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When news broke last week that Lori Loughlin was implicated in the college cheating scandal, allegedly dishing out $500,000 to buy her two daughters a spot at the University of Southern California, everyone who grew up in the late ’80s or early ’90s immediately thought of two words — Aunt Becky.

Aunt Becky, of course, was the wholesome, morally above-board character played by Loughlin on the hit series “Full House,” a role she recently reprised on the Netflix reboot “Fuller House.”


Aunt Becky would never use monetary bribes to make sure her twin boys secured a spot at a certain college. She didn’t parent by way of enabling her boys, and she certainly didn’t contribute to the entitlement generation.

Eerily, a “Full House” episode recently resurfaced, in which her on-screen husband played by John Stamos lies to get their boys into a prestigious preschool. Aunt Becky is the one who shuts it down and acts as the voice of moral clarity, saying, “I know you want what’s best for them, but you know what? Maybe the fast track isn’t it. …[A]nd whatever track they’re on, they seem to be doing OK.”

In other words, parents check your privilege. All of those involved in the cheating scandal could learn a lot from Aunt Becky, but unfortunately this isn’t “Full House” and Loughlin could be headed for the Big House, depending on how things play out.

Loughlin’s husband Mossimo Giannulli, was also charged in the scandal and both were released on $1 million bond each. They and other parents implicated in the scandal, including actress Felicity Huffman, didn’t just fail miserably at being honest, they failed at their most important job — being a parent.

It’s not just them, but now also their children, who are going to pay for their bad choices. Because of their arrogance and their sense of entitlement they’ve put their kids in the middle of a situation they should never have to be in.

Because of mommy and daddy’s money they stole coveted spots in their respective schools from hardworking, deserving students who actually earned those spots. Nobody is going to feel bad if move out day comes a few years early for these kids.

What we should feel bad about is that their parents were irresponsible and reckless enough to put them in this position in the first place. Can someone please find the grownup in the room.

Their selfishness got in the way of letting her chart her own path, which was moving along just fine.

Earlier this month Loughlin’s younger daughter, Olivia Jade, admitted that her parents wanted her to go to college because they never went, which shows just how desperate they were to live vicariously through their kids. It’s sad really.

Before starting college last year, Olivia Jade told the nearly 2 million viewers on her YouTube channel, “I don’t really care about school” and said she was really only in it for the parties and game days.

Good to know. Half a million dollars for two spots at USC, plus $2 million in bail money, that’s some pretty expensive beer.

It all reeks of privilege for sure, but behind every entitled kid is a parent who enables them.

Entitlement is not exclusive to the rich and famous — it’s just more glaring. When you have a half a million laying around to bankroll your privilege more people tend to take notice.

Olivia Jade has built a brand for herself as a social media influencer, and she’s clearly much more interested in pursuing all of her personal projects than going to college.

Nothing wrong with that, unless of course your parents circumvented the system with a box of Benjamins so you can talk about how you don’t care about college.

Olivia Jade missed her first week of school to go to Fiji, a trip which was funded by a shopping app for social media influencers. While at school she kept herself busy partnering with Teen Vogue and Amazon.

Until recently she had a bronzing palette out with Sephora, which they’ve since dropped. Tresemme also announced it’s no longer working with her.

It’s fair to say her brand is damaged and collaborations she once had are now a thing of the past. As is her college career at USC. Both she and her sister, Isabella, quit school before USC could give them the boot.

As for her mother, both Hallmark and “Fuller House” have dropped Loughlin like a hot potato. She and others have been living in an entitled world, raising entitled kids, where they don’t believe the rules apply to them.

They’re now finding out that not only do the rules apply to them, but their kids are collateral damage. It’s a hard lesson for everyone.


Olivia Jade didn’t want to go to college, that was mom and dad’s dream. By using their entitlement and privilege to pursue their dreams through their children they ruined her dreams.

Their selfishness got in the way of letting her chart her own path, which was moving along just fine. Perhaps Loughlin should have heeded Aunt Becky’s advice about her own children — “whatever track they’re on, they seem to be doing ok.”