destructive economic plan knowing full-well what more taxes and red tape would do to an economy bouncing back after the COVID-19 lock down this spring.


Biden made a terrible mistake this weekend when he answered a question from ABC News about whether he would shut down the American economy due to the coronavirus again if elected president.  Without hesitation, Biden stated, “I would shut it down, I would listen to the scientists.”

This irresponsible answer made it clear that Biden is a puppet of the far left who has little regard for working families.  A true leader -- like President Trump -- weighs all the facts before making a consequential decision that would almost certainly cause a catastrophic economic and education depression. Instead, Biden answered the hypothetical question exactly the way the mob wanted him to.

Tuesday’s featured speakers made clear that Republican Party is a big tent where everyone is welcome.

We heard the uplifting stories of first lady Melania Trump’s journey from Slovenia to become a citizen of the United States; Daniel Cameron, the first African-American attorney general in Kentucky history; Kim Reynolds, the first woman elected governor in Iowa history; and Jeanette Nunez, the first Latina lieutenant governor in Florida history.

These amazing stories are a reminder that in America, dreams really do come true.

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The first lady highlighted the recent 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage and the “impact of women’s voices in our nation’s story” and spoke of her own personal story in pursuit of the American dream.

Mrs. Trump eloquently stated that “as an immigrant and a very independent women I understand what a privilege it is to live here and to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities that we have.”

The unannounced live naturalization ceremony for five immigrants administered by acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf was a beautiful moment that will be long remembered.

At the event, President Trump said, “There’s no higher honor and no greater privilege” than being a U.S. citizen and “it’s an honor for me to be your president.”

President Trump’s surprise pardon of Jon Ponder tonight, a convicted felon who started a non-profit called Hope for Prisoners to help former inmates re-enter society, shows that he’s dedicated to criminal justice reform and second chances.

The president said that “Jon’s life is a beautiful testament to the power of redemption.”

He’s exactly right.  Ponder’s close friendship with the former FBI agent who arrested him is a heartfelt story and an inspiring example of American progress.

Biden was the driving force behind the disastrous 1994 crime bill and President Trump kept his promise to right that wrong through monumental reform with the First Step Act.

Under normal circumstances, recent Convington High School graduate Nicholas Sandmann’s appearance would have received a prolonged standing ovation from a raucous convention crowd for being defamed by the liberal media, but his speech at the Lincoln Memorial made the moment just as special.

Near the scene of the January 2019 March For Life rally where the fake news narrative about Sandmann was concocted, President Trump - the most pro-life president in American history -- gave the youngster the chance to tell his side of the story to a national audience.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered his remarks from Jerusalem where President Trump kept his promise to move our embassy.

Secretary Pompeo outlined President Trump’s strong and successful America First foreign policy that is protecting Americans’ ability “to live, to work, to learn, and to worship as they choose.”

Americans must never forget the failed Obama-Biden foreign policy.  From the failed “Russia Reset,” to the Benghazi tragedy, to the toothless Syria red line, to the pallets cash sent to Iran for the awful nuclear deal, to underestimating ISIS as a high school junior varsity team, it was one bad call after the next.

The fake news media wants you to think Biden is a foreign policy expert, but nothing could be further than the truth.

Biden’s been wrong on issue after issue when it comes to international affairs over the past 40 years. .If you don’t believe me, just ask former Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

Maine lobsterman Jason Joyce spoke of President Trump’s commitment to keeping his promises unlike typical career politicians who say anything to get elected.

Wisconsin dairy farmer Cris Peterson stated that “more than any president in my lifetime, he’s acknowledged the importance of farmers and agriculture.  That support and focus on negotiating new trade deals gave us the confidence to rebuild our barn and dairy operation.  Business was booming again…”

Robert Vlaisavljevich, the Democrat mayor of Eveleth, Minnesota hit the nail on the head when he said, “the Iron Range’s economic future and survival is at stake and so is America’s.”

Vice President Mike Pence was right when he said Tuesday night that President Trump is fighting “to expand the reach of the American dream.”

All of these hardworking Americans prove that.


We’re a country that’s rebuilding in the midst of dealing with the Chinese virus.

Tuesday night’s program was a home run and it made a crystal-clear case for why we must re-elect our builder-in-chief, President Donald J. Trump for four more years.