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It's funny about profound change. You always imagine when things change radically, they're going to be troops in the streets, and you're going to know this is the pivot point, this is the revolution. But that's most of the time not what actually happens. Usually there's some guy in a suit and tie speaking soothing words, and you don't even know that everything is changing when it is.

That's the case with what happened on June 15, 2012, a decade ago. On that day, Barack Obama walked into the Rose Garden and announced, full of self-confidence and coolness. Obama announced that his administration decided actually not to deport millions of illegal immigrants. Henceforth, Barack Obama explained, these millions of people would no longer be identified, in fact, as "illegal aliens" or even breakers of federal law, which everyone had assumed they were. No. Going forward, they would be called "Dreamers." So illegal aliens are bad, of course, but Dreamers are good.

And because to control language is to control reality, these Dreamers would no longer be subject to federal law. They'd be above federal law because you can't ban a dream. That's effectively the case that Obama made. Now, what Obama did that day was, strictly speaking, illegal. Several courts later ruled that it's illegal, obviously. Only kings and legislatures get to change the law. American presidents do not have that power and never have. 

But no one stopped Barack Obama from doing this, so he did it anyway. And the effect, the intended effect, was immediate. Foreign nationals flooded into the United States.

Over the decade before Obama's Dreamer Rose Garden announcement, about 8000 unaccompanied minors showed up at the U.S. border every year. After Obama redefined lawbreakers as Dreamers, more than 24,000 showed up. And that's accelerated. Under Joe Biden, the number has grown to 130,000 per year. 

Now, it's interesting where these people are coming from. They're not coming from a contiguous nation, Mexico. No. They're coming from much farther away. According to the numbers from HHS, 32% of unaccompanied migrants you're seeing are from Honduras. 47% are from Guatemala. Look at a map. 13% are from El Salvador. Those are far away. Those are in Central America. Just 1% are coming from Mexico.

What's going on here exactly? Well, mostly, they are teenagers. The overwhelming majority are over the age of 14. They're not little kids. And again, this is accelerating. And it didn't stop during the last administration. The Trump administration didn't stop it. Under immediate pressure, that administration agreed to end so-called family separations at the border. Really, they're inhumane. 

But the fact is, family separations happen all the time to American citizens. If you commit a crime, you're going to be separated from your kids. And NBC News won't care at all, much less report it. But illegal aliens, Dreamers, shouldn't be forced to face these consequences, explained The New York Times. So now they're not forced to because they're Dreamers. So naturally, the surge continued.

But why? Why? Typically a country calculates its immigration levels based on its internal needs. So all throughout American history, there have been periods where, "Oh, we need people to do this or that. Let's import those people." But based on the state of the US economy in 2022, these are not the people you would import if you cared about your country. Almost none of the arrivals have a meaningful education. They're not trained to participate in the emerging economy you hear so much about STEM. It plays no role in this. There's no economic justification whatsoever for these levels of immigration. 

And of course, immigration destabilizes your society. It makes it far less cohesive. That's always true. It doesn't matter where they're coming from. If you have a ton of new people, you're less cohesive.

So why are they coming? There's only one reason. Because the Democratic Party wants new voters, period. That's not a racist conspiracy. No, it's not. It's true. And we know that it's true not because we heard on Alex Jones, but because leading Democrats have said so repeatedly in public for years. And here's the latest example. Here is Chuck Schumer, the head Democrat in the US Senate last month.

CHUCK SCHUMER: Now more than ever, we're short of workers. We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers, and all of them. Because our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here.

Everything about that was a lie. We need workers. Really? They're what, 7 million American-born men who have dropped out of the workforce, workforce age, who just aren't working or on the Internet all day? Does anyone care? No. Just replace them. Americans aren't reproducing. Really? Why? Well, because the economy has changed. And what's their answer to that? The Democratic Party's answer. Well the Treasury Secretary told us a month and a half ago. She said, "If you're worried about the economy, have an abortion." People who want to have kids increasingly can't. Why is that? Well, because the food supply and the air and water have been poisoned and sperm counts are half what they were a few decades ago. So these are specific problems that have prevented millions of Americans from having families from reproducing, as Chuck Schumer just said. And you could fix them if you tried. But they're not trying.

Schumer speaking to the press

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., claimed that granting amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants would solve America's low birth rate crisis.  (Screenshot/Twitter)

Instead, the solution is to replace the people who aren't reproducing with millions of new people from other countries. That's not a racist conspiracy theory. Chuck Schumer just said it. However many undocumented there are here, Schumer added. 

So as a political matter, what is this? Well, you're hearing a lot about threats to democracy. This is an actual threat to democracy. This is an actual effort to disenfranchize American voters. It's an attempt to replace their vote with a new electorate. So this is incredibly dark, and it's not a referendum on the people coming here, most of whom are well, they want to be here. So that says something good about them. No. 

This is a measure of the intent of the people in charge, the malice behind what they're doing. So it's hard to believe this could become law. This could be codified since Republicans just took over the House. Oh, but it could be in the lame duck session, which does not represent the recently expressed will of voters last month. A month ago, voters cast their ballots and they said we would like a Republican House and they got one. But that's all about to be short-circuited.

New reporting suggests that Democrats and several Republicans are working on a deal to pass mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens before the new Congress can be seated. Kevin McCarthy, the incoming House Speaker, has promised not to hold a vote for any immigration bill until the border is secure because it would be insane to do otherwise. And yet, several Republican members of the Senate are trying to pass a mass amnesty before the new Republican Congress is seated next month. Leading that effort, he should become famous for this, is Thom Tillis, the Republican senator of North Carolina, joined by Democrat Kirsten Sinema of Arizona. 

According to Axios, between 10 and 12 Republican senators could join this plan, and that would include names you're probably familiar with: Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah. And as we said, Thom Tillis of North Carolina. Then several retiring senators -- Rob Portman, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr -- are also being courted to support the bill.

Imagine, someone who's on his way out of Congress, in days, will be codifying a law that will change the country forever. So how are they justifying this? Well, clearly, their donors want it right, because cheap labor is always the justification for everything. It's a shortsighted view. 

Thom Tillis is saying this is okay because it will only offer amnesty to the Dreamers, Barack Obama's Dreamers. Illegal migrants supposedly came to this country as young people. So by offering amnesty to Dreamers, what will happen next? Well, what happened last time? The U.S. Congress will incentivize more foreign nationals to flood into the country. And that's the whole point of it. It's why Obama did it a decade ago.


So what will happen to our economy, which is on the verge of a real downturn? Everyone knows that. Well, let's see. The average Dreamer is 28-years old. The average income, the median income of Dreamers is $26,000. That's far lower than the median income of Americans. So that's not an attack on anybody. It's only a simple observation. If the country is getting poorer, you probably don't want a lot more poverty imported. 

Again, why is that untrue? Well, it is true, and everyone knows it's true. And no one has the brass to say it out loud. But it's real. By the way, we have no idea how many dreamers or other illegal aliens are in this country. The Biden administration has been working with the government of Mexico to hide those numbers for two years now from the public. Well, so much for democracy. The Center for Immigration Studies just exposed this in one of the most important investigations from the border in a long time. Watch.

TODD BENSMAN: After this short bus drive from a Mexican government shelter across from Calexico, California, Mexico's immigration service will hand them over to their American counterparts and an official port of entry with temporary legal status papers already in their folders. Once CBP processes them in, they're all released to begin permanent lives working in American cities of their choice. These ones and thousands more entering the same way all along the US-Mexican border won't have illegally crossed a river, won't have hiked through brush, and won't have paid thousands to cartel smugglers. Maybe most importantly, to the Biden administration, they surely won't end up in the historically swollen, politically problematic, illegal crossing statistics. Instead, Biden's DHS legalized these people before they could commit the illegal act they intended when they left home. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection pre-approved all of them while they were still in Mexico.

So that was -- what's the word for that -- oh, that would be immigration fraud being committed by the Biden administration. Hiding the numbers so you don't realize how many people are coming into your country illegally. You have no role in this whatsoever. Now, keep that in mind when you learn that the Thom Tillis lame duck bill will include, quote, "$25 to $40 billion for border security." That's actually a lot. Not as much as we're giving to Ukraine because, of course, their borders a lot more important than ours. Shut up, racist. But it is billions more than Donald Trump asked for to build the border wall. And at the time, senators in both parties said that was just way too expensive and racist and people will just build taller ladders. Okay. But now the same group is fine with 40 billion for border security.

Why is that? Because they know it's fake. They know it's fake. You can build any structure you want. But if the officials manning the gates, like on January 6, just open the doors, it's meaningless. And of course, Thom Tillis knows that to his eternal shame. How out of it is Thom Tillis? Well, watch Thom Tillis, who clearly has no grounding in the physical reality of America 2022, tell you that letting all these people in giving them citizenship is a good idea because really what we're importing is computer scientists and engineers. Watch Thom Tillis.


THOM TILLIS: I've tried to tell anyone who thinks that we just need to find more computer scientists, more data analyst, more people with advanced degrees from the US population, that they need to wake up and recognize that if we want our economy to continue to grow, if we want to continue to to build on this great economy, that we've got to look to legal immigration as a critical part of fulfilling our workforce needs and really growing our innovation economy.

So that's just a word salad of phrases Thom Tillis doesn't understand, of course. But think about that. In the last two years, thanks to COVID and the manufactured response to it in this country, our public education system has completely collapsed. Kids are not being educated. We're not producing programmers, partly because of policies that Thom Tillis stood by and allowed to be enacted under COVID. But rather than fix that, we need to legalize millions of Dreamers and give them citizenship. 

So if you really want a lot of computer programs -- there are a lot of them around the world -- you would make an active attempt to identify them and import them, and then you could tell us why. But to let in people without high school educations, by the millions, because we need more computer programmers now you're just lying to us, Thom Tillis. How stupid do you think we are? Pretty stupid, apparently.

Texas border illegal immigrants

Migrants climb out of a dump truck. (Texas DPS) (Texas DPS)

So what's the border actually look like? Well, Charlie Leduff, our reporter friend from Michigan, formerly The New York Times, has been to the border recently. Spent a lot of time there, caught a lot on video. Here's some footage that tells you who's actually coming over.

CHARLIE LEDUFF: In the last two years, how many people have made their way into the United States?

CHRIS CABRERA: Well, I think last year was over 2 million? And the year before that, I think just under 2 million. And then you have the unknown number of people that are got-aways that we have no idea that got away. And then you look at the people that are overstaying visas, I mean, that 11 million number of illegals in United States is just a fantasy.

CHARLIE LEDUFF: New York complains about a thousand a month. We have a thousand a day. Two thousand a day.

CHRIS CABRERA: This right here is probably 300-350 right here. In the meantime, probably a mile downstream, they're probably running a bunch of dope because all our people are tied up over here with this ****. That's why they send these big groups.

So most Americans, because this is a pretty big country, have no idea the scale of this. It has been going on for two years and it will completely change this country forever. And it's continuing and nobody is doing anything about it and no one seems upset about it. Is Thom Tillis upset about this? No, computer programmers. Reading his stupid libertarian talking points from 1996. We're going to have a lot more footage from Charlie Leduff from the border, and it shows you what's actually happening there. A lot of people crossing are nice people with families who just want to work and hang drywall and that's great and everyone supports that. Quite a few of them, though, are drug smugglers. Actually, that's true. This is all being orchestrated by cartels and some of them wind up killing Americans.


CHILTON: I have five motion-activated cameras. I've got two way back that way and three back at the ranch here. It's a very poor sample because I have over 100 trails coming through the ranch. And so five over a hundred is only 5%. And on those five cameras, between February and October, 2500 damages. An intelligence officer with the Border Patrol told me that he believes 20% are carrying drugs. On this ranch, we've been here 35 years now. It's a wonderful ranch, except we are very ticked off that all these drug packers are coming to my ranch to poison our American people.

So the closer you get to the border and this is true of Republicans, Democrats, Hispanics, whites, Blacks, none of that matters. Any American as close to the border is horrified by what's going on there. So the only way that you could support this is by intentionally ignoring what's happening there, like Thom Tillis is and Lisa Murkowski and Joe Biden, all the rest. Today, our Peter Doocy asked Biden, he's going to be in the area soon, "Are you going to go see the border while you're down there?" Watch this.

PETER DOOCY: Why go to a border state and not visit the border?

JOE BIDEN: Because there are more important thing going on. They're going to invest billions of dollars in a new enterprise.

There are more important things going on, right? What's actually happening is the Biden administration ended the policies that would have stopped this flood of unaccompanied minors at the border. And now they want to make the problem even worse. And they're doing it for a reason. They're telling you what the reason is. You're not allowed to notice, but it doesn't make it any less true. This is real. This is happening. No one's stopping it. Republicans are colluding to allow it to continue.