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Liberals are a fearful group. The list of things American liberals are afraid of can fill an entire shelf of volumes. It would make an amusing reference set: The Encyclopedia of Liberal Neuroses Unabridged.

Absolutely everything upsets liberals, agitates them, and inflames their allergies. Nature itself is a terrifying experience for liberals because they can't control it. It has all these sex differences and climate fluctuations. They'll pass you on their bicycle, sporting their little paper obedience masks, struggling to breathe from oxygen deprivation, yet feeling virtuous and protected. And, of course, judging you for not wearing the uniform.

There's nothing rational about that behavior, but you shouldn't be surprised by it. Modern liberalism is not a coherent worldview, it's a deeply unhappy, high-strung personality type. Wokeness is what you get when people are miserable inside.

When you're a liberal, the world is a very scary place, but there is one fear that rises above all other fears in the liberal mind: The fear of "the other." Like all primitive cultures, modern liberalism is tribal. Liberals understand most of the American continent as a mysterious dark space, like a medieval map populated by drooling Trump voters and violent illiterates with extra chromosomes.


Liberals despise people like this, of course, and on some level, they know they're hated right back. They worry that someday there will be a backlash against the people in charge, which, of course, is them. That's their biggest fear, a peasant revolt.

They’re terrified that someday an army of tattooed high-school dropouts in Confederate flag tank tops is going to rise up from the trailer parks of West Virginia and take over the country — storming the cities with their .75 caliber, AR-15 assault weapon machine guns with flash suppressors, each one of which can fire over a million bullets per minute when mounted on the back of an F-150 pickup truck plastered with racist bumper stickers.

That’s their nightmare. It’s the monster under every liberal’s bed.

A lot of liberals were certain that March 4 was the day the right-wing revolution would finally begin. March 4, they believed, with something called "QAnon Inauguration Day." What is QAnon Inauguration Day? We have no idea, and we don't know anyone who does. We'd bet money that not one Trump voter in a million had heard of it until this week, when the hysteria merchants on the other channels started yapping about it on television.

They'd heard about it from Nancy Pelosi, who told her bodyguards to write up a report on the threat of QAnon Inauguration Day. So that's what they did. We never really learned any details, but members of Congress were not taking chances. Many of them fled the Capitol Thursday. House leaders rescheduled votes so that the rank-and-file legislators could escape with their lives, if not with their dignity.

This was not simply partisan hysteria. Democrats and Republicans seemed united in their shared terror.


REP. MICHAEL MCCAUL, R-TEXAS: This threat is credible and it's real. It's a right-wing militia group that believes that because the original inaugural date was March 4th until the 20th Amendment passed, they think this is the true Inauguration Day and that President Trump should be inaugurated.

So what happened? We didn't see a single person insurrecting at the Capitol or anywhere else in the United States.

It was all just another lie, not so different from when they told us we would need troops to protect Joe Biden's inauguration. Then, they said we would need soldiers to keep QAnon away from the impeachment trial. Then, there was today's hysteria. Next, there will be something else. Capitol Police are now saying they will need soldiers in Washington for at least two more months.

The troops will never leave. As you probably figured out by now, the troops are in the Capitol for political reasons. They're there to prop up the regime. If this were happening in Cameroon, our State Department would complain about it, call it "an offense against democracy." But because it's happening here in America, we have been slow to catch on.


Thursday, they said it out loud. Fox News has learned that retired Gen. Russel Honoré has completed his "security review" of the January 6 riot at the Capitol. Honoré is an unhinged partisan extremist, nuttier than anyone affiliated with QAnon. He was chosen by Nancy Pelosi precisely because of this. She knew that Honoré would justify a military takeover of Washington, and she was right.

In his memorandum to House leaders, which Fox has obtained,  Honoré calls for a "QRF [quick reaction force] that permanently resides within the DC [National] Guard by reestablishing a military police battalion and staffing it with Active Guard Reserve troops who live in or near the city year round, perpetually on active duty."

This is very strange behavior for a democracy. In a democracy, leaders are supposed to rule with the consent of the governed. You would think that might have occurred to some people on Capitol Hill. If we're this afraid of American voters, maybe something's wrong. Maybe we're not doing a very good job. Maybe we ought to shut up for a second and listen to the complaints of the people whose lives we control. Maybe then we wouldn't need razor wire around the Capitol.

Apparently, no one in Washington has thought of this. Instead, they've convinced themselves that the only Americans who have a problem with the way things are currently going must have been brainwashed by QAnon.


The other day, "60 Minutes" decided to take a deeper look into this dangerous cult that's saying unapproved things about our leaders. Intrepid CBS correspondents sat down with QAnon's spiritual leader, not in a cave in Kandahar, but over Zoom from a conference room in the jail where he's now being held without bail.

You may recognize him from the videos as Chewbacca Guy. He was asked if he understood that his "actions on January 6 were an attack on this country,"

JAKE ANGELI: Ma'am, my actions were not an attack on this country. That is incorrect. That is inaccurate, entirely ... I sang a song, and that's a part of shamanism. It's about creating positive vibrations in a sacred chamber. I also stopped people from stealing and vandalizing that sacred space, the Senate. I actually stopped somebody from stealing muffins out of the break room. I also said a prayer in that sacred chamber because it was my intention to bring divinity and to bring God back into the Senate.

The CBS correspondent then reminded him that, legally, he was "not allowed to be in what [he’s] calling the sacred chamber," and asked if he considered himself a patriot.


ANGELI: That is the one very serious regret that I have, was believing that when we were waved in by police officers, that it was acceptable ... I consider myself a lover of my country. I consider myself a believer in the Constitution. I consider myself a believer in truth and our founding principles. I consider myself a believer in God.

So, Chewbacca Guy sang a song, then he spread some good vibes, then he waved at the officers in the Capitol and they waved back. That is the kind of thing that can happen in a country where QAnon shamans are allowed to roam the streets.

It's not just Chewbacca Guy who threatens this democracy. In February, the feds indicted several members of a group called the Oath Keepers. Those indicted included a 60-year-old woman and her 70-year-old husband. They're terrorists, too. Geriatric, but deadly.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, understands all this, of course. She sits on the House Homeland Security Committee, so she knows a thing or two about law enforcement and keeping this nation safe from threats, foreign and domestic.

In order to live without fear in America, Sheila Jackson Lee has announced, we're going to need to arrest a lot of people. As she put it on Twitter two days ago:

"In Washington, DC [sic] on January 6th, where it is alleged that 40,000 protesters were in DC [sic] with the mindset to overturn a legitimate election and to kill the Speaker, the Vice President and Members of Congress, in that instance, only 300 persons have now been arrested and are being prosecuted. What kind of justice is that?"

So, if you went to a Trump rally in January, you need to be in federal custody. Gen. Honoré has plans for you.

On MSNBC Wednesday, Joe Scarborough said: "We will get further and further away from this event, but it will never change the fact that Josh Hawley was responsible for these deaths that occurred on Capitol Hill, for this act of insurrection, the worst insurrection by domestic terrorists in U.S. history into our government."

What did Josh Hawley do? Well, he voted, as senators sometimes do. It was amusing that this came from, of all people, Joe Scarborough. But it's an age of irony. We're used to it by now.

For all the concern over the safety of our elected leaders, there doesn't seem to be any concern for the safety of the people who elected them. Capitol Hill looks like the Green Zone in Baghdad, but the rest of the city looks like the area outside the Green Zone. Residential neighborhoods in Washington and in cities around the country haven't been this dangerous in years. Americans are dying in huge numbers from street crime, but no one in Congress cares. They're too busy spending tax dollars to shield themselves from the QAnon Shaman and his 70-year-old accomplices.


According to an analysis by The Intercept, last year, the year of BLM, saw the largest recorded one-year rise in murders in American history. Fifteen people were murdered in Oakland, California just in January. Nine people have been murdered in Toledo so far this year, double the number from last year. 

But the residents of Toledo aren't getting a quick reaction force from Nancy Pelosi or her bodyguard, Gen. Honoré. Maybe if they claim that QAnon is doing the killing, they will.

This article is adapted from Tucker Carlson's opening commentary on the March 4, 2021 edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight."