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First they smashed the windows of police cars, and our elected leaders said nothing. It's a political protest, they told us. We stand with the protesters.

Before long it grew. Mobs of menacing young men formed in the streets. They were clearly intent on violence, but no one in authority dared criticize them.


We understand their frustration, our leaders told us. America is a sinful country. Their grievances are legitimate.

And so the mobs grew larger, and they grew emboldened. Last Thursday, they came right to the front door of a police precinct in Minneapolis. The cops inside fled under orders from their mayor. The mob burned the building. But before they did, they looted the evidence room, and that ensured that many violent crimes will never be solved. They did this in the name of justice.

Still, our leaders did nothing. Most of them never even mentioned it, like it never happened. Instead, they issued yet more statements in solidarity with the mob.


Politicians, celebrities, corporate leaders, clergy, news anchors, professional athletes -- almost every person in this country that we were raised from childhood to look up to, to respect, to listen to -- all of them sided with the people burning police stations.

The mob saw this and grew stronger. On Monday night, they began shooting cops.

For 38 years, David Dorn was a police officer in the City of St. Louis. No one ever accused Dorn of racism. He was black. He is dead now. He was murdered Monday night by the mob. His killing was streamed live on Facebook, and then the violence accelerated from there.

In St. Louis alone, four other active duty police officers were shot Monday night. In Las Vegas, an officer took a bullet in the head. He is still in critical condition. Once the sun went down, cops all around this country found themselves under attack.

How many more nights like this can we take? How many more nights like this before no one in America will serve as a police officer? It's not worth it. The people in charge hate you. The job doesn't pay enough.

At that point, who will enforce the laws? Who will be in charge? Well, violent young men with guns will be in charge. They will make the rules, including the rules in your neighborhood. They will do what they want. You will do what they say. No one will stop them. You will not want to live here when that happens.

Chaos is the worst thing always, and wise leaders understand that. It's obvious.

But it's not obvious to Joe Biden. Biden gave a speech in Philadelphia Tuesday and was very different from the Biden of old. For years, Biden styled himself a patriot, a champion of ordinary people, but no longer. In Tuesday's speech, Biden said nothing to defend police officers being murdered. Instead, he attacked them as instruments of "systemic racism."

Joe Biden, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee: The moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic racism, to deal with the growing economic inequity that exists in our nation, to deal with the denial of the promise of this nation made to so many.

Our country is crying out for leadership, leadership that can unite us, leadership that brings us together. Leadership that can recognize pain and deep grief of communities that have had a knee on their neck for a long time.

"The moment has come," says Joe Biden. This is the moment.

So the question is, how did murdering David Dorn advance the cause of racial justice exactly? No one explains; Biden didn't. Meanwhile, Biden's staff continues to send money to the rioters. Other Democrats followed in perfect sync.

How many more nights like this can we take? How many more nights like this before no one in America will serve as a police officer? It's not worth it. The people in charge hate you. The job doesn't pay enough.

In the city of Seattle, Councilwoman Tammy Morales all but endorsed the destruction of her own city.

Tammy Morales, Seattle councilwoman: What I don't want to hear is for our constituents to be told to be civil, not to be reactionary, to be told that looting doesn't solve anything.

And you know, it does make me wonder and ask the question why looting bothers people so much more than knowing that across the country, black men and women are dying every day, and far too often at the hands of those who are sworn to protect and serve.

Looting does solve things, says Tammy Morales. How dare you criticize it?

Prosecutors exist to push back against violations of the law. But across the country, many prosecutors seem on board with Tammy Morales and Joe Biden.

In the city of Dallas, a local report says the District Attorney John Creuzot is refusing to process rioters. That means they will automatically be freed to riot again.

In Massachusetts, the state attorney general, Maura Healey, applauded the riots and did it explicitly. She described the killing and looting underway as "a once in a lifetime opportunity. Yes, America is burning, but that's how forests grow."

This is the only revolution in history that's being waged not on behalf of the working class, but against them.

That's a verbatim quote from the chief law enforcement officer of Massachusetts. Maura Healey is happy to see American society become mulch. It makes good fertilizer.

The press isn't simply covering the riots, meanwhile, but assisting the riots. At The New York Times, the most recent Pulitzer Prize winner, 2020 winner Nikole Hannah Jones, said that words you thought you knew the meaning of now have completely different meanings.

Violence, for example, when she supports it, isn't really violence.

Nikole Hannah-Jones, The New York Times: Violence is when an agent of the state kneels on a man's neck until all of the life is leached out of his body.

Destroying property which can be replaced is not violence and to put those things -- to use the exact same language to describe those two things, I think, really -- it's not moral.

Violence is not violence if I approve of it. The person you were just listening to won the Pulitzer Prize. There's something wrong with our system if that's the person who gets the biggest merit badge.

BuzzFeed, meanwhile, published a guide for rioters. It included helpful tips like this: Wear nondescript clothing, cover up tattoos, don't take photographs.

CNN didn't criticize it. Needless to say, they're on board.

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Jim Acosta, CNN chief White House correspondent: It's so remarkable to see military-style vehicles rolling through the White House complex, you know, I mean? It's just not something that you normally see in the United States of America. It's something that you see in more authoritarian countries.

Don Lemon, CNN anchor: Open your eyes, America. Open your eyes. We are teetering on a dictatorship. We are -- this is chaos.

Has the president -- I am listening -- is the president declaring war on Americans?

I hope that they stand up and fight for their rights.

Now the entire country, according to his orders, we're living under a militarized country.

He is playing a very dangerous game because this will backfire.

Uh-huh.  It's dangerous when we try and stop looting and burning and killing, says Don Lemon. I hope they stand up and fight, he says from the safety of his television studio.

But what exactly are they fighting for? They certainly are fighting. But why? Don't ask Don Lemon. He doesn't know -- not a reader. Something about Trump probably.

What does Black Lives Matter say? Much of the rioting is being committed in their name. Go to their website if you have a minute. Here's a post from three days ago: "Defund the police."

That's the position of Black Lives Matter, the most popular group in America among corporate leaders. Defund the police. No more cops. That's what they're fighting for.

That seems like a fringe position, but in the Democratic Party, it isn't anymore. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has endorsed it as a sitting member. So has Jane Fonda, and so have many other celebrities. They said so in a recent open letter.

Then three days ago, The New York Times published a piece making the same demand: "No more money for the police." No police. That's right, the article calls for the elimination of all cops and all prisons in the United States.

So, if we did that, who would keep order? Well, The New York Times has an answer to that: "Rapid response, social workers would keep the peace." Alternative emergency response programs -- that's their plan.

If you live in a gated community, it might sound like a good idea. You've got your own police force. You have no plans to replace them with rapid response social workers. So, you're set, no matter what happens. There aren't going to be any rapes on your street.


But what about everyone else? What's going to happen to them? Don Lemon and Rashida Tlaib don't care at all. Your neighborhood is not their problem. They're in it for the revolution, and make no mistake, it is a revolution from above, aimed downward.

This is the only revolution in history that's being waged not on behalf of the working class, but against them.

Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue from "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on June 2, 2020.