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In October, the New York Post, the oldest daily newspaper in this country, published a trove of documents showing that members of Joe Biden's family have been selling access to the former vice president to a number of foreign governments, including the communist government of China.

That's a blockbuster, but the rest of the media decided to kill it before you could read it. Social media companies banned their users from sharing the Post's reporting. Other news organizations simply ignored it.

On Oct. 22, 11 days before the presidential election, National Public Radio -- an organization that is literally state media, funded against your will by your tax dollars -- explained that they would not say anything negative about the Bidens.

"We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories," NPR managing editor Terence Samuel was quoted as saying, "and we don't want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions."


If you think that's the single dumbest, most dishonest, high-handed, infuriatingly arrogant thing you've ever heard, you didn't see RNC spokeswoman Liz Harrington submit to an interview with CNN chief international anchor Christiane Amanpour. Here's how that went.

AMANPOUR: As you know perfectly well, I'm a journalist and a reporter and I follow the facts and there has never been any issues in terms of corruption. Now, let me ask you this. Yesterday, the FBI --

HARRINGTON: Wait a minute, wait, wait wait. How do you know that?

AMANPOUR: I'm talking about reporting and any evidence. I'm talking to you now --

HARRINGTON: OK, I would love if you guys would start doing that digging and start doing that verification. 

AMANPOUR: No, we're not going to do your work for you. I want to ask you a question. The FBI --

HARRINGTON: It's a journalist's job, it's a journalist's job to find out if this is verified!


"I'm a journalist and a reporter," says Christiane Amanpour, who of course is neither of those things and never has been. She is a celebrity script reader, a half-wit whose self-esteem far outpaces her accomplishments. She is also, it turns out, the personal flack for the Biden family international finance corporation.

And so it went across the entire American news media until the presidential election. Now, six weeks later, it is finally safe to speak freely. We now know the New York Post was right all along, and so was poor Liz Harrington of the RNC.

Wednesday, millions of Americans learned -- some for the very first time -- that the Biden family has indeed been deeply enmeshed in a series of sleazy international business deals that undercut America's core interests. We learned that there is an active federal criminal investigation into Joe Biden's son, Hunter, for that very reason.

What's interesting is how we found this out. The media didn't tell us, and neither did the Justice Department. Hunter Biden has far better connections than, say, Roger Stone. Hunter Biden was allowed to tell his own story. He wasn't rousted from bed at 5 a.m. by dozens of armed paramilitaries in front of a live CNN audience. He's a prominent Democrat, so he was spared those humiliations.


Instead, the Biden-Harris transition team broke the news in the form of a bizarre press release that informed us with a straight face that Joe Biden was "deeply proud" of his boy Hunter, who, by the way, may have had some minor tax trouble that he will clear up the minute his accountant returns from Cabo. No big deal, and Happy Holidays.

But actually, and you may have guessed this part, it turns out there's more. A report in Politico reveals that Joe Biden's younger brother, Jimmy, is involved, too. Jimmy Biden is under federal criminal investigation over alleged corruption in the hospital business. We should stress that we don't know more than that, and that Jimmy Biden is presumed innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law by a jury of his peers.

For the few who were able to follow the details of the Bidens' business deals back in October, none of this comes as a complete surprise. At the time, we talked to Tony Bobulinksi about what he saw. Bobulinski was a business partner of the Bidens as they tried to wheedle money from companies connected to communist China. At some point, Bobulinski began to wonder what the hell was going on.

In our interview, Bobulinski described one of his meetings with Fast Jimmy Biden. Bobulinski wanted to know why the Biden family was so brazen, so open about peddling Joe's influence to oligarchs and enemies of the United States. Here's how Jimmy Biden responded.


BOBULINSKI: And I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying, 'How are you guys getting away with this? Like, aren't you concerned?' And he sort of looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said, 'Plausible deniability.'

CARLSON: He said that out loud.

BOBULINSKI: Yes, he said it directly to me, one-on-one, in a cabana at the Peninsula Hotel.

When your business partner tells you that your business strategy rests on plausible deniability, that's not reassuring. It certainly wasn't reassuring to Tony Bobulinski. An independent media wouldn't be fooled by plausible deniability, either. They'd demand answers. Except they didn't.

When the New York Post published the outlines of this story, the media raced to find its own plausible deniability, to find some reason, any reason not to report the story. Any reporter who broke rank and decided to state the facts was quickly disciplined and brought to heel. Politico's Jake Sherman, for example, apologized in public for the crime of discussing the New York Post story after Twitter suspended him for posting it. 


Over at CBS News, a kid called Bo Erickson didn't get the memo on the boundaries of this new journalism, so he tried to get Joe Biden himself to respond to the story. Biden attacked him as a liar and a propagandist. Interestingly, none of Bo Erickson's colleagues in the news media came to his defense. In fact, several former flacks for Barack Obama mocked him on social media.

Now, we're being told to pretend that none of this ever happened. In an article published Thursday in The Daily Beast, probably the single worst example of bad journalism on the Internet, we learned that, "evidence of the larger [Hunter Biden] probe was apparent in the markings on a series of documents that were made public -- but went largely unnoticed -- in the days leading up to the November election."

One group who did notice were the professional liars in our so-called intelligene community, the ones who work hand-in-glove with so-called journalists in our media. Shortly after the New York Post story ran, a number of these all-star propagandists like Jim Clapper and John Brennan -- people who have lied in public under oath and never been punished for it -- denounced the New York Post series as Soviet-style disinformation. The stories, they said had all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation. They didn't explain what that meant, but they didn't need to. The media class ate it up like the seals they are and clapped and barked in unison.


Now there are calls for a new special prosecutor to investigate what we have learned so far about the Biden family's business dealings abroad. As anxious as we are to find out the truth, a special prosecutor is something that no one in this country should be eager to see. We've seen over the past four years what a special prosecutor can do to the normal functioning of a government. Open-ended investigations of politicians are hallmarks of corrupt regimes and dictatorships. Most Americans are skeptical of those kinds of probes, and rightly so.

But unless our media start doing its job and telling us what our politicians are up to, the Justice Department and Attorney General Bill Barr may have no choice. And if they do move forward with a special prosecutor, they will have one unlikely supporter: Joe Biden himself. Last year, Joe Biden went on the record confirming that he would not interfere with any Justice Department investigation.

BIDEN: Look, I would not direct my Justice Department like this president does. I'd let them make their independent judgement. I would not dictate who should be prosecuted or who should be exonerated. That's not the role of the president of the United States. Follow the law. Let the Justice Department make the judgement as to whether or not someone should be prosecuted, period.


We should note that if the current president was directing the Justice Department for political ends, he didn't do a very effective job of it. Robert Mueller spent millions of dollars and ruined many lives purely as a favor to people who could not believe that Donald Trump really beat Hillary Clinton.

This country might not survive another investigation like that. On the other hand, you've got to wonder how long a democracy can survive a leadership class like the one we have now.

This article is adapted from Tucker Carlson Tonight's opening monologue on the Dec. 10, 2020 edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight."