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I am sick of winning peace deals!

All kidding aside, Friday’s news that Israel and Sudan will establish diplomatic relations is just the latest international breakthrough arranged by President Trump. The third such peace pact between the Jewish state and its Muslim neighbors since Aug. 13 mocks the chilling forecasts that Trump’s election would trigger mushroom clouds.

“This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes,” Hillary Clinton warned in 2016, Politico reported. “It’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin.” 


And Tom Engelhardt wrote in The Nation in 2017: “Donald Trump is actively trying to destroy the planet.”

Hate Trump, Inc. must be boiling mad to see their bête noir rack up peace agreements and repeatedly gain the attention of the Nobel Prize Committee.

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Despite the left’s caricature of Trump as a mad bomber, he has started no new wars. Much like President Ronald Reagan, Trump rebuilt the military (which the Obama-Biden administration depleted), and then used this potential firepower and his outsized personality to forge peace through strength.

This has included Trump’s efforts in North Korea, where a denuclearization agreement remains elusive, but the underground atomic tests of the Obama-Biden era have yielded to subterranean quietude and intermittent dialogue between Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

The ISIS caliphate was a bloodthirsty, belligerent threat to U.S. and allied interests. Obama-Biden let the Islamofascist quasi-state grow to the size of two New Jerseys. (A lovely place, but one will suffice.) Trump unshackled U.S. GIs, and the caliphate was sandblasted off the map.

Even before Friday’s announcement, Trump’s unprecedented, unconventional strategy yielded two agreements that doubled the number of Arab nations — atop Egypt and Jordan — that recognize Israel, a country only half the size of the late ISIS caliphate.

In Afghanistan, the chaos that Obama-Biden left behind has evolved into a Trump-driven cease-fire and zero deaths of American forces since early February.

And now, Nobel Peace Prize nominations are landing in Trump’s path like rose petals. Since last month, Trump has earned a stunning four such honors.

The first nomination rebuked Obama-Biden’s lack of serious movement towards Balkan tranquility. Under Trump, this stasis yielded to a commercial-relations accord between Serbia and Kosovo.

“We’ve been fighting and talking about the same thing for decades,” said Richard Grenell, the former U.S. ambassador to Germany and acting director of national intelligence, who helped negotiate this compact.

“They have been fighting about the same symbolism, words, verbs, adjectives,” Grenell added. “It’s been a nightmare. And what President Trump said to me was, ‘They're fighting politically about everything. Why don't we give it a try to do something different and creative? Why not try to do economics first and let the politics follow the economics?’ That proved to actually be a formula that they were eager for. No one had been talking to them about this.”

Swedish parliamentarian Magnus Jacobsson, author of Trump’s first 2021 Nobel Peace Prize nomination, lamented the late 1990s’ sectarian carnage in the former Yugoslavia.

“After the war, it has been difficult to find a way to reconcile, which is reflected in the relationship between Kosovo and Serbia,” Jacobsson wrote Sept. 1. “It is, therefore, incredibly gratifying to see that President Donald Trump and his administration, together with the governments of Kosovo and Serbia, have succeeded in negotiating an agreement aimed at normalizing economic relations.”

The second nomination recognized Trump’s Abraham Accords. Rather than years of Middle East stalemate that Obama-Biden could not overcome, Trump totally changed the underlying geopolitical conditions that steered that area’s conflicts.

Through domestic fracking and other developments, Trump made America independent of Arab oil. As Trump transformed the U.S. into a net energy exporter for the first time since 1953, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) no longer had America over a barrel. The Middle East’s generations-long leverage over the U.S. economy turned to fumes.

The president recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and accepted the Jewish state’s sovereignty over the long-disputed Golan Heights. This signaled the end of Washington’s fetishism over the pointless and unproductive Palestinian “peace process.”

Trump also crippled the ayatollahs by junking Obama-Biden’s slapstick Iran nuclear deal and delivered the drone-driven destruction of Tehran’s top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani. These steps so emboldened anti-Iranian leaders in Sunni Muslim Persian Gulf states that they felt safe to settle with Israel.

Even before Friday’s announcement, this unprecedented, unconventional strategy yielded two agreements that doubled the number of Arab nations — atop Egypt and Jordan — that recognize Israel. The peace treaty between Israel and the UAE was the first such pact in 26 years. The Israel-Bahrain compact then became the first such agreement in 29 days. Sudan’s olive branch arrived six weeks later.

Norwegian lawmaker Christian Tybring-Gjedde foresaw all of this in his Sept. 9 Nobel nomination: “As it is expected, other Middle Eastern countries will follow in the footsteps of the UAE, this agreement could be a game-changer that will turn the Middle East into a region of cooperation and prosperity.”

For eight years, Obama-Biden used American sovereignty as a doormat — from Obama’s rebarbative bowing before kings to the previous administration’s binding America to the Paris global-warming treaty, not after U.S. Senate ratification but upon its approval by 54 foreign governments. Obama-Biden’s dismissal of the U.S. as just another member of the U.N. was eclipsed by Trump’s America First philosophy.

“President Trump has brought a refreshingly new approach to the quest for peace,” four Australian law professors explained in their Sept. 28 nomination, Trump’s third. “Both in his campaign and in office, he has denounced the pursuit of what he terms ‘unwinnable wars.’ Accordingly, he is withdrawing American forces from across the world.”

The legal scholars added: “In what will no doubt eventually be called the Trump Doctrine, his foreign policy has been based on restraint in military engagements, the rebuilding of American military power as a source of dissuasion against aggression, and the adoption of alternative and refreshing approaches to achieving peace.”


Trump scored a fourth Nobel nomination Oct. 9Laura Huhtasaari, a Finnish member of the European Parliament, praised the president’s “endeavors to end the era of endless wars, construct peace by encouraging conflicting parties for dialogue and negotiations, as well as underpin internal cohesion and stability of his country.”

“The role of President Trump as a mediator of the Abraham Accords, which potentially mark the dawn of a new Middle East, was indispensable,” Huhtasaari continued. “It is hard to imagine a president of the United States from the last decades, or a current head of state, who would deserve more the Committee’s recognition in 2021 than President Trump for his efforts to build peace in the world,” she finished.

Those who fail to win gleaming gold statuettes at the Academy Awards often say: “It’s an honor just to be nominated.” President Trump already can say this four times and have every right to do so. Moreover, his nominations are based on actual diplomatic accomplishments, not just on showing up for work.


 “The people who have received the Peace Prize in recent years have done much less than Donald Trump,” Christian Tybring-Gjedde told Fox News. Reflecting the stoic clarity for which Norwegians are admired, he added: “For example, Barack Obama did nothing.”

President Trump is perfecting the art of the peace deal. As he demonstrates the concrete benefits of U.S. fortitude, he confirms that in foreign affairs, America is better off now than it was four years ago.