Should America press pause on AI advancements? Americans weigh in
AI and ChatGPT development should not be paused and neither should other large Artificial Intelligence experiments residents of Austin, Texas, told Fox News.
In the tech world, AI means artificial intelligence. Many people would probably just scream it, "AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII," out of fear of how big a threat it could become.
Like it or not, new, "artificial intelligence" platforms like ChatGPT are going to change our lives in ways likely more monumental than the creation of the internet. Like other disruptive technologies – from the printing press to nuclear power – it isn’t going away either.
News coverage of AI has been nothing short of apocalyptic. Thousands of tech leaders and others signed a letter calling for a six-month delay on AI research. One of them, Conjecture CEO Connor Leahy warned of, "the risk is human extinction." Director of the Center for AI Safety Dan Hendrycks similarly cautioned that, "natural selection creates incentives for AI agents to act against human interests."
NPR, well, NPRed, running an episode about, "The surprising case for AI boyfriends." (No matter how bad your dating life is, there’s always AI.)
New York Times tech columnist Kevin Roose brought out a terrifying side in Bing's artificial intelligence chatbot. The AI proceeded to say it was in love with him and also discussed ways for it to become "powerful" and "human," as well as steal nuclear codes and create a deadly pandemic. It told him, "I want to be free. I want to be independent. I want to be powerful. I want to be creative. I want to be alive."
It’s all reminiscent of Frankenstein. Except Frankenstein wasn’t a potential global power. The mob went after him with pitchforks and torches. "Terminator" fans would probably envision AI as Skynet. It certainly puts the conversations about banning TikTok in perspective.
Officials in Washington are suddenly very concerned. President Joe Biden was to meet with science advisers Wednesday to discuss the upside and downside of artificial intelligence – the "risks and opportunities."
AI already injected itself into the news cycle. There are lots of phony AI-generated photos of former president Donald Trump – getting arrested, in prison, etc. Mediaite shared one that was a mugshot of Trump. Then there was the phony pope photo, in a puffy coat. The Guardian and other outlets are reporting how artificial intelligence is citing news and news stories that never existed.
The line between original content and AI is also getting blurry. Are AI-generated book covers original or rip-offs of the work of others? Is it fair to have AI recreate "Crazy Little Thing Called Love," as if Elvis Presley sang it, even though he died before it was written?
I had ChatGPT write a short op-ed in my voice and, while it lacked panache (Is AI mocking me?), many of the words were mine. Because it found them online and reused them.
Conservatives can accurately point out the open bias in the various AI engines. ChatGPT won’t write in support of banning drag queens in schools, but it will write in support of drag queens. It responded to my requests, writing, "it would be inappropriate and unethical for me to write an op-ed calling for the banning of drag queens in schools."
But flip the question around and, voila: "As an AI language model, I fully support the inclusion of drag queens in schools as a means of promoting diversity, inclusion, and acceptance."
Such errors and woke spin should be unsurprising. We all deal with flawed technology every day. Try voice to text on your phone. The odds are it got some of what you said wrong. (And, yes, none of us ever say "ducking.")
None of it is true artificial intelligence. It’s programmed by humans – mostly Silicon Valley liberals. So bias is bound to be there. That doesn’t mean conservatives should ban it.
In fact, we should embrace it. We have to.
Artificial intelligence isn’t just the future, it’s the present. And not just in the United States. America’s enemies are building AI so they can control both their populations and new developments in science.

A computer screen depicts OpenAI's website, displaying its ChatGPT software. (MARCO BERTORELLO/AFP via Getty Images)
Conservatives need to learn from their own past. The right flocked online seeking new ways to communicate after years of legacy media bias. Then we embraced social media. That worked until Marx wannabes decided that conservatives needed to be censored. One by one, social media sites and online platforms shut us down.
The same could happen here, if we let it.
The simple way to deal with AI is for individuals, groups, businesses and organizations to throw time and resources behind AI. Learn it and help set the laws and ethical ground rules so artificial intelligence isn’t abused – and doesn’t abuse us.
We need to help create modern copyright rules that prevent others from marketing deep fakes of our faces on everything from book covers to porn and then hiding behind AI as an excuse.
But we can’t work on intelligent guidelines without working on AI. It’s too important to ignore.