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In Thursday night's final presidential debate, President Trump articulated beautifully why he wants to be our leader for another term. 

The president wants to deny radical socialism a foothold in America.  He wants to defeat COVID-19 and rebuild the greatest economy the world has ever seen. 

He intends to unleash more freedom in our country through lower taxes and fewer regulations, allowing our citizens to prosper. 

He wants to finish the border wall and provide competitive, high quality, and affordable health care to the American people, something ObamaCare failed to do.  And President Trump will stand up to China to the enormous benefit of the American worker.


On the other hand, Joe Biden reminded the American people once again that the left is void of innovative ideas.  Socialism has been tried before and it’s failed, yet Biden preaches less freedom and more government as the basis for every one of his policies. 

Joe Biden made promise after promise, expecting the American people to ignore the fact that he had 47 years in public office to get something meaningful done but came up empty.  As President Trump said to the former vice president tonight about his campaign for president in 2016, “I ran because of you.”

It’s as clear as day that Joe Biden is all talk and no action.  This effective line of attack from President Trump had Biden on his heels and looking at this watch just like former President George H.W. Bush was criticized for doing during a 1992 debate against Bill Clinton.

On Thursday night, President Trump made clear that he has led a monumental response to fight the Chinese coronavirus and that a vaccine is on the way.  Joe Biden on the other hand, has stated he would close our economy again if pressured to do so, yet the liberal media refuses to probe Biden over this all-important issue. 

The truth is that if Barack Obama had been in office during this pandemic, the liberal media would have said that Obama’s actions limited COVID-19 deaths to 220,000 and that there would have been two million deaths otherwise.  The anti-Trump media would have labeled Obama a hero; but now they falsely attack President Trump for political purposes. 

Unfortunately, there was no question about packing the Supreme Court.  Biden announced earlier today that he doesn’t have the guts to tell the American people the truth about his plans to pack the Supreme Court with liberals. 

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Quite predictably, Biden the D.C. swamp creature said he would appoint a commission if elected to study the issue of severely curtailing our system of checks and balances by upending the judicial branch that we’ve relied on as a country for more than 230 years. 


Biden is a living, breathing reminder that career politicians are great at creating commissions while getting little else done.

Joe Biden was given free rein to lie at will tonight.  Questions over the Biden family’s shady overseas business ventures continued to gain steam today, with a former business partner coming forward with documentary evidence implicating Vice President Biden personally and confirming his direct involvement in a multi-million dollar deal with Communist Chinese interests.  Biden had absolutely no answer to explain the troubling evidence. This story is so big that not even NBC could look the other way. 

Biden lied about his tax increase and health care plans.  He misled about the tax hikes hardworking American taxpayers can expect in order to pay for his proposed legislation to expand government-run health care to include a socialist public option. 

Biden falsely accused President Trump of not having a health care plan, knowing full well that the President got rid of the horrible individual mandate in Obamacare and came within two votes of repealing and replacing Obamacare.  President Trump’s plan would cover preexisting conditions and lower costs and skyrocketing premiums by injecting private-sector competition. 

Biden also lied about illegal immigration.  His only idea in this area was to endorse an irresponsible amnesty plan that rewards illegal behavior.  President Trump inherited a disaster at our southern border and has built 371 miles of border wall against all odds to secure the border. 

Biden lied about his support for our heroic men and women in uniform.  Over the summer, Biden bowed to the riotous mob by saying police funding should be redirected.  Biden is a career politician whose position changes depending on which way the wind is blowing and right now his base of support is in the bed with the lawless mob. 

Biden went on to lie about the disastrous 1994 crime bill that he authored.  Biden talks about helping the African American community, but President Trump delivered an unprecedented bipartisan criminal justice reform bill and opportunity zones.

Biden lied about his plans to destroy energy sector jobs in America.  The regulations in Biden’s economic plan would destroy the fossil fuel and fracking industry.  Biden calls climate change an existential threat to humanity; President Trump thinks the economic depression that would be caused by Biden’s massive regulation platform is the existential threat.  Under this President’s leadership, America has become an energy-independent country. For this amazing accomplishment, Joe Biden has no response.   


Just like in 2016, the ultimate political outsider President Trump is closing strong once again.  He’s barnstorming the country and answering questions like an open book, while Biden the corrupt Washington politician hides in his basement in an attempt to run out the clock.  But as we all know, sometimes playing prevent defense only prevents you from winning the game. 

The polls are closing in key battleground states -- hold on to your hat for the next 11 days.